Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Drug legalization the beginning of the end

For decades now, drug use and addiction has grown enormously. What was once an epidemic in lower class urban cities, has rapidly spread throughout the country, subtly leaving its lasting effect. As drug use spreads, there are those who believe that the only way to control this disease is to legalize drugs completely. These activists argue that people should be free to make their own choices, and as with the earlier prohibition of alcohol, a ban of drugs will only cause a greater demand. If in fact drugs are legalized, the structure of American society will consequently collapse. As with alcohol, legalized drugs will increase the likelihood of addiction, as well as the deaths relating to it. With a rise in addiction, the occurrences of drug induced crimes will multiply throughout the country. Gradually American society will become inefficient and unmanageable, shattering everything that its hard working citizens have achieved since their fight for independence.

By legalizing and increasing the availability of drugs, drug addiction will quickly escalate, and eventually make overdoses and deaths inevitable. Drug activists claim that as long as drugs are deemed illegal, they will be sought out more and more. Although it is human nature to crave what is harder to obtain, this idea poses no solution to ultimately ending drug use. Legalized drugs will enable people to obtain drugs at their own convenience, and at a dramatically low price. With no regulation on how much or how often drugs can be used, buyers will quickly adapt to this new sensation. Those that can now freely experiment with drugs will quickly realize that recreational use is impossible, as their heightened feelings of independence and self worth will become shorter and less frequent. Sooner or later their addiction takes over, and the constant availability of drugs makes it even more difficult to maintain a drug free lifestyle. Some of these addicts may try to correct their lives and get over their addictions, while others would continue to fall even further.

Along with a rise in addiction, the introduction of drugs into society will cause the number of drug induced crimes to mount as well. Unable to maintain jobs and relationships, and despite the decrease in the price of drugs, addicts will still continue to commit blatant crimes solely to obtain their next fix. Drug activists assume that as legalized drugs become less expensive, addicts will no longer have to commit crimes in order to fund their habits. One immediate difficulty with this proposal is that drugs already are exceptionally inexpensive. If you decrease the price of an addictive substance, addicts will then buy more of the less expensive product. A few decades ago when cocaine was being marketed in the high potency/low cost form of crack, addiction and crime rates still increased despite its price. If you legalize such drugs and the addiction rate increases, the result will be more people walking around and committing crimes. Addicts will pay almost any price in order to obtain drugs. Thus the question becomes not "What is the price of drugs," but instead "How many addicts are there?" Since the legalization of drugs directly increases addiction rates, related crimes are consequently going to occur.

With the increasing number of drug addicts and the growing crime rate due to legalized drugs, people will become inefficient, thus making society unmanageable. Throughout America’s history, hundreds of thousands of men and women have sacrificed there lives so that future generations could live freely, without any fear or barriers. The legalization of drugs would not only squander these efforts, but would once again put restrictions on the lives of those associated with it. Those that plight into addiction quickly become prisoners of their own mind, and worst of all, do not even know until it’s too late. Along with themselves, addicts place constraints on their families and friends, who hate to see them the way they are, but love them too much to leave. If in fact drugs are legalized, it would target the lives of millions of individuals, and despite this country’s size and strength, it would engage a war which would be impossible to overcome. As drug addiction would begin to incorporate its way into American mainstream, the lives and careers people worked years to achieve would be shattered within a few months. The initial and most common effects of legalized drugs would be noticed at the workplace, as an increasing number of people would begin to miss work and eventually be terminated completely. These same people would soon after lose their homes, families, and eventually end up on the street, still trying to pinpoint where they went wrong. As a result, an increase in the crime rate, homelessness, and unemployment, would inevitably follow, shattering the economy and further contributing to the downfall of society.

The destruction that drugs are capable of is limitless, and to legalize and introduce something of this magnitude would severely impact the lives of millions of Americans. Drugs are not just substances that have no effect outside of the user. Quite the contrary, the legalization of drugs would harm everyone financially and socially. An increase in drug addiction, crimes, and a collapse in society would bring about severe social costs on the American public. The inevitable spending increases for health care, social programs, and insurance from legalized drugs would furthermore affect all of society in a direct manner.

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Salsa dancing burns calories

Experts agree that dancing salsa can burn up to 10 calories per minute. But best of all, salsa dancing is easy to do. It’s an excellent workout exercise that combines aerobic and anaerobic training.

Let me explain the difference between the two…

Aerobic – Specifically refers to the use of the same large muscle group, rhythmically, for a period of 15 to 20 minutes or longer while maintaining 60-80% of your maximum heart rate. Basically it’s doing an activity for a long period of time at low intensity. Activities using aerobic exercise include jogging, swimming, walking, biking and cross-country skiing.

Anaerobic - Anaerobic activity refers to activities that are short in duration and high in intensity. Some anaerobic activities include: weight lifting, sprinting, racquetball, downhill skiing, softball, soccer and football. Its high intensity and works the muscles quickly and rigorously.

Aerobic refers to air or oxygen. To easily remember the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise just think that since aerobic is air or oxygen, that these types of activities should allow you to speak while performing the activity without gasping for air. If you are gasping for air during your activity you are most likely working anaerobically – which means faster, harder and at a higher intensity.

The continual movement of the salsa dance style steadily burns calories but also tones the body – most specifically the legs. But not only does it tone the body but it also adds strength to muscles without the high impact of most other exercises like weight training or running.

Salsa is also an excellent exercise choice because it combines individual dance routines that can also be paired up with a partner. Actually, salsa dancing can be practiced alone and then adding a partner for added excitement. The social charm that partnered salsa dancing has is very appealing.

A night of dancing is an excellent workout. If you are just learning to salsa dance you most likely will be working anaerobically. But as you advance to quicker salsa movements that are more complex like the professional salsa dancers twirling through the air with jumps and intense spins requiring strength, you will most likely be working your body anaerobically. This means that your muscles are working at a high intensity level.

In general, salsa dancing is an excellent workout. You’ll get fit, more toned and look better but also have fun while you’re doing it! Start joining the salsa craze now by visiting salsadancedvd. com

Monday, 26 September 2016

American paint horse

The American Paint Horse is a breed of horses which are known for having a percentage of white hair over skin combined with another color. This color pattern is one of the most important characteristics of this breed. The American Paint Horse Association is one of the largest breed register centers in the US.

Every American Paint Horse has white hair combined with some other color found in horses. This includes brown, black, tan, or gray. American Paint horses are related to the American Quarter Horse, and share the same ancestors. The markings on these horses can be anywhere on its body. Like the Quarter Horse, American Paint Horses are known for their speed and athletic qualities.

Strict requirements are necessary in order to register these horses. Both the sire and dam have to be registered in the APHA and the club for Thoroughbreds. At least one of the parents of the horse being registered must be an American Paint Horse. It is also important that the horse being registered have white fur over skin which is another color. These horses have an excellent temperament, and make great pets.

The American Paint Horse should have a body shape which is the same as the American Quarter Horse. They should be heavy but not very tall, and their center of gravity should be low. They should also be very muscular with a powerful back legs. They should also be able to run extremely fast and maneuver quickly. The American Paint Horse is one of the most popular breeds of horses in the United States today.

Despite this, these horses are susceptible to getting lethal white syndrome, a genetic disease. Some foals are born with a pure white color and do not have a functioning colon. As of this writing, no effective treatments have been found for this disease, and the foal usually dies within two weeks. The death is a very painful process, and they are typically put down once symptoms have been found. The coat color alone is not an indicator that a horse has this disease.

This disease has become well known among American Paint Horse breeders, and many of them have encountered this disease first hand. While it was thought at one time that overos carried this disease, recent research has shown that not all overos carry this disorder, and tobianos and quarter horses may carry it also. Despite these conditions, American Paint Horses are highly prized.

Golf fitness exercises for the woman golfer

It is well known in professional golf how integral golf fitness exercises are for success at the highest level of golf. Men on the PGA Tour and women on the LPGA Tour understand the benefits of golf fitness exercises in achieving success. Outside the circles of professional golf many questions exist about golf fitness exercises. Questions such as; what are the best exercises to improve golf fitness levels, are flexibility exercises and stretches better than other forms of golf fitness exercises, and what are the benefits of golf fitness exercises for the woman golfer?

These and many questions surround the topic of golf fitness. This article is to provide some answers for you on the topic of golf fitness exercises for woman. It has been well documented in magazines and television how LPGA women such as Annika Sorenstam utilize golf fitness programs to benefit their play on the golf course. Is there a difference between the LPGA player and the amateur woman golfer in relation to golf fitness training? The answer is no. Yes, the women on the LPGA Tour are the best women golfers in the world, but the physiology of the LPGA player and amateur are the same. The skeletal, muscular, and neural systems are the same. The professional golfer has the same number of muscles in their bodies as the amateur. The woman’s professional golfer has the same skeletal structure as the female amateur, and nervous system as well. Granted the LPGA player has more refined and efficient swing mechanics, but the body is the same.

