Saturday, 15 October 2016

The inside story of instant approval credit cards

In this e-age, with instant communication in the form of mobiles and chat, instant knowledge with the Internet, can instant approval credit cards be left far behind? In fact, an instant approval credit card has become somewhat of a necessity now. What if you are online and see this unbelievable offer of an iPod going cheap or a Sony Viao at throwaway prices? And then you realize your card is maxed out! Simple, apply for an instant approval credit card online, and get a credit card approved within a minute flat. Gratify your shopping instincts by getting a great thing at a great price.

Pros and Cons of Instant Approval Credit Cards

Instant approval credit cards, like any innovation or technology, come with their own unique set of pros and cons. For example, instant approval credit card online may give you immediate access to a new credit card, however, you may need to pay slightly more fees for this card in comparison to a regular card. Also, you may need to deal with a few spending limits on this new instant approval credit card, till the card physically arrives in your hands. Finally, as a consumer you need to be aware that the more credit cards you own, the more you are tempted to splurge beyond your means. Especially if you are given instant approval credit cards at a moment’s notice, your need for instant gratification is further fuelled. And this is precisely what the card companies bank upon – our consumerist lifestyle where we may need quick and speedy access to money.

The Functioning of Instant Approval Credit Cards

But how do they do this? How can an instant approval credit card online take a minute whereas a regular vanilla credit card takes a day or more? Well, it is very simple as the whole process is computerized. Your computer contacts their computer when you place a request for an instant approval credit card. The computer of the credit card company, in turn, contacts the credit bureau’s computer to obtain your credit information.

They access your credit history and FICO score to gauge if you are risk-worthy. Here, two things can happen now. If everything looks OK, you will receive instant approval. If not, your application is ‘flagged’ and then it needs to be approved by a banking official. Even though this delays the process, once everything is cleared, the card company gives you instant approval for a new card.

How Instant Approval Credit Cards Help

Once you have your new card in your hand, you will soon realize that can it actually help you save money. Assume, for example, that you are stuck in an alien city, in-transit to your destination because your vehicle broke down. You have only cash, no cards, and you realize that the locals will fleece you because they know you are desperate for help. Instead of paying through your nose for your car repairs, log onto the net from a cyber cafй close by, get an instant approval credit card, call for a pick-up service, and have your car towed away to a reliable, cost-effective car garage.

Some of these cards have terrific features. For example, some instant approval credit card online are offered with low sign up amounts or are completely free. If you are lucky, then you may get a zero annual fee offer. Such instant approval credit cards also offer a zero balance transfer or they may have a limited introductory offer of low interest rates. Therefore, such cards will help you to save money if you can use them judiciously.

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