Monday, 31 October 2016

Start trading throw those excuses out the window

People make all kinds of excuses as to why they cannot get involved in investing or trading the financial markets. In this article, some of the most prominent are debunked.

"I don’t have time"

Despite being one of the most frequently heard, this is probably the most pathetic excuse for not trading there is. Why? Because the availability of technology and information in the modern day means that we can operate in literally any time frame we want. Many people, when they hear “trading”, think it means sitting in front of the computer all day. While that certainly is one form of trading, most of us do not have the schedule to allow us to dedicate hours each day to monitoring the markets. The good news is that we don’t have to in order to trade effectively.

I will use myself as an example. My college coaching position has me frequently in the gym, in meetings, and on the road. What’s more, I run a club program and a couple of businesses on the side. In 2004, even though there were long periods when I did not trade at all, and I probably only put on a dozen total positions all year, I was still able to make 200%+ in the stock market. If I can trade given my schedule, and have performance like that, anyone can.

"I don’t have the money"

In the past, this was a pretty viable excuse for not trading. These days, though, one can trade with relatively little money. Transaction costs have dropped dramatically over the last decade and there are more trading options than ever before. There is one particular trading platform which allows an individual to put on trades of at little as $1 in value, and they have no minimum account size requirement.

Is it better to have more money? Absolutely. The more capital you have at your disposal, the better are your available options and the more actual money you can make in raw dollar terms.

Having more money is not always a good thing, though. For the inexperienced trader, it is better to have only a little money at risk. Why? It is the same as anything else. Just like anyone new to a skill make mistakes as they are learning, so do new traders. And just as a coach would not willingly throw a new player in to a championship game against experienced opponents, neither should those new to the markets to take on large trades and put significant portions of their assets at risk. It’s common sense. Better to make the inevitable mistakes when there is relatively little at risk.

"It’s too risky"

Trading is only as risky as you make it. If you take risky trades, then trading is risky. If you don’t, then it isn’t. There will always be the risk of losing money on a trade. That is completely unavoidable. But that could be said about all of life.

Driving is one of the most risky things in the modern world, but we still do it. We reduce the risk by obeying traffic rules, planning our route, wearing seatbelts, paying attention, and all that. Does that completely eliminate the risk that of ending up in an accident? No, it doesn’t. Nor does it necessarily keep us out of traffic jams or from getting lost. We understand the risks, though, and weigh them against our need to get places in a timely fashion.

Trading is the same. We do it because it helps get us where we want to go, in this case financially. There are going to be hiccups along the way, but if we are focused and conscientious, we can minimize the risks, and potentially the damage an unfortunately turn inflicts, and remain on course.

"It’s too complicated"

Technology and competition have combined to make trading so much easier than it has ever been before. All it takes is a couple of clicks and you can execute a trade, check your positions, get news, and anything else you need to do. The fact that you are reading this article says you have all the basic skills necessary to trade or invest.

Can trading be complex? Sure it can. There are those in the markets who use complicated software, mathematical algorithms, even artificial intelligence. None of that is necessary, though. Some of the best traders use little more than price quotes or a simple bar chart. How intricate you get is strictly a matter of personal preference, not necessity.

Is there a learning curve? You bet. Trading is like anything else. There are things you need to know. The good thing, though, is that there are loads of resources out there to help you learn.

Natural and herbal remedies for treating acne

Millions of people are affected by acne all over the world, as the number of skin care products proves it available in the market for treating pimples. Many of the over-the-counter products meant for treating acne contain chemicals, which might deteriorate the skin and might be only a temporary remedy. As the people are now aware of the hazards of the chemical usage, everyone is looking for a natural and herbal remedy to treat acne. Herbal medicines are not harsh because it does not contain any chemicals and are compounded mixtures of naturally available plants and herbs.

Some of the natural herbal treatments for acne:

Natural treatments can be in the form of lotions, creams, home made products or even herbal formulations. Below listed are some ingredients, which can be procured from a herbalist and made to use for treating acne.

Echinacea and tea tree oil are the very common natural herbal remedies known for treating acne and is available widely. Echinacea and Oregon grape can help in increasing the immune system of the body. While tea tree oil consists of terpenoids, which is known for its antifungal and antiseptic property.

Green tea is used in the defense of bacteria lowering the hormone activity, thus acne can be controlled. Almond oil is very good in removing acne scars.

Apricot and citrus juices alleviate the presence of cysts and acts as a natural exfoliate, getting rid of the dead skin cells making the pores free from clogs.

Distilled white vinegar can be applied as a topical solution on the affected area to cleanse the pores. Honey mask helps in the healing process of the skin affected by acne due to its anti bacterial quality.

Green tea, chamomile and oatmeal are excellent herbs for treating inflammation due to its anti inflammatory properties. It helps to soothe the affected part and aids in the release of heat and making the skin to heal properly. When the affected part is washed with oatmeal, the itching sensation is reduced. Ginger helps to reduce redness and inflammation and can be consume in any form.

Licorice is a very important herb used in the treatment of acne since the Middle Ages. Licorice increases mucous secretion, stimulating the adrenal gland function making the natural defense system of the body into overdrive to remove bacteria and germs responsible for acne and pus.

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Netherlands casinos

Although there have been casinos in Europe for over two centuries, most of them were historically situated in resorts and spa towns in countries like France and Germany, as well as Monte Carlo. Netherlands casinos are, by this timescale, a more recent innovation; although discussion about setting up casinos began in earnest after the Second World War, the first casino was not set up until the mid-1970's. Nowadays, though, there are thirteen Netherlands casinos, with plans for a further six, and they are increasingly becoming attractive destinations for foreign visitors to the country.

The first Netherlands casino was built at Zandvoort, on the Dutch coast, in 1976, and was followed by similar venues at Valkenburg and then the coastal resort of Scheveningen. This casino was the largest such facility on the West coast of Europe in its time, although it has since moved to a new building nearby. Aside from these trailblazers, casinos were built throughout Holland during the 1980's at Breda, Nijmegen, and Groningen, and established in the Netherlands' two main cities, Amsterdam and Rotterdam, in 1991 and 1993, respectively.

This trend has continued in recent years, bringing casino facilities to all corners of this small and picturesque country. Although it is now commonplace, it was not until 1995, that Schiphol Airport became the first in the world to house a casino, and the completion of a new venue in Venlo brings to 13 the number of Netherlands casinos, with more expected to follow in the next few years. The largest of these is Holland Casino Utrecht, which has 83 tables and over 1,000 slot machines and video games of various kinds.

All Netherlands casinos are owned and operated by Holland Casino, which holds sole rights to run legal casinos in the country. Although Holland Casino runs extremely professional gambling facilities, there is speculation that this monopoly will soon be relaxed, in order to open up the Dutch casino market to competition, with all the benefits to customers that it brings. Additionally, online casinos are now increasingly popular among Dutch citizens, and it is anticipated that this sector will continue to grow in coming years.

All told, Netherlands casinos welcome some 5 million visitors per year through their doors and are fast becoming an essential part of the tourist experience for all travelers to Holland, offering professional service and pleasant ambience in comfortable surroundings, whether you are in Holland for a long stay or just passing the time in Amsterdam's busy Schiphol Airport.

Saturday, 29 October 2016

I m looking for a business opportunity in vending

The past 50 years has seen the vending business grow into a big industry. The vending industry has passed $40 billion dollars in yearly sales, that is an average growth rate of more than 10% a year. You can’t go anywhere without seeing at least one vending machine, they have become a part of the scenery.

You can choose your poison, do you want to vend candy, gumballs, snacks, cold food, hot food, coffee and tea, or soda. Just about anything you can think of can now be gotten from a vending machine. A business opportunity in vending has become a very lucrative business indeed. You will never find another business that will pay you the amount you will get from a business opportunity in vending, for the time you will spend working your route.

Do not be fooled in to thinking that you will make a great deal of money for doing nothing. It will take a good deal of work to start a business opportunity in vending. You will need to find the right location for the product you want to sell. You need to find a location with a good deal of foot traffic, with consumers who buy the type of product you have in mind.

You may need a new idea to get into a good location, as there are usually vending machines present. Try to think of something different you can vend so that stores and establishments will be interested in adding you as a vendor. You will need to find machines to sell your product, and you will need to service these machines once a week. Above all keep your inventory fresh and keep your machines clean and eye appealing. People will think twice before they purchase food from a dirty machine.

It will usually take anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes to service a machine. If you have 50 machines you will spend about 5 to 6 hours a week to keep your route maintained in the beginning. After you get used to the route, you will be able to cut down this time considerably.

This is a business with virtually no overhead, few hours, and big rewards. A business opportunity in vending might be the best thing for you. Before you put any money into this or any business, you will need to learn everything you can about it. You can learn about vending on certain websites, or take advantage of ebooks on the subject.

