Sunday, 27 November 2016

Selecting the right home business - how important is it

Some people are so consumed with finding just the right home business they never seem to get started. Finding the right home business can be time consuming as there are literally thousands of home business opportunities out there. Once you have found a few that catch your attention then come all the usual questions. You know, questions like is this a legitimate opportunity? How much does it cost to get started? Who is going to help me when I have questions? How much time will I have to spend working to start making money? The list of questions goes on and on.

Although these are great questions, you will never have all the answers before you actually get started. So let’s just concentrate on the few that really matter.

If you are on a budget like most of us naturally you would need to know how much of a financial investment you would need to make in order to start your own home business. There are a few good opportunities out there you can start for less than $100. Another important part of the getting started process is finding an opportunity that offers at least email or phone support to help you when you have questions. The most important question people seem to have is, “is this legitimate and can I make money with this opportunity?”

There are a few good home business research teams that have tested many home business opportunities and can recommend the best bets and help you avoid scams. With most all of the best home business opportunities you will make money if you are willing to do 2 things. Follow directions and work consistently even if it’s only 1 or 2 hours a day.

Hey, even if you fail, most good opportunities offer a 60 money back guarantee. The sooner you get started the better. You can succeed!

What is file association and its relation with the registry

A file association is the program that windows associate with a file. Windows will detect what type of file it is and then associate it with the appropriate program and launch the program when the file is opened. Once we are done with the files we delete the files but the programs remain in the system. The list of such programs builds up over time and we need a windows registry cleaner to clean the registry of these redundant files and programs.

Windows uses a system called 'file association' to open a file with the correct program that the file was created in. If a file has an extension. doc then windows knows that the file is a word document and uses file association to open the file in the Microsoft Word application. Or if the file has a. bmp extension then file association will open the file in Microsoft Paint by default.

All these associations are retained in the registry of the system and there will be many times that files are downloaded from the internet and they come with their own third party program to run them. Once we are done with the files we delete the files but the programs remain in the system. The list of such programs builds up over time and we need a windows registry cleaner to clean the registry of these redundant files and programs.

A file extension is a set of alphabetical characters, sometimes these are alphanumeric, and these are placed at the end of the file name after a period. These extensions are also attached to the various software on the system such as. exe, which means the file is an executable program. These extensions are used to determine the type of data stored in them as well as to distinguish the type of program. This information is recorded in the registry and needs to be cleaned with a windows registry cleaner regularly.

The registry gets crammed with useless programs and files. These files and redundant data and information do nothing other than slow down the system. It is important to clean the registry of these files and programs or entries as they are called. There are many registry cleaners on the Internet that can do a good job of cleaning the registry. Typing in a set of keywords such as 'A must registry cleaner', 'free registry cleaner software', 'free XP registry cleaner' in a search engine will produce results that can lead you to the appropriate registry cleaner software you are looking for.

Windows and computer operating systems have used Filename extensions for decades, but they have become popular because the file systems included with DOS and Windows had limitations on filenames for many years, which pushed the use of filename extensions.

It will help to download one of these free registry cleaner software for your system and run it on your computer from time to time. This will keep your computer running well and get rid of the sluggishness of the system. In fact, if you find that your system is running slower than usual it is time to download a registry cleaner and utilize it on your system and get the PC back on track.

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Teeny weenie pregnancies

Teeny Weenie Pregnancies

How many times does a parent have to remind their child about contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases. What does it take for a parent to be heard. In some unfortunate cases children just do not listen and choose to ignore the best advice any parent can give to their child.

It is hard for a parent to see their child having a child. Unwanted pregnancies in teens, a sad situation but the damage is done so accept the situation and start to face up to responsibilities

Matters intend to get out of hand by leaving it to late to consult a doctor or talking to your parents. You could be putting yourself and that of your unborn child in danger. If you have any inclinations that you are pregnant seek help right away.

What is mum and dad going to say may be causing you unnecessary worry. I can not say that they will be happy with the news you are about to spring on them. But remember at the end of the day this is your mum and what do mums do, they care and give their support.

