Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Why did my perfect partner leave me part two of a two-part series

In part one of this series, we examined: "Why am I NOT in a relationship with the love of my life?"

In Part 2, we'll look at why a seemingly "perfect partnership" falls apart and how to turn such a disappointment or pain into great personal growth.

So, you made your list of what you want in a guy (or gal) and you attracted THE ONE. You just know this is THE ONE because they seem to fulfill every desire on your list. WOW! You didn't know you were so powerful, did you? In fact, the realization of just how powerful you are can make your head spin--your vibration soars! And "Oh, I just know this is the perfect person," becomes your mantra. You begin to see each other often. You spend lots of time discussing everything from your favorite color to foods and sharing life experiences. Where has this person been? Why did it take us so long to find each other? In your mind and imagination, you can see the two of you together forever.

And then, it may be weeks, or months later, you are NOT together and you wonder, "Did I do something wrong? Is the Universe playing tricks on me? I thought this was THE ONE. What happened?" They found someone else. Or you discover something about them that caused you to withdraw from them. Maybe you just drifted apart. One thing is true, the disappointment of this relationship has released a tirade of self-depreciation and reinforced the old tapes--"It might happen for others, but it won't happen for me" and "I've missed my one chance at true love!"

Let's look at three reasons why a seemingly "perfect relationship" might not last forever:

Reason # 1

The Law of Attraction teaches us that we attract people, opportunities, situations and things that are in harmony with our dominant vibration. What happens, sometimes, is that that people are harmonious for a while, and then one person makes a decision or changes and sets themselves on a path that no longer harmonizes with our vibration.

Reason # 2

You did not realize that some things in a relationship are very important until the relationship ended. Do you remember the lady who wrote to me in part one of this series? She had not realized how important it is to attract a lover who has healed from past hurts. While she is still in love with this man, he could not remain in the relationship, due to his fear that she would one day leave him as his former lover had. To protect himself, he ended the relationship with the writer. He simply was not ready for a deep lasting relationship. Now, this lady has "healed and ready to commit" at the top of her list!

Reason # 3

Your Higher Self is ready for you to evolve into a more complete self-acceptance. That's right your Higher Self knows just how much you depend on others for your self-esteem and so it sets the stage for a dramatic (and often painful) situation.

This Higher Self is the True You. The One you've shied away from. The YOU you've avoided for so long. Your Higher Self has a message for you and wants your attention. It will have your attention sooner or later. And the sooner, the easier the lesson.

I have a client, who is nearly 60 years old, who is being confronted with this lesson and it is so painful to watch her struggle with it. The GOOD NEWS is that our Higher Self only wants our highest good and that includes:

KNOWING yourself

ACCEPTING yourself

HONORING yourself

TRUSTING yourself

LOVING yourself.

Once we believe that we ARE magnificent, delicious, marvelously designed spirits having a human experience--that there is NOTHING WRONG with us--that we ARE COMPLETE--that we don't need another human to make us whole--then we are ready for the most delightful, deep, satisfying personal relationships. All our desires will manifest in many meaningful and/or intimate relationships.

Ask yourself:

"Am I willing to learn more about myself so I can accept all parts of myself?"

"Am I willing to assign my own sense of worth or value?"

"Do I love and care for myself enough to 'grieve and get over' the lost lover?"

"Can I use this opportunity to understand myself better?"

If you ARE willing to grow and learn more about yourself through a difficult loss of a relationship, chances are you will attract someone into your life whose vibration is in beautiful harmony with yours.

Rebecca Hanson is a Master Law of Attraction Coach. Thousands of people have enjoyed her talks or articles about real-life experiences and how she found the "nugget of truth" in every situation. Now she has such a deep grasp of how faith, beliefs and thinking work that she is able to lift others to a higher level, very quickly. You can contact Rebecca at Rebecca@YouCanHaveItAll. com or on her website at youcanhaveitall. com and sign up for her free “Museletter”.