When you feel you know enough about undertaking a business opportunity in vending, and you still want to invest in this business, you will probably do quite well. It is usually the person who goes into this, or any business without knowing how it works, who will fail before a year is up. They are unaware of the problems that can befall them, and when something happens they do not know how to handle it. If you are prepared for the worst you will be able to handle the bad, and excel with the good.

If you are serious about finding a business opportunity in vending, use the advice given above to your advantage. If you do not have the time to do a little homework on the business you want to sink your money into, you may as well throw your hard earned cash out the window and let the breeze blow it away. The world is full of failed businesses, don’t let yours be one of them.

Business operating cost cashflow - how to manage business operating capital

Operating expenses are those costs every business has that are not considered directly related to a company’s first line of business. Operating costs include sales and marketing, research and development (R&D), administrative costs and other costs which does not involve directly in the business

Investors want to make sure management is doing the best job it can to keep these costs in control as well as maintaining their bottom line. Operating expenses are available on the financial statements that every publicly traded company files with the SEC.

Management also must do a good job turning a profit with its own operations. That means the costs associated with cost of goods sold (COGS), etc. must generate more than those costs. If not, well, the company must be in the wrong line of business. Companies should never be operating at a loss. If a company is operating at a loss exactly why needs to be interpreted by the prospective investor

Operating margins represent the direct relationship between sales revenue and operating income. The operating margin of a firm is the operating income divided by net sales. It shows how much gross profit a company generates before taxes.

Well-managed companies should increase these margins from year to year. The higher these margins are the more profits are available to return to shareholders investing in the company. Operating margins can be a useful tool when comparing two prospective stocks that compete within the same market.

Higher operating margins represent a company in a better position to generate income. For example, a company with a lower operating margin than a competitor in its market will have less flexibility in determining prices. It’s competitor with higher profit margins will know this about it’s competitor and can “go for the jugular” by slashing prices and stealing market share.

Thursday, 27 October 2016

Speaking a language and learning french

French for native English speakers is a lot different if you try to look at it from all sides. You may learn everything about the French language especially the primary rules that are used but there are times when you just can’t seem to retrieve all the grammar and language rules immediately and what just comes out of your mouth is the intuition that tells you to use the words that you are capable of saying.

Likewise, when you think about it, each time you speak, you really don’t take time to think about the general rules and the application of the language and yet you are still able to say what you want to say. You are also still able to express your opinions and feelings. This ability is due to our language intuition. It is what makes us recognize a language no matter how fast it is said or how quickly we read it.

Usually, most people would think about what they need to remember at all times so they’d be able to say what they want to say correctly. Yes, it is inevitable to learn the grammar rules especially if you are new to the language. But most likely, when you are on you’re own and you find yourself sitting outside a cafй in one of the streets of Paris, sipping latte and talking to a French friend, you’d realize that what you say in French didn’t have to count on whether you’re able to review the grammar lessons in your head or not but as long as you can converse with your French friend then that is fine.

Of course, at times, you will still have doubts to how you release a sentence verbally or clerically. It happens and this is when your grammatical knowledge becomes useful. If you think you need more help in how to be understood while speaking French, read a lot of French material.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Regional cuisines of china

It’s easily one of the world’s favorite foods. No matter where you are, someone you know is bound to suggest, “Hey, let’s do Chinese.” For decades, Chinese food meant one thing – Cantonese cuisine. It was the style of Chinese cooking with which most of the world was familiar – the appetizers and roasted meats and delicate sauces that blend vegetables and spices in a perfect marriage of flavors. But Chinese food is far more than just the Cantonese cuisine. There are four major styles of cooking across China, and several more subdivisions to divide them even further.

Cantonese is the most well-known and popular of the Chinese regional cuisine styles. Cantonese chefs specialize in delicate sauces and roasted meats, in steamed and stir-fried dishes with vegetables that are as carefully chosen for appearance and appeal to the eye as to the palate. Steamed rice is a staple of Cantonese cuisine, and is the base of most meals. Every vegetable is sliced to best show off its color and shape, even in a stir-fry or sauce. One of the more enduring and widely enjoyed traditions of Cantonese cooking is ‘dim sum’ – ‘little hearts’. In many cities, both in China and in other countries around the world, you’ll find little dim sum shops tucked beneath stairways and in storefront shops. They serve tea and the delicious savory and sweet little dim sum pastries to businessmen and afternoon shoppers.

Szechwan cuisine has grown in popularity over the last few decades. Most famous for searingly spicy foods like Kung Pao Chicken and Double Cooked Spicy Pork, Szechwan cuisine is a distinct style of cooking that is native to the landlocked mountainous center of China. The pungent flavors of ginger, fermented soybean, onions and garlic characterize much Szechwan cuisine, but there are also more subtle dishes that rely on the interweaving of texture and flavor. The typical cooking methods include frying, frying without oil, pickling and braising.

Hunan cuisine is the most well known of the several regional Chinese cuisine styles from Zheijiang region of China. It is characterized by thick, rich sauces and complex pungent flavors. Typical ingredients include scallions, chili and pepper. A popular favorite dish in the Hunan style is Pepper Chicken, with small chunks of succulent chicken quick-fried with black pepper and onions.

Shangdong cuisine is characterized by its emphasis on fresh ingredients in combinations that emphasize the flavor, aroma, color and texture of each ingredient. The Shangdong regional cuisine is known for delicate flavor combinations that are surprisingly pungent. Garlic and scallions are frequent ingredients, as are seafood, fresh vegetables and shoots. The soups are either thin and clear with a light flavor, or thick and pungent, rich with cream and spices. One of the most famous dishes from the Shangdong area, Bird’s Nest Soup, is typically served at major affairs of state.

While these are four of the main styles of Chinese regional cuisine, there are a number of others worthy of note. Fujian and Jiangsu Cuisine both focus on seafood and shellfish, accompanied by fresh vegetables. Fujian cuisine blends sweet, sour, savory and salt flavors in magical combinations. Jiangsu cuisine is light, fresh and sweet, and is characterized by its elegant presentation. More than any other style of Chinese regional cuisine, it emphasizes appearance as an important part of the appeal of a meal.

China is a complex country, with many smaller nationalities and regions within its borders. Most have typical styles of cooking that are starkly different than those of other regions around them. It is, however, a nation whose love affair with food has produced some of the most complex, rich, delicate and delicious dishes ever created.

Building financial security steps 4 to 6

4. Learn to Set Goals

Most self made, successful business people and investors have achieved their success by planning to do so.

They have set goals for themselves and achieved them. They invest time in reading and learning about wealth creation and are happy to learn from other people’s mistakes and experiences, as well as their own. They set goals, and realise that they will be far better able to achieve them if they familiarise themselves with the ways in which other people acted and the things that others have done to succeed. Wealthy people create wealth by carefully utilising the income that they have available to them to their best advantage. They know that working harder and longer hours is not the way to achieve financial freedom, instead they have to utilise what they have, and make it grow.

Having a goal enables you to focus your energies on devising ways to achieve it. When someone makes a decision and begins focusing on achieving a specific goal (and even better in a specific period of time), the powerful subconscious mind goes to work and begins playing with ideas and developing strategies of various ways to bring about the successful completion of the goal.

When you set yourself a goal both your conscious and subconscious start working on it and begin to develop an action plan. You will begin asking yourself questions about what needs to be done to enable you to reach your goal. Many find themselves coming up with amazing ideas and solutions to problems or obstacles that have been in the way of achieving their goal. The subconscious is an extremely powerful tool. The more often you remind yourself of your goal, the more your mind will work on ways for you to achieve it. Some people find answers come to them when they are asleep and dreaming.

Have you ever noticed that there is no correlation between being wealthy and having a high IQ or a university degree? If there were, every doctor and university graduate would be wealthy, and as statistics show, most of them end up in the same situation as 95% of the population.

Setting Goals helps you to focus your energy on developing workable strategies. Setting long term goals helps you look at the big picture. Once you can see the big picture, you can develop small sub goals. Sub goals are small simple goals that can be followed one step at a time. When you progressively achieve your sub goals, you will get closer and closer to your major goals. Goals are simply plans to succeed. It is said that if you “Fail to plan, then you plan to fail”. Goals help you keep motivated. Progressively achieving your goals can lead to a wonderful feeling of fulfilment.

5. Learn how to Budget.

Budgeting does not have to be tedious. All you need to do is to work out:

What your incomings are. What your regular outgoings are and then make sure that all of your other expenditure is less than the amount remaining. This will allow you to start saving and investing. Budgeting puts you in control of your finances.

6. Learn about investing – in particular about property investing.

Learn to research the property market, so that you will be able to purchase properties that will not only give a good rental yield, but they will also return the best capital growth possible. Read investment books. Read auto-biographies of successful people. Speak to people who have succeeded in doing what it is that you want to do. The more you learn, the easier it will be to recognise a good investment.

Find out about Negative, Neutral and Positive gearing – and why gearing is an invaluable tool, which will enable you to build up a wealth base in accelerated time, compared to if you only invested your own hard earned dollars.