No doubt those famous words will be spoken in a raised voice like, I told you this would happen and how could you have been so stupid? But she is right, mum's advice is always right when it comes down to protecting her kids.

After coming to terms and accepting that she is going to be a grandmother the situation eases.

Believe me when I say if ever you needed anyone to give you support throughout this teenage pregnancy, it is your mum so talk to her.

Contraception is about helping to stop unwanted pregnancies also STDs are prevented by the use of a condom. Which would be the worst an unwanted teen pregnancy or a STD. Let me tell you they both come with a life sentence of heartache and pain, no more partying it stops here?

Come on girls and boys this is the 21st century there is no need to destroy your childhood. I am not saying that every teen pregnancy has not worked out for some young mums today, but for a great many it has ruined their lives. Do you want to raise a baby, especially one that has ruined your life. Will you ever love that infant in the way you should? Sadly many teen mums don't so the innocent baby has to suffer.

Most teenage mothers end up raising their child on their own all because daddy is still growing up too.

Come on girls and boys think of the consequences. If you choose to ignore all the golden rules then you have to accept the consequences.

Please have yourself checked over by a doctor early to make sure that there are no complications. I do not wish to frighten you, just make you aware that teen mums that have not fully reached puberty themselves may need extra care and attention.

People who deal with these type of situations are very understanding and compassionate regarding whatever maybe troubling you about your pregnancy or any STD concerns..

If you find that talking on the matter embarrasses you, then ask a friend to go with you and let them do the talking, and if all fails in getting you to speak with some one.

Then consider the next time you recieve your pocket money to buy a condom not a cornet.

Gifts for the gardener

Is there a gardener you need to buy a gift for? Christmas is as great a reason as you can get to buy gifts for that special gardener. You don't have to look far to find great gifts for gardeners. Every year there seem to be new gadgets coming out and several on-line websites have wonderful gardening gifts. A couple of them are gardenscape. on. ca/ and behnkes. com. Both sites have an abundance of unique gifts for the gardener. Local hardware or home improvement stores will also have a good line of gifts for that special gardener in your life.

Practical gifts such as a shovel or trowel, garden hoses or other digging and planting tools are most always welcomed but then there are also the whimsical items to add that extra special touch to a garden.

A basket full of goodies for the gardener is also a great gift idea. Buy one already made or personalize one by adding your own special touches. A basket with the essentials is a good choice. It could include gloves, poison oak/ivy medication, fertilizer, twister ties, rain gauge, and disposable towels etc. You could include an Old Farmers Almanac if your favorite gardener would appreciate such "old school" methods for finding the best time to plant their vegetables and flowers.

Gardening books may need to be on your shopping list. Gardening books can be found anywhere and found on an endless variety of topics. Choose among specialty garden books, such as vegetable gardens, wild flower gardens, or formal gardens. Maybe a book on the subject of perennials and annuals, which flowers are best suited for your climate? How about buying plants that are best suited for your soil type? The local bookstore will have a whole section devoted to gardening books, it's big business.

Perhaps your gardener wants to attract butterflies or hummingbirds? Or maybe they will after reading a book you gave them for Christmas about the appropriate types of flowers to plant to draw them to the garden. You can also will different hummingbird feeders that will keep these beautiful birds coming back again and again.

Garden stones are another popular gift for gardeners. Garden stones can be unusual shapes, colorful, humorous and can be personalized. You can even get kits to make garden stones with a child's hand print and their name added to it, a wonderful way to span the generations and bring the little ones into the gardening world. What a wonderful memories that would make for the child and the gardener. Round garden stones can be bought and painted with the family name to make an extra special gift for a garden lover. You can put the year the marriage was established or maybe the year that the garden was started. Your personalization can make even an ordinary gift something very special, a real tribute.

On the more practical side, there are countless gifts to choose from such as special boxes to store your garden hoses and hose carts. Fertilizer sprinklers and water sprinklers are also good gifts. A really cute water sprinkler I found was in the shape of a John Deere Tractor.

