Sunday, 4 September 2016

Acne treatment product information

Recent studies have concluded approximately 90% of all teenagers, 50% of all adult women and 25% of all adults had suffered from acne, either as a chronic skin disease or at some point in their lives. Although there's no universal cure, acne is definitely easier to treat now than it used to be. However, finding the right acne treatment product is still a mystery for many of the sufferers.

Despite all the scientific knowledge today, people still think that acne is caused by particular things we do. Actually, it is mostly a combination of factors underneath our skin that lead to acne. The good news that there are acne treatment products that can eliminate it completely in about 95% of all cases.

Your skin has many wonderful features that help it recover completely even from serious acne if treated properly:

* It is self healing.

* It is very elastic.

* It registers and remembers sensations very precisely.

* It is very resilient.

* It is self-cleaning and hardly ever suffers any serious infection.

* It lets in some elements and protects you from others.

* It holds in the entire amount of liquid that flows through your body.

Salicylic Acid

There's a lot of evidence that salicylic acid is one of the most effective approach on acne problems. It decreases the number of primary acne lesions, as well as the number and severity of all lesions associated with acne. Salicylic acid is safe to use even on dark skin and gives good and fast results.

Glycolic Acid

Among popular alpha hydroxyl acids, glycolic acid is one of the most commonly used. It has similar results with a chemical peel. Even when used in strong concentrations, glycolic acid has only few negative side effects. Long-term day to day use may also have a beneficial effect on acne scars.

Glycolic acid is also effective in increasing skin resistance to ultraviolet light, improving moisture retention, as well as the general skin condition. However, even though it is quite effective and has only minor side effects, it is better to use as part of a more complex skin care system.

Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is a widely used ingredient in acne treatment products. It used to be very popular in the 1930s, but since then, medical science has come up with new and more effective treatments. However, many dermatologists are still pleading for the benefits of acne treatment products that contain Benzoyl peroxide.

In addition to its antibacterial effect, Benzoyl peroxide apparently has an anti-oxidant action as well. Among its most common side effects is dry and irritated skin.

Many acne treatment products available on the market today use one of the ingredients mentioned above in combination with other ingredients. Some of the most famous and effective products against acne are ProAcrive, ZENMED Derma Cleanse System, Accutane and Benzoyl Peroxide. However, when purchasing an acne treatment product, you have to look through the side effects thoroughly, as some of them may be worse than your acne itself.

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