As a result of the body being the same, the principles and structure of a golf fitness program for any woman is similar. Before discussing the specifics of a golf fitness program for women it is necessary to understand a few important principles. The first principle to understand about a golf fitness program is sports specific. Sports specific is a term describing the type of training utilized in a golf fitness program. Sport specific training simply states the program utilized by the woman athlete is geared towards improving them in their chosen sport.

A second principle closely related to sports specific training is cross specificity training. Cross specificity training is the utilization of exercises to develop the woman golfer in the positions, movements, and actions incorporated in the golf swing. The goal of cross specificity training is a transfer of training effect to the field of competition. Simply stated, a transfer of training effect is the ability of exercises utilized to train the female golfer having a direct benefit on their performance during a round of golf.

For example, golf fitness flexibility exercises will attempt to improve the flexibility within the woman golfer. As the woman golfer improves her flexibility parameters in relation to the golf swing. She may be able to create a bigger shoulder turn, which may increase the distance of her drives. This benefit is an example of a transfer of training effect onto the golf course. In summary, the three principles that assist in the development of a golf fitness program for women are; sports specific, cross specificity training, and transfer of training effect. Many additional principles exist that are used as guidelines in the development of a golf fitness program, but these are three essential ones.

Outside of the guidelines governing the development of a golf fitness program for woman. Specific physical components within the body are needed within the body to execute the golf swing correctly. Remember, it is the body performing the biomechanics of the golf swing. In order for the golf swing to be executed correctly and efficiently certain levels of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power are required. These are the actual physical components within the woman golfer a golf specific fitness program looks to develop and enhance in relation to the golf swing.

The golf swing requires the body to move through a long range of motion for an efficient movement to occur. Much of this is contingent upon the ability of the core to coil and uncoil during the swing. In order for these two biomechanical actions to occur efficiently, the development of proper flexibility in the core is necessary.

We utilize flexibility exercises that are cross-specific to the movements in the golf swing to develop flexibility. The majority of these flexibility exercises are rotational and dynamic.

The golf swing is a dynamic movement, indicating that the body is in constant motion. It is crucial to develop a range of motion for the swing in a dynamic rather than a static (not moving) method. The goal of these exercises is to create a range of motion in the core for the golf swing. Flexibility is the first physical component requiring development within the woman golfer.

One needs to maintain, dynamically, a stable body throughout the entire swing. We have all hit balls at the range and know what happens when we do not stay balanced during the swing. Improving the balance and stabilization capabilities of the core translates into a better golf swing. Better Balance equals a Better Swing. Even subtle movements are consistency killers; thus we need to develop and maintain balance for a consistent swing.

Balance is connected to the efficiency of the nervous system and strength of the muscular system working together. The development of greater balance in the core and swing is the result of two types of specific exercise. The first challenges the nervous system creating greater efficiency. The second are exercises that create increased strength in the core. The combination of these two types of exercises permit for the body to maintain posture, promote efficient weight transfer, and create power in the swing. The result is a more consistent, accurate, and powerful swing. This is the second component included with a golf fitness program for women

Remember that the golf swing is a repetitive movement. The mechanics of the swing repeat with each stroke. This process can be repeated hundreds of times in a round of golf. Ever go to the range and hit two buckets of balls? At some point the body starts to tire, and shots scatter.

Proper endurance training enables us to repeat a sound swing. We produce this through a series of exercises developing endurance in the entire body. This nets us a consistent swing through eighteen holes. Increasing endurance leads to lower scores. This is the third physical component of the golf fitness program for women.

Club head speed is a function of power. The more power generated by the body, the greater speed at which a club head impacts the ball. More power to the ball equals longer drives. Developing higher levels of power within the muscular system of the body is achieved through the implementation of power exercises. These types of exercise assist in creating higher power outputs of the muscles involved in the golf swing. Power training is the final component found in a golf fitness program for women.

In summary a golf fitness program for the LPGA or amateur woman golfer is relatively the same. Golf fitness exercises for the woman golfer are sports specific. The exercises contained within the golf fitness program are cross-specific to the movements, positions, and requirements of the golf swing. The exercises within a woman’s golf fitness program induce a transfer of training effect onto the golf course. The golf swing requires certain levels of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power to execute correctly. A golf fitness program for women will look to enhance these physical components of the body. The end result is an improved golf swing equating to lower scores and more enjoyment on the golf course.

Sunday, 25 September 2016

Country living with wind chimes

As the stress of everyday life increases, many people are drifting away from the city and attempting to spend more and more time in the country. There is certainly good reason to do so. Country living offers a safe, simple and traditional way of living that is difficult to attain in larger, more suburban areas. Country homes, with their large porches, tinkling wind chimes and expansive backyards are certainly enticing to individuals looking to get away from the stress of the daily grind and escape to a way of living that is more soothing.

If you have recently moved to the country or you are considering a move to the country, you may find that furnishing a country home is quite different than a home in the city. One of the most important aspects that should be understood about country living is its basic simplicity and nod to traditions. The porch is one of the most important areas of any country home.

In many ways, the porch provides an extension to the rest of the home. In many country homes, porches wrap around the entire home or are at least quite expansive. Most porches on country homes are large to serve a number of different purposes. They can be used for relaxing, resting, dining, visiting or simply enjoying the beauty of the country. Regardless of how you choose to use your country porch, a set of wind chimes can not only enhance the beauty and relaxation of this special area but can also provide a welcome when you return home. If you entertain frequently, you can count on your guests being welcomed by the tinkling serenade of music from your chimes when they first arrive.

The type and style of wood chimes that you choose may depend on the outdoor dйcor you have selected for your porch. Many homeowners select dйcor that will blend in well with nature; including wood furniture. Cedar and pine are two of the most commonly used woods for outdoor country living pieces. When selecting your wind chimes for your porch, consider selecting a set that will beautifully compliment your existing dйcor.

In many ways, a country porch serves as an outdoor living area. As such, you may want to set up several wind chimes to provide a background of soothing music while you dine and entertain. Whether you are dining outdoors or simply relaxing in your rocking chair and watching the world go by, you will be able to listen to the soothing sounds and tunes of your country wood chimes.

With the wide variety of styles and designs available in wind chimes today you will be certain to find a set that will perfectly suit your country living style. From traditional to whimsical to personalized and unique, wind chimes are a must for your overall country living theme. When placed strategically on your porch they will add a pleasing visual and sound dimension to your country experience.

Thursday, 22 September 2016

Florida - a fantasic vacation destination

Florida is one of the most popular states for people to visit year round. With its gorgeous warm weather, people can enjoy the white sandy beaches, theme parks and so much more. In this article we will highlight a few of the top areas to visit.

Orlando is one of the top cities for Florida vacationers because it has something for everyone. It has many large theme parks such as Walt Disney World, Universal Studios and Sea World. There is a large assortment of hotels here catering the thrifty vacationers to those who want to indulge and getaway from it all. You will also find many retail and outlet stores, dinner shows and entertainment as well as the Orlando Magic Basketball team. Another popular attraction is the Cirque de Soleil show. Located at Downtown Disney, this theatrical show will thrill and mesmerize audiences.

Tampa, FL has also become a popular destination due to its growing city and attractions. Busch Gardens and Adventure Island are two large Anheiser Busch theme parks that thrill visitors of all ages. The Lowry Park Zoo and the Florida Aquarium both have a focus on animals, but also offer fun family activities so you can play while you are learning about your natural surroundings. Tampa is also surrounded by great water such as the Gulf of Mexico and Tampa Bay. Both are great for watersports, sight seeing

adventures and fishing. Charter a boat and collect snook, grouper and many other great fish in these waters. Or you can just relax on one of the beautiful beaches. There are many hotels to choose from with two of the most historic being The Vinoy Resort and Don Cesar on St. Petersburg Beach. Both are world renown and have tantalizing restaurants and all inclusive spa services.

Miami Beach has taken an extremely popular turn in the last few years. This city has grown in popularity with updated renovations that make it more attractive. Celebrities vacation here and enjoy sunning on the white sandy beaches and partying the night away at some of the hottest clubs in South Beach Florida. Salsa music is popular here and you will definitely feel the island vibe while relaxing near this shore.

When some people think of Florida their first thoughts are of the Florida Keys. The water is crystal blue and the fish and lobster are abundant here. Fishing, snorkeling and scuba diving are some of the most popular past times. You can charter a boat or hop on a sight seeing adventure and see some of the most gorgeous fish and coral in all of Florida. For land lovers, the shops, restaurants and night life are enough to keep anyone busy. Each has an island feel and offers great seafood choices that are both fresh and tasty.

There are so many great locations to visit in Florida. As well as enjoying the attractions, beaches and gorgeous weather, many people come here to hunt, fish or just enjoy the great outdoors. No matter which city you choose, you're sure to find wonderful ways to enjoy the gorgeous Florida sunshine!

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

History of dogs or maybe wolves

Do you know that the adorable little puppy you bought home last week could possibly be a descendent of a wolf? It may well be true! In fact, many theorists believe that wolf is the direct ancestors of domestic dog. Nevertheless, there are just as many who argue that it seems impossible to have over 400 varieties of dogs descended from just one species.