Rebecca has also written a book called, “Law of Attraction for Business: How to create a business or attract a job you LOVE!” To find out more about this book and other information check out lawofattractionresources. com/

Saturday, 28 May 2016

Fun hockey product shopping items

People play hockey because it is a good form of exercise and let’s people develop a hobby that many people never have the chance to experience because of their geographical location. People look for fun hockey product shopping items, because the game of hockey is quite frankly, fun to play.

There are fun and unique gifts that would be fun hockey products shopping items. Some of these gifts could be given a coaching aid, and others are specifically tailored for goalies to use before, during and after the game. A special treasure trove of fun hockey shopping items that you could buy for a newbie to the game of hockey would be items they could use to learn about hockey.

Some of these fun hockey product shopping items you could look for would be some of videos of a hockey teams home games that they made in color and are full of exciting moves and maneuvers on the ice. Other fun hockey product shopping items might be books on the history of hockey, and DVD’s that contain a full series of instruction on all areas of the game.

To a newbie, these fun hockey product shopping items would be priceless. You can get an experienced hockey player a membership at a hockey clinic. These challenging courses would improve their game 100 percent by helping them develop well rounded skills that they could use in every game of hockey they play.

Other fun hockey product shopping items would be great for anyone that likes to take care of their gear. There are stick locker portable drying racks that hold knee pads and hand protection gear until they are dried properly after a hard day on the ice. There are amusing items like a Top Dog t-shirt that would spread the word about the game of hockey and identify who the top guy is on the ice. This gift could be used as a training motivation tool too.

You can purchase useful hockey items that are also fun hockey product shopping items that will be used all of the time on the ice. Some of these useful items would include a blade shark stick blade panels to make every swing count when you are headed toward the goalie and the goal, or use other stick products that help you maintain contact with the puck and help prevent damage to the blade at the same time.

There are even fun hockey product shopping items that the coach would love to have, and if they are given by the whole team it makes the gifts very special indeed. All hockey coaches need a carry all bag, that can handle all of the extras that a coach has to lug to every game you play. A bag with zipping and dividable tops, a canvas bag side panel that unzips for easy access to playbooks and rosters, and a deep interior space to stow everything else he might have with him on any given day, would be the perfect gift for a hockey coach.

Is using plr a mistake

It's amazing what a bad reputation private label content (PLR) has in the Internet Marketing world. I was just reading a blog post in which the author (who shall remain nameless) was blasting anyone who uses PLR, calling them some pretty unflattering names. In his opinion, anyone who uses PLR doesn't care about their business and is doomed to failure.

Yikes. As much as I have to disagree with his overall view, he did bring up some valid points:

1) He used the term "junk PLR" over and over again throughout his post, so I know he was referring to the poor-quality content that reads like it was written by a third-grader. Having been unfortunate enough to purchase some of that myself in the past, I understand his dissatisfaction.

However, nowadays things are changing! More and more professional writers are seeing the benefits of writing for a larger client base, rather than focusing solely on individual contracts. Most often, these are writers who have been earning a full-time income from their writing skills for years, and they know their topics well. The result is high-quality, professionally written material that can be very useful for the online business owner.

I'll even go so far as to say that any hack writer who puts out junk content will not be in business for long. The only way to build a successful long-term writing business is to stand by your work and provide the utmost quality and value for your customers - whether you're writing for one client at a time, or providing PLR content to many clients.

2) This blog owner also seemed to be under the impression that anyone who uses PLR content is lazy or untalented and doesn't want to put in the time and creativity to create their own products. It's probably true that some people don't want to create their own products - but I highly doubt the reason is laziness or lack of talent. Rather, I think that many people have great ideas and knowledge but don't know how to form it into a finished e-product. Either their writing skills are not strong enough, or they are pressed for time, or they just happen to find a great PLR product that already conveys the ideas they would have included in their own product.

There are as many valid reasons for using PLR content as there are business models. My client base includes professional life coaches, business coaches, relationship coaches, public speakers, internet marketers, professional bloggers and more. These people are anything BUT lazy and untalented! They have thriving businesses and they see real value in sharing quality content with their visitors.

