Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Home based business and the backyard castle

If you’ve priced the value of land lately you know that for many individuals the notion of home ownership has become a very difficult prospect.

What about existing home owners that would like a home-based business, but also want that home-based business to have its own place away from the hustle and bustle of an already full house?

If there is space on the lot you currently own you may find a new trend to be just right in developing an ‘off site’ on site location for you to stay at home and still have the quiet you need for a home office – the best of both worlds.

Many homeowners are finding mini cottages are adding value to their home and giving them a retreat for their homegrown business activities.

In some cases these mini structures can be put up in the course of a few weekends with as few as two people working on them. Some companies can deliver these structure pre-made to your specifications. Your total investment could be as little as $10,000. Many homeowners use these structures for the privacy of guests, for backyard entertainment and especially for home-based businesses and studios.

If thoughtfully designed these structures can add landscaping value to your existing home and will be a welcome retreat when you need to be home, but you also need a place to think.

The old adage is true, “The home is a business owner’s castle”. OK so maybe it wasn’t said that way exactly, but I think you see the point. Why not convert some of that home-based business capital into improvements to a cottage office. Check with your tax expert, in some cases the cost of the cottage could have some potential impact in tax deductions if the primary use of the structure is business oriented.

Imagine having an office that is just steps from your back door. When business calls come in you have a built in retreat to escape to for the privacy and concentration you need. When you need space to research a project the back yard office can be the exact place that fits your specific needs.

Because an office is an important part of any business your back yard retreat can be designed and decorated to meet your very specific needs weather that’s total quiet to full Internet connectivity. It can be casual or more formal in design. This office will be a blank sheet for you to create something uniquely you.

There are so many studies that point out the psychological benefits of a backyard retreat. By implementing a tasteful and affordable office space in your backyard landscaping you are simply adding to the notion that home is a great place to work.

Should there ever come a time you are interested in selling your property experts indicate the added personal space in the backyard has enormous potential for positive return on your investment.

I know for some home-based businesses this would not be a possibility because of space restrictions, neighborhood covenants or financial restraint. However, this idea can give you something to work toward as your home-based business grows and the need for space increases.

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