-Anatomically, the make-up molecules of the wolf over the centuries have remained unchanged, and research revealed that the DNA of wolf and dog are almost identical! The general pattern of dogs’ skeleton is still very similar to those of wolves in terms of their components, but significant changes can be detected, most obviously in the shape of the skull and the length of some of the limb bones.

The divergence in physical appearance could possibly be the result of mutation or even during cross breeding. Today, breeds such as the Alaskan malamute still retain a strong affinity with the wolf, in terms of their facial appearance and underlying skull structure.

-Behaviorally, both dogs and wolves bury bones; turn in circles before settling down for sleep; howl at the moon and frequently leg lift to mark territory. Both gestation periods is 63 days each, and the birth and development of their young is also almost identical

-Structurally, dogs and wolves are also extremely similar. Both also live in a pack-like hierarchal system where they are comfortable with a top dog, or Alpha role model. With regards to domestic dogs, Alpha (leader) role should belong to the owner they live with.

Whatever the theory, it isn’t difficult to spot the similarities between dog and wolf. Although, in some cases, the appearance of the domestic dog has diverged significantly from that of its “suspected” ancestor, most dogs still retain many of the traits of their ancestor.

Man’s Best Friend
Early cave drawings show us that wild dogs and wolfs were with humans even in prehistoric time. One of the earliest documentations of man and canine was noted more than 12 000 years ago on an ancient site in Egypt when the fossilized remains of a man and a small puppy were found in a grave in hugging position. Although, it is doubtful whether the puppy was that of dog or wolf, this is not an important issue.

Today, Scientists recognize and agree that the process of domestication of the dog has existed for 14 000 years, however they are not in agreement as to how domestication occurred:

-Some believe that man adopted offspring of the wolf and through natural selection chose to keep those that were less aggressive and that craftily begged for food.

-Others believe that wolves adapted themselves in following man because they could get a good meal.

Whatever the case, it’s hard to distinguish if wolves just tagged along or if they were invited. From ancient time till today, man and dog are inseparable who lived together and changed together.

In earlier times man was only concerned with gathering food. However, over time he began to become involved in hunting for food, turning his canine to "friend" as he helped immensely in hunting activities, this occurred some 12 000 years ago.

Later, man realized that not every animal should be his prey, but that some should be kept alive in order to domesticate for his purposes. At that time, domesticated animals needed to be protected from predators, this responsibility was taken up by dog becoming the guard dog, and this new role occurred some 7000-9000 years ago.

Dog Breeding
Dog breeding began when humans started to emphasize certain characteristics in dogs. Long-legged dogs, for instance, could be used to chase prey, heavy-set animals made better guard dogs. Several types of dogs emerged at the time of the New Kingdom in Egypt (circa 1570 B. C.) and drawings began to show dogs with drop ears, curly tails, straight tails and many coat patterns. Soon people all over the world were breeding and using dogs to suit their own needs.

The Greeks and Romans were training heavy-set dogs for sports, the Far East saw the toy dogs as prized possessions and the Europeans were developing sporting dogs for particular uses – smaller dogs to go to ground, stronger dogs to hunt. Dogs started to be grouped by appearance or function for convenience and were then even further divided into workers, herders and sports.

By 15th & 16th centuries, dogs began to gain popularity, not only for being functional, but by becoming a popular pet. The commercial importance of dogs and dog breeding escalated quickly as they became fashionable. During the 19th century, the number of new breeds grew quickly, with the first dog shows beginning in the 1850s.

Today, although there are roughly over 350 different breeds of dogs acknowledged by the FCI classification, all of them have one common quality that follows them throughout history and that is their unconditional love and loyal relationship to man.

This is without a doubt the oldest friendship recorded in history!

Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole. ~Roger Caras

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Easy fitness for time crunched moms

Moms have a tough time. They are the cook, the maid, the taxi driver, the teacher, the referee, and the list could go on. Mom’s know how to get everything done for everyone else, but by doing this they often don’t take care of themselves. There is no question that it is hard; children keep parents on the go, it is difficult to do the things you’d like to do.

They can squeeze in a last minute dentist appointment for little Teddy and show up without a moment to spare for a class play that little Tommy forgot to mention. Super mom can always find time to do whatever needs to be done to run a happy home for all of the occupants. School schedules, car pools and after school activities combined with household chores and a full-time job doesn’t allow for much time to exercise. That is no longer good enough it is only an excuse.

Taking care of yourself with plenty of rest and exercise should just be one of those little things that you mark on the calendar and do. In fact, do it now. Mark in your day planner or on the dry-erase board your “me-time.” Then, dust off that tennis racket and head on out for the courts with one of your girlfriends, or join a Fitness Center, or take up walking for overall health and fitness. Procrastination is a word that has no meaning for moms wanting to do something nice for their children, the same should apply for what you want or need to do.

Diversify your fitness schedule to include solo walks, tennis matches with girlfriends, and horseback riding with your husband. Be creative in planning your week ahead. If you know that on Monday you have to pick up your daughter from school at 3:00, but your son gets out at 2:30, make proper use of your time and throw your Nike shoes in a gym bag and walk while you wait. If your daughter has a volleyball practice 25 minutes across town at the high school, then take your swimsuit and use the school’s swimming pool to swim laps. Most schools don’t mind if you call ahead and some even offer free swims on certain days of the week.

The important thing for you to remember is that because you are a mom, you may have to jump in and take advantage of a thirty-minute window just to exercise. Be ready for these chances and learn to expect the unexpected and take care to use the time wisely. If the birthday party you son is at ends up being late, take the chance to walk once or twice around the block. When you get back you’ll have helped out your heart and your son will be ready to go.

It doesn’t take much except taking the opportunities to exercise when they present themselves.

The golf academy of arizona an sdga golf school hits a hole in one with its new and improved campus

“FORE!” It’s a common cry from green pastures throughout the United States. Perhaps kicked off by the introduction of Tiger Woods to the pro circuit in 1996, the nation’s interest in golf has catapulted in recent years. Men and women, young and old, black and white, it seems these days that everyone is gearing up for a swing at the tee, or some sort of crack at the industry. But with little or no experience, many people are finding their dreams of a PGA Championship (or LPGA Championship for that matter) stymied.

Aspiring golfers have increasingly been turning to the pros for instruction and guidance. Now one academy in Chandler, AZ is better equipped than ever to handle the influx of novices as well as the more seasoned golfer looking to break into this tough business.

Strategically located just outside of Scottsdale, the Mecca of the golf world, The Golf Academy of Arizona, has relocated into expanded, more modern quarters. As a campus of the San Diego Golf Academy, the oldest, largest and one of the most esteemed golf schools in the world, TGAA’s management team correctly identified the need for rejuvenation and wasted no time in getting this project underway.

“We feel that we offer a truly unique program,” explains TGAA Director Tim Eberlein, his pride in the course clearly evident. “It’s so much more than just a golf school or lessons. Our students are coached in every aspect of the sport – from how to teach the game of golf, to managing a golf complex. We prepare our students for a true golf career.” He goes on to admit, “And truthfully we were outgrowing our original facility. We recognized the need to grow and change, much like the sport itself has grown and changed over the years. It was a natural progression.”

Now with over 10,000 square feet for classrooms and instruction, TGAA's new campus also acquired a new golf simulator to add to its expansive teaching and learning aids. The state-of-the-art facilities also include a computer lab, administrative offices, student and placement service areas, a lounge, and library.

The San Diego Golf Academy is well above par when compared to ordinary golf instruction courses. It’s an intensive 16-month Associate of Applied/Occupational business degree program. The curriculum is divided between golf instruction and business management, operating on the principle that golf is no longer merely a sport, but an industry, and one that is brimming with opportunity.

Paul Zagnoni, President of SGDA adds, “It is our job to show students how to turn their love of the green into green. Now more than ever, we provide our students with all of the necessary tools for a successful career in golf.” He concludes with a smile, “The finished product has far exceeded our every expectation.”

For more information regarding TGAA and its new campus, please call Tim Eberlein at 480-857-1574.

Sunday, 18 September 2016

Sweden casinos

The Scandinavian country of Sweden, famous for its forests and lakes, in addition nowadays offers a wide range of choice for those looking to test their skill and luck in the casino. There are four Sweden casinos; all owned by the Cosmopol chain, located one apiece in the cities of Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmo and Sundsvall. These international-standard casinos have revolutionized gambling in the country.

The largest of the Sweden casinos is appropriately to be found in Sweden's largest city and the capital, Stockholm. The Casino Cosmopol Stockholm, located on Kungsgatan 65, offers a huge 37,674 square feet of international-style gambling opportunities, open seven days a week from 1pm to 5am. There are three hundred slot machines and 31 - yes, you read that correctly - gaming tables. Gamblers have six games to choose from, Roulette, Black Jack, Caribbean Stud Poker, other poker games (Texas Hold'em, Omaha and 7 Card Stud), Punto Banco, and Sic Bo, a Chinese dice game. Bets can be between 50 krona and 5,000 krona for most games, though some, such as Sic Bo, allow bets up to 14,400 krona. For those who like to pit their skills against other in tournaments, there are four international standard poker tournaments played at the Cosmopol Stockholm throughout the year. For when one is tired of gambling, there are three restaurants and bars in which to unwind.