3) Finally, this blog author was very firm in his belief that PLR content provides no value to the customer who purchases it because it's being sold on other websites as well. This is a valid point because it's very possible that a customer might end up purchasing the same ebook or report more than once, not realizing it's the same material.

However, the majority of people understand the value in modifying PLR content so that it's more unique to them. You don't have to completely rewrite something in order to make it unique! What many people do is go through and insert their own comments, experiences and advice into the original copy. They may add a few exercises for the reader to help clarify the concepts, or even bundle the original copy with other PLR material so it creates a completely new product. There are endless ways to do it. The true value the customer receives is in the ideas and concepts themselves. Do they help the customer? Does the material provide helpful advice and information that overdelivers in value? If so, you've got a sure winner!

So, after reading all of this, do you feel that using PLR is a mistake like "Mr. Negative"? Or do you see how it can work to your advantage, like so many other successful business owners today?

It's all about how you use it to bring added value to your customers and visitors.

Paid opinion survey programs - can you really make money from home taking paid opinion surveys

Are you wondering what all the hype is about the paid opinion survey industry? I know I was, so I decided to do a little bit of investigating. The first thing that I discovered is that there are a lot of scam sites out there. When I say a lot, I mean the majority of the sites that claim to be able to make you boatloads of money from filling out surveys are a rip off.

The way they work is simple: you pay a huge membership fee to join in exchange for a list of paid surveys that you can take to make money. The way they get you is in the list. Usually, they are ridiculously old and outdated, and the surveys are closed. In many cases, they require your credit card information and they continually charge you for membership month after month, until you actually cancel.

The next thing I learned about the paid opinion survey industry is that you actually can pay all of your bills using money you make from paid survey sites. Once you get through all of the horror stories that detail how people have lost hundreds of dollars as a result of joining shady sites, you'll find many happy people who, to this day, continue to make up to a few thousand dollars each month filling out surveys. The trick, as they say, is to find a legitimate survey site.

In all of my research and experience with the paid opinion survey industry, there are only a handful of sites that I would recommend. Unlike sites that steal your money, there are some very good resources available to help you get started.. As long as you commit to filling out a certain number of surveys, you'll see huge paychecks each month. Best yet, the site even has an income calculator that you can use to figure out exactly how big your paychecks will be!

Friday, 27 May 2016

How you can learn spanish online easily

Learning a new language such as Spanish can be really rewarding and it can really broaden your options in job, travel. However, many people don't have the time to attend an after work class because of family commitments. For those people there is an alternative. You can learn to speak Spanish online

If you are looking to learn Spanish fast online then fear not - it couldn't be easier. Whilst there are many Spanish courses online which do take a long time to complete, there is also a good selection of quick lessons which you can really benefit from.

Sometimes you don't always have time to join up with long term language courses. It could be that you are going on a last minute holiday or perhaps you have an unexpected business meeting with a Spanish client? If so and you are not overly confident in your ability to speak Spanish, you may be in desperate need of fast Spanish lessons. But is it really possible to learn Spanish fast online?

Ideally when you look to learn Spanish fast online, you need to take a number of factors into account. The main one is do the lessons tell you how to say the words? Some fast track courses will only show you how the word is said and this makes it a lot more difficult to learn. So with any online quick Spanish courses, they should be interactive and you should be able to hear the word being said to you. It is a well known fact that people learn quicker when they hear and see things together. So a good fast online Spanish course will make use of these skills.

Learning to speak Spanish online can be a lot cheaper than learning in a class. You can even learn to speak Spanish online for free if you look around. The great thing about the internet is that there is always a lot of information that you can pick up for free and learning to speak Spanish is one topic you should find a lot of free information on. However, are free Spanish lessons really as good as paid lessons?

Free Spanish Lessons versus Paid Spanish Lessons

It is possible if you look around enough, to find good quality free Spanish lessons online. As with all free information online, it really does differ in quality. So it is possible to find both good and bad free lessons online. However when you really want to learn Spanish, it is definitely worth taking a paid lesson instead of looking for free lessons as free lesson might teach wrong Spanish.

