Sunday, 27 November 2016

Selecting the right home business - how important is it

Some people are so consumed with finding just the right home business they never seem to get started. Finding the right home business can be time consuming as there are literally thousands of home business opportunities out there. Once you have found a few that catch your attention then come all the usual questions. You know, questions like is this a legitimate opportunity? How much does it cost to get started? Who is going to help me when I have questions? How much time will I have to spend working to start making money? The list of questions goes on and on.

Although these are great questions, you will never have all the answers before you actually get started. So let’s just concentrate on the few that really matter.

If you are on a budget like most of us naturally you would need to know how much of a financial investment you would need to make in order to start your own home business. There are a few good opportunities out there you can start for less than $100. Another important part of the getting started process is finding an opportunity that offers at least email or phone support to help you when you have questions. The most important question people seem to have is, “is this legitimate and can I make money with this opportunity?”

There are a few good home business research teams that have tested many home business opportunities and can recommend the best bets and help you avoid scams. With most all of the best home business opportunities you will make money if you are willing to do 2 things. Follow directions and work consistently even if it’s only 1 or 2 hours a day.

Hey, even if you fail, most good opportunities offer a 60 money back guarantee. The sooner you get started the better. You can succeed!

What is file association and its relation with the registry

A file association is the program that windows associate with a file. Windows will detect what type of file it is and then associate it with the appropriate program and launch the program when the file is opened. Once we are done with the files we delete the files but the programs remain in the system. The list of such programs builds up over time and we need a windows registry cleaner to clean the registry of these redundant files and programs.

Windows uses a system called 'file association' to open a file with the correct program that the file was created in. If a file has an extension. doc then windows knows that the file is a word document and uses file association to open the file in the Microsoft Word application. Or if the file has a. bmp extension then file association will open the file in Microsoft Paint by default.

All these associations are retained in the registry of the system and there will be many times that files are downloaded from the internet and they come with their own third party program to run them. Once we are done with the files we delete the files but the programs remain in the system. The list of such programs builds up over time and we need a windows registry cleaner to clean the registry of these redundant files and programs.

A file extension is a set of alphabetical characters, sometimes these are alphanumeric, and these are placed at the end of the file name after a period. These extensions are also attached to the various software on the system such as. exe, which means the file is an executable program. These extensions are used to determine the type of data stored in them as well as to distinguish the type of program. This information is recorded in the registry and needs to be cleaned with a windows registry cleaner regularly.

The registry gets crammed with useless programs and files. These files and redundant data and information do nothing other than slow down the system. It is important to clean the registry of these files and programs or entries as they are called. There are many registry cleaners on the Internet that can do a good job of cleaning the registry. Typing in a set of keywords such as 'A must registry cleaner', 'free registry cleaner software', 'free XP registry cleaner' in a search engine will produce results that can lead you to the appropriate registry cleaner software you are looking for.

Windows and computer operating systems have used Filename extensions for decades, but they have become popular because the file systems included with DOS and Windows had limitations on filenames for many years, which pushed the use of filename extensions.

It will help to download one of these free registry cleaner software for your system and run it on your computer from time to time. This will keep your computer running well and get rid of the sluggishness of the system. In fact, if you find that your system is running slower than usual it is time to download a registry cleaner and utilize it on your system and get the PC back on track.

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Teeny weenie pregnancies

Teeny Weenie Pregnancies

How many times does a parent have to remind their child about contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases. What does it take for a parent to be heard. In some unfortunate cases children just do not listen and choose to ignore the best advice any parent can give to their child.

It is hard for a parent to see their child having a child. Unwanted pregnancies in teens, a sad situation but the damage is done so accept the situation and start to face up to responsibilities

Matters intend to get out of hand by leaving it to late to consult a doctor or talking to your parents. You could be putting yourself and that of your unborn child in danger. If you have any inclinations that you are pregnant seek help right away.

What is mum and dad going to say may be causing you unnecessary worry. I can not say that they will be happy with the news you are about to spring on them. But remember at the end of the day this is your mum and what do mums do, they care and give their support.

No doubt those famous words will be spoken in a raised voice like, I told you this would happen and how could you have been so stupid? But she is right, mum's advice is always right when it comes down to protecting her kids.

After coming to terms and accepting that she is going to be a grandmother the situation eases.

Believe me when I say if ever you needed anyone to give you support throughout this teenage pregnancy, it is your mum so talk to her.

Contraception is about helping to stop unwanted pregnancies also STDs are prevented by the use of a condom. Which would be the worst an unwanted teen pregnancy or a STD. Let me tell you they both come with a life sentence of heartache and pain, no more partying it stops here?

Come on girls and boys this is the 21st century there is no need to destroy your childhood. I am not saying that every teen pregnancy has not worked out for some young mums today, but for a great many it has ruined their lives. Do you want to raise a baby, especially one that has ruined your life. Will you ever love that infant in the way you should? Sadly many teen mums don't so the innocent baby has to suffer.

Most teenage mothers end up raising their child on their own all because daddy is still growing up too.

Come on girls and boys think of the consequences. If you choose to ignore all the golden rules then you have to accept the consequences.

Please have yourself checked over by a doctor early to make sure that there are no complications. I do not wish to frighten you, just make you aware that teen mums that have not fully reached puberty themselves may need extra care and attention.

People who deal with these type of situations are very understanding and compassionate regarding whatever maybe troubling you about your pregnancy or any STD concerns..

If you find that talking on the matter embarrasses you, then ask a friend to go with you and let them do the talking, and if all fails in getting you to speak with some one.

Then consider the next time you recieve your pocket money to buy a condom not a cornet.

Gifts for the gardener

Is there a gardener you need to buy a gift for? Christmas is as great a reason as you can get to buy gifts for that special gardener. You don't have to look far to find great gifts for gardeners. Every year there seem to be new gadgets coming out and several on-line websites have wonderful gardening gifts. A couple of them are gardenscape. on. ca/ and behnkes. com. Both sites have an abundance of unique gifts for the gardener. Local hardware or home improvement stores will also have a good line of gifts for that special gardener in your life.

Practical gifts such as a shovel or trowel, garden hoses or other digging and planting tools are most always welcomed but then there are also the whimsical items to add that extra special touch to a garden.

A basket full of goodies for the gardener is also a great gift idea. Buy one already made or personalize one by adding your own special touches. A basket with the essentials is a good choice. It could include gloves, poison oak/ivy medication, fertilizer, twister ties, rain gauge, and disposable towels etc. You could include an Old Farmers Almanac if your favorite gardener would appreciate such "old school" methods for finding the best time to plant their vegetables and flowers.

Gardening books may need to be on your shopping list. Gardening books can be found anywhere and found on an endless variety of topics. Choose among specialty garden books, such as vegetable gardens, wild flower gardens, or formal gardens. Maybe a book on the subject of perennials and annuals, which flowers are best suited for your climate? How about buying plants that are best suited for your soil type? The local bookstore will have a whole section devoted to gardening books, it's big business.

Perhaps your gardener wants to attract butterflies or hummingbirds? Or maybe they will after reading a book you gave them for Christmas about the appropriate types of flowers to plant to draw them to the garden. You can also will different hummingbird feeders that will keep these beautiful birds coming back again and again.

Garden stones are another popular gift for gardeners. Garden stones can be unusual shapes, colorful, humorous and can be personalized. You can even get kits to make garden stones with a child's hand print and their name added to it, a wonderful way to span the generations and bring the little ones into the gardening world. What a wonderful memories that would make for the child and the gardener. Round garden stones can be bought and painted with the family name to make an extra special gift for a garden lover. You can put the year the marriage was established or maybe the year that the garden was started. Your personalization can make even an ordinary gift something very special, a real tribute.

On the more practical side, there are countless gifts to choose from such as special boxes to store your garden hoses and hose carts. Fertilizer sprinklers and water sprinklers are also good gifts. A really cute water sprinkler I found was in the shape of a John Deere Tractor.

A popular item for gardens is the gazing ball, to be honest I just don't get the attraction but many do. They're found in all sizes and colors and add a fanciful touch to the garden. Holders for the gazing balls come in many shapes, sizes and materials. A favorite of many is a little angel holding a small gazing ball. Perhaps I need to "gaze" into one for a while and learn the attraction.

Wind spinners and flags are also popular for the gardener. Spinners are available in a variety of colors such as the rainbow spinner and a patriotic, red, white, and blue spinner. Flags can be changed throughout the year changing with the seasons. I was surprised to learn of the many varieties of garden flags. Their growing popularity is due to the ability to give the garden a different look by changing them frequently, with the seasons, the crops, or the weather.

Have a taste for the exotic? You can find exotic plants such as the amaryllis exotica, or unusual items such as the shitake mushroom log. How about an Italian herb garden or a ginkgo tree growing kit? You may be surprised to learn of all that is available.