The same chain owns the three other casinos which offer a similar experience to the Stockholm location. In Sweden's second city, Gothenburg, the Cosmopol is located in the old customs house at Packhusplatsen 7. It is open from 1pm to 4am and offers 240 gaming machines and 29 tables. It also gives guests the choice of three restaurants, the Casanova, the Castor (which serves Latin American cuisine), and the Jackpot Bar. In Malmo the casino is also open from 1am to 4am, and enjoys the setting of the 'King's Park', a famous local entertainment venue. The branch in Sundsvall, the smallest casino in the smallest of these four cities, still offers 3,500 square feet and 135 slot machines with ten table games, including 'Wheel of Fortune' a game similar to Roulette. It is aptly located at Casinoparken 1

For those who like to conduct their gambling outside of Sweden casinos, horse-racing offers another outlet for that betting nature. There are two racecourses of renown, the Taby Racecourse, in Stockholm, and the Sundbyholms Travet, in Eskilstuna.

Saturday, 17 September 2016

Cayenne pepper and water diet - fad or fiction

Have you heard of the cayenne pepper and water diet? Controversy has recently surrounded the so-called cayenne pepper and water diet, primarily due to it's association with Beyonce Knowles who apparently lost 20 pounds during filming for the movie "Dreamgirls" living only on cayenne pepper and water. The facts are not in dispute, the actress did apparently lose weight quickly over a short period and there is no reason to dispute how this was achieved.

However the question that must be asked is can this be called a "diet"? Some would say that what Beyonce Knowles did was simply starve herself of food, surviving solely on liquids. Surely the cayenne pepper had no noticeable effects other than perhaps adding a little taste to the water?

It should perhaps be noted that there are certainly recorded health benefits associated with cayenne pepper, including aiding digestion, strengthening of the heart, claims it contains mild pain relieving qualities, and there are even reports of using cayenne as a dressing for wounds.

Even taking these reported benefits into account, can this cayenne pepper and water diet really be called a diet? It should more properly be seen as a purely starvation exercise undertaken by a committed actor wishing to lose weight quickly in pursuit of her art and career, presumably with the safety net afforded to highly paid and closely monitored movie stars. Presumably she will have been surrounded by assistants and helpers who would have been immediately on hand had Beyonce suffered from any starvation effects or ill health.

The danger in this story as with other fad diets is that impressionable people, young girls in particular, will have heard about this seemingly miraculous cayenne pepper and water diet and will wish to try it themselves, without any regard to the obvious and significant health dangers inherent in starving yourself in such a way. In particular this form of dieting could be very damaging if sustained for any length of time, any form of fasting should be carefully monitored for signs of deteriorating health.

It should also be said that this story and the controversy it has created are not the fault of Beyonce Knowles, rather it is created by media hype attempting to profit from the possibility others may try and follow her example. In recent times other actors have been required to lose weight quickly for their future roles, for example Christian Bale in the movie The Machinist. The actor dropped his weight to a dangerously low level by reportedly eating a single apple and a tin of tuna every day, but this did not become the "apple and tuna" fad diet, probably because Christian Bale does not have the same widespread fashionable image as Beyonce.

So in conclusion is this really a Diet? I would suggest not, with the hype surrounding it currently it could be categorized as a fad, and potentially a dangerous one. The only safe way to permanently lose weight is to eat healthy food, eat in moderation, and crucially undertake regular exercise. If you do this you will burn excess fat, your arteries will stay clear and healthy and you won't risk damaging your body by starving it of the food it needs to stay fit and healthy.

Friday, 16 September 2016

Online forex currency trading - how to boost confidence and discipline

The Challenge

Consistently profitable online currency trading requires both confidence and discipline to first achieve and then maintain a reasonable level of success. For virtually all traders, these two aspects of trading are responsible for their success or lack of it: having confidence as a trader, plus the discipline to stick to their orrex currency trading system.

Most traders that struggle with their discipline do so for a very simple reason and this is something that can be very easily addressed and rather quickly.

Ask any frustrated or struggling trader what their biggest problem is and it will boil down to a lack of confidence and / or discipline in one form or another. Traders who have both are the ones the that are doing fine and enjoying their trading.

Even the veteran traders will tell you that the primary reason for any rough spells they have occasionally experienced were from when they had a lapse or breakdown in their confidence or their discipline, but once they got it back all was well.

So how do you go about building these two emotional pillars for successful currency online trading? Or regaining them if they've waned?

The 80/20 Solution

One of the fastest and most effective ways to give yourself that boost is to intentionally create a disruption in the UNsuccessful pattern that has been established. Now this applies whether you've known success and temporarily lost it or if you haven't found it yet.

The most powerful way to disrupt the pattern is through stepping back and making an assessment of your current day online trading. Now, this doesn't have to be a lengthy or monumental task. There are two parts to this process and it generally follows the 80/20 rule with which you're already familiar.

Good news for you is that the first part is the 20% of your effort that will yield 80% of the results. Even better is the fact that you can do this within the next hour or two and see results that fast. Here's what you do:

Step 1. Effort = 20%, Yield = 80%

Step 1, part 1 is to take your recent trading results and run your metrics on your current trading. So which metrics are going to give you confidence and discipline-building information?

• Your real winning percentage

• Your actual profit-to-loss ratio

• The true size of your average winner

• The true size of your average losing trades

• Your actual number of winning trades

• Your actual number of losing trades

• Your REAL ROI from your trading efforts in both time and $

• Your projected annual income from your trading – based on real numbers from your current trading

So how does this help with your confidence if the numbers don’t look so great? Especially if you haven’t yet experienced a level of success that you desire?

Well, very specifically these numbers give you a very clear reference point to work with regarding the factors in your trading that make the bottom line what it is. Rather than going on hope and wishful thinking, you now know the particular aspects of your trading on which to focus your efforts – a realize results. It brings a great deal of clarity to the exact direction for you to take.

Just this simple step alone with give you a substantial boost, and part 2 will really bring about a transformation.

Step 1 Part 2.

In this part, you simply backtest your system (whatever it is) very specifically according to the rules of the system using recent historical market data for the markets you trade.

You then run the metrics and compare the two. This information is incredibly powerful in two ways for building both your confidence and your discipline to stick with your system. Here’s how this works for you.

By backtesting your system with historical data, this can give you a very clear measure of what your forex currency trading system is capable of delivering for you. If your current trading is not delivering the profits that you want, you need to knowif the problem is with the system or if it in your execution of the system.

If your current trading results are comparable to the backtesting results, then you know immediately that you need to take a closer look at the system you’re using.

If your backtest results are good, but your current results with your system are not, then you know that you need to focus on your execution.

Most importantly, if your system doesn’t backtest well, then you know straightaway that you need to consider changes to the system you’re using, either a new system altogether or changes to the one you’ve got.

Directly for confidence and discipline, if your system tests well, then your confidence in it should go way up, along with your discipline to stick to it – because you are providing PROOF to yourself of its capabilities and limitations and with real numbers.

Plus you can see its limitations and more easily get through short losing streaks and drawdowns while maintaining confidence in your system, thus making the discipline part of sticking with it much easier.

Step 2. The More Intensive Process

If you have gone through the process in Step 1 and find that your system is good but your execution is where you need to focus and you need assistance working through other possible emotional management issues, then you need to seek out resources specifically for finding the core issues to address. Go to Inside Out Trading for resources specifically created to help you with these.

In conclusion, confidence comes from thorough understanding and successful experience. Once you have a system in which you can have confidence, then the discipline to stick to it gets much much easier.

Analyzing your current trading then backtesting your system can provide a great deal of confidence and thus make sticking to your system considerably easier by knowing the particulars of how it makes your bottom line what it is and what your system is capable of delivering.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Live poker how to win tournament games

Now, if you are interested in being the best player, getting really good money and knowing some tricks and advices of what to do in a live tournament games, here is the best place to learn them.

1) Try not to get drunk
Some of the people that are playing, and that have few rounds to play in the tournament don't count the drinks they have during their games and at the very end of the day they don't have power to continue till the last game, which is a pity to loose such a big opportunity, so, don't drink a lot and be prepare for the last round, also come up with all your senses in order. If you drink, do it measurable and just to loose the nerves before the games but also have some other drinks like soda, water, coffee and others to hydrate your self.

2) Is it important where I sit?
Yes it is, in a tournament try not to sit next to the dealer, take a place in where you will feel that you are in front of the dealer to have the feeling that he is giving you a game. Also in a place where you will feel comfortable with your self and you will have a perspective of the other players.

3) Make your self comfortable while playing
Don't show the other players with your position what you cards are telling you. Make sure to seat back and relax, don't adopt positions that will make you move too much or feel uncomfortable during the time of the game. Some players in the tournaments show their game with the position they adopt while playing either putting the elbows on the table or resting in the bumper.