A popular item for gardens is the gazing ball, to be honest I just don't get the attraction but many do. They're found in all sizes and colors and add a fanciful touch to the garden. Holders for the gazing balls come in many shapes, sizes and materials. A favorite of many is a little angel holding a small gazing ball. Perhaps I need to "gaze" into one for a while and learn the attraction.

Wind spinners and flags are also popular for the gardener. Spinners are available in a variety of colors such as the rainbow spinner and a patriotic, red, white, and blue spinner. Flags can be changed throughout the year changing with the seasons. I was surprised to learn of the many varieties of garden flags. Their growing popularity is due to the ability to give the garden a different look by changing them frequently, with the seasons, the crops, or the weather.

Have a taste for the exotic? You can find exotic plants such as the amaryllis exotica, or unusual items such as the shitake mushroom log. How about an Italian herb garden or a ginkgo tree growing kit? You may be surprised to learn of all that is available.

Animal or angel statues of any size make great gifts. Birdbaths are another added attraction to a garden that never goes out of style. I guess because birds can add so much to a garden and can also help control insects. But whatever you decide on know the greatest gift is the thought you put into it. There are gifts out there for every gardener, it's a growing world and you can never go wrong as long as your heart is in your gift.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Arguments steal mind power

Have you ever noticed that arguments are rarely "won?" Even if you think you won an argument, what did you win? If there really is a loser, he at least learned something, right? What did you get? Ego satisfaction, debating practice, and diminished mind power.

Arguing Diminishes Mind Power?

There are times when things need to be debated, but most of the time, it really isn't productive. Do you want to argue the point? What do you get from a useless debate, and more importantly, what do you lose?

One thing is certain. A person listening to arguments can learn something from both sides, but what about the participants? If your opponent makes a really good point, do you say, "Hey, you're right!" or do you more often just look for a better argument?

Arguing too much gets you in the habit of looking for arguments more than for truth. You also get deeper into your thinking ruts the more you defend a position. In a rut and ignoring the truth? If that doesn't sound like it's good for mind power, it's because it isn't.

Mind Power From Listening

If you say the moon is closer, and I say the sun is, one of us has to be right. If you say nurture is more important, and I say nature is, we're both right. The first argument has clearly defined terms. This isn't common, and even here, what's the point of arguing?

In the second example, our arguments have to do with values and experiences. We've seen different things in life, and we could spend a lifetime defining "important," or I could shut up and listen. My mind becomes more powerful with the addition of your ideas and knowledge. Listening is the better way.

To break the habit of arguing, purposely ask for peoples opinions, and listen without saying anything. You can ask them to clarify, but don't offer one contrary idea. Do this enough, and you'll be surprized how much you learn. Some of us are also surprized by how difficult this simple technique can be, but it works.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Pure profit four secrets of successful sales diversification

What a week! Seven speaking engagements and sales training in five cities in Washington, California, and Texas, and five flights provided for an exciting but tiring trip. When my wife picked me up at the airport, the last thing I wanted to do was dine out. However, she had had a long week as well. She was prepared to have a quiet dinner at home, but I surprised her by suggesting we go out for dinner.

Jensen’s Cafй in Burnsville, MN is a wonderful breakfast and lunch restaurant, open from 7 AM to 2:30 PM. The Jensen’s are third generation restaurateurs, with another store called Jensen’s Supper Club in Eagan, MN. On my flight home I read that they were diversifying their business by using the Jensen’s Cafй location to launch Jensen’s Wine & Dine, which uses the same facilities and opens at 4:30 PM. They have an entirely different crew that comes in to provide a warm, upscale, but reasonably priced dining experience with fine wines, an excellent menu, and an entirely different feel than you would find if you showed up earlier in the day for breakfast or lunch.