Once you have educated yourself and understand why investing in property is such a powerful tool, you will be able to embark on the road to financial security.

In Australia, and many other countries less than 5% of the population reach retirement able to support themselves, without government or family assistance. If you want to be one of them, then now is the best time to start striving toward financial security.

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Alpha body language what it is and how to get it

Perhaps you have been wondering why other men get more attracted glances from the opposite sexes than you when you thought that there’s nothing really that much difference between them and you especially if you’d talk about physical appearances. And because you worry too much about this concern, you probably have splurged and treat yourself to gigantic makeovers just to make sure you won’t be left behind in terms of alpha male visual appearance or even aiming to outdo this lucky male species around. This action of yours could bring your aura a difference and could elevate your charm into a higher level but it seems this is not entirely enough. Those lucky guys are still getting those glances from the dreamy eyes of many women. What could be those alpha males possess that you don’t?

With this case at hand, you should have looked long ago on how your vibes are affecting those human beings who belong to the opposite sexes. Notice how high-status-man strut their trot around; notice how they move carelessly but confidently; notice how they project so well when you thought they really lack the real value of a face or physique. Perhaps, you have been too consumed on the belief that physical being per se is the most important aspect in order to attract women. This is where you could be wrong but you can change your outlook easily and emanate the charm and attraction you so crave about. The secret of alpha males lies in their body language.

The truth why these males move around with so much difference than the likes of you is they know how to project their body language and ooze with so much animalistic appeal that make them hot stuff among women. The alpha male’s body language make women drool over them they practically would follow them around just so they’d get a chance to meet these hot stuffs. These alpha males move around with ease, natural, and relaxed way you would almost believe they are oblivious to what is happening around them but in truth, alert and smart enough to know the buzz around.

Alpha males don’t allow worries to grasp their attention too much, they let these slip away from them and instead take things in neutral manner so that they won’t dwell much on thoughts that would take their logical sense away. You would find these alpha males generally move unhurriedly but with an exact sense of direction and greater control of time so that they evidence of nervousness won’t appear and do not produce jerky movements like that with beta males. Simple body languages like these are not that difficult to master.

If you would want to portray aura like of those alpha males and end those lousy beta male movements of yours, it wouldn’t take you long before you realize that more women would be clamoring for your attention. First off, start with assessing your body language. Perhaps you only need to break the thin line etched between being a beta male and transform yourself into an alpha male. Perhaps, your body language is the one that needs a total makeover and gain that impression and characteristic that alpha males are rich of. By starting to eliminate your body language or your movements and behaviors that convey lack of confidence on your part or being unsure of yourself, this could be the turning point to release those unconscious turn-off habits of yours.

As mentioned earlier, the key to being an alpha male is by being relaxed in all your movements. If you ooze a natural appeal, you could be easily trap attention and instantly get noticed by those human species belonging to opposite sexes without exerting too much effort on your part.

Monday, 24 October 2016

Back exercise stretches for back pain

Back exercise stretches the lower back muscles to help bring relief to back pain caused by over-stressed back muscles. Spine rehabilitation too is done through back exercise. People suffering from back pain are put through an exercise regimen, as exercise stretches the back and promotes better blood circulation in the area.

You will hear many people complain of back pain occasionally. About 75% to 85% of the people experience back pain at some point of time in their life. The most common area of back pain is the lumbar region of the spine. This is the region that bears most of the body weight. Sudden twisting and bending can cause injury to the back. Back pain also occurs when the muscles get stiff because of poor posture. Back exercise stretches the stiff muscles to provide relief.

Back Exercise Stretches – For Back Pain Relief

Back exercise stretches need to be performed softly. You should treat your back gently and not subject it jerky and violent movement. The exercise routine that you follow should start gently, and gradually build over a period of a few weeks. You could cause more harm than good, if you do not follow expert advice in matters of back exercise.

Warm up your body before you embark on the stretching routine. Exercise stretches the muscles, ligaments and tendons in the area surrounding the back. The muscles and tendons associated with the spine are designed for movement. Hence, they need to be stretched everyday to perform optimally. The hamstring muscles are an important factor in back pain problems. Most people with back pain have stiff hamstring muscles.

Stand comfortably with your feet shoulder width apart. Now slowly bend forward and try to touch your toes with your hands without bending your knees. Your action should be smooth and not jerky. Be careful not to overdo the stretching part. Stop when you feel pain. This exercise stretches your hamstring muscles. Your back pain will improve gradually, as you continue with the exercise. The exercise can also be performed while lying down.

Best dog accessories

People need accessories to accentuate the beauty of a certain thing. Though, there are times that they buy accessories in order to protect the product against harmful elements in the environment.

All of these concepts go the same way when applied to taking care of dogs. People who are into dogs know how important dog accessories are. In fact, many dog lovers even contend that buying dog accessories gives the same satisfaction as shopping for accessories is to women.

Today, there many dog accessories available in the market and choosing the best dog accessories can be very wearisome. So, it’s important to know the factors that need to be taken into consideration before buying them. Here are some tips on what to look for when buying dog accessories.

1. Dog collars

There are varieties of dog collars available in the market today, ranging from plain to fancy. Whatever type or design one may prefer, the most important thing to consider is that it should properly fit to the dog. It should never be too loose or too tight. Experts say that the ideal space between the dog’s neck and the collar should be two fingers wide.

2. Dog leash

If the owner is fond of bringing his dog to the park or just for a walk around the corner, it is best to buy a quality leash. It should provide convenience both for the dog owner and the dog.

3. Food and water bowls

Dogs are like people too. That is why it is important to buy them quality food bowls and water bowls that will not be easily tripped or spill over.

4. Dog toys

Most dogs are fond of playing, so, it’s best to give them toys to gnash, chew, or bite with. Having his own things will make him more behaved instead of chewing the slippers or shoes.

5. Doghouses

When placed outside, dogs should have their own place for shelter. This is to keep them away from direct sunlight or from the rains.

Indeed, choosing the best dog accessories are relatively important. The point here is that if dog owners know how to respect their dogs by giving them the things that they need, chances are, their dogs will give them the respect and service that their masters are expecting from them.

So, it’s important to bear in mind that the next time people decide on buying a dog, it’s best to buy them their accessories as well.

Sunday, 23 October 2016

Sports betting affiliate program marketing earning commissions with conversions

If you own a site that commands a huge amount of traffic, but as yet have not found a way in which to turn your traffic into cash then you may want to consider an online marketing program. The affiliate-marketing program is a way of generating revenue, without having to go through any of the complications of having to sell products or dealing with customers. All that is required is that a website owner be willing to host advertising materials, such as banners and text links within the site. Amazingly there are no strings, no complications and no fees to be paid, making it a simple and effective way to earn money out of a site without any hassle.

The Affiliate marketing program works by rewarding website owners with a sort of commission based revenues. One of the most successful and profitable programs is that of sports betting. The online sports betting revolution has changed the face of Internet gaming and betting. It's unprecedented growth rate and enormous turnover of billions of dollars each year, has made sports betting one of the most successful online gaming sectors. Due to the success of the industry and the potential growth rate and clientele base it provides the perfect business partner for a new affiliate.

Not only has online sports betting become a multi-billion dollar industry, but they have also become generous with the proceeds of their business. Affiliates are reaping the benefits of this success, by earning exorbitant revenues from the players that they manage to attract through the affiliate sites. Rather than offering a small payment on receipt of a new customer, the sports betting affiliate program offers a percentage of each player's lifetime money generated for the site. With percentages topping 35%, there is an extremely valuable pool of opportunity for new affiliates to exploit.

Through a number of non-intrusive advertisements any sites can develop a revenue that will make the most out of your sites traffic. The affiliate marketing program is a simple an effective way of subsidising any income and making the most of your websites popularity. Without having to concern yourself with customers or large expenditures, the sports betting affiliate program offers an outlet of opportunity. Best of all the system is fully automated, meaning that the affiliate program or sports betting site will sort out all of the payments and track the customer base. Leaving you as the affiliate site owner, free to review and track their account as the money comes in.

Saturday, 22 October 2016

Cuba s diving spots

If you think that Cuba is all about those expensive Cuban cigars and lively Cuban music and pretty Latin women and Fidel Castro, then think again. Cuba holds some of the world’s best beaches and diving spots. Hurray for the eager scuba diver! Set your fins to the right direction and make sure your scuba equipment is functional. Vamos a Cuba!

• Cayo Coco – a 5-star diving spot! Great underwater scenery and marine life. Eagle rays and barracudas abound. The reef is well preserved and there are no signs of man-inflicted damage of any sort. Accommodations are at par excellence with top hotels and the services from the staff are pretty much amazing.

• Cayo Largo – excellent place for reef and coral diving! Cayo Largo’s diverse marine ecology is a wonder to behold. Marine life is flourishing from sharks and rays to very alive reef systems. Cayo Largo promises enjoyable dives every time you go down.