Animal or angel statues of any size make great gifts. Birdbaths are another added attraction to a garden that never goes out of style. I guess because birds can add so much to a garden and can also help control insects. But whatever you decide on know the greatest gift is the thought you put into it. There are gifts out there for every gardener, it's a growing world and you can never go wrong as long as your heart is in your gift.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Arguments steal mind power

Have you ever noticed that arguments are rarely "won?" Even if you think you won an argument, what did you win? If there really is a loser, he at least learned something, right? What did you get? Ego satisfaction, debating practice, and diminished mind power.

Arguing Diminishes Mind Power?

There are times when things need to be debated, but most of the time, it really isn't productive. Do you want to argue the point? What do you get from a useless debate, and more importantly, what do you lose?

One thing is certain. A person listening to arguments can learn something from both sides, but what about the participants? If your opponent makes a really good point, do you say, "Hey, you're right!" or do you more often just look for a better argument?

Arguing too much gets you in the habit of looking for arguments more than for truth. You also get deeper into your thinking ruts the more you defend a position. In a rut and ignoring the truth? If that doesn't sound like it's good for mind power, it's because it isn't.

Mind Power From Listening

If you say the moon is closer, and I say the sun is, one of us has to be right. If you say nurture is more important, and I say nature is, we're both right. The first argument has clearly defined terms. This isn't common, and even here, what's the point of arguing?

In the second example, our arguments have to do with values and experiences. We've seen different things in life, and we could spend a lifetime defining "important," or I could shut up and listen. My mind becomes more powerful with the addition of your ideas and knowledge. Listening is the better way.

To break the habit of arguing, purposely ask for peoples opinions, and listen without saying anything. You can ask them to clarify, but don't offer one contrary idea. Do this enough, and you'll be surprized how much you learn. Some of us are also surprized by how difficult this simple technique can be, but it works.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Pure profit four secrets of successful sales diversification

What a week! Seven speaking engagements and sales training in five cities in Washington, California, and Texas, and five flights provided for an exciting but tiring trip. When my wife picked me up at the airport, the last thing I wanted to do was dine out. However, she had had a long week as well. She was prepared to have a quiet dinner at home, but I surprised her by suggesting we go out for dinner.

Jensen’s Cafй in Burnsville, MN is a wonderful breakfast and lunch restaurant, open from 7 AM to 2:30 PM. The Jensen’s are third generation restaurateurs, with another store called Jensen’s Supper Club in Eagan, MN. On my flight home I read that they were diversifying their business by using the Jensen’s Cafй location to launch Jensen’s Wine & Dine, which uses the same facilities and opens at 4:30 PM. They have an entirely different crew that comes in to provide a warm, upscale, but reasonably priced dining experience with fine wines, an excellent menu, and an entirely different feel than you would find if you showed up earlier in the day for breakfast or lunch.

What does this have to do with sales? Jensen’s is growing their business using four principles of successful diversification. To be successful we must focus on what we do best, but when we become successful, we can diversify our business, and add exponential growth to our bottom line. To diversify your sales business you can use the same strategies, which are:

1. Stay in your area of experience and expertise

2. If possible, use existing business assets and resources

3. Provide better service to and more profitability from existing customer relationships, and/or…

4. Use diversification to expand your customer base

Stay in your area of experience and expertise

Many salespeople (and businesses) create success in a particular business and then diversify into an entirely different area of expertise in which they lack experience. Too often the new offering of products and services creates a drain on the original business. Old customer relationships become strained with “growing pains” being the excuse. Diversification becomes “deworseification.” Be cautious when expanding your offerings outside of your area of expertise. However, if you see sales opportunities in products and services that are related to what you currently sell, you may be looking at a logical and profitable business expansion. When your experience removes some of the learning curve related to new products and services, profitability show up more quickly.

If possible, use existing business assets and resources

If you sell related products and services out of the same location or process, you have the potential for successful diversification. Examples of this include selling a new product on an existing sales call, adding a product to a catalogue or website, and including new sales materials in existing promotional mailings. The mantra of up-selling is McDonald’s “Do you want fries with that?” You can do the same thing with when you up-sell in existing space and process.

Provide better service to and more profitability from existing customer relationships

Sometimes new product offerings make sense when you consider the impact on existing client retention. In the old days, the “Three ‘L’s’ of Banking” were 1) Loans, 2) Loans, and 3) Loans! In the 1980’s, banks started to offer non-traditional financial services, such as investments and insurance. Today banks derive a much greater percentage of their income form non-interest income than in the past, and thus improve their profitability with better customer service through broader product offerings.

Use diversification to expand your customer base

Common sense dictates that your existing products will not appeal to every prospect. However, a related or slightly different service converts prospects that have said “no” to old offerings into new customers. Investment brokers found that when they offered guaranteed or insured investments in addition to investments with market risk, they could attract new clients. With time, these new clients might also consider the brokers’ traditional offerings.

Diversification equals growth

Don’t forget to focus on the profitability of expanding your offerings; it has to make sense from a business perspective. Once you have established yourself and become a solid presence in your marketplace, offering additional products and services allows you to increase your profitability and take advantage of scale. Take a look at what you can offer that will build on and strengthen your existing business. Build a plan to grow…and execute your plan!

Is your teenage driver safe

Teenagers are known as one of the accident-prone drivers on the streets and roads. Studies have given blame to the adolescents’ raging hormones and risky behavior. Of course, you yourself would know about this if you learned to drive a car in your teens. For most teens, getting behind the wheel of a car gives them a new sense of freedom which is a different situation from their restrictive rules at home or in school.

On a parent’s end, the worrying seems to be so natural for they, themselves, have been drivers themselves and they do know just what kind of risks these teenage drivers are putting themselves into.

Dan Olmsted is the president of Atlantic Mutual and he also is the father to a new teenage driver. He states, “Parents have good reason to be concerned. Traffic crashes account for 44 per cent of teen fatalities, more than any other cause, and driving at night with other teenage friends in the car just about tops the list of risk-laden situations.”

Olmsted also states that besides such a fear of knowing that their teenagers could get injured any minute as they are behind the wheel, parents also fear that they are also responsible in cases during accidents. Aside from paying up for their own vehicle’s damages, if there are any third parties involved, the parents would also be the ones involved in taking care that everybody is well and everything has been paid for.

If you have a new teenage driver or any teenage driver for that matter, it is important that you, as the parent, let him know about the consequences of his driving behavior. You should both sit down and try to develop an agreement on using the car. Write everything you have agreed upon. Just make sure that you include everything like seatbelts, the use of cellular phones, who can be their passengers and how many passengers can he drive, and curfews.

Olmsted further states, “Nothing will make your teen drive perfectly and take all of the anxiety away. But with planning, clear communication, and a firmly enforced set of rules, parents can rely on a lot more than prayer and a large helping of trust when they hand over the keys.”

Perfect partners tramadol and physical exercise

Leading an active, healthy lifestyle is crucial to having long, productive years. People are now more conscious about their health. Many have included exercise and other health-enhancing activities to their daily regimen. However, the lack of professional supervision and wrong exercise procedures have exposed a lot of people to muscle pain. Occasional muscle pain, if left untreated, may hinder one's quality of life. Health experts say that muscle overuse and physical exertion are the main culprits behind muscle pain. In may cases, the pain tends to affect specific muscles. Muscle pain may be experienced before or after a certain strenuous activity.

Muscle overuse is one of the most common causes of muscle pain. It is a small-scale but potentially harmful muscular disturbance that develops when muscles are exposed to extreme or prolonged stress. Repetitive stress may lead to the development of micro-tears on the tissue and cause a greater tear over a period of time. In addition to these effects, overused muscles may lose up to 40 to 50 percent of its normal strength. This condition may be painful and could have a negative impact on one's physical performance. Neglected injuries could linger and hamper a person's mobility later on in life.

Individuals who suffer from muscle pain may use pain relieving drugs. One of the most notable medications for pain relief is Tramadol, a synthetic pain reliever that has gained the approval of many doctors across the United States. It works by binding the receptors of the brain which are responsible for transmitting painful sensations throughout the body. Several medical studies show that this medication has a low abuse rate compared to other pain relievers. In addition, Tramadol side effects are milder compared to other pain relieving drugs out in the market.

Tramadol side effects may include the following:





drowsiness and vomiting

Despite its effectiveness and safety, individuals who want to use Tramadol should seek the approval of their doctors before starting on the medication. This medicine may not be used by individuals with certain ailments or those who are using other drugs. Care should be taken to avoid adverse drug interactions.

Moreover, it is best to realize that injury prevention is better than cure. Although injuries are inevitable, especially for those who participate in competitive sports, there are some things people can do to limit stress on the body. Regular stretching before and after physical activity coupled with conditioning training is important in the prevention of injuries. Individuals who engage in physical activities should do them properly and in moderation because fatigue or physical exhaustion may heighten the risk of developing injuries. Finally, the best advice for anyone working out or playing sports is to perform only with proper technique. Bad form will always result in undue stress to the body and lead to injury. If these things fail, the use of Tramadol together with rest and physical therapy may alleviate muscle pain and discomfort.