What does this have to do with sales? Jensen’s is growing their business using four principles of successful diversification. To be successful we must focus on what we do best, but when we become successful, we can diversify our business, and add exponential growth to our bottom line. To diversify your sales business you can use the same strategies, which are:

1. Stay in your area of experience and expertise

2. If possible, use existing business assets and resources

3. Provide better service to and more profitability from existing customer relationships, and/or…

4. Use diversification to expand your customer base

Stay in your area of experience and expertise

Many salespeople (and businesses) create success in a particular business and then diversify into an entirely different area of expertise in which they lack experience. Too often the new offering of products and services creates a drain on the original business. Old customer relationships become strained with “growing pains” being the excuse. Diversification becomes “deworseification.” Be cautious when expanding your offerings outside of your area of expertise. However, if you see sales opportunities in products and services that are related to what you currently sell, you may be looking at a logical and profitable business expansion. When your experience removes some of the learning curve related to new products and services, profitability show up more quickly.

If possible, use existing business assets and resources

If you sell related products and services out of the same location or process, you have the potential for successful diversification. Examples of this include selling a new product on an existing sales call, adding a product to a catalogue or website, and including new sales materials in existing promotional mailings. The mantra of up-selling is McDonald’s “Do you want fries with that?” You can do the same thing with when you up-sell in existing space and process.

Provide better service to and more profitability from existing customer relationships

Sometimes new product offerings make sense when you consider the impact on existing client retention. In the old days, the “Three ‘L’s’ of Banking” were 1) Loans, 2) Loans, and 3) Loans! In the 1980’s, banks started to offer non-traditional financial services, such as investments and insurance. Today banks derive a much greater percentage of their income form non-interest income than in the past, and thus improve their profitability with better customer service through broader product offerings.

Use diversification to expand your customer base

Common sense dictates that your existing products will not appeal to every prospect. However, a related or slightly different service converts prospects that have said “no” to old offerings into new customers. Investment brokers found that when they offered guaranteed or insured investments in addition to investments with market risk, they could attract new clients. With time, these new clients might also consider the brokers’ traditional offerings.

Diversification equals growth

Don’t forget to focus on the profitability of expanding your offerings; it has to make sense from a business perspective. Once you have established yourself and become a solid presence in your marketplace, offering additional products and services allows you to increase your profitability and take advantage of scale. Take a look at what you can offer that will build on and strengthen your existing business. Build a plan to grow…and execute your plan!

Is your teenage driver safe

Teenagers are known as one of the accident-prone drivers on the streets and roads. Studies have given blame to the adolescents’ raging hormones and risky behavior. Of course, you yourself would know about this if you learned to drive a car in your teens. For most teens, getting behind the wheel of a car gives them a new sense of freedom which is a different situation from their restrictive rules at home or in school.

On a parent’s end, the worrying seems to be so natural for they, themselves, have been drivers themselves and they do know just what kind of risks these teenage drivers are putting themselves into.

Dan Olmsted is the president of Atlantic Mutual and he also is the father to a new teenage driver. He states, “Parents have good reason to be concerned. Traffic crashes account for 44 per cent of teen fatalities, more than any other cause, and driving at night with other teenage friends in the car just about tops the list of risk-laden situations.”

Olmsted also states that besides such a fear of knowing that their teenagers could get injured any minute as they are behind the wheel, parents also fear that they are also responsible in cases during accidents. Aside from paying up for their own vehicle’s damages, if there are any third parties involved, the parents would also be the ones involved in taking care that everybody is well and everything has been paid for.

If you have a new teenage driver or any teenage driver for that matter, it is important that you, as the parent, let him know about the consequences of his driving behavior. You should both sit down and try to develop an agreement on using the car. Write everything you have agreed upon. Just make sure that you include everything like seatbelts, the use of cellular phones, who can be their passengers and how many passengers can he drive, and curfews.

Olmsted further states, “Nothing will make your teen drive perfectly and take all of the anxiety away. But with planning, clear communication, and a firmly enforced set of rules, parents can rely on a lot more than prayer and a large helping of trust when they hand over the keys.”