• Holguin – offers the second largest reef in the world (the first goes to Australia’s Great Barrier Reef). Big reef translates to beautiful marine ecosystems bursting with life and colors. Accommodations are limited but that goes right out the window when you dive in. Holguin is a jewel among diving spots.

• Varadero – situated further up the coast of Cayo Coco, Varadero does not lag when it comes to underwater beauty. Aside from the marine life exploding underneath the surface, there are also wreckages from the ties with the former USSR (planes and warships). A great place if you want to enrich your history and fascinations with war machines.

• Bay of Pigs - perhaps the most popular diving spot in Cuba. Thanks to the failed invasion of the US during the Cuban Missile Crisis, Bay of Pigs has now evolved from a place etched in political history to one of the greatest diving spot in the world. Oh, they also have pretty coral reefs that offers aquatic life at its finest. Truly, Bay of Pigs is a must destination for the novice and experienced divers.

Better make your Spanish straight if you plan to dive in Cuban waters, You are going to need it.

How diet can help anti-aging

For centuries people have been searching for the fountain of youth. Although this is in itself a fantasy you can increase your chances of living longer by making a few adjustments to the way you eat. Basically it all boils down to one factor diet. The old saying “you are what you eat” holds true when it comes to anti-aging. Eating better is the key to better health and increasing your chances of living longer.

What do we mean by eating better? Here are a few points:

Cutting down our salt, and pure sugar intake

Cutting down but not eliminating carbohydrates

Eating more of these foods:



Legumes and lentils (peas, beans) etc

Whole grain breads, rice and cereals

All fish except for shell fish

Added to this list are foods that give extra boosts of phytochemicals that help the immune system and a variety of body functions. Blueberries, cranberries and strawberries all contain phytochemicals. These are readily available in grocery stores. However to get the benefit of the phytochemicals, these berries must be vine ripened and picked within the last 48 hours. You can also grow these small fruit trees and shrubs yourself and enjoy that fresh from the garden taste.

Other “super foods” include:

Chlorella, is a small green algae which is loaded with, proteins, carbohydrates, all of the B vitamins, vitamins C and E, amino, enzymes and rare trace minerals

Spirulina is a complete plant based protein that helps the auto immune system. It also contains trace mineral contents it helps with blood sugar maintenance and brain function.

Sea vegetables (like seaweed), this would include seaweeds like kelp.

Broccoli Sprouts, you can get these at many grocery stores in the produce section or at the health food store.

Quinoa is a grain protein and is a good source of fiber and complex carbohydrates.

Soybeans and soy products like tofu or soymilk. These are also available in the produce section of the grocery store.

Flax seed - this is a good source of Omega-3 oils, which are helpful in heart conditions.

Diet is very important when it comes to anti-aging and with these suggestions you can easily make a few adjustments to your diet. At first it is a little hard to adjust but once you get into good eating habits you will feel better and look better. Plus you will be able to have more energy to do the things you want to do and get more out of life. Research has proven that when you add exercise to healthy eating you can indeed prolong your life by just a few simple changes to your lifestyle.

Friday, 21 October 2016

Managed link strategies - the page brin effect

Improving your websites rankings in search engines requires an effective link strategy.

In the development period of Google's existence, its founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, were burning the midnight oil trying to discover a way to determine the importance of a web site.

The concept they arrived at is now known as link popularity.

The basic idea is simple: If web site "A" has a lot of other web sites linking to it, then all these llinking sites must think that web site "A" is important.

In other words, each incoming link to your web site can be considered as a vote. The more votes your web site achieves, the more importance Google, and other major search engines will give to it. This means that in the all seeing eyes of search engines your web site is more relevant if it has a lot of incoming links. So the more relevancy you can acquire for your web pages means higher search engine rankings (all major search engines appear to have adopted the Google model).

After your web site has been assessed for the number of incoming links (or backlinks), and the quality, see later, of those links, Google will assign a value, called Page Rank (PR), to the web pages on your web site. This is a numeric value between 0 and 10. Higher PR indicating more importance.

So, improving my web sites Google ranking is as simple as that?

Unfortunately the answer is NO! This is because the Google algorithm is a complex beast. There are over one hundred other things that Google check for, and there are different types of links. Each type carrying more or less relevancy.

So, the types of link are:

1) Outgoing: where your site links to another site. No use to you in terms of PR.

2) Reciprocal: where two sites exchange links, this now has less value than it used to have since a recent Google update, but is still effective on other search engines.

3) One way Incoming: A link to your site pure and simple, where your site does not link back. This is what you need to build PR. This is a vote for your site and is far more powerful than a reciprocal link.

What's in a name?

Now you know the type of link that's needed (how to get one-way incoming links will be discussed elsewhere) there is still more that will affect your PR. This concerns the link anchor text. Link anchor text is the visible part of a link, i. e., the text you click on.

Link anchor text in a link pointing to your home page should contain the main keyword that your home page is optimised for. However, if you have many links all with the same anchor text it looks, to Google, like spamming and may cause lesser significance being given to those links. Therefore, vary your anchor text.

As can be seen, generating a successful crop of links can be a time consuming process. And there are many pitfalls along the way.

Herbal supplements for memory

With the advent of the information superhighway and the need for knowledge higher than ever, it can be difficult to cope with life when you have a bad memory. Luckily, people around the world have been using herbal supplements for memory for thousands of years, and many of them that have been proven effective are available today.

Here are a couple of herbal supplements for memory that can help you get your thought process back on track:

Fish Oil:

Harvested from the bodies of fish, fish oil is purified through a scientific process and turned into supplement form. Containing Omega-3 fatty acids, fish oil can have numerous effects on your body for the better. For one, fish oil can aid in preventing the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. It has also been associated with better memory, clearer thinking, and health of the heart. One of the best nutrients for brain health, this supplement’s effect on your body can be vast.

Be sure to only purchase pharmaceutical grade fish oil, however, since this is the process which removes the heavy metals found in fish due to pollutants. If your fish oil is not pharmaceutical grade, you run the risk of consuming such dangerous materials as mercury. In addition to being a great one of the herbal supplements for memory, the other numerous effects it has on your health are wide-spanning and helpful.

Ginkgo Biloba:

Ginkgo Biloba is another one of the herbal supplements for memory on the market that promises to aid your depression in addition to a host of other features. Ginkgo is the oldest known tree in the world, and its primary effect on the human body is improving cerebral circulation. Ginkgo Biloba is also known to increase oxygenation of brain tissues.

Due to these two features, Gingko has been linked to better brain health and is used for memory loss, depression, and even headaches. Another sound fact to know is that ginkgo has no known side effects.

These herbal supplements for memory can definitely change your life for the better.

Why not check out our nutrition guide at nutritional-supplement-guides. com/nut-ebook. html


710 words

The shadow is a moral problem that challenges the whole ego-personality, for no one can become conscious of the shadow without considerable moral effort.

To become conscious of it involves recognizing the dark aspect of the personality as present and real. This act is the essential condition for self-knowledge, and it therefore as a rule meet with considerable resistance. These shadows are repressed elements of the personality which we choose not to be identified with.

..Carl Jung

Shadows lurk in the deep recesses of the psyche. It is buried in the heart, in the mind; it is part of us. It follows us, it frightens us, and they come to us in different ways, but always, fits our lifestyle, our beliefs or therof. The shadow is not a mere concept or a matter of perception. It is very real!

Just as there is light, there is also darkness. Is it possible to deny the shadow element? It is usually the worst side of the person. The courageous person may have a cowardly shadow. The kind, gentle and caring person may have a cruel side hiding behind all that softness. Even among the most benevolent, the most

respected personalities and leaders in every field of endeavor, part of their shadow element peeks through their eloquence and their elegance.

Do they really know themselves, or having denied their shadow element, they find their views, their words and their actions in conflict. This is not intentional - the internal shadow conflicts they fail to deal with come to surface at the worst moment.

Is it possible to ignore or avoid the shadow? Some call it demons that stick around every dark corner, every perilous turn, in every struggle and conflict. When we are at the lowest point in our lives, shadows haunt us.

It is that part of ourselves that we leave in the closet as we face our public and put our best foot forward. Hide them, deny them, suppress them, would they just vanish?

These actions may end up attracting these shadows into our lives in other ways.

Do shadows impact on our lives? Do they mean anything? Shadows come in many forms. They can come as temptations, obsessions, addictions, co-dependency and other forms of indulgence. Shadows appear in the darkness cloaked in fear; shake us at our core.

Shadows also show as projections. It can be a dislike of certain traits in people, unjustified and unexplainable. We don’t like what we see perhaps it mirrors part of us that we choose to ignore or may not even be aware of.

Are you comfortable with your friends? If not, ask yourself, why do you hang out with them? Do you judge them harshly? If so, why do you share your precious time with them?

Do you tend to make a compromise that you can not meet? What about the times you get angry at the slightest provocation at times by the same person.

There are times we look for our shadows in the face of other people. We even attract them into our lives. Buried deep, these shadows may drive us to places we dare not go.