4) Do the most important thing in the brake.
Don't get distracted from what you really need to do in the brake. Take your time to go to the bathroom and rest, sometimes the discussions about the previous game or lines for getting drinks will waste your time for what is really important.

5) Also your words and mimic are important during the game.
When ever you are playing don't show your cards to the other player in the way you talk or look, is important that they will have other impression, for example in your hand Is good you can try on making faces or saying words that show that your hand is not good, then people will think you have a bad game and you will surprise them at the end. This doesn't work all the time so try to find different ways to hide your game. Also you can read the other player's movements and words to see either they are lying or telling the truth in the hand.

Ok, right now you are equipped with the best advices from the experienced card players at Live Tournament Games, then just bring all your energies and talent to the tournaments. If you are looking for fun and you don't have friends around to play with, remember that there is always a way to play by your self, you will be always welcome at online casinos so go there is you like to gain some practice for your gaming skills.

Monday, 12 September 2016

The uefa champions league is the ultimate soccer competition

L’Equipe a French sports journalist initiated the “European Cup” in the year of 1955. The tournament was formally known as “The European Cup” and was renamed “The UEFA Champions League” during the 1992-1993 season. The competition is now managed by the Union of European Football Association (UEFA). It is a seasonal competition where 32 of the best clubs from all over Europe compete to become the best soccer club in the whole of Europe. The clubs compete to achieve the most coveted title in football, “The European Champion Clubs Cup” as it is now known. The matches take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays all around Europe. The winners of this tournament qualify for the International Cup, which is played against the winners of South America’s official league “Copa Libertadores”. Real Madrid CF was the first team to win the European Cup, since then they have won the league eight times. This includes the five consecutive wins from 1955-1956 to 1959-1960.

So what is it that makes the tournament so special?

The top domestic clubs of every European country that are members of the UEFA are allowed to play the game. The only country not participating in the competition has been Liechtenstein, as they do not have a domestic league.

The game has evolved a lot since L’Equipe initiated it. He wanted to have an all-European club competition while the UEFA’s founder members wanted to have an all-European national competition. In 1992-1993 not only did the name of the tournament change, the way it was organized was also different. An initial group stage was introduced in addition to the knockout matches, and a qualifying round was introduced. This was done so that more teams from other nations of Europe could participate. The number of teams participating shot up from eight teams to thirty-two teams. Now, even clubs that finish from second to fourth in the most competitive domestic leagues are also eligible to participate in the tournament. UEFA coefficient is the basis on which the associations are ranked. This is done to obtain the number of places in the competition for every association.

The tournament is divided into stages:

The group stage: qualifying stage.

The knockout stage: second round, quarter, semi and the finals.

The group stage consists of eight groups each comprising of four teams. In the group stages the teams have to qualify against three other teams to make it to the top of the group. The first and second teams in each group qualify to play the second round, which is a knockout round. Each team has to play twice, (once at home and once away) at every stage except the finals. The final does not have the two-leg system. The venue for the final is decided by UEFA two years in advance.

The introduction of the group stages helped clubs and players alike to learn and understand the way clubs and players of various other nations played soccer.

Why do people love to watch the UEFA Champions League?

The UEFA Champions League is the best place where millions of people get to watch their favourite players like Cristiano Ronado, Ronaldinho, Ricardo Izecson dos Santos Leite, well known as Kaka in action. People not only get to watch their favorite players but they also get to watch the best clubs from all over Europe compete against each other throughout the year.

Sunday, 11 September 2016

Faux fur and suede leather jackets

Leather jackets irrespective of their color, style and material used for manufacturing is surely provides you protection against seasonal conditions. Apart from its utility as protective tool leather jacket also add to you personality and display your attitude, lifestyle and considered as a symbol of status.

Leather jackets are made up of animal skins. The most used animal skin in manufacturing leather jackets is that of cow. However, skins of other animals like ostrich, pigs, bucks, lizards can also be used for manufacturing leather jackets.

Not only faux fur jackets but other articles made of faux fur like handbags, surely attract the attention of looker. You will find excellent faux fur jackets available in market. These faux fur jackets are available in various colors and number of designs. These faux fur jackets add to your beauty.

Faux fur leather jackets and suede leather jackets are common. To know about the exact material used for manufacturing faux leather jackets and suede leather jackets you must understand what this faux fur and suede is.

As is known leather is obtained from animal skin. Firstly the skin is removed from animal’s body. This skin is then tanned to get durable leather. The main use of leather is considered to be producing clothing and furniture upholstering.

Best quality and undamaged hides are used to get full-grain leather. This full-grain leather is neither sanded nor split. It is considered to be most durable form of leather and hence is most expensive. Faux fur jackets manufactured from this type of leather are also little bit expensive.

To get more and more material for production of leather goods manufacturers splits and separate the hides into many layers. These layers are separated as outer surface and inner surface.

Suede used for manufacturing of suede leather jackets is obtained from either from outer surface of animal hide or its inner surface. As this suede is thin (due to split of layers) this type of leather is less durable. It is considered to be susceptible to get damaged from stains and water owing to its nappy texture. Obviously, suede jackets are less durable and comparatively less expensive. Though generally suede is manufactured from split hide, occasionally suede is obtained from full-grain leather also. If full-grain suede material is used to manufacture suede leather jacket it will become more durable and may be some of costly.

Not necessarily all suede leather jackets available in the market are manufactured from suede leather obtained from animal skin. Many producers manufacture suede jackets made up of synthetic materials to make these suede jackets more durable and less expensive. Suede jackets manufactured from synthetic materials are not susceptible to stain and water.

Faux fur jackets and suede jackets are gaining its popularity mainly amongst teenagers. Like other leather jackets suede jackets and faux fur jackets are worn with dual purpose of protection and display of personality and status. These faux fur jackets and suede jackets provide you protection mainly in during winter by giving you the required warmth. As these suede jackets and faux fur jackets are available in many colors, patterns and design you have wide range to choose from. Suede jackets and faux fur jackets are comparatively cheaper than classy leather jackets. These suede jackets and faux fur jackets are popular among both men and women.

Thursday, 8 September 2016

Advertising is the key to home business success

There is no question that advertising is the key to the success of any business – large or small, new or old. Without advertising and marketing practices a business simply cannot succeed or last long. To ensure long and lasting success, a business must engage in marketing and advertising in some way. If you have heard the old adage that “it takes money to make money” then you know that advertising does not come for free. A business must consider an advertising campaign budget to keep its numbers up.

It has been said that the best form of advertising is word of mouth advertising. Word of mouth advertising is free and lends an air of credibility to the business. Usually, word of mouth advertising comes from happy and satisfied customers and clients that wish to share their positive experience. Most of the time, they tell their friends, family, and coworkers about a particular product or service and in turn new customers come to the business.

While word of mouth is a wonderful and free way to get the word out about a business, it is not the “be all end all” of advertising. Advertising with television spots, radio spots, on billboards, and in print are all still very effective ways to get the word out. These methods of advertising are quite expensive and not as realistic for many small businesses.

A more economical yet effective way for a business to advertise is online. The Internet is such an integral part of daily life now that it is hard not to advertise on the World Wide Web. The ways in which a business can advertise online are seemingly endless. There are several types of email marketing campaigns, banner advertising, link advertising, websites, and viral marketing. Usually, to engage in a successful email marketing campaign, a business will send past customers an email to announce new products or specials on their website or in their store.

Many business owners engage in strategic networking with other business owners in an effort to advertise their businesses. Strategic networking is a way for business owners to meet each other, get the word out about their company, and even to expand their resources and business prospects.

One of the newest ways to get the word out about your business and successfully advertise is through social networking. Social networking is much like strategic networking in that it is usually free and occurs through meeting and discussing issues and products. However, social networking is done through modern media such as websites, blogs, and the Internet community. It is highly effective and inexpensive.

Regardless of the method of advertising used, a business must use constant advertising campaigns to keep success on the horizon. In essence this means convincing potential customers to buy from you instead of from someone else.

Culinary training isn t a cakewalk

A career as a chef can be fulfilling and challenging, and if you have a passion for food culinary training may be a perfect fit. However, it isn't easy. Anyone who has attended a culinary institute can tell you that the education you receive goes far beyond simply learning how to throw together a few meals. In fact, you learn much more than just cooking.

Being a successful chef also involves being able to manage your kitchen properly, work well with your staff and understand nutrition, food purchasing and plenty of other things that go beyond the stove or oven. Culinary training can be an eye-opening experience for many students as they prepare for their career in the food and restaurant industry.

Training to be a chef may be challenging, but it's also incredibly rewarding. There are few careers that so perfectly blend creativity and a love of food with a practical skill to yield a job that can propel you onto a successful career path in any number of areas. With the proper culinary training you can work at resorts, restaurants and clubs almost anywhere in the world. You may even find yourself working on a cruise ship.

Choose Culinary Training That's Comprehensive

If you want the best training possible, look at the curriculum offered at each school you are considering. If the focus is just cooking, you will be missing some important components that will make your culinary degree marketable when you graduate. The most comprehensive programs will have six distinct areas, each of which will break down further into specific units, some with basic, intermediate and advanced courses.