Keep your swimming pool problem free

Your Swimming Pool is the most rejuvenating place, if it is neat, clean, and well maintained, but then, if it is poorly maintained, lousy, and unhygienic, it laterally becomes pool of problems.

Your swimming pool’s problems are nothing, but result of your negligence and carelessness. If not all, the most of your swimming pool problems are result of inadequate swimming pool and water maintenance.

Most common of your swimming pool problems include swimming pool algae, pool-related illness, burning eyes, chlorine smell, cloudy pool water, staining of the pool, etc.

If not adequately maintained, your swimming pool is sure to turn green. Without your proper care, pollutants can contaminate your swimming pool’s water. The contaminated water is sure to get infected and spread a number of diseases and infections. The contaminated water can cause a number of infections to the sensitive parts of body, such as eyes.

Without your regular and proper pool water testing, and maintaining balance of chemical, your swimming pool water will certainly be smelling chlorine or turn cloudy.

Your swimming pool also needs your care. It requires proper maintenance, if you really want your swimming pool problem free.

Your swimming pool maintenance is rather important and necessary task to keep your swimming pool in top form. Your swimming pool maintenance should include regular testing and correcting pool water chemistry, keeping your swimming pool pump and filter working well, “regular brushing and vacuuming” to remove the pollutants settled to the bottom of the swimming pool or "stuck" to the walls, backwashing your pool filter to clean dirt out, and keeping necessary possible care to keep pollutants away from your pool.

You can use a fine swimming pool calculator for checking, adjusting, or correcting your pool’s water chemistry. It’ll help you keep your swimming pool clean and sparkling all year round. It will also help preventing situations requiring expensive treatment such as chlorine shock treatment and the use of algaecide. Most important, monitoring your pool water chemistry will help prevent most of your pool-related illness and health problems, such as various types of infections & allergies like burning eyes, etc.

Thus swimming pool maintenance can help you a lot to keep your swimming pool free from problems and consequently helps saving a lot of your money. Remember, your problem-free swimming pool is a wonderful as well as safe place for relaxing.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Accredited online degrees give students more flexibility

Earning one of the many available accredited online degrees enables you to graduate from some of the nation's highest ranked universities without ever leaving your home state. Graduating with a bachelor's degree or certificate from a prestigious university by going through any of their online courses is equal to attending class on their physical campus, except you can live at home, and keep your full time job.

Many adults are working professionals who struggle balancing family, work and other obligations or commitments. However, with technological advancements in the last decade in education online, many are choosing to earn their accredited online degrees simply because they can do so without being constrained to the restrictions associated with a classroom based program. You can now obtain a high-quality and prestigious accredited degree online.

With so many accredited colleges and universities offering online education degree programs, you have a wide variety of options to choose from when deciding on a specific course of study. Nearly every subject available through traditional on-campus programs is also offered online. Degrees in accounting, finance, business and marketing are very popular with today's working professionals who have decided to go back to school and finish earning their degree. There are also many adults who have decided to pursue their master's degree and even doctorate degrees through accredited online programs. The number of available options is exponentially better than they were even five years ago. You can also pursue degrees in nursing, journalism, health sciences and criminal justice. The options really are almost limitless.

Although some accredited online degrees require you to take a few courses on site at a campus location, the majority of them are 100% online programs and can be fully completed from your home or any other location with an internet connection. If you have ever had an interest in another field, whether professional or not, accredited online degree programs are a great option. Once you have enrolled, you will receive a personalized course of study with ongoing guidance from the online school's faculty and advisors. You will be treated with respect and dignity, and you won't be just another student paying good money but receiving little attention.

Many schools offering accredited online degrees do require weekly attendance and participation. This is a common requirement, however, and is also relatively easy to fulfill, especially since you can fulfill this requirement at any time of day. Whether it's early in the morning before your day starts or late at night after everyone has gone to bed, you can earn any of the accredited online degrees when it is most convenient for you and your schedule.

This article is originally published here: Accredited Online Degrees

Wholesale business - tax season tips

One of the great steps your wholesale business portfolio can suffer or pass with greater ease is the Uncle Sam month - April month. For this exceptional month when you are a retailer or a wholesale distributor situation can get complicated or very simple.

If you own an e-commerce store on the Internet selling hundreds and thousands of items a year without being incorporated with the many options you have as a business owner, could be financial suicide. Whether you sell DVDs, video games accessories, or drop ship audio merchandise on a yearly if you do not incorporate your e-commerce store you risk having to pay thousands of dollars at the regular maximum rate for taxes in the USA or in your country of residence.

Not only that if you are not incorporated as a C-corporation, S-corporation or as an Limited Liability Corporation known as the famous and simple LLC - the possibilities of having to pay the likely 40-50% cut to Mr. Uncle Sam every April of every year are not possible, are empirical. Total scrutiny if you ask many business owners that have seen the difference in tax cuts and are successfully with there fully worked incorporation.

Having it as a wake-up call note, the financial risk you are having for not protecting your business and personal assets can be very, very damaging to your pocket. Whether you are making $500 a year or $140,000 plus a year in sales, it will be advisable for you to incorporate.

Protection, huge savings and tax cut from the many loopholes the government already offers you, are gigantic - consult with your accountant or nearest advisor for getting the facts for your retail, wholesale distributor business or any other business endeavor you have already started.

Giving you a fast early bird example - lets say that you sell eBay items and that you are also a consultant for your niche or sub-niche businesses. At least here at Puerto Rico and potentially, at many US states - in those famous tax forms, you can deduct many of your expenses like food, gas tank, restaurant dinners while still getting to put your car monthly expenses and even house as tax deductible. Best of all, your deductions will not suffer or be deducted from your years growth income.

Your income stays high, your growth income is counted and the possibility of paying the average 40-50% rate in April decreases greatly. You will have to consult with your tax advisor about the great positive loopholes that the US government has given for the incorporated.

With a great educated and knowledgeable wholesale business accountant, taking advantage of these tax loopholes whether you are a retailer or wholesale distributor could mean the difference between a brand new car being fully paid with such savings or a Subway chicken soup savings. Decide early!

Ppc strategy or money pit

“Wide diversification is only required when investors do not understand what they are doing.” – Warren Buffett

If you look at the title of this article you may wonder what a financial quote from investor Warren Buffett has to do with Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising.

Allow me to explain. PPC advertising does provide diversification, and if you’re an online marketer you are investing time and financial resources in a tool that is designed to provide a return on your investment (ROI), but this diversification, while varied, provides only a marginal (and short term) return on investment.

The use of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques are certainly less costly while providing greater long-term ROI. After all if you could avoid paying an advertising bill wouldn’t you?

“If past history was all there was to the game, the richest people would be librarians.” – Warren Buffet

Warren Buffet is one of the richest men in the world, perhaps that’s why he understands that past performance or even past knowledge doesn’t always help you manage future changes. If you are looking there for a reference point it is time to shift your focus.

PPC is propped up as the gold standard in online advertising. I’m certainly not saying it’s a horrid investment, but the truth is why should you pay for something you could get at no cost? SEO is a tool that may take a little while to see returns, but in the end SEO can make a greater impact than using a tool that provides only short-term hits, which go away when your advertising funds run dry.

“Investing should be more like watching paint dry or watching grass grow. If you want excitement, take $800 and go to Las Vegas.” – Paul Samuelson

When you view PPC and SEO in light of the quote above you can link PPC with the $800 in Vegas and SEO with watching paint dry. It may be more exciting going to Vegas and blow some cash, however it is the slow and steady progression of paint drying that allows SEO to be noticed long after you’ve lost the airline ticket stubs from Vegas metaphorically speaking.

It is possible to come away from this article believing I have no use for PPC advertising. The truth is I actually believe moderate and strategic use of PPC can possess some short-term value, but I also think that many online businesses are taking the cue from Tom Hanks in the 1986 movie, “Money Pit”, they just keep flushing money away without ever really getting their business to the level they desire. Of course the frustration Tom Hanks experienced in that movie will also come with the territory of banking your strategy on PPC advertising alone.

Initially I think that PPC and SEO can both be used in tandem to develop a business website, but as you begin to realize SEO strategy potential, PPC advertising should be reduced and potentially eliminated from your long-term strategies depending on your overall success in SEO development.

Travel to egypt miles of nile and worlds of wonder

Egypt is consistently the top destination for world travel each and every year - and not surprisingly so. The country uniquely bridges the African and Asian continents across the Suez Canal by possession of the Sinai Peninsula. This key positioning has guaranteed Egypt a major role in the strategic and historic relationships between the east, west, north and south of Africa, Europe, Asia and the more direct Middle East beginning more than 5000 years ago when the first Kingdom of Egypt was unified. In addition to a most remarkable past, Egypt offers the eager traveler thriving international cities, lavish Red Sea resorts, fabled oases and literally hundreds of miles of ancient pharaoh monuments along the Nile River Valley.