Pundits would say it is not wise to deny the shadow element. They believe the only way is to confront it, deal with it and work through the conflicts it creates.

Each one has their personal demons to deal with and to face, otherwise, it follows us in less conscious ways. There are lessons from the shadow element. To become aware of it, we need to go deeper into ourselves, be all that we can be, assuredly.

We can take the good. Work with the bad, see the light, face the darkness without fear. Go deep within; let the fears and insecurities buried deep within surface. Confront the anger seething under the skin.

We are not perfect. No matter how many dark clouds hover above us, no matter how long the dark night is, light will surely come. These dark nights offer a chance to enrich and nourish our spirit, our soul and our lives. It helps us to align ourselves with our highest purpose.

By striving for greater balance, endurance and perspective, we generate more personal power and strength.


Domain names

The Internet has changed our lifestyle, and even our lives, in so many ways. We use the Internet to communicate, entertain, shop, work and even to find love. Our vocabularies are now peppered with new words and phrases that didn't even exist a decade ago. 'Domain Name' is one phrase of particular value to webmasters and Internet users alike.

Domain names are distinct titles that recognize unique sites on the web. All domain names become a portion of the URL, or website address. There are generally three main components to domain names, each separated by a dot.

To fully explain the nature and use of domain names, it's best to use a concrete example. One of the most common and widely identified domain names on the web today is google. com. Virtually every Internet user is familiar with Google. As in all domain names, the first section is "www", which stands for World Wide Web, the host server where the site is found. The second part, 'google', identifies the organization or company name. The third and final component, '.com', mirrors the type of organization. Web addresses that end in '.com' are generally considered to be top-level domain names. Other top-level domain names used on the Internet include. org for an organization,.gov for government agencies,.net for a network, and. edu for an educational institution.

When searching online for websites, domain name experts contend that one of the best and easiest ways to locate organizations or companies is to incorporate the appropriate top-level domain name. Finding a particular site is easier if you know that the domain name ends in. org or. net. If you're looking for the FBI website, you'll try fbi. gov, because you know that it is a government site and will likely end with. gov. An exact and concrete awareness of domain names is key to finding the desired site.

There are literally hundreds of thousands of domain names registered on the Internet. Creating a registering a good domain name makes your website stand out and become easier to find.

Diesel vs. unleaded the truth about fuel economy

Ahh, you remember it, don't you? Sitting in the back of your family's station wagon as a kid, your father pulls up to the gas pump and a station attendant—an occupation about as extinct as the dinosaurs—came running out with a rag in his hand, leaned into the driver's window and said… "Diesel or unleaded?"

Those days are long gone. And I'm not just referring to the attendant. Nowadays, at least in the U. S., you can expect to find three things at a gas pump: self-serve, pay first, and unleaded gasoline only.

Misconceptions about diesel fuel being "dirtier" than unleaded gas several years ago ultimately led to diesel's obsolescence in the more environmentally progressive United States. Car companies began to manufacture cars that, for the most part, ran on traditional gasoline.

In response, however, steps were taken to improve the cleanliness of diesel and now major car companies have begun to sell diesel-powered vehicles to consumers once again.

In the past, especially in the United States, diesel fuel was considerably dirtier than unleaded gasoline. Vehicles in the United States also tended to be built for traditional gasoline, with the exception of large trucks, buses, and semis. In recent years, however, steps have been taken to improve the cleanliness of diesel fuel through regulation, and many companies have begun selling popular consumer cars that run on diesel fuel.

One such company is Isuzu Motors, known for its popular 5-passenger Ascender SUV, and two models of high-performing pick up trucks (the i-290 and i-370). Isuzu's diesel engines have won a laundry list of awards in past years including "Truck of the Year" by Motor Trend Magazine, "Executive Diesel Car of the Year 2002" by Diesel Car Magazine (a publication in the U. K.), "Germany's best small and compact car of the Year 2001" by Mot Magazine (published in Germany), as well as having been named multiple times by Ward's Communications of the U. S. as one of the "10 Best Engines." In addition, Isuzu vehicles were voted the top medium-duty truck brand six times in seven years by truck dealers. Impressive, but not fully convinced that diesel's better? Keep reading…

Diesel fuel actually burns more efficiently than gasoline, thus having a better fuel economy—about 30% more efficient on average. Why?

Diesel is denser than its unleaded competitor. Proponents of gasoline are quick to point out that diesel engines produce more greenhouse emissions, which is true, emissions with diesel are about 15% higher than those of traditional unleaded gas due to higher volumetric energy density. However, the increased fuel efficiency more than offsets the higher percentage, so in the long run, diesels produce less emissions — 15% more per gallon used, but a trip in the good ole family car will use 30% less fuel to get to wherever you're going.

Granted, this wasn't the case with Dad's old wagon. Back then, before the anti-diesel crusade, diesel engines were creating more emissions because they simply weren't efficient. Now, with the modern diesel engine achieving a 20- 40% better fuel economy, it's time to give diesel a second look.

But that's not the only exciting news about diesel. Originally, the diesel engine was created as a way to run vehicles using vegetable oils. While farmers originally couldn't compete with big oil companies, with gas prices soaring, there's been a renewed interest in alternative fuel sources—and food-based diesel fuels can be produced quickly, cheaply, and with the abundance of products grown in our very own country. These "hybrid diesels" also known as "biodiesel" are compatible with existing diesel engines and can also be made from waste oils gathered from restaurants or homes—an alternative that serves several ecological benefits at the same time.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

The hoodia scams have lasted long enough

The big news about Hoodia supplements is that almost all Hoodia Gordonii products available today are ineffective – using fake hoodia. A well respected health author claims over 90% of the hoodia gordonii are known to be fake. This data seems to be backed up my major testing facilities who are claiming similar numbers.

So we did some research of our own and there's buzz on a newer Hoodia Gordonii product called Hoodia Prime. We used it on our test subject to see what she would say.

The results aren't what you might think they would be. But more on that in a minute.

When was the last time you stopped and thought about the companies that create the natural health supplements you take? Often times, it is easy to assume that the regulatory forces that ensure our food is safe, our water is clean, and our medications are effective will ensure that everything we put in our bodies is safe and sound. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Industries such as the natural health industry can be harder to regulate and with products like Hoodia Gordonii, which is supposed to be produced almost entirely in South Africa, and the shortcuts and scams that exist are more widely spread than many purchasers realize.

So we tried Hoodia Prime. Our test subject took the suggested dosage. Nothing happened. We continued trying it, still nothing. It sure did seem like this was another hoodia Gordonii product that fell into the scam category.

But then by the end of day two, something happened. Our test subject said she was not hungry for dinner. A fluke? Perhaps. Read on.

The very next day she awoke and again was not at all hungry. This was definitely not the norm for this person, who typically ate a hearty dinner and would almost always eat a breakfast. She took her recommended dosage of two Hoodia Prime capsules in the morning with a glass of orange juice.

Again, throughout the day, no hunger whatsoever. She said she had to literally remind herself to eat, and when she did eat, it was a forced action, only because she knew she had to eat.

This Natures Biology Hoodia Prime was definitely working. But was it real Hoodia or some other ingredient that was causing the appetite suppression? Companies have been known to put other things in their capsules, and we were going to find out if this was the case here.

The lot # on our bottle had been part of a large lot that was independently tested at Alkemists Pharmaceuticals. This company tests the majority of the Hoodia on the market and has found more fakes than you'll find at a plastic surgeons office.

Theses were the three tests performed:

Analysis of Identity and Purity

Analysis of Chromatagraphy

Analysis of Macroscopy and Microscopy

Using these three tests, a company isn't going to fool anybody with any fake Hoodia. There are things they can do to get around each test, but you can't fool all three tests at once.

What we found by reviewing the tests conducted on Hoodia Prime is that it's the real deal. It passed all three rigorous tests without a hiccup, and was proved to be pure South African Hoodia Gordonii. In a world where 9 out of 10 Hoodia Gordonii products are scames, Hoodia Prime stood out and shined.

Not only did it pass the lab tests, but it passed our own test where our very own test subject used the product and verified its effectiveness. Natures Biology, the company that makes Hoodia Prime, also says it conducts its own lab tests at yet an additional lab facility.

So, our hats come off to the folks at Natures Biology for bringing a quality product like Hoodia Prime to the market. Bravo.

Having said that, if you are contemplating any other product other than Hoodia Prime, keep in mind that your Hoodia Gordonii supplement may be packed with things you don't know about. Since Hoodia took off as a weight loss option in recent years, manufacturer have been using it as a front to sell essentially useless products to buyers who don't know any better.

The main concern for many people, especially those who regularly take health supplements, is that they are getting what they paid for. The product needs to be the exact ingredients that are listed on the bottle – this is the very reason that there are laws in place requiring such labeling, to ensure those with allergies and special needs are able to accurately measure what they intake.