Food Service and Sanitation

This is the foundation of everything a chef or food service worker must know. If food is improperly handled, nothing else matters. Unsanitary conditions are absolutely unacceptable at any establishment no matter how talented you are.

Culinary Arts and Cooking

The core of most programs, these courses will have a variety of names, but will usually focus on a variety of cooking styles and procedures, usually focusing on savory dishes.

Food Science and Nutrition

Understanding the make-up and nutritional content, taste and value of ingredients and foods. In today's health-conscious society these courses are more important than ever, particularly if you would like to go on to work in a setting such as a spa or luxury resort. Understanding the way various flavors and textures interact and react is also a part of food science.


Learning cost analysis, how to evaluate and purchase individual ingredients, and knowing how much you will need along with where to shop. All of these are elements of purchasing that are central to being a successful chef. You can't cook well if you don't know where to get the right ingredients and how to work within a budget.


This is sometimes called beverage service or viniculture, and is the art of understanding how wines, alcohols and liqueurs complement and interact with foods. No fine meal is complete without the proper accompaniment of wine or alcoholic beverage, and being knowledgeable enough to select the proper accompaniment is essential.

Pastries and Baking

Some culinary training programs will offer pastry and baking education as a part of the culinary arts, while others will offer a complete curriculum specializing in this as a separate discipline (some offer both options). Baking science is much different than cooking and has different rules and methods, so it requires separate attention to some degree. Because there are so many types of breads and pastries, many schools offer a complete course in this for those wishing to become specialized pastry chefs.

Some schools that offer culinary training will allow you to download their curriculum to review. This is a great way to see if they cover the basics, how much time they dedicate to each topic and what you will be covering in each class. Choosing a school without seeing the complete curriculum is like purchasing a car without a test drive, so be sure to know what you'll be learning and how many hours you'll be spending learning each technique or topic during your culinary training.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Depression help what can the bible do to ease the pain of depression

There are specific quotes in the Bible that target emotional health and well being and this should come as no surprise as this Book does cover, in my opinion the whole range of humanity, including depression and its symptoms. As a source of a help for depression, like perhaps any religious book, it could work wonders for dealing with depression-of course when used wisely.

These symptoms of depression, which consequently make us seek help, include feeling alone, having low-self esteem, a negative outlook on life and even in some more adverse cases, suicidal thoughts. Thankfully, there is a God who cares and His assistance in regards to a successful depression treatment remains unmatched. The key is you have to approach the methods the RIGHT WAY.

Most of us turn to prayer in seeking depression help, however as I’ve stated in previous articles, to get the answers you seek for your problems (which actually may lie within, by the way) will require a clear mind. This perhaps can come only from a cleaner body. Since fasting is advocated in several faiths, perhaps this is why most people in the Bible (or even the Quran) fasted before, during and after seeking God’s help.

Remember drugless remedies have three limbs: Diet, exercise and Positive thinking. I’ve covered the diet and exercise part, let’s deal with positive thoughts for depression help.

To strengthen your thoughts and emotional health with the Bible (obviously I am Christian folks, but I am sure any religious book will work), I refer you to what I label as thought conditioners that you can use for depression help in conjunction to the proper diet and exercises touched on in other articles.

Depression Help: Biblical Quotes for Positive Affirmations

1. Romans 12 verse 2: “Be ye Transformed by the renewing of your thoughts”

2. Nahum 1 verse 7: “The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble and He remembers those that trust in Him”

3. Isaiah 41 verse 10: “Fear not for I am with you, don’t be dismayed for I am your God,

I will help you and make you strong and uphold you with my victorious Right Hand”

4. Hebrews 13 verse 5: “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”

5. Psalm 23 verse 4: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

6. 1 Corinthians 10:13: "No temptation (problem) has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted (tested) beyond what you are able, but with the temptation (problem) will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it."

Okay, I have to stop friends, why? Because there are TONS of verses you can draw spiritual strength and help for depression from. They are best personalized to make them work effectively as depression help tools for your situation.

You may choose to repeat them upon awakening or right before going to sleep to enable the thoughts to seek into your subconscious. Moreover, borrowing from my previous article on using Yoga for depression help, why not try affirming some of these words mentally in the wonderful and exhilarating corpse pose.

Remember though, as powerful as these verses are, to derive the best results, ensure to include the other limbs of drug-free healing being exercise and diet in regards to a successful depression help program.

So empower yourself today to a successful help for depression with biblical quotes and the right positive attitude.

May happiness be yours.

A guide to ebook compilers

* E-ditor

This software has a demo version that you can download to try out before purchasing. You can't actually use the demo to create an eBook, but you can run the software and test it out thoroughly to see if it does what you need it to do for your particular eBook.

This eBook compiler is one of the easiest to use. The software has a very user-friendly help menu that provides instructions for and explanations of every field on every screen. The program also includes video tutorials demonstrating every step of this compiler with clear explanations of all fields that need to be filled out. There are 7 screens that you use to choose your eBook options.

This compiler requires your files to be in HTML format. You follow simple directions, and the compiler loads your files. If you decide to edit your eBook after it has been compiled, make any changes in your original files and click on "Compile you eBook" and your changes will appear in your compiled eBook.

E-editor allows for some customization of your eBook. You can create a special page that appears when the eBook is opened; create customized icons that appear on the desktop after downloading; use your own logo on the task bar of your eBook; customize the task bar's buttons, where the task bar appears in your eBook, and choose the task bar's colours. Additionally, you can choose to have the eBook open to the last page read, which many of your buyers will appreciate.

An excellent and unique feature of E-ditor is the capability to choose a standard Microsoft window or to create your own design for a window to personalize your eBook. The program provides some sample window designs, but you can use any. bmp (bit map skin) graphic you have stored on your hard drive.

E-ditor is a good choice if you are new at producing eBooks because it is easy to use and allows you to customize the appearance of your eBook.

* Desktop Author

This compiler does not require a browser, nor do you have to download software or plug-ins. The program converts exe. files into pages that look like a standard book. You can create and produce eBook pages scaled to fit on your computer screen without any scrolling. Additional features include WYSIWGY (what you see is what you get) page editing and creation, the ability to manipulate internal images, cut and paste functions, hotlinks to pages, email, website, or other files. It is an excellent compiler to use for a marketing tool, such as creating brochures and manuals in addition to eBooks.

* EBook Edit Pro

This compiler provides a demo version, which allows you to test out its features. The software uses a Wizard that leads you step-by-step through the set-up and creation of your eBook. Customization includes text editing that appears on the pop-up starting message window; the ability to allow or prevent resizing of your book and the mouse-click pop-up menu; enabling or disabling the navigation bar and choosing the buttons you want to appear; and customizing the eBook's desktop icon and the logo that appears on the navigation bar.

Ebook Edit Pro is loaded with excellent features that allow you to create multi-media Ebooks, and includes a Wizard that is customized for beginners and for advanced users. The software uses HTML files, downloading them from the directory where they are saved. Edit and resave your files in the original software used to create those files, and then with a single click you can re-compile your Ebook.

Features include customization of icons, toolbars, and the "about box." This compiler has a particularly useful feature called the Re-brander feature. This permits you to enter customized code into your Ebook pages and distribute the Re-brander software to your affiliates or distributors. They can then customize the links included in the Ebook, but they can not alter any link or information that you have not

entered a customized code for.

The software includes "eBrand-It" software that allows custom fields for your customer's name, affiliate ID or URL. This feature is a powerful marketing tool because affiliates are much happier giving away your Ebook from their own site when they can customize it.

* Ebook Compiler

This compiler offers a demo version that allows you to compile 10 files. If you don't include graphics, you can create a 10 page Ebook that allows printing and copying of the Ebook. The catch is that you can't sell any Ebook you create in the demo version.

The purchased software is user-friendly with easy-to-follow help files that not only guide you through the steps of compiling your Ebook, but also explains what an Ebook compiler does. The software provides detailed instructions on how to create source files from Microsoft Word 2000 and 1997, PowerPoint 2000 and 1997, and HTML documents. It contains less detailed instructions for creating source files from

other programs.

This compiler allows for password protection of your entire Ebook or for selected pages. Additionally, you can set a time limit on your Ebook. When the runs out, the customer no longer has access unless they pay for it. In other words, it allows you to create a demo version of your Ebook for marketing purposes.

You can set a single password or multiple passwords. Using multiple passwords assigns each user their own specific password. Online help files guide you through setting up your passwords. You can also create a Sales and Thank-you page for selling a password protected Ebook. This is a good choice for the novice, particularly since it includes basic features for password protection and distribution.

* Activ Ebook Compiler

This is an easy to use compiler that provides excellent features. This software can support HTML, JPEG, GIF, and all active plug-ins. Features includes password protection, branding, internet linking, icon customization, assigning unique serial numbers, splash screen, file compression, and start-up messages. It also provides free lifetime upgrades. Additionally, it includes a pre-processor, re-brander, active script, and detailed instructions for using HTML, Power Point, and Microsoft Word files.

There are several other excellent Ebook compilers on the market that are worth looking into.