Water, Torch and Tomb

When Muslim Arabs introduced Egyptians to Islam in the 7th century, much of the already weary monuments of the native dynasties became even less central to national heritage. Luckily, a renewed interest in archeological preservation over the past few centuries has kept these ancient wonders intact for the world to continue to enjoy. The ideal place to begin is Cairo, where the Egyptian Museum boasts hundreds of thousands of artifacts and will give you an opportunity to catch up your knowledge of ancient Egyptian history from the 4th grade. Nearby are the breathtaking Giza Pyramids and the Sphinx, cut from a single slab of stone over 4,000 years ago, which can be viewed more peacefully beyond the crowds from horseback. South of Cairo, Upper Egypt offers a string of exciting temple towns between legendary Luxor and Aswan, including the Valley of the Kings. Although King Tutankhamen’s Tomb rests here, it is not nearly as impressive as the surrounding royal tombs, particularly the general-kings of the Ramesses Dynasties.

A Little Ocean with your Sand?

Aside from the Nile River Valley, Egypt is largely made up of the Saharan desert to the south and west; however, Egypt also happens to be a first class resort destination with nearly all (500 miles) of its eastern edge bordered by the tranquil azure waters of the Red Sea Coast. Visit the lively town of Harghada where traditional Egyptian life intermingles with international resort luxury. This area is extremely popular for scuba diving and snorkeling with its numerous underwater shipwrecks, sea caves and exotic fish. There are a multitude of islands to which you can escape by ferry or paddle boat and many small fishing towns for a little peace, quiet and local flavor added to your vacation.

The Mediterranean coastline also provides a nice break from the rolling sand dunes. Alexandria is Egypt’s busting port city with more Greek and French flare than the rest of the country. The city’s history is extremely eclectic, making a stroll through the streets feel like a wander across cultures and time periods. Alex the Great staged his resistance against the Romans from Alexandria, bringing a large population of Greeks with him, and for a short period Napoleon had managed to gain control of the ancient city.

Remember that Egypt is both ancient and modern. Travel to Egypt is not only about the archeological wonders and bone-chilling tales but also about the experience of a nation that is geopolitically and economically central to its larger surrounding region, a nation that is just as crucial to the identity of North Africa as it is to the Middle East and the Mediterranean. Egypt is justifiably as monumental today as the Giza Pyramids that symbolize the nation’s heritage.

Passion ration cited in divorce

The Passion Ration

The last straw to finalize divorce proceedings in a marriage is when adultery is committed. I would say the hurt is unbearable for the loving partner who has been betrayed. Innocent Parties like the children and family members automatically become involved to take their share of the heartache when a marriage collapses.

Many couples manage to salvage what is left of their relationship and carry on regardless fighting a lost cause. It is not easy to put your feelings and emotions on hold. Emotions are a powerful force that comes back with vengeance filling you with anger and in some cases hate.

All the respect and trust has gone leaving that once happy relationship a farce. They say you forgive and forget. Sorry having none of it, forgive yes forget no, mental scarring does not heal.

So much suffering is caused by a one night stand or affairs that normally do not last long after the guilty party has lost everything. Ask your self is it worth it.

I do not condone such behaviour where a man or woman strays outside the Marital Home to seek pleasure; only in some cases there are reasons why partners go down this road seeking comfort elsewhere.

May be the adulterer is not the guilty one. What of the spouse who decides to ration the passion in the bedroom leaving the partner no choice but to have his or her needs fulfilled outside the marriage.

You need to think twice before making a one sided decision about when you want to play or not play ball in the bedroom. Excuse the pun, but the ball is in your court to put back the missing link that is causing your marriage and partner to suffer.

They say true love never runs smooth, and if that being the case then for a little happiness give me the rough with the smooth any day.

If you have a problem regarding being bored in the bedroom, talk it over with your partner.

Rekindling a relationship is a made a lot easier if both parties participate in trying to understand why such actions were taken in the first place. Talking it through may help you both realize that the marriage is worth saving.

Counselling is out there for couples struggling to come to terms with the fact the marriage is over. Consider the children's feelings throughout any divorce proceedings, they will need time to adapt to having there whole life turned around.

Abide by your marriage vows, if out of spite you decide to sleep alone in the master bedroom then accept the fact that the guilty part is the Betrayer not the Strayer.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Horses - citation

In this article we're going to briefly go over the career of one of the most famous horses in racing history, Citation.

If you look past the losses that Citation sustained at the end of his career, this has to have been one of the greatest horses in racing history if you simply look at his accomplishments. Citation was a horse that was not only blessed with blinding speed but with great staying power. The horse just never tired. Add to that a killer instinct that literally willed him past the other horses and this horse was almost unbeatable until he just got too old to do it anymore.

Over the course of Citation's career there were many changes. After the patriarch of Calumet Farms, Warren Wright, died, trainer Ben Jones started to hand over more responsibility of handling Citation to his son Jimmy. He ultimately took this horse to a place where no other horse had been to that time; retiring as a millionaire in 1951. Unfortunately, the losses he sustained in the last 2 years of his career greatly diminished what he had accomplished in the eyes of others.

The truth is, racing was never easy for Citation in spite of his natural talent. Injuries kept him completely out of the 1949 racing season. To compound matters, Warren Wright's dying wish that Citation retire a millionaire kept this horse racing into his sixth year when most other horses would have already been long retired. In spite of all this, Citation somehow managed to shake off the defeats late in his career and win his final three races, something nobody expected him to be able to do. His final victory was the Hollywood Gold Cup, which was the race that put him over the million dollar earnings bracket, the only horse to ever reach this plateau.

Warren Wright was actually more responsible for the great horse that Citation became than anyone realizes. It was his choosing to breed Bull Lea, a less than successful triple crown winner, and Hydroplane II, a horse he purchased from Lord Derby in the spring of 1941. Obviously, this pairing was a work of pure genius on Wright's part.

Citation's career began in 1945 with great fanfare. By the time he reached his 3 year old season in 1947 he was honored as racing's Horse Of The Year. That year he won the Flamingo Stakes and Everglades Handicap and he was on a seven race winning streak.

But the pinnacle of that year was when Citation won the triple crown, winning the Kentucky Derby by 3 1/2 lengths, the Preakness by 5 1/2 lengths and the Belmont Stakes by an amazing 11 lengths. With that victory, Citation became racing's 8th triple crown winner.

But he wasn't through. Citation won 9 more starts in 1948. By the time his 3 year old career had ended Citation had won 27 races and came in 2nd twice in 29 races.

Citation died on August 8, 1970, at the age of 25. He was truly one of the greatest.

Investing home prices fall in majority of the biggest markets

If you have owned a home, or any piece of residential real estate including condos, and vacation homes than you are aware of the run up in prices that occurred for a five year period that ended more than a year ago. In terms of investing, owning a home for half a century has been a wonderful way to build wealth. It is one of the few investing methods where you could actually live in your investment, while it increased in value. Most investors are not aware that from World War II until last year, there was never a single year where home prices fell on a national level, until last year that is.

Homeowners have counted on a steady annual increase in the price of the house they were living in to create a wealth effect. For many, it was their only source of forced savings. It was also a participation in the American dream – owning your own home, and living in it.

Studies are now available which show that at the end of last year, a number of housing markets declined. Actually, 149 different markets experienced the decline. Hardest hit were the East and West Coast of the US, and the Northeast cities.

In you were in Florida at all last year, it was impossible not to see thousands of super cranes going about the process of building 20 to 50 story condominiums. The vast majority of these condos were bought on speculation with the buyer signing the contract never anticipating the need to close on the contract.

We have not seen a mass number of walkways yet. These are people that signed non-recourse agreements with the builder, and are in a position to walk away from the agreement without having to write a check. They will forfeit the deposit they put down however.

Florida may well be the state taking the biggest hit in real estate. Sarasota was down 18% by year-end, while Melbourne was experiencing a 17 % decline. We are talking about actual prices being down. On a national level prices were down 2.7%.

Many analysts haven’t quite figured out what this means? Are motivated sellers holding onto residences longer in anticipation of getting their higher price later on? Are some sellers withdrawing their homes from the market, or perhaps not putting them on the market at all, awaiting prices firming up, perhaps later this year?

What about sales themselves?

In addition to prices being down, there are less actual sales taking place, which is leading to a larger inventory of unsold homes. Forty different states have reported a decline in the number of sales taking place. On a national level the number comes to a 10.1% decline in the actual number of homes being sold regardless of price. Three different localities have reported physical sales being down more than 30%. They include Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia. Virginia reported a 20% decline.

There were six states that reported an increase in the number of sales taking place – that’s six out of fifty. They included Alaska, Arkansas, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, and Texas. There was no impact on Utah where sales were flat.

What you really need to look at is the VACANCY rate. The vacancy rate is the number of homes on the market where nobody is living in them, and they are for sale. On a national level, this number always seems to hover around 2%. At year-end, the number went to 2.7%. This is a massive increase because 2.7% is the highest it has been to in 50 years, and that’s only because they started figuring out the number 50 years ago.