Yet, these safety protocols are worthless when manufacturers like those that make counterfeit Hoodia Gordonii lie on their labels and produce products that are full of fillers such as sawdust, random plants from other countries, and cheap ingredients that can by highly allergenic. Not only that, but often times these cheap ingredients will interact with existing medications that a consumer may be taking, causing an increased risk of liver, heart, or brain damage.

So tread carefully before you buy something. Pure Hoodia is certainly effective at appetite control, as proven via our test. But just remember, 9 out of 10 Hoodia Gordonii products are believed to be fake.

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

4 facts you never knew about absinthe

1) Absinthe was invented at the end of the eighteenth century. Absinthe was actually invented by a French doctor named Pierre Ordinaire. He invented absinthe by distilling wormwood and several other herbs into an alcoholic base. Although this may seem strange in today’s modern world of medicine, at the time it was considered a viable remedy for patients with various ailments.

2) Although it contains special properties that other alcoholic drinks do not, absinthe actually contains an extremely high amount of alcohol. To put it in perspective, most brands of gin, whiskey and vodka contain approximately forty percent alcohol. Depending on the brand of absinthe, it can contain anywhere from fifty to seventy percent alcohol. Therefore, although you should enjoy any absinthe experience you have to the fullest, make sure you enjoy it responsibly and do not attempt to drive a car after spending an extended amount of time with the Green Fairy.

3) Absinthe has been associated with the Green Fairy since the nineteenth century. The French originally gave absinthe the nickname La Fee Verte, which the English later translated into the Green Fairy. However, Green Fairy is not the only nickname that has been given to absinthe over the years. Aleister Crowley gave absinthe the nickname Green Goddess, while many artists and poets coined the term Green Muse for absinthe.

4) Modern science has actually attempted to take a stab at explaining exactly how the Green Fairy works. In 2000, scientists studied the effects of the wormwood herb on the human brain. The study was conducted by a variety of researchers at Berkeley, the University of California and Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago. After extensive research, the scientists found that wormwood (along with other components of absinthe) cause "CNS cholinergic receptor binding activity." In laymen’s terms, absinthe actually improves the cognitive functions of the brain!

Monday, 17 October 2016

Trendy tags for bags

Losing your luggage at the airport would ruin your perfect vacation. Just when you thought that nothing would go wrong, and what is more, you had already attached your name and address to that perfect bag you bought especially for the trip. Yes, someone could return your bag within 24 hours but it won’t arrive in your hotel room in Ibiza, it will instead arrive at your apartment. What you should have really done was take safety precautions in making sure your bag will not end up in a mix up at the airport.

There will always be trouble when you try to find your luggage at a very busy airport, never mind identifying one. Most bag tags are completely unreliable when it comes to crucial times like this, so what you really need is a tag that is uniquely yours. Not only can you travel in style, you won’t have to worry about losing your belongings anymore.

Personalized tags come in different shapes and sizes. Want to match it to your likings? Get one in your favorite color or the color that is a contrast to your bag. These tags are fun too; this is because they come in larger sizes with sports related motifs like football, golf and soccer to name a few. These bag tags are made from fiberglass and are usually attached with a split ring. The two sided clear pockets are handy too. On one side, you can fill in with you details while on the other, you can write your destination so that if you really had lost your bag, it would come to you, not end up at home waiting for you to return after a week. Fix your bag with a matching strap; this makes it noticeable when you try to look for yours when you see two or three bags similar to yours.

If you are in sport team of your college or high school and would like to be exclusive in creating an image for your team, you can have personalized tags for all your players. Instead of only imprinting your soccer team logo or school logo, now you can even put your team photo on the tags and have their names on the other side of the tags. As it usually comes in variety of colors and designs, it would certainly look cool and chic to have these one-of-a-kind tags dangling from your knapsack.

Whether it is for your traveling bag or to show a sense of camaraderie between your sport teammate, a personalized bag tag will definitely give you a sense of uniqueness. What makes it irresistible is the fact that you can order the cute little tags online. That way, you won’t have to waste your time browsing through one shop after another. With just a click of the mouse, you can have your desired tag in no time.

Credit card fraud be one less statistic

When it comes to credit cards, an ideal world would be where you didn’t have to worry about your credit card information getting into the wrong hands. But in reality, credit card fraud is a real concern. By taking a few simple steps you can be one less statistic as a victim.

Thieves are getting smarter and you need to take the necessary steps to outsmart them.

1)Always know where your cards are at all times so that they don’t get into the wrong hands. Any statements showing your credit card information should be kept in a safe place and if you are throwing any away always make sure that you shred them. Thieves have been known to go into someone’s personal trash and getting their hands on statements. If your card number is clearly visible then your card number can be used in a fraudulent manner.

2)If you are purchasing something on the internet, you should always use some precaution about which websites you give your credit card number to. Always make sure that you are putting the card number into forms on a website that you trust. Avoid entering your number into websites that you get to through links in emails. If it’s a site that you have purchased from in the past, type in the website address bar in your internet browser. That way, you won’t be tricked into giving your number to fraudsters who are masking themselves as legitimate companies.

What is commonly seen now on online are what is called phishing schemes. A fraudster will send you an email with what looks like an official looking website for a bank. They will say in the email that they require your personal information to update their records and sometimes they have even said that fraud is on the rise and in order to protect your accounts that you need to send them your personal details so that they can ensure that your accounts stay safe online. Ironic isn’t it? But don’t fall victim to this scheme.

3)To ensure that you are on a secure website, the website address always begins with ‘https” rather than ‘http’. That ensures you that the website you are doing business with is using encryption software so that your credit card information is safe.

4)Check your credit report often. By doing so you can see if there are any unusual charges on your card, or evidence of credit card fraud. The first thing you should do if you notice irregular charges is to call your credit card company and report the stolen credit card. Remember, if you call in right away, you will not be held responsible for the charges on your card.

The best way to keep yourself from falling victim to credit card fraud is to stay aware of what your credit card is being used for. That way there’s a good chance that you will be one less statistic in credit card fraud.

Brush your skin and keep acne away

The skin is the largest of the elimination channels. Through the skin toxins are eliminated which are brought to the skin surface from the blood. When the regular elimination channels are sluggish or partial plugged up such as your colon being constipated, not all toxins move out through your feces.

Toxins that accumulate in the colon tend to move into the blood, when colon walls have been weaken through constant constipation or abused through eating excessive junk food. Once in the blood they move into the liver for detoxification.

If you are frequently constipated, than your liver will be overworked and unable to detoxify all of the colon toxins. The liver will store a lot of these toxins in its own tissue and else where in your body’s tissues, joints, organs, cells and skin.

When you have excessive toxins and your immune system is not able to detoxify them, these toxins will moved to the skin surface through the blood where they are enter the hair pores – follicles – and try to move to the skin surface. When your pores are not working properly, excessive toxins in the pores can lead to acne.

Body odor is also a result of toxins coming out through the skin that should be moving out through the other elimination channels.

If your body skin is clean and its pores are open and unclogged, toxins will move out through the pores without creating pimples or eruptions. The skin normally moves 1-2 pounds of toxins out of your skin daily.

You can tell when your pores are open. You sweat freely during exercise. If you do not sweat much during hot weather or during exercise, then your skin pores are probably plugged.

To keep your skin active and serving as a good channel of elimination you need to brush your skin daily before you shower or during your shower. When you brush your skin, brush in one direction, starting from your feet towards your heart.

In her book, Detox For Life, 2002, Loree Taylor Jordan, C. C.H., I. D. says,

“One of greatest gifts of health that you can give yourself is the gift of skin brushing. Dry skin brushing in one of the finest of all baths. No soap can wash the skin as clean as the new skin you have under the old. You make new skin on the body every 24 hours. The skin will only be as clean as the bloodstream. Dry skin brushing removes the top layer. This helps to eliminate uric acid crystals catarrh, and various other acids in the body. The skin should eliminate 2 pounds of waste acids daily.”

Understanding how your skin lives will help you keep it clean. Brush your skin daily and bring toxins to the skin surface where you can get rid of them during your shower.

Make sure you get the best holiday let mortgage deal

Once you have found the property which you want to buy with the hope of turning it into a venture that will make you money, the final step is to get the best holiday let mortgage deal.

One very effective way to do this is to go to a professional; a specialist broker will in exchange for a fee do all the hard work for you. The broker can prepare the documentation and submit it along with shopping around to make sure that you get the very best holiday let mortgage deal possible. This process can be very time consuming if you should do it yourself and of course you simply don’t have the expertise of a broker which means you probably wouldn’t get the best deal.

As soon as your offer has been accepted for the property then this is the time to get in touch with a broker, although it’s important that you remember that while you put in an offer, this doesn’t mean it will be accepted, so wait for the acceptance.

While the broker is the best way to go to make sure that you get the best holiday let mortgage deal there are many factors which you will have to consider and take car of yourself. You should have done your homework thoroughly beforehand and made sure that the investment will pay off, well as sure as you can be, ideally in order to get the best holiday let mortgage deal your predicted income from the rental of the property should be at least 130% of the mortgage repayments.