The reason you should opt for paid lessons over free lessons online is because with paid lessons you know you are getting good quality. You may even have your own online tutor who can help you if you get stuck. They should also contain resources which you can use if want to. Generally paid lessons are a lot more in depth and useful than free lessons.

Save money by renting construction equipment for your renovation project

If it is time to renovate your home, consider becoming your own contractor and save yourself hundreds or thousands of dollars! If you are capable of completing the work yourself, bypass the costly contractors and finish the project on your own and under budget. For a larger project, hire individuals directly to work on each specific part of the renovation. Hiring sub contractors directly will still save you a great deal of money and allow you to better apply your budget to quality materials.

One major problem individuals have when beginning their renovation project is their lack of construction equipment in their stable. Renting this equipment is an excellent choice for anyone who needs the items on a limited basis and does not have the funding to purchase the often costly equipment for themselves.

Construction equipment can be rented at a variety of places. Look in your local yellow pages to find a specialized construction equipment rental business in your area. These businesses are usually prevalent and are capable of renting everything under the sun, from small tools to tractors or caterpillars. You may need to call or visit different rental companies to find out their rules, costs, and the equipment available before you make your choice.

In order to limit hassle and aggravation, choose a company that has all requested tools and equipment instead of renting from a variety of shops around town. Usually, shops will strive to work with you regarding renting equipment for a large job, often providing bulk pricing and long term renting contracts.

For smaller jobs, consider visiting your local home supply store. These ever popular equipment laden depots regularly rent a variety of tools and other construction equipment on a daily basis. Stores such as Lowes and Home Depot regularly rent a host of power tools and even vehicles for hauling materials, but may have a more limited selection than a firm that specializes in renting construction equipment. Furthermore, these stores generally have a shorter rental time, making them perfect for smaller projects, but inappropriate for larger endeavors.

Before you agree to rent everything, be sure you fully understand the rental contract. You do not want to be penalized at the end of the day and forced to pay expensive fees because you did not completely understand the rental conditions before you signed on the dotted light. Ask for a deal in either the price or longevity of the contract. Often if you are renting a great deal of equipment from a specific store, they will work with you on either of these items.

Also, speak with your subcontractors and be absolutely aware of their timeline. No one wants to rent construction equipment before it is actually needed and having the tools sit unused for a period of time. This can be a costly mistake and should be avoided at all costs.

Renting construction equipment is an excellent way to have the tools you need on hand for your home renovation project. Do not purchase expensive and bulky tools that you may never use again! Find a reliable rental agency and rent the right equipment to get the job done.

Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Cheap webhosting - is it for you

There's an old adage which states that "You get what you pay for".

In most areas of life, and business, this holds true. Not necessarily so, however, in the webhosting industry. Often, you pay too much, and don't get what you pay for.

Several weeks ago I got a call from a web designer friend of mine.

"John," He said "You won't believe this".

He went on to tell me about a Plastic Surgeon he was redesigning a website for. This client was paying $600.00 per month for his webhosting account.

"The incredible thing is" He related, "I can't get the current host to return my phone calls or emails".

After looking at this clients needs, I was shocked to find that there was nothing special about his site that justified his being on anything other than a basic shared webhosting plan. We quoted him a monthly rate of under five dollars.

In this case, the client was being raped by an unscrupulous host who was not only overcharging him, but not even providing the basic support he needed.

This is an extreme example, no doubt, but it all to often characterizes the poor deal which most website owners fall into.

Several years ago, there was no such thing as a webhosting industry. Nearly all websites were hosted by local ISP's. The average monthly cost for hosting a website was $20.00 per month. Often, if you called the ISP with a technical question, they would tell you to buy a book or take a class.

Around 1996, we saw the emergence of a few "webhosting" companies. These were companies which were strictly committed to hosting websites. Using the economy of scale, they were able to offer incredibly useful webhosting packages for around $10.00 per month. What's more, some of these companies provided useful tech support which was geared towards meeting a website owners needs.

Fast forward to 2005 and we now see the emergence of a new type of web host - the cheap webhosting provider. These are companies which offer hosting for less than $5.00 per month.