You’ve got owners out there who are just waiting, and won’t sell at a lower price than the price they want. This accounts for the increased vacancy rate. On top of that you have another issue. There does come a point where a seller may have to sell. He will take what he can get, even though it establishes a new lower base from which everything else can trade.

Once this base is established than other buyers and sellers see it. The seller reacts with alarm. The buyer reacts with glee, but trepidation also because the buyer doesn’t know if prices are going lower still. This is how panic selling sets in, and no buyers. The buyers walk away, waiting for still lower prices

It’s the same as the stock market, sellers once they have seen higher prices, don’t want to sell at a lower price. Many prefer to wait, hoping, and it is hope that the price will come back. Only the forced seller will do the deal. It might be an estate, or divorce settlement, or a housing relocation that forces the actual sale. It doesn’t matter, once that sale hits the marketplace for all to see, there is a new adjustment in the real estate market.

Where’s the BIAS Now – UP or DOWN?

It is difficult to tell if the year-end numbers have wrenched out the secular excesses that have taken place in the real estate markets in the last five years while everything went crazy on the upside. There may be more to go. If you look at the stock market, most of the house builders bottomed out several months ago when they all made new multi-year lows. Since then, they have rallied nicely. If the real estate market has more to go on the downside, than these stocks will probably have to build double-bottoms before the decline is actually over.

If however, the vacancy rate picks up from here, and price declines have seen their bottom, than most of the damage is behind us. The economy overall and interest rate seem fine, so we don’t expect damage coming from a decline in GDP this year. What seems to be happening is that we are looking at a wearing down of the excesses produced since the late 1990’s in residential real estate in this country?

The geographical segments of the country that experienced the most increases in real estate prices are now the ones experiencing the declines. It’s the same story, and the story never changes, only the areas of the country being affected changes. Our work shows that prices, and vacancy rates have a way to go yet on the downside. At the same time, we believe the housing stocks may decline, but the absolute bottoms established months ago will hold. We are already off those bottoms.

Goodbye and Good Luck

Richard Stoyeck

Monday, 21 November 2016

High limit credit cards

There are many high limit credit cards available right now over the net. I recently applied for a Bank of America card and was given a $5,000 limit. I was then able to consolidate my other cards into that one which brought my credit score up several points. The balances that I transferred were on an introductory offer where I wasn't even required to pay interest until next year so I saved hundreds of dollars just by doing that transaction. Then since my credit score had gone up I applied, (online again) for a one click balance increase request and was given another $5,000 that I needed to pay business expenses. The increase was given without any hassle from bank accountants and I wasn't bothered with any other offers. So now my credit score is higher than it has ever been and I have put much more experience on my history that will help when it's time to apply for a larger loan.

I say all of this to show that online banking with high interest credit cards can be very rewarding if used responsibly. Many people see credit card offers and run away not realizing that they could probably pay off all their current cards in half the time by consolidating. I actually think the low limit cards with high interest rates cause consumers to get in more trouble because they don't have time to catch up before the entire balance is exhausted.

The Bank of America card isn't the only excellent offer available online though. There are many others. One of my other favorites is the Discover more card which started me off with a $4000 limit. This card also has excellent customer service in my opinion, on and offline.

Another one of my favorites is the American Express Star wood. Here are some of the features:

10,000 Star points bonus with first purchase enough for up to three free nights(1)Double Star points on stays at participating Star wood Hotels & Resorts and purchases at select Starwood retail outlets, such as Bliss Spa and more(2)Automatic upgrade to Gold Preferred Guest membership status by spending $30,000 on the Card in each calendar year. Access to private sales with select Starwood retail outlets. The new Business Card incorporates all of the improved benefits of the Starwood Preferred Guest Credit Card, as well as programs and services tailored specifically to the needs of small business owners, including the OPEN Savings(SM) program which was designed specifically for small businesses and gives automatic discounts on purchases at OPEN Savings(3) partners, such as Delta, FedEx Kinko's and JetBlue. In addition, the Business Card provides expense management reporting, an online spend tracking system and spending limits on additional cards that aid in better managing employee spending.

So don't be scared to apply for a high limit card, just be responsible. One thing I always check is the annual fee. Most of the cards that will be of benefit to you do charge an annual fee. Of course there are always exceptions to the rule. If the card has an annual fee and the interest rate is extremely low then it might actually be a better offer in disguise, but i would still read the fine print. You can check out some of the offers in the link below. I guarantee you'll save alot of money in the long run.

All rights reserved. Article may be reprinted as long as the content remains intact and unchanged and all links remain active.

Essential bookmarks - finding educational resources on the web

Finding educational resources on the web is as simple as a few clicks of the mouse. Whether you are a teacher or a student looking, you will find a ton of resources on the Internet, most of them free of charge. Every subject you can imagine is explored in depth on the web. Just be sure to credit your sources properly if you use them in a research paper or a lesson plan and always double check your source to make sure it's reliable.

Below, you will find a compilation of links that are…compilations of more links, all educational, all offering resources for students, teachers, and kids. Enjoy!

Weasel World Education Index – A host of links provided for over 30 different subjects.

educationindex. com/education_resources. html

Federal Resources for Educational Excellence – Offers links to great curriculum, homework sheets, and lessons on a variety of subjects.

ed. gov/free/index. html

Special Education Resources on the Internet – Offers links to those interested in the field of special education, separated into more than 25 categories.

seriweb. com/

K-12 Resources for Music Educators – Choral teachers, classroom music teachers, orchestra teachers and more. A list of links divided up by musical focus. Updated frequently. us/resources/staffpages/shirk/ html

Microsoft in Education – This is Microsoft's page of links to technological tools, programs, and solutions to educational challenges for both students and teachers.

microsoft. com/education/default. mspx

NASA Education Enterprise – This is NASA's page of links for its Education Program with tons of activities for all levels education.

education. nasa. gov/home/index. html

The EnviroLink Network – This is a compilation of thousands of online environmental resources divided up by environmental topic.

envirolink. org/

The Educator's Reference Desk – More than 2000 lesson plans, 3000 links to online education information, and 200 question responses for the education community from the Information Institute of Syracuse.

eduref. org/

Education Index – An index of links to the best online education-related sites sorted by subject and life stage of the student. Search for educational information and links in over 50 categories.

educationindex. com/

BBC Learning Network – Resources for home and school divided by age group. Sections for teachers and parents.

bbc. co. uk/schools/

Smithsonian Education – This is the education website for the Smithsonian Institution with educational resources for educators, families, and students that include lesson plans, field trips, and interactive activities.

smithsonianeducation. org/

SearchERIC – A bibliographic database with over 1.1 million education topic citations dating back to 1966. There are more than 100,000 documents that can be downloaded for free by anyone.

searcheric. org/

Documentary Educational Resources – This site has a huge collection of documentaries focused on cross-cultural understanding. Search by title, subject, or geography.

der. org/

National Geographic Education Subject Guides – For teachers, kids, and students. Find lesson plans, maps and geography, photography, news, adventure and exploration, history and culture and more.

nationalgeographic. com/education/

Discovery Education's Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators – This is a categorized list of sites for teaching and learning to enhance curriculum.

school. discovery. com/schrockguide/

Gear purchases for the rock climbing beginner

For those of you that think of exercise and immediately cringe at the thought of those spinning machines and treadmills in a stuffy gym, try expanding your mind and the definition you use for what exercise is. While the weather's nice and the trees are full of life, why not take the initiative and enjoy an outdoor activity like rock climbing.

What most people don't realize is that these kinds of fun outings are just as much if not more physical activity than anything you can do inside. The best part is that when you're busy scaling a crag-filled rock wall you likely won't think to yourself, "wow, I'm exercising". It's too much fun for that.

The only difference between those indoor grind sessions and the great outdoor rock climbing sport is that when you get ready to climb a rock wall, you'd better be prepared for costs associated with the sport. It's not cheap and that's mainly because of the safety requirements you'll want to see to immediately. If you don't you'll find yourself in a situation that might cause you great physical harm.

And so, for any newly minted rock climbers out there, the first step in your great outdoor adventure is the purchase of some new gear. Not only is that gear built to hold your weight and the pressure you're putting on it with your weight, it must hold for hundreds of feet and hundreds of different climbs.

Finding rock climbing gear is a simple task. Any major sporting goods store will have most of what you need. You can also get online and find your gear from online outlets or wholesale and discount storefronts. The price of your gear will likely range from as low as $30 for couplings to $1200 for high quality harnesses and tethers. Unless you're absolutely sure what you need and what size you are, you should consider an in store purchase first. You'll want to make sure everything you buy fits as well as possible.

You might be faced with the decision of what kind of gear to purchase and which pieces are most important. First of all, everything is equally important, but one thing many people don't pay quite as much attention to is the importance of rock climbing shoes. The grip they offer is second to none and you'll need every bit of grip when climbing a sheer rock face and your life is on the line.