Another factor to take into account is that some lenders will base the mortgage they offer solely on the projected rental income while others will be fussier and will take into account your income from your day job and will ask that this is over a certain amount. However if you have gone with a specialist broker then they will take the time to look around and find the best holiday let mortgage deal for you.

Sunday, 16 October 2016

Positive attitude - a success formula

Positive Attitude - what is it? It starts with being content and self-assured with the person that you are. A strong self-image radiates love and spirit and the people who are in your company begin to feel a similar way. Having a positive demeanor is a pivotal feature for realizing success in all aspects of your life. Your disposition destines how you approach your life and is reflected in your occupation, business ventures, sporting efforts and relationships.

A winner's attitude is essential for achieving your desires in life. People that we applaud for achieving excellence would not have accomplished their dreams by living their life with a detached disposition. The predominant ingredients for a victorious life are accepting yourself, being able to visualize your success and living with with the right attitude.

A positive attitude produces a buoyant outlook on life. You will feel happier, healthier and more energetic. Your belief in yourself and your talents will be amplified and by taking on an open and positive attitude your mind will be welcoming to the opportunities that will start to come your way. People with a negative attitude often become entirely immersed with their problems and are unable to see the opportunities that are presented to them. Once you teach your mind to automatically undertake a positive attitude your difficulties will not be as significant and you will have the ability to cope with them effortlessly.

Impulsively we are drawn towards the company of positive people. They have the ability to lift our spirits and make us feel good about life. Attitude, whether it's positive of negative, is extremely infectious - choose wisely and spend your time with positive uplifting people and your essence will imitate the same vibration. When you choose to live your life with a positive attitude your spirit will be encircled with a light energy which will magnetically draw people towards you.

Accomplishing your desires is entirely within your power, however, you have to embark on life with a positive attitude and believe that whatever you desire can, and will, be achieved - connect this with a positive attitude and you will be irrepressible. In 1903 a renowned New York engineering professor had said that it would be impossible for man to fly. Two weeks later the Wright Brothers flew the world's first powered airplane. These guys had a definite advantage - they unquestionably believed that their dream was achievable!

Don't let fear of failure hold you back from pursuing your dreams - instead espouse a positive attitude and reach for your goals with faith. We can all learn from the Wright Brothers - anything is possible if you approach your dreams with a positive attitude and believe.

Bad credit understanding the basics

Many people have heard of bad credit, but some may not know what it means. For a long time, there was no established method for determining the credit activities of consumers. However, this all changed when a company called the Fair Isaac Corporation designed a credit scoring system that is called the FICO score. Because the three major credit agencies have different information on each consumer, the FICO score calculated by these agencies won't be exact.

Your FICO score has become the best way to determine if your credit is good or bad. To get your store, information in your credit report is compared to the credit reports of others. Your future credit activities can be determined by this information. When you apply for a loan, lenders will look at the FICO score to determine if they should allow you to borrow money. Having a low score doesn't automatically mean you won't be allowed to get a loan.

In the past, having any marks on your credit report would cause lenders not to loan you any money. They had no way of determining which borrowers would pay off their debts. With the advent of the FICO score, more people today who have had problems with their credit in the past are now able to apply for loans. Mathematical models allow lenders to study the behavior of borrowers to decide whom they should lend money to. Banks and credit cards companies have taken advantage of this data by making offers to people who have different credit issues.

Those who have problems with their credit can usually apply for loans, but they can expect to have much higher interest rates. The FICO score ranges from about 300 to 850. The closer you are to 850, the better your score is. Statistics show that the average American has a credit score that is about 677. To qualify for loans that have the best interest rates and features, you will need to have a score that is at least 720. If you want to know your credit score, there are a number of services that will charge you a fee for it.

A number of factors go into calculating your score. The most important factor is your payment history. How you make your payments will determine about 35% of your score, which is almost half. Failing to make payments on time is one of the leading causes of getting bad credit. Your payment history includes payments on credit cards, loans, and other bills. Filing for bankruptcy can greatly lower your score.

The amount of money you owe will determine you score as well. People who have too many loans and credit cards will have a score that is lower. If you have a long credit history that is good, this will increase your score. Lenders are much more likely to give good loans to people who have established credit. It is important to understand the different things that affect your credit score, because this could allow you to maintain a high score.

If your credit score is low, this means that you need to start making payments on time. If you have a large number of loans and credit cards, get rid of some of them. Being responsible with how you manage your credit will allow you to keep a high credit score. Lenders will be much more likely to give you the best rates and features on loans. Even if one lender rejects you, this doesn't mean that all lenders will reject you. Understanding credit and how to manage it will allow you to remain financially successful.

So you wanna be a gaytrucker

Let me start off by saying that I love my job. The life that I lead is meant for me. I do what I do for many reasons, but the most important one is that I love what I do! So if this sounds like I am complaining, I am not, this is just the way it is.

To me there is nothing better than a full moon night, with some heat lightning off in the distance on a road that is all to myself. On a night like this I will sit back and listen to the rhythm of the tires on the road, solve a few problems in my mind, write a song, and really just enjoy what I do. To me this is why I drive a truck, and nothing more! Sound romantic? I guess it does, but there is a lot more to it than this. .

My average time out on the road is six weeks. When I do come home, I will take a week off and then go back out again. Now not all drivers drive this way, some are home once a week. The common practice is to be out about three weeks and then come home for a couple of days. The industry standard is that you get one day off for each week out on the road. A workweek consists of seventy hours. There is no overtime, and once you figure in all the hours that you don’t get paid for, or manage to hide, your average workweek is more like ninety to one hundred hours a week! This is just working time, but remember you don’t get to go home every night, you get to eat, sleep, and be trucking! The hours are long and very irregular. One day you will be trucking through the day, the next the night. You may deliver at 3:00AM or 10:00 PM. There is no such thing as a set schedule when you are a cross-country truck driver.

A lot of people think that we put freight in the trailer and go, we have a nice trip across country and deliver our goods. Well, the reality is that all pickups and deliveries are by appointments that we as drivers don’t set. There have been times where I have gone from LA to North Carolina in 42 hours. That leaves no time for sleep, and before you ask — NO I do not take drugs to stay awake!!! I drink a lot of coffee, smoke too much and take 15-minute power naps to keep going! Not all trips are like that, but if you are not getting as many miles in as you can, and you are not keeping your dispatcher happy, you are not going to make a living. If you sit down and figure out what you make with the hours involved, you make less then minimum wage! That is not to say that I don’t make good money, I do. But time worked that is not paid, plus the time spent away from home brings your average way down.

This is not a vacation; I have seen all 48 states of the continental USA, every province of Canada, The Northern Territories, Alaska, and the Border of Mexico, all through the windshield of a truck. I have seen a lot. However, I very rarely get to go sightseeing. Try pulling an 18 wheeler into a national park, and see what you are told, or try taking a truck into downtown and find a show to park at, in most cases it ain’t going to happen. Unless you have friends that are willing to come pick you up, most of your time off is spent in your truck at a truck stop, or terminal. Even personal time out on the road is limited. You would think that we could drop our trailer and take the truck only to get around. Well, in today’s trucking you are now tracked by satellite, every move you make is recorded, and your dispatcher can tell where you are at right down to the block number. This is not as much of a problem if you own your own truck, however as an owner-operator you have to report every mile the truck runs to the government for road tax reasons, so you really don’t want to go running around to much!

Most of America thinks that their products come from the storeroom in the back of the store; they don’t think any farther then that. If you can think of one thing that is not delivered by a truck driver please let me know, but I doubt that you can. At some point a piece of everything ends up on a truck, and people like me are there to get it where it needs to go. Birthdays and holidays are nothing when you drive a truck. In 1997 I spent Christmas day driving through Utah and Colorado, and Christmas dinner was at a truck stop. The morning after Christmas I delivered my load, the receiver asked where I lived; I told him, he said "Gee, too bad you were not home for Christmas, but we really needed this product for an after Christmas sale." So there you go, they need it, your life is put on hold. I did get home on New Years, and that was when I got to celebrate my Christmas. This is not something that is uncommon, its more common then anything.