Generally, cheap webhosting providers are newer companies. There's a reason for this. It's extremely difficult for the older companies to lower their prices when they already have a large customer base which pays higher prices. They'd be slashing their gross, and most companies just can't afford that.

So how do cheap webhosting providers offer such a low price to begin with?

Part of it is that servers, hard drive space and bandwidth are much, much less expensive than they were several years ago. Cheap webhosting providers capitalize on this.

Another part is that cheap hosting providers use a different business model than the older providers. Webhosting is a very competitive business. Until recently, web hosts attempted to compete by providing the most tools and features. The problem with this model is that not everyone needs everything. Most web hosts provide free backup services to all of their clients. Backups are costly, and not everyone needs or wants them, but everyone pays for them because they're built into the cost of the package.

A cheap webhosting provider, on the other hand, might give you the basic features that everyone uses, but offer weekly backups as an available add on feature, putting the cost of backing up websites on only those customers who want that service.

This all sounds great, I know, but what about service? Will I get competent and fast customer support from a company which charges me $4.00 per month?

The answer, surprisingly, is usually yes.

Obviously, not all cheap webhosting providers will give you great service. But not all expensive webhosting providers will give good service either. Our Plastic Surgeon friend couldn't get his $600.00 host to return his emails.

But, with a cheaper provider, the key for the providers success is customer retention. A savvy web host will endeavor to please his existing clients by providing the best support possible.

Monday, 23 May 2016

Artichokes a fun quick healthy veggie

If you're looking for something to liven up your meal, artichokes offer a terrific, tasty solution. This culinary favorite is fun to eat, can be quick to prepare and completes a "green serving" of the 5 a Day the Color Way regimen.

Besides being delicious, artichokes are naturally low in sodium and have no fat or cholesterol. They're a rich source of vitamin C, folate and dietary fiber.

There are several ways to enjoy artichokes; they can be steamed, boiled, grilled, sautйed or roasted. But for anyone who is short on time, artichokes have a speedy cooking time in the microwave, making them a wonderful quick-meal solution.

To Microwave: Place one rinsed and trimmed artichoke upside down in a glass bowl with 1/2 cup of water, 1/2 teaspoon each of lemon juice and oil. Cover with plastic wrap and cook on high 7 to 10 minutes. Time can vary depending on size of artichoke.

When shopping for artichokes, select ones that squeak with a squeeze of the leaves for freshness and pick artichokes with thorned petals, as those varieties have a bigger, meatier heart. Just trim the thorns with scissors when ready to prepare. The "jumbo"-sized artichoke is a culinary favorite and can be found in your local market throughout the year.

Artichokes will keep for about a week in a plastic bag stored in your refrigerator. Their peak seasons are spring and fall, but new varieties developed by Ocean Mist are available year-round.

To eat, pull the base of each petal through your front teeth to strip off the "meat," then discard the rest. The artichoke's center "heart" is often considered the tastiest part and the prize of your work. The stem is an extension of the heart and also completely edible and delicious.

Artichokes' sweet, mild flavor make them a marvelous partner for dips and sauces, such as this quick-to-make Balsamic Mint Dressing.

Artichokes with Balsamic Mint Dressing

Recipe courtesy of Ocean Mist

4 extra large or jumbo artichokes

1/2 cup packed fresh mint leaves

2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

1/3 cup balsamic vinegar

3 tablespoons honey

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

Rinse artichokes under running water. Cut off stem and top quarter of artichoke. Trim tips of petals with kitchen scissors, if desired. Pour 3 inches of water in large pot. Add artichokes and simmer, covered, until a petal pulls out easily, about 45 minutes, depending on size. Drain artichokes upside down on paper towels. Using a large spoon, scoop out and discard the soft inner leaves and fuzzy choke. Arrange artichokes in serving bowl, cup side up. In a blender or food processor, blend remaining ingredients. Pour balsamic honey mixture into the centers of the artichokes. Serve warm, at room temperature or chilled.

Makes 8 shared appetizer servings.

