Monday, 21 November 2016

Essential bookmarks - finding educational resources on the web

Finding educational resources on the web is as simple as a few clicks of the mouse. Whether you are a teacher or a student looking, you will find a ton of resources on the Internet, most of them free of charge. Every subject you can imagine is explored in depth on the web. Just be sure to credit your sources properly if you use them in a research paper or a lesson plan and always double check your source to make sure it's reliable.

Below, you will find a compilation of links that are…compilations of more links, all educational, all offering resources for students, teachers, and kids. Enjoy!

Weasel World Education Index – A host of links provided for over 30 different subjects.

educationindex. com/education_resources. html

Federal Resources for Educational Excellence – Offers links to great curriculum, homework sheets, and lessons on a variety of subjects.

ed. gov/free/index. html

Special Education Resources on the Internet – Offers links to those interested in the field of special education, separated into more than 25 categories.

seriweb. com/

K-12 Resources for Music Educators – Choral teachers, classroom music teachers, orchestra teachers and more. A list of links divided up by musical focus. Updated frequently. us/resources/staffpages/shirk/ html

Microsoft in Education – This is Microsoft's page of links to technological tools, programs, and solutions to educational challenges for both students and teachers.

microsoft. com/education/default. mspx

NASA Education Enterprise – This is NASA's page of links for its Education Program with tons of activities for all levels education.

education. nasa. gov/home/index. html

The EnviroLink Network – This is a compilation of thousands of online environmental resources divided up by environmental topic.

envirolink. org/

The Educator's Reference Desk – More than 2000 lesson plans, 3000 links to online education information, and 200 question responses for the education community from the Information Institute of Syracuse.

eduref. org/

Education Index – An index of links to the best online education-related sites sorted by subject and life stage of the student. Search for educational information and links in over 50 categories.

educationindex. com/

BBC Learning Network – Resources for home and school divided by age group. Sections for teachers and parents.

bbc. co. uk/schools/

Smithsonian Education – This is the education website for the Smithsonian Institution with educational resources for educators, families, and students that include lesson plans, field trips, and interactive activities.

smithsonianeducation. org/

SearchERIC – A bibliographic database with over 1.1 million education topic citations dating back to 1966. There are more than 100,000 documents that can be downloaded for free by anyone.

searcheric. org/

Documentary Educational Resources – This site has a huge collection of documentaries focused on cross-cultural understanding. Search by title, subject, or geography.

der. org/

National Geographic Education Subject Guides – For teachers, kids, and students. Find lesson plans, maps and geography, photography, news, adventure and exploration, history and culture and more.

nationalgeographic. com/education/

Discovery Education's Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators – This is a categorized list of sites for teaching and learning to enhance curriculum.

school. discovery. com/schrockguide/

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