The rest of your gear is largely self-explanatory, but taking a good class and spending your time in a store front is vital to making sure you don't forget anything. You'll want every bit of rope, clasp, harness, and hook you'll need when you set out or you might find yourself in danger when there's no need to be.

Another important aspect which has arisen in recent years when choosing your gear is the environmental impact you leave on the rocks you are climbing. There is a bit of a push of late to move to clean climbing practices by not drilling bolts or hammering pitons into the rock. These important tools have long been used as anchors for keeping you attached to that great big rock face above the ground. However, recent developments such as spring-loaded camming devices have made them less necessary.

When you take your climbing classes, make sure to ask about clean climbing and the differences from plain old sport climbing. Rock climbing is a wonderful sport that millions enjoy around the world every year. It's effective in keeping you fit and fun all the while. However, make sure when you set out that you know exactly what you need and the effect you'll be having on the environment in the process.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Financial plans what are americans banking on

Americans tend to have an optimistic view of retirement-but a recent poll found many people still have a lot of work ahead of them before they can leave their jobs.

For instance, 47 percent of respondents said their retirement savings will last them 10 to 20 years. Those numbers seem promising until you consider that people should be actually planning for 30 years. Similarly, nearly half of all Generation X respondents said they expect to rely on pensions to help fund retirement. The plan may seem sound, but experts warn that many pension plans in the U. S. are at risk of going belly up. Plus, fewer than a third of all companies now offer pension plans.

The poll was sponsored by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) in an effort to better understand the American public's approach to savings and retirement. The group sponsors a Web site called 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy (360financialliteracy. org) to help people come to terms with financial issues at different life stages. Here's a look at some additional polling results:

Paying For Retirement

Younger Americans do not plan to rely as heavily on Social Security for retirement as do older Americans. Close to six in 10 people age 55 and older plan to fund their retirement through Social Security. Only four in 10 (41 percent) of Americans under the age of 55 are counting on Social Security to fund their retirement. Instead of relying on Social Security, those under 55 are more likely to rely on their personal savings and investments.

College Costs

About three in 10 Americans have a child who is planning on going to college in the next five to 10 years. One quarter of these parents plan to pay for their child's education with personal savings, another quarter intend for their child to earn scholarships to pay for tuition. Surprisingly, only 13 percent of respondents plan to use private student loans and just 12 percent plan to fund their child's education with financial aid.

Financial Concerns

Rising energy and home-heating costs and uninsured medical expenses rank as the highest financial concerns for Americans (15 percent each). Retirement and the price of gas (13 percent each) follow closely behind. Education costs are also a concern as 9 percent of respondents worried about their child's college education and 7 percent worried about their own college education.

Forty-one percent of Americans under age 55 say they plan to rely heavily on Social Security for retirement.

Airport limousine advice

The most important factor to think about when renting an airport limo is to decide on how many passengers will need transportation. Airport transfers can be uncomfortable if the limo is crammed with the maximum amount of people and their luggage. For three passengers or less a sedan would be a good size, leaving enough room for luggage.

There are different types of sedans to choose from sometimes. The Lincoln Town Car is not the only sedan available. If you want to ride in style ask for the Mercedes to pick you up. Having a group of up to 5 passengers you might be able to get by in a small SUV with still enough room for the entire luggage. With a group of 5-7 passengers a 10 passenger stretch Lincoln would be the best bet. Remember to keep in mind even if a car is stretched, it is stretched for passenger capacity not stretched in its trunk. 8-10 passengers’ max would seat comfortable in a 14 passenger stretch Lincoln limousine without feeling too crammed inside with passengers’ luggage. Any amount of people over 10 an SUV would be a good size to leave comfort room for passengers and leave room for luggage as well. Keep in mind that if some passengers are children with no luggage then you may be able to add a person or more in the limousine.

If there are any special requests please be sure to let the customer service agent know when booking a reservation. If any additional charges need to be made they will be discussed and added to the rate. All stretch limousines and SUV limousines come with a fully stocked wet bar available at no charge. If children/adolescents are to need transportation, please let the customer service agent know so that the driver takes the alcohol out of the limo. There will still be sodas and water provided in the limousines and SUV limos.

An airport limousines can range from $100 to $400 depending on the type of vehicle, destinations, and the day the transfer is needed. Saturday transfers will typically cost more due to the fact they are booked weeks or months in advanced. Airport transfers can be booked as soon as the same day needed provided there is enough time for the vehicle to get their.

Different airport have different procedures of limousines so make sure you ask where the limo will meet you. Typically being picked up at the airport is more expensive than being dropped off due to the airport fees. All tax gas, mileage, and airport fees are included in the transfer rate. If more time is needed or wanting to add a night out on the town please call customer service so they can give you the best possible rate. Also there is no charge added when an airport drop off is needed after the rental of any limousine.

Cheap car insurance for the young female

Car insurance companies are notorious for offering cheap car insurance policies to females. This doesn’t mean the car insurance companies are sexist, but it does mean the car insurance companies take into account the statistics that show that female drivers are usually safer drivers. Female drivers make fewer claims, drive safer vehicles, and get fewer traffic tickets than male drivers – statistically speaking, of course. Therefore, car insurance companies see female drivers as a lesser risk than male drivers.

Yet, despite the gender of the driver, car insurance companies always look at the age of the driver, too. Older drivers are viewed as less of a risk because they are thought to have more driving experience. Younger drivers are viewed as more of a risk because they are thought to have less driving experience.

So, how can you find cheap car insurance for the young females?

Use all resources. This means, your good driving record, any driving classes you’ve successfully completed, your safe car, and your safe neighborhood. Point these facts out to the car insurance agent, and you may get a cheaper car insurance quote. You may even discover discounts you weren’t aware of.

Stay on, or “spin off” of, your parents’ car insurance policy. If you stay on your parents’ insurance policy, they will most likely get a discount for having multiple cars on their policy. You can “spin off” of their car insurance policy if you have already been on their insurance policy, and have now decided to get your own car insurance policy from the same car insurance company. By “spinning off” of their car insurance policy, you will get a cheaper car insurance policy than if you purchased your own from another company, or without ever having been on their policy.

By taking either, or both, of these steps you’ll find cheap car insurance for the young female; at least, until you get a bit older!

Motherhood a time of sacrifice

"To understand a mother's love, bear your own children."

-- Chinese Proverb

Being a first time mom is the most exciting event to ever happen in a woman's life. It is perhaps, the ultimate fulfillment for any woman. To be able to create life... to carry a baby in your womb for nine months --- both difficult and wonderful milestones that every woman should experience. Awaiting in anticipation for the moment of the baby's arrival creates such an indescribable feeling of joy, completeness, and excitement. To hold that bundle of joy in your own arms for the very first time compensates for all the discomfort and personal sacrifice that a woman makes during pregnancy.

Being a parent or first time mom has long been considered the epitome of self-sacrifice. Indeed, going through the usual “morning sickness” that consists of nausea and vomiting is really something to reckon with. Having a newborn at home quite literally disrupts all routines and practices of a couple. Adjustments are made from the time meals are cooked, to the time we get off from work, to the amount of time we can sleep at night. All of a sudden, a couple's life revolves around that little baby in the crib. Still, all the hardships and challenges of motherhood are accepted with open arms. In fact, it is a time to celebrate the real meaning of being a woman.

But just like everything else in life, the first-time mom is sure to encounter challenges that require new skills and a lot of emotional stability. One of the first issues that women grapple with is the surprise of becoming pregnant.

Signs of Pregnancy

First-time moms usually do not know they are pregnant until after major symptoms appear or only after they use a pregnancy test kit. So, here are a few pointers on how to know if a woman is pregnant:

1. Tender nipples - Your breasts, particularly the nipples becomes tender around three weeks after conception. It may also feel swollen. You may also notice that the areola has become darker and has increased in diameter. The color change in the areola is associated with the body's adjustments in preparation for breastfeeding.

2. Slight spotting – A light pink spotting can occur at the time when the embryo attaches to the lining of the uterus. Cramping can also happen and this is when the uterus assumes its mid-position and becomes supported by the pelvis during the second trimester.

3. Extreme fatigue – A very common symptom among pregnant women is fatigue or feeling exhausted. A pregnant woman undergoes hormonal changes that also cause a bit of sluggishness.

4. Fainting - There are times you would feel dizzy or feel that you are about to faint. This happens when the growing uterus compresses major arteries in your legs which causes your blood pressure to drop, therefore, making you feel light-headed.

5. Nausea and vomiting - This is more popularly known as “morning sickness.” This may come as early as a week into the pregnancy. Others experience nausea in the afternoon or evenings while for some, it can be throughout the day.

6. Frequent urination – When the fetus is growing, it causes the uterus to swell and it puts pressure on your bladder, which also makes you urinate more often.

7. Constipation – You would feel this in the early part of your pregnancy when your hormones slows down bowel functions.

8. Irritability – Sometimes, you would feel a combination of these symptoms in just one day and because of your raging hormones --- you tend to feel irritable. This symptom is best managed by getting rest and plenty of sleep, and by maintaining a healthy diet.

