Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Cheap car insurance for young drivers

Young drivers are viewed as being inexperienced drivers by car insurance companies; therefore, car insurance companies peg young drivers as being a high risk for them to insure. This doesn’t mean that car insurance companies won’t insurance young drivers, but it does mean that many car insurance companies will offer young drivers much higher premiums than the premiums often offered to older, more experienced drivers.

While it will probably be several years before young drivers see the lower premiums older drivers see now, there are still a few measures young drivers can take to get cheap car insurance. If you’re a young driver searching for cheap car insurance, take these tips into consideration.

Stay on your parents’ car insurance policy. Being on your parents’ car insurance policy is always cheaper than purchasing your own car insurance policy, even if it does bump their payments up a bit. Plus, if you have your own car, your parents’ will save money by adding the additional vehicle to their existing car insurance policy.

Take a driver education or defensive driving course. Most states require young drivers to take a driver education course in high school. Regardless of whether or not you’re required to take a driver education or defensive driving course as a part of your curriculum, you should take one, or both, of the courses. Many car insurance companies offer discounts to all drivers, including young drivers, for going the extra mile and learning safe and proper driving techniques.

Make sure your car is safe. Whether you have your own car insurance policy, or you’re on your parents’ car insurance policy, most car insurance companies will offer you a discount if you’ve taken the steps to make sure your car is safe. Install a safety alarm system and an anti-theft device on your steering wheel. Always keep your car locked and park it somewhere safe at night or whenever you’re not driving.

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