Nutrition Information per Serving: calories: 106, total fat: 3.5g, saturated fat: 0.5g, % of calories from fat: 26%, % of calories from saturated fat: 4%, protein: 4g, carbohydrates: 19g, cholesterol: 0mg, dietary fiber: 5g, sodium: 276mg

Note to Editors: Eighty-seventh in a series of columns by Elizabeth Pivonka, Ph. D., R. D., president and CEO of Produce for Better Health Foundation. More stories at napsnet. com. Search: "Pivonka."

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Some very good reasons for staying at the tugu bali hotel

The Top Bali Luxury hotel is situated right on a broad beach on the south west side of Bali, and it is called The Tugu Bali Hotel.

This is very definitely the most romantic hotel in Bali with only 22 rooms, and each decorated with priceless antiques and pictures. In fact wherever you turn in the Tugu Bali Hotel you will see artifacts lovingly collected over many years by the owner. Don’t for one second think that the hotel is in any way out of date, in fact you will find the Tugu has a huge reputation for service, luxury and romance and exceptional hospitality too.

A love of fine art, and a planned wedding, means you need the perfect luxury hotel for the most romantic honeymoon you could possibly have here in Bali, and the Tugu Bali Hotel can and will certainly supply that, and more.

You will find that the Tugu is a wonderful romantic refuge from the outside world, and because it is a little out of the way, the staff who will treat you like royalty go more than out of their way to ensure you don’t have any need to leave. This starts at the international airport at Denpasar where you are picked up and given refreshments during the thirty minute ride, which will then be repeated as you complete the formalities in the beautiful open air reception area.

Looking around you will immediately realize that the Tugu Bali Hotel is not only a luxury hotel in Bali, it is also going to be one of the best experiences of your life, and so romantic if it is your Bali honeymoon, then you couldn’t have chosen better. All the cobble stone paths, the gardens, the Balinese and Javaneses antiques, and the altars make you feel as if you are in a friend’s home and not one of the top luxury hotels in Bali.

It is the personal attention to detail that makes a good hotel into a great one, and the staff here are unobtrusive, know your name, nothing is too much trouble, and wishes are turned quickly into reality, without having to continually sign chits because the staff know who you are.

If you are able to, then stay in one of the suites with the private plunge pool, the courtyard with the huge outdoor bath tub is fantastic, and you could spend some hours in that alone!! It is like being able to step for a few days into a magical world, you’ll almost have to pinch yourself.

The food at the Tugu Bali Hotel is uniformly excellent, and if you get the opportunity take part in the cooking class and the market visit. The cooking class takes place in what is like a film set with a reconstruction of a street kitchen. This one on one lesson is something you’ll never forget especially as you then get to eat it!!

Another experience not to be missed is dusk on the beach at Tugu, where you can watch the sunset over the sea whilst eating a romantic grilled seafood dinner, cooked right in front of you. In fact you can eat wherever you want and this includes the 18th century temple in the grounds, and food is genuine Balinese

Altogether the Tugu Hotel Bali is an oasis, unique in that it is so tranquil in an increasingly hectic world.

Go there especially for your Bali Honeymoon or just to recharge your batteries.

Organic and natural products

Did you know????

There is a process for the certification and labeling of organic foods.

In 1990, the United States legislature passed the Organic Foods Production Act. It assured the standardization the use of terms such as “organic” and “natural.” This act established a US Natural Organic Standards Board (NOSB).

Regulations were further promulgated by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) in conjunction with the NOSB, so that today there is a set of standards that guide the entire industry. For example, NOSB defines organic agriculture as “an ecological production management system that promotes and enhances biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity. It is based on minimal use of off-farm inputs and management practices that restore, maintain, and enhance ecological harmony.”

NOSB states that the primary goal of organic agriculture is to “optimize the health and productivity of interdependent communities of soil, plants, animals and people.” This standard is applied and followed by all entities accredited by the USDA.

There are several levels of labeling for organic foods, ranging from “100% organic,” (contents of 100% organically produced products), “organic” (contents of 95% organically grown products), and “made with organic ingredients” (contents 70% organically produced). A USDA seal of Certificate of Organic Ingredients can only be used, however, for products which contain 70% of more of organically produced contents.