Ebook Generator features splash screens, password protection, branding, icon customization, and compression control. Additionally, it includes virus prevention that alerts the user to any modifications made to your Ebook and offers usage statistics so you can track your Ebook's use. With all these advanced features, this is an excellent compiler for the beginner because it is exceptionally easy to run.

Ebook Creator is another excellent compiler, supporting HTML, JPEG, GIF, and PNG graphics, and JavaScript, VB script, and Java applets. It also supports all Internet Explorer plug-ins. Standard features include unique serial numbers, direct linking to a form or a page on your website, disabled right clicking, and search functions. The software allows for expiration after a set number of days or usages, which allows you to create demo versions. You can create up to 1000 different passwords; every time the Ebook is downloaded, a unique password is required to access protected pages. The software provides user-friendly menus and buttons that allow the beginner to the advanced user to easily create their Ebook.

Obviously, there are some excellent compilers out there. So figure out EVERYTHING you need in terms of features, and then compare prices and options. Do take advantage of demo versions if they are offered before purchasing. And then, have fun creating your Ebook!

Advantages of faux wood shutters

There didn’t used to be as many choices in building materials as there are today. Something was either made of wood, metal or stone. Materials had to be harvested or mined and then fashioned into whatever shape needed to construct the finished product. Today it is much different. New, synthetic and composite materials are cropping up everywhere and are proving to be not only a viable alternative to natural materials, but one that makes like a bit easier.

How Faux Wood is Made

Faux simply means that it is not genuine or real. When referring to wood, it means that although it is not real wood, it looks just like it. However, that is where the commonality ends. It may look just like real wood, which is of course the desired look, but it behaves very differently.

The faux wood used in shutters is actually a polyurethane material. In short it is a really strong plastic. This compressed, man-made material is consistent from the inside out. This has great significance when being used to make shutters.

Shutters are often cut to size in order to fit into specific window measurements. Because of this, a “raw” edge is left on the top or bottom. With real wood, the cut edge would need to be refinished – either painted or stained – to match the face of the shutter. With faux wood, the material is the same from the core out. When you cut the surface, it does not splinter and even better, it is the same colour throughout. There is no touch-up refinishing required!

The Advantages of Faux Wood

Real wood is very porous. It is greatly affected by moisture and temperature changes. Just take a look at how interior doors seem to not close quite right during the hot, humid summer months, but work just fine in the winter. That is because with heat and humidity – or moisture of any kind – wood will expand and warp. When the weather turns colder, the wood then condenses to its original size. Moisture can also cause warping that is not restored once the weather changes.

With faux wood, there is no change in size or shape just because of the weather. Faux wood also maintains a bright finished look without frequent painting. It can be washed with mild detergents and look as new as the day it was installed.

Wood shutters are constructed by stapling the slats with tiny staples to the frame of the shutter. This can cause a problem over time with the staples working their way out. Then the slats to the shutter start to fall out. The slats on faux wood shutters are able to be attached with strong adhesives that don’t become detatched with time.

Many faux woods are treated with dust repellents too. This causes dust in the air to flutter on by instead of sticking to the shutter’s surface. This makes housekeeping chores much lighter. Wood shutters can require very frequent dusting to keep them clean.

Faux wood shutters can be used inside and outside the window. They resist fading in the sunlight too. They can be used alone in interior decorating, or in place of a shade or sheers as a backdrop to draperies or valances.

Building an online business is like starting a garden you first must plant your seeds

I know what your thinking, "what the heck does starting a garden and planting seeds have to do with building an online business?"

Well... it all depends on how you perceive what I'm about to share with you.

I'm merely using that headline as an analogy to a Powerful marketing strategy that I use to send HIGHLY targeted traffic to my online business... Effortlessly, that almost every website on the Internet is hungry for.

Now, we all know that in order to be in business you need to either provide a Product and/or Service that cater's to an particular Niche.

That's the easy part to figure out.

The part that is usually the hardest with most online businesses is growing that business, and we both know that in order to grow your business online you need "TRAFFIC".

We've all experienced these growing pains, myself included.

And, finding a cost effective marketing strategy these days like the one I'm about to share with you takes a little time to learn, but, in the long run will benefit You and your business for years.

Here are just a few benefits you'll receive when you incorporate this marketing strategy into your existing online business...

1) It'll BOOST your websites "Link Popularity"...

2) It'll give YOU and your business INSTANT credibility...

3) It'll build TRUST with your potential customers...

4) It'll send your website Residual traffic for years...

... and best of all, it'll put You infront of thousands of HIGHLY targeted customers... for FREE!

Do any of those Benefits get you excited?

They sure get me excited simply because I know it works and well at that.

So, with that said, I'm sure your getting a little anxious to find out what these "SEEDS" are that I'm so fond of that will put your online business infront of thousands of HIGHLY targeted customers Absolutely FREE!

Are You Ready?


That's right... Writing Articles, in my mind, is one of the BEST and most cost effective forms of online promotion, no matter what business your in.


Read the BENEFITS I listed above one more time to refresh your memory.

Where else or what other marketing strategy online will give you a list of benefits like that.

And, the best part is... it doesn't cost You anything, and yet, almost every website owner online is starving for it.

Here's another quick reminder for you, why do you think they call the Internet... "The Information Super-Highway".

The Internet received that name for a reason because that is exactly what it IS.

All you need to do is supply the Information in the form of an well written "Article" and send it to related websites and/or newsletters around the web related to your particular Niche.

Just imagine for a minute, what one article or half a dozen articles, for that matter, would do for your online business?

You'll never know until You get started, so my suggestion to You is, start brain storming some article idea's about your Product or Service and write them down on a piece of paper.

Once you have a clear idea, "Start Writing".

So, there you have it, and that's why I stated... "Building An Online Business Is Like Starting A Garden, You First MUST Plant Your Seeds" in order for your online business to grow.

I truly hope you understand the importance of writing Articles and why they are considered one of the BEST forms of online promotion for your business.

Monday, 5 September 2016

Bad breath treatment

How many embarrassing situations have you experienced in your life because of having bad breathe?

When one have bad breath, there are a lot of things in life that he/she are unable to enjoy, like close contact with a loved one and even the taste of their food. Many of us know that Bad Breath is a common condition that affects one in four people but the good news is that there is a cure and bad breath can be treated effectively.

There are many causes of bad breath including oral bacteria, foods, smoking, dentures, and dry mouth. Each of these different causes of bad breath will be related to either chronic or short-term bad breath and can be treated by any of the following remedies:

The first thing you should do when you realize that foul odor is emanating from your mouth is to make an appointment with the dentist to have a complete and thorough cleaning. Once this is done, you can speak to the oral hygienist that is doing the cleaning for tips and advice to help to cure bad breath and keep your mouth as clean as when it is professionally done.

To eliminate Oral bacterial the number one cause of chronic bad breath, which lives in your mouth and seems to favor the tongue as one of its favorite hiding spots, you should keep in mind the regular brushing and flossing of your teeth and regular brushing or scraping of your tongue. . If you cannot take good care of your teeth, then you probably do not really want to cure your bad breath.

Foods such as onions and garlic can cause short-term bad breath and it is recommended that you eat a sprig of parsley, cloves, fennel seeds or peppermint to mask the odor. Eating avocado can help many people to ease the chronic bad breath that ails them and everybody around them, but not eating too much avocado. If you eat a lot of meat and very little fresh fruits and vegetables, that could be to blame for your bad breathe. Eating more fresh food and less protein is a great bad breath remedy that really works for many people

Having a dry mouth leads to bad breath and if you do not drink enough water, chances are that your bad breath is due to the lack of moisture in your mouth, so be sure to check that out. It is important to drink enough water for many reasons but bad breath is only one of them

In order to prevent the risk of mouth and gum disease and bad breath caused by smoking, which causes chronic bad breathe from the smell of the tobacco and because it leaves your gums and teeth prone to gum disease, it is recommended that you quit smoking.

Finally, finding an effective cure for bad breath can be liberating for you. When you have eliminated bacteria from your mouth, you will be able to exude confidence when talking to people because you know that you have found a cure for bad breath that works.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

Progressive jackpot odds and probabilities

Calculating odds and probabilities for classic slot machine games with 3 reels with 10 symbols on each reel is simplicity itself. You simply multiply the chances of hitting the correct symbol on each real times the chances of hitting it on the other 2 reels. The formula looks like this in fact:

1/10 X 1/10 X 1/10 = 1/1000

A brief explanation: if there are 10 possible symbols on each reel, then the chances of hitting 1 of those 10 is 1/10. The chances of hitting that same symbol on all 3 reels is the product of the chance of hitting it on each reel.

A casino makes its money by having payouts that aren't equivalent to the true odds of hitting the jackpot. In a case where you have a 1 in 1000 chance of hitting a jackpot, if you paid out 999 to 1 or 998 to 1, the difference in the payout versus the actual odds would be your resulting profit.