Being out on the highway is normally the best part about this job. Once the freight is on the trailer, and you have made your way out of the city into open country, you can relax and enjoy what you do. Then there are times when you have to fight just to keep rolling. Last November I got caught up in a Midwest winter storm. I only had 10,000 lbs. in the trailer (I can haul 47,000 lbs.) After spending a good part of the night fighting snow and ice, trying my best to keep the trailer behind me, I decided to call it a night. After about 4 hours of sleep I got back up and pointed west. The winds had picked up. Blowing out of the north at about 70mph. I played Hell trying to keep the truck on the road. About 40 miles from Cedar Rapids, Iowa the wind gusts where close to 100mph, with a 70mph steady. There where 4 of us running together for some moral support if nothing else. As we all came around a sweeping corner to the right, a gust hit us all hard. The truck in front of me was blown over, the two trucks behind me where blown over, I went up on 9 wheels and came back down on all 18 just in time to swerve and miss the truck that was in front of me. I pulled over and made sure everybody was OK, and called the cops, then made my way to the next truck stop. I called my dispatcher and told him what had happened and that I was shutting down. I sat for 13 hours until the wind died enough to go again. The customer had begged me to try and make it on time, or their assembly line would come to a stop. It is hard to make up 13 hours of driving time, and all I will admit to is that I made my appointment time with 5 minutes to spare! This is one of many stories that can be told about fighting and beating the elements. The other trucks that I was running with were not so lucky! There have also been times when I wasn’t so lucky myself, one night a drunk driver caused me to roll my truck. I was lucky in the sense that I am here to tell you about it, and I should not have been!

You would think that shippers and receivers would be glad to see you. Not true! In most cases you are treated like shit! If you happen to be at a grocery warehouse you will end up unloading your own load, taking it off of the pallets that it was shipped on, and putting it on theirs according to the way they want it stacked. Then you will pallet jack it down an aisle where they will count and put it away. Ask for a bathroom, you are not allowed to use it, ask for a phone, again you are not allowed to use it. The only thing you are allowed to do there is work for them. If you are 5 minutes late for an appointment, you are told to come back the next day. If you are on time, you will end up waiting for a couple of hours just to get a door to back into. If you are more than 30 minutes early, you are not allowed on the property. You are nothing more than cheap labor! Again this is more common than not, and the whole time you are there you have to keep a smile on your face and put up with it.

You are also a target for a lot of states. You are a great revenue source. If you get a ticket you are not likely to come back and fight it, so you are most likely to get a bogus ticket. Tickets for truck drivers are 3 times as much as for other drivers. The average speeding ticket starts around $200.00 and they go up from there. If you happen to be in California, they start at around $1500.00. Truck scales in some states can be the same way. That is not to say that there are not nice cops out there. I have gotten out of more tickets then I would care to admit.

Should you still decide that you want to drive a truck, truck-driving schools are about the only way to learn. There was a time when the only way you could learn was from another driver, and to be honest with you, I wish it where still that way. However, trucking companies will not hire inexperienced drivers unless they have some kind of school behind them. I don’t recommend schools, I have never had to deal with them, only their product, and in most cases I do not get close enough to find out where they went to school. So let me instead give you some suggestions. You can not learn what you need to know in a week, two weeks, or even three weeks. The longer you are in school, the better. Look for a school that gives you as much driving time as they do book time. The book knowledge is great to know, but a book does not drive a truck, and in most cases the writer of the book never has either. Once you have completed school, and get hired on with a company you will end up with a trainer for a month or so. After that you are on your own. At that point I recommend that you open up your eyes and shut your mouth. When you don’t know something, admit it; then ask. If you think it is a stupid question, ask anyhow. If the driver you asked thinks it a stupid question, ask another driver. If you cant back up a trailer very good, have somebody spot you. I was watching a driver who was new try to back into a very tight dock at a Safeway Warehouse in Portland. After almost an hour at it, he still was not backed into the dock. I asked him if he would like me to put it in there for him. His Answer “I have to learn sometime, might as well be now.” Great Answer; I spotted him to make sure he wouldn’t hit anything, and he eventually got it in the dock. In the winter never drive above your comfort zone. If other drivers are passing you, let them pass. They either know what they are doing, or will end up in a ditch. If the drivers on the CB are telling you to go faster, and the only reason they give you is that they need to go, shut off the CB. When you are in a truck stop, there is always some story being told. As I said, shut up and listen. Don’t tell your own, you will look like a fool. I have been at this game for 22 years. The stories stay the same, only the people telling them change. There are some good lessons in those stories, but there is a lot of crap as well. You need a good ear to sort it out. I can’t know it all. I learn something new all the time; I’m just not as stupid as I once was.

You can play the part of a truck driver really easy — get a chain drive wallet, some cowboy boots, western shirts, and a big buckle that says Peterbilt or something like that, and a cowboy hat or ball cap. But to be a truck driver is a lot different then what you see in the movies. It is hard work that takes a lot of commitment, with very little respect.

Why do I drive a truck? It was a dream. Why do I stay with it? I love what I do! Do I recommend it? Hmmm, I would have to talk to you to find out what makes you tick. It takes a special breed of person to be out here. Part Nomad, part Gypsy, and mostly Loner. You have way too much time to think, so you need to be comfortable with your thoughts. You have very little time to do, so again you need to be comfortable with your thoughts. What I do out on the road is not a game, nor is it a big adventure. What I do is my life, my highway, and most of all, my Dream! I drive for no other reason then that!

Earn hands free with private label resell rights

How difficult can it be to earn money online? Some can tell you very difficult indeed, nearly impossible, as a matter of fact. However, many others can tell you that with private label resell rights, you can earn hands free. And here’s how.

Training Program

To learn to earn, most entrepreneurs need to purchase some type of program to help them learn the ropes from finding a product to sell and learning how to sell it and following through with running a successful business operation.

With a good private label resell rights program, the training is package right along with your products. So there’s no need to seek a successful system of setting up your product and marketing systems. Instead, you simply follow what’ s tried and proven with your program and products, ‘do’ and earn.

Plus as things change, which they always do, be it online or off, your private label resell rights program will keep you current and up to date with just the latest product components in demand, the latest SEO (search engine optimization) techniques and strategies that you need to run your business. No more wasted time trying everything new under the sun. Hands free, just go with the flow of your program.

Product and Marketing Systems

Private label resell rights also means hands free with your product and marketing systems. Simply brand your already created products and insert affiliate links, ads and other money-generating techniques discussed in your training. Toss online and market with more private label resell rights products using an autoresponder to capture leads and follow up with automated messages.

Chop up other content and toss up for more detailed sales copy and for article marketing. Simply insert your byline at the end of the articles with a link to your opt-in page and submit with article submission tools or via a submission service, again hands free.

Get visitors to want to sign up by offering free stuff like reports or guides that are compatible to your main product line. For example, offer free family snack recipes to go along well with your new ebook that’s a family cookbook. Make these freebies hands free by using more private label resell rights materials to compile your give-aways.

Go a step and do the same for additional items to package with your product. Assemble a family beverages recipe pack to go along with your cookbook. Again, hands free using private label resell rights recipes and articles to sell with via your autoresponder series and via article directory submissions.

Of course, there is a lot more to earning hands free with private label resell rights. The tools plus the training that are provided by your private label resell rights program along with your other auxiliary marketing tools can help you put everything together quickly and easily. Then you can earn hands free with your private label resell rights.

Saturday, 15 October 2016

Yes your office might be causing you pain

Once upon a time, it was believed that heavy lifting and dirty work would be the main work-related causes for people seeking pain relief. It was once believed that people who worked in offices and the like were at a lower risk of contracting diseases due to their work, as opposed to the ones that worked in the field. Of course, that bit of conventional wisdom is now being tossed out the window. In the modern office's cubicle-based environments, employees are at just as high a risk of work-related illness as anyone else. According to some studies, they might be even worse off that people working in the field depending on the conditions of the working environment.

The first indication of a problem came from the increasing use of pain relief medication by office workers. This is often attributed to the cramped spaces, repetitive movements, and the lack of proper back support from the average office chair. According to experts, anyone that is forced to sit in the same position for hours on end, with very little room to maneuver or to change posture, is going to experience bouts of discomfort. That discomfort is going to eventually turn into pain, if left unchecked. The increasing amount of office workers taking pain relief medication tend to do so because of back pain, largely due to the lack of chairs with adequate back support.

Cramped cubicle conditions can also be considered a bit of a health hazard. In such cramped situations, all it takes is just one person to get sick with a communicable disease for most of the office to get it. The close quarters conditions also make it difficult for people to move around, which can lead to stress on the body due to repetitive movements and the lack of “leg room.” Pain relief can also be sought because of these problems, especially if the office working areas are poorly designed. Unfortunately, most medical experts believe that the average office is too cramped and is poorly designed, making employees there prone to discomfort and pain.

The very construction of some offices can also put their employees at risk. Centralized climate control is a common feature of most offices, and for the most part, people don't have problems with them. However, if the centralized system is not properly maintained or cleaned, then it poses a problem. Lack of filtration in the climate control and exhaust system, combined with tight conditions, can result in any number of respiratory problems. Signs of this can include everything from sneezing fits to more serious respiratory conditions. Allergic reactions are also fairly common occurrences, particularly during certain periods of the year.

There are certain things that can be done to help reduce the risk of becoming ill because of office conditions. A little skeletal stretching and exercise to get the blood flowing properly prior to work can help reduce the need for pain relief drugs due to repetitive stress on certain areas of the body. Proper posture and positioning in relation to the keyboard and monitor can also help reduce the stress placed on the limbs, back, and neck. However, there's very little the average employee can do when faced with the problem of poor office design.