Things Pregnant Women Should do...

A pregnant woman should also make sure that she follows the following pregnancy tips:

l Regular Medical Exams – Monitoring the progress of your pregnancy is a must to avoid any complications or problems. The doctor can recommend what medicines or supplements you should take; what to avoid food to avoid; and other dietary prescriptions that you should follow such as the regular consumption of milk that contains high amounts of folic acid and pre-natal vitamins.

l Check your immunity – Pregnant women should avoid contracting diseases like chicken pox and measles --- which have potential harmful effects on your pregnancy. It is important to be fully vaccinated prior to getting pregnant.

l Eating right – Pregnant women should eat plenty of high protein foods which are essential to the healthy development of the baby. Pregnant women should be aware of the the appropriate amounts of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and fat that should be consumed daily.

l Avoid negative emotions - Emotions like anger should be avoided because even the baby is affected by the mood of the mother.

l Inform your doctor on your family history - If you have any pre-existing conditions, it is best to inform the doctor so that appropriate action can be taken to adjust procedures and medicines that may be prescribed during your pregnancy.

Things Pregnant Women Should Not Do...

l You should not smoke - You should not smoke or be around people who smoke. Smoking is hazardous to the health of the mother and the baby. Direct or second-hand smoke can result in spontaneous abortion, underweight babies, and even infantile deaths.

l You should not drink alcohol - Like smoking, alcohol consumption during pregnancy poses a very serious health risk to the baby in the womb.

l You should not take prescription drugs or over-thecounter medicines - There are certain drugs which are not safe to take when you are pregnant. The approval of your doctor must be sought before using any kind of drug or medication. The use of prohibited drugs can also cause severe birth defects.

l You should not drink coffee – Consumption of drinks with caffeine increases the baby's risk of having diabetes.

l You should avoid stress - Stress should be avoided by pregnant women because emotional instability has adverse effects on the health and physical growth of a baby.

l You should avoid exposing your self to pesticides, paint thinner, and household cleaning products. These chemicals can have harmful effects to your newborn.

Parenthood is learning process that entails studying how to care for your baby even before it is born into the world. It takes a lot of involvement by both the new mother and new father --- who equally share the responsibility of ensuring that their baby is healthy and free from risks that could impede its growth and development. Expectant fathers should be more patient and prepared to engage in a more active role in caring for the baby. The last few weeks of pregnancy can very exhausting and might cause some anxieties for the first time mom. But a caring husband can do wonders for his expectant wife by being more understanding and by doing all he can to make his wife comfortable and fully relaxed. Before you know it, the waiting game would be over. By taking the time and effort to prepare for the baby's arrival, a new mom and new dad can become fully prepared for the day that they'll finally meet their little bundle of joy.

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Charity and sacrifice why and how

By undertaking pilgrimage to holy places and participating in ‘Satsangas’ (congregations) one leads towards charity, individually, combined or by some other way which is very much desired for the needy and down-trodden for their upliftment. Pilgrimage without imbibing virtues will remain and mean only some distance covered and journey undertaken without purpose. No doubt holy places give refuge to the weary souls, make us humble and help in enhancing our spirituality. Charity is an act of great sacrifice, graciousness, piousness, nobleness, compassion, forgiveness and one of the virtuous qualities for absolving one’s adversities. One who gives charity feels the pinch of problems of others as his/ her own. Happiness and grace multiplies by sharing with others.

One should not accept charity from atheists and those having sense gratification for the purpose of maintaining sanctity. Some of these charities are compassion, land donation, material charity, charity of cow, charity of maiden, donation of limbs after death, education, charity for peace and charity for food which is the most pious service to the poor and needy. In fact charity given to a needy person for education is a permanent one as it removes one’s ignorance. Knowledge and wealth are God’s gifts which must be shared with others to enjoy and fructify. Charity of education is given in secrecy as education and intellect cannot be stolen, being hidden treasures, and is helpful even when one does not possess money. An educated and learned person does not possess destitute qualities and he is not an encumber on earth. Some prefer secret charity without revealing their names, as they believe that their left hand should not know what the right one gives.

Blood donation to save some one’s life is also a supreme act in the service of mankind. For the infertile couple the donors of eggs and sperms can help in conceiving and giving new lease of life to the dismayed and emotionally shattered people. Those who have absolutely nothing to give can at least devote their precious time for the benefit of the needy. With charity of love which is instilled in us by the parents, saints and erudites by drenching us with nectar of love we can inculcate brotherhood and friendship towards all irrespective of caste, creed, colour, sex, religion and underprivileged etc. and reinstate them into the main stream of life otherwise they will be alienated from mankind and society. This also gives them emotional support. In short, charity is nothing but service to the needy. It is marvelous act and the donor is placed in heaven on this earth itself.

We should contribute and share our possessions with others as the trees, rivers, seas and mountains do without discrimination. Charity is a trust, which should not be considered in terms of cash or kind in quantity. Even the road does service by leading us to our desired destination without expecting any reward . Unfortunately, we share our grief with others but not our comforts and possessions. God is ’Giver’ Who always fills our treasures with His bounties and marvels. His treasures are full upto the brim. He takes care even of the tiniest creature. By giving away in charity it dissipates and checkmates our craze for amassing unnecessary wealth and helps in preventing many discomforts and vices of our life. It also stops allurement of unworthy ambitions and wants.

Learn that the whole life is giving, that nature will force you to give. So, give willingly. Sooner or later you will have to give up. Besides the attitude of giving leads to spiritual progress whereas those of taking to a great fall. It is believed that charity or donations sanctify the earnings of the donor. Thus one elevates one’s soul and gets salvation. It is also said that God manifests in different forms before His arch devotee, like food for the famished and consolation for the helpless etc.

Charity given with pomp and show stains its true purpose. The purity of hands is based on the charity given and shared through them with generosity. What we give to the poor, in fact we give back to Lord due to His grace. We are giving this gift of God to the weak, unhealthy, illiterate or broken-hearted, inferior and suppressed. We get satisfaction and Lord’s blessings only when it reaches the real needy otherwise its purpose is lost in case the receiver becomes dependent for ever and does not try to stand on his / her own feet.

A renowned diplomat and author of Artha Shastra, Acharya Chanakya (Prime Minister of Chandra Gupta Maurya), had rightly said that we should remain within our limits even while giving charity otherwise our stocks will dwindle and we will be left with nothing except worries.

It is proved beyond doubt that one who gives in charity without expecting anything in return is benefited in health and long life. Such persons remain free from blood pressure, heart disease etc. and get peace of mind due to God’s grace and blessings of the receivers and also due to their changed positive attitude towards life. The giver also gets contentment. Such a giver never tires in his virtuous actions and his treasures never exhaust but are always replenished by the Supreme Lord in a mysterious way. Also we should give as one lamp lights up many other lamps (for removing ignorance) without losing its own light. Charity is also like an intellect, the more we use the more it sharpens, strengthens and breeds. Charity is a penance for inner purification. It is the way to God realization.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Tips on street fighting not fighting at all

These days its hardly surprising to find oneself having to fight strangers in the streets. So one really have to learn some tricks to win the fights in any way that you can, otherwise you wil surely be left with some black eye, dislocated wrists, and also concussion.

Like always best solution to win a street fight is to avoid one. It will be great if a dispute is resolved without any brawls and yes, better not let your treacherous ego cloud your common sense. In violent confrontations, make sure to be neutral and calm; apologize, even if its not your fault or the opponent is a regular no gooder and yes, do so in a confident manner. If he persists, clearly tell him to back off. Never let your opponent get near you and don't be a fool and let him hit you first. As he nears, change your stance in a fighting position and just slam your outstretched open hand into his face. This is a great tactic to disorient the opponent. Well if you have to punch, keep your hand, wrist, and two largest in a straight line, and punch with those two knuckles as hard and fast as possible. Follow this with swift kicks to the knees or groin areas. However unless you are a good puncher, better not pound unnecessarily.

Best tactic is non punch hand strikes and palm strikes against the side of the head and neck. Also low kicks aimed at shins, ankles, the insides of calves is very effective. And yep, all those scratching, biting, clawing, spitting, hair pulling hair are good too. Remember you are in a street fight and that too with a rowdy aggressor, so don't think about rules, just think about your safety.

Know your limit too. Alone and fighters ganging up on you? Well run! Its not cowardice, its safety actually. A winner always knows when to quit.

Also always keep at a distance from your opponent, say about twice the arm's length. Experts opine that staying close limits your opponent's ability to land painful punches. As a matter of fact, keep on the opponents side and not directly in front of him. Also those involved in street fights with more than one opponent, make sure to move in such a way as to keep them in each other's way. Staying between them is fatal!

Make sure to attack any vulnerable spot. Also just blocking an opponent with your arms or legs leaves the rest of your body in the way. And yes, punches and hits in the face, throat, temples will incapacitate your opponent making them blury and howling in pain, and disorientated for sometime, enough seconds for you to make an exit.