But progressive jackpots are sometimes tremendous. Sometimes you can even find progressive jackpots of $1 million or more. In order to accomplish this, slot machine manufacturers had to become programmers, because realistically, a mechanical slot machine was limited to 3 or 4 reels with 20 or so symbols on each reel. A mechanical slot machine's reels are actual strips of metal, and having more than 20 symbols on each of them made them too large to actually operate the machine.

But with a random number generator program, a casino can set up "virtual reels" with an unlimited number of symbols on each. They can also set up multiple reels. Since the odds of hitting the jackpot become much smaller, the amount of the jackpot can become much larger.

Here's what the odds of hitting the jackpot are on a 3 reel machine with 30 symbols, and for a 5 reel machine with 30 symbols:

1/30 X 1/30 X 1/30 = 1/27,000

1/30 X 1/30 X 1/30 X 1/30 X 1/30 = 1/810,000

If the odds of hitting the jackpot are 1 in 810,000, you could easily have a payout of $500,000 or even $600,000 and still maintain a solidly profitable slot game.

Since progressive jackpots grow constantly until someone hits the jackpot, you could theoretically make a positive expectation bet on a slot machine game, IF the jackpot were large enough. In the above example, if the jackpot were $810,001, you'd be making a positive expectation bet.

The problem is that the slot machine manufacturers don't make it that easy. They use algorithms in their random number generator software that set up a % payout, so it's unknowable to a player what the dollar amount on the jackpot must be to have a positive expectation bet.

If I only knew the settings for Cash Splash or Wow Pot, maybe I could wait until the jackpot were large enough to play, and make positive expectation bets all the time. But on the other hand, just having fun is usually positive expectation enough to suit me.

Acne treatment product information

Recent studies have concluded approximately 90% of all teenagers, 50% of all adult women and 25% of all adults had suffered from acne, either as a chronic skin disease or at some point in their lives. Although there's no universal cure, acne is definitely easier to treat now than it used to be. However, finding the right acne treatment product is still a mystery for many of the sufferers.

Despite all the scientific knowledge today, people still think that acne is caused by particular things we do. Actually, it is mostly a combination of factors underneath our skin that lead to acne. The good news that there are acne treatment products that can eliminate it completely in about 95% of all cases.

Your skin has many wonderful features that help it recover completely even from serious acne if treated properly:

* It is self healing.

* It is very elastic.

* It registers and remembers sensations very precisely.

* It is very resilient.

* It is self-cleaning and hardly ever suffers any serious infection.

* It lets in some elements and protects you from others.

* It holds in the entire amount of liquid that flows through your body.

Salicylic Acid

There's a lot of evidence that salicylic acid is one of the most effective approach on acne problems. It decreases the number of primary acne lesions, as well as the number and severity of all lesions associated with acne. Salicylic acid is safe to use even on dark skin and gives good and fast results.

Glycolic Acid

Among popular alpha hydroxyl acids, glycolic acid is one of the most commonly used. It has similar results with a chemical peel. Even when used in strong concentrations, glycolic acid has only few negative side effects. Long-term day to day use may also have a beneficial effect on acne scars.

Glycolic acid is also effective in increasing skin resistance to ultraviolet light, improving moisture retention, as well as the general skin condition. However, even though it is quite effective and has only minor side effects, it is better to use as part of a more complex skin care system.

Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is a widely used ingredient in acne treatment products. It used to be very popular in the 1930s, but since then, medical science has come up with new and more effective treatments. However, many dermatologists are still pleading for the benefits of acne treatment products that contain Benzoyl peroxide.

In addition to its antibacterial effect, Benzoyl peroxide apparently has an anti-oxidant action as well. Among its most common side effects is dry and irritated skin.

Many acne treatment products available on the market today use one of the ingredients mentioned above in combination with other ingredients. Some of the most famous and effective products against acne are ProAcrive, ZENMED Derma Cleanse System, Accutane and Benzoyl Peroxide. However, when purchasing an acne treatment product, you have to look through the side effects thoroughly, as some of them may be worse than your acne itself.

Saturday, 3 September 2016

Is your cardio routine doing more harm than good

Before you start wasting hours upon hours on those boring treadmills, stationary bikes, and elliptical machines, let's examine if low-moderate intensity, long duration cardio exercise is really doing your body any good, or if it is mostly a waste of time. I hope you will concede upon finishing this article that there is a better way to get in great shape, and it doesn't have to involve endless hours on boring cardio machines.

It is common to hear fitness professionals and medical doctors prescribe low to moderate intensity aerobic training (cardio) to people who are trying to prevent heart disease or lose weight. Most often, the recommendations constitute something along the lines of "perform 30-60 minutes of steady pace cardio 3-5 times per week maintaining your heart rate at a moderate level". Before you just give in to this popular belief and become the "hamster on the wheel" doing endless hours of boring cardio, I'd like you to consider some recent scientific research that indicates that steady pace endurance cardio work may not be all it's cracked up to be.

First, realize that our bodies are designed to perform physical activity in bursts of exertion followed by recovery, or stop-and-go movement instead of steady state movement. Recent research is suggesting that physical variability is one of the most important aspects to consider in your training. This tendency can be seen throughout nature as all animals demonstrate stop-and-go motion instead of steady state motion. In fact, humans are the only creatures in nature that attempt to do "endurance" type physical activities.

Most competitive sports (with the exception of endurance running or cycling) are also based on stop-and-go movement or short bursts of exertion followed by recovery. To examine an example of the different effects of endurance or steady state training versus stop-and-go training, consider the physiques of marathoners versus sprinters. Most sprinters carry a physique that is very lean, muscular, and powerful looking, while the typical dedicated marathoner is more often emaciated and sickly looking. Now which would you rather resemble?

Another factor to keep in mind regarding the benefits of physical variability is the internal effect of various forms of exercise on our body. Scientists have known that excessive steady state endurance exercise (different for everyone, but sometimes defined as greater than 60 minutes per session most days of the week) increases free radical production in the body, can degenerate joints, reduces immune function, causes muscle wasting, and can cause a pro-inflammatory response in the body that can potentially lead to chronic diseases. On the other hand, highly variable cyclic training has been linked to increased anti-oxidant production in the body and an anti-inflammatory response, a more efficient nitric oxide response (which can encourage a healthy cardiovascular system), and an increased metabolic rate response (which can assist with weight loss).

Furthermore, steady state endurance training only trains the heart at one specific heart rate range and doesn't train it to respond to various every day stressors. On the other hand, highly variable cyclic training teaches the heart to respond to and recover from a variety of demands making it less likely to fail when you need it. Think about it this way -- Exercise that trains your heart to rapidly increase and rapidly decrease will make your heart more capable of handling everyday stress. Stress can cause your blood pressure and heart rate to increase rapidly. Steady state jogging and other endurance training does not train your heart to be able to handle rapid changes in heart rate or blood pressure.

For example, lets say you jog trying to maintain the same pace for a good 45-minute run. As long as you didn't encounter any big hills along the way, you probably maintained approximately the same heart rate the entire time - let's say it was 135 beats/minute. Now, let's contrast that with a much more effective workout of doing 20 minutes of alternating all-out wind sprints with walking for a minute or two in between sprints to recover. With this more effective workout, you're rapidly changing your heart rate up and down on a much larger scale, forcing it to grow stronger to be able to handle varied demands. Your heart rate would probably alternate from 110-115 during the recovery walks all the way up to 160 bpm or more during the sprints. This doesn't mean that sprints are the only way to take advantage of this style of training. Any style of training that incorporates highly variable intensity will give you these improved results.

The important aspect of variable cyclic training that makes it superior over steady state cardio is the recovery period in between bursts of exertion. That recovery period is crucially important for the body to elicit a healthy response to an exercise stimulus. Another benefit of variable cyclic training is that it is much more interesting and has lower drop-out rates than long boring steady state cardio programs.

To summarize, some of the potential benefits of variable cyclic training compared to steady state endurance training are as follows: improved cardiovascular health, increased anti-oxidant protection, improved immune function, reduced risk for joint wear and tear, reduced muscle wasting, increased residual metabolic rate following exercise, and an increased capacity for the heart to handle life's every day stressors. There are many ways you can reap the benefits of stop-and-go or variable intensity physical training.

In addition to the previously mentioned wind sprints, most competitive sports such as football, basketball, racquetball, tennis, hockey, etc. are naturally comprised of highly variable stop-and-go motion. In addition, weight training naturally incorporates short bursts of exertion followed by recovery periods. High intensity interval training (varying between high and low intensity intervals on any piece of cardio equipment) is yet another training method that utilizes exertion and recovery periods. For example, an interval training session on the treadmill could look something like this:

Warm-up for 3-4 minutes at a fast walk or light jog;

Interval 1 - run at 8.0 mi/hr for 1 minute;

Interval 2 - walk at 4.0 mi/hr for 1.5 minutes;

Interval 3 - run at 10.0 mi/hr for 1 minute;

Interval 4 - walk at 4.0 mi/hr for 1.5 minutes;

Repeat those 4 intervals 4 times for a very intense 20-minute workout.

The take-away message from this article is to try to train your body at highly variable intensity rates for the majority of your workouts to get the most beneficial response in terms of heart health, fat loss, and a strong, lean body.