When involved in these street fights, unless you are a mean fighter, you will be punched to a pulp. So the best tip to win the fight is to impede your opponents as much as possible, use sand, dirt, mace, or other sprays on the eyes, thereby you can run. Fighting should be the last resort, and if you can talk your way out of a fight that's one real winner too.

Free webmaster tools that need to know about

If money is a bit tight, or you are just starting out, then making full use of tools freely available on the web is a MUST.

There are plenty of FREE tools out there; you just have know where to look.

Overture Keyword Selector Tool

( inventory. overture. com/d/searchinventory/suggestion )

One of the first things you need to do with every online project is to find out how many people are searching for that topic.

Overture, now owned by yahoo, gives us this great little tool that shows how many people searched for a particular topic in the previous 30 days, as well as what keywords they used to do that search..

A site well worth book marking.

Blogger - Google Own Blogging Service

( blogger. com )

Blogger is very easy to use, and if used the correct way can be a great way to get newly developed sites indexed by the search engines.

You can setup as many blogs as you wish post as often as you wish, and say almost anything you want.

Web Site Code checker

( validator. )

These days it’s very easy to quickly put up a website using your favorite WYSIWYG HTML editor, but sometimes they can generate absolutely nasty web code, that can make search engines almost choke just trying to read your site.

Just because internet explorer displays the site OK, doesn’t mean that the search engines can read your site properly.

So make sure every HTML page you put up on the web is 100%b HTML clean and correct.

Not only will the search engines love you, but so will your bank balance.

Steve’s Templates - Free Web Templates

( steves-templates. com )

Steve’s templates provide a whole suite of free web templates that you can import into your HTML editor and edit to fir your website. The template found here are very professional and they cover both personal and business style templates.


( seopen. com )

This site is a platform for free search engine optimization tools.

It also offers a great little FIREFOX plug-in that allows you to access all the SEO Tools on the site, simply by right clicking on your mouse whilst using FIREFOX.

It allows you to find all sorts of information about a site, such as:

-WHOIS Information

-How many back links the site has

-The Keyword Density on the Page

-Page Size Checker

-HTML validator (uses validator. see above)

-Check a sites robots. txt

Plus a lot more… If you use FireFox then get this plug-in, I can’t live without it any more.

If you don’t use FIREFOX then go to mozilla. com/ and start using it… It’s the BEST!!

Open Office

( OpenOffice. org )

Let me quote directly from their website

“OpenOffice. org is a multiplatform and multilingual office suite and an open-source project. Compatible with all other major office suites, the product is free to download, use, and distribute. “

Basically Open Office is a FREE alternative to Microsoft Office. It can read and write most if not all the standard Office files.

The aspect I like about it is that its built in wordprocessor (write) can load Microsoft Word documents and then you can save them as standard PDF documents.

This means that you can create your own e-books and reports without having to buy expensive PDF creators.

Give it a go… It’s well worth while.

All of the tools I mentioned above are absolutely FREE.

I use almost all of them on a daily basis, so don’t waste your hard earned money on expensive tools, use these FREE one.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Quick gambling tips

Today, I thought I would share some quick gambling tips with you. These tips can be used with any gambling game(s) you enjoy. Many people are losing gamblers, because they simply play a game without any thought and hope luck comes along. Luck is what you make of it. By following some simple tips, you can get more out of your gambling experience.

Gambling Tip One: Set a limit

Money management is a key component in the arsenal of any winning gambler. Perhaps one of the worst things you can do, as a gambler, is to not play with set limits. Before gambling, you should set: (1) the maximum amount you are willing to lose, (2) the point at which you will stop gambling when ahead and (3) the general amount you will bet with each wager.

Gambling Tip Two: Educate yourself

The more you know about a game and the circumstances governing the game, the better shot you will have at both following your set plans and winning some money. If nothing else, pick up at least one book or read some good in-depth tutorials on the game before gambling. I know many gamblers here in Las Vegas that are consistent losers. The sad part is they think it’s their lack of luck when it’s really the fact that they don’t know much of anything about the operation and circumstances that govern their games of choice.

Gambling Tip Three: Don’t be scared.

If you are scared of losing money you should not gamble. If the amount you are wagering is causing you to be under pressure, you need to reduce the amount you are wagering. When gamblers wager money they are not free with, they do not win as often. By being scared, you will make poor decisions—including missing out on winning chances. I have seen this happen time and time again. Get your head on straight and wager money you can afford to lose.

These three gambling tips can be used at any game in the casino. Think about these seriously before you wager another hard earned dollar. If you are looking for more in-depth articles and information, I invite you to visit one of the websites in my Wise Bettor network.

Your no could mean yes to a trojan

Similar to viruses, Trojans copy, distribute and kill your data. Obviously since you would never permit these actions, Trojans do not bother to ask for your permission.

Trojans are deceptive programs which don't take no for an answer. Any keystroke means yes to them. They are mainly designed to steal your data from your pc. But if you have antispyware guarding your pc, you need not worry.

What Are Trojans?

Basically Trojans appear quite harmless. They quietly enter your computer, either as email attachments or bundled in with other software programs. They are a kind of spyware. Spyware works by keeping track of what you do when you browse the web without you being aware of it. It is quite irritating and can cause major problems if you don't use any antispyware program to keep your pc clean.

Trojans are one of the worst kinds of spyware that eventually destroy your data after stealing it. There are some Trojans called remote administration tools, which permit access to your computer every time you log in - and you won't even know it. Whoever accesses your pc can easily pick up files from your system, remove or add programs, and even control your keystrokes.

How Trojans Land Into Your PC

Similar to viruses, Trojans copy, distribute and kill your data. Obviously since you would never permit these actions, Trojans do not bother to ask for your permission. The spyware installer does not care about the means used to rob your data. It is well known that there are many Internet marketers who trick you into installing certain software bundled in with Trojan spyware into your computer. They use a pop up ad to attract you, and then as if you want to install it. Whether you say yes or no is irrelevant. Even if you say no, they follow up with another pop up ad to ask if you are really sure. In spite of clicking no, your keystroke simply sets off a download into your computer without your being aware of it.

Drive by downloads are a common method for Trojan spyware to sneak in to your pc. Here is what happens - you browse a website and see a popup asking if you want to download something and the way it asks you, you sometimes end up saying yes, thinking that you need to download it to look at the web page. So when you say yes, it looks like you are allowing the download. If you say no, you are hounded by pop ups that wait for you to just click to start off the download, making it happen without your knowledge.

Everyday there are new ways being devised by spyware installers to get into your system. Get antispyware software to control this and keep your pc free of spies!

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

3 steps for a successful home business

Being an online home business owner, you need to
have 3 extremely important things, if you
really want to be successful.

Firstly, you need to have a Expert or

Don't know much about Copy Writing,
Internet Marketing, Or Website Design?
Don't worry, most people don't. What you
need to do is play smart. You need to find
yourself someone who has, "been there,
done that", an Expert. Finding yourself a
mentor can be a huge advantage to you;
both financially and mentally. This can be
seen in that the majority of people
who try to establish a online home business, have absolutely no
idea what they're doing. This can be a
massive hurdle, as money is spent and
lost, and the mental hardship continues to
erode any determination.

Secondly, having a back-up plan can be a
big help.

Trying to establish and run, or simply
start a home business, is likened to being
a boat captain, with no life rafts. If the
boat starts to sink, you really have no
option but to go down with it. The same
principle applies to having a home
business. Even though we may try as hard
as we can, some things just don't work.
This is where your back-up plan comes in
handy. Make sure you give your home
business every chance it can to be
successful, but if it doesn't all go
right, don't be afraid to cut your losses
and move on to plan "B".

Thirdly, and this is a big one. To be
successful, you need something which a lot
of people don't have. Unstoppable determination
and desire.

Interestingly enough, this is the sole
reason why the majority of people don't
succeed online. They don't have that
"x-factor". They don't have that
relentless desire and determination.
Here is something which you should write
down, and read every time you wake up,
before you go to sleep, while you make
your cup of coffee or tea--while you do
anything, in fact.

"Whatever your success achieved, it will
be in direct proportion to the
determination and desire which you
expressed. More desire, more
determination, the greater the success!"

Here is an example to illustrate my

I'm sure we've all heard of Kobe Bryant,
right? Most people believe that it's his
excellent talent that makes him the
special NBA player he is. In saying that, his
amazing talent does play a big role in his
success. Want to know what really makes
him such an amazing player? It is his
desire and determination. Put simply, he
just wants more wins, more championships,
than anyone else on the court.

Thats how you, the new online home business owner, must learn
to think and act. You have to want your
success with your entire being. Every part
of your body, mind and soul, must be
screaming, "I want to be successful!", and
you have to make sure nothing can stop you
from being successful--nothing!

And just remember,

"Whatever your success achieved, it will
be in direct proportion to the
determination and desire which you
expressed. More desire, more
determination, the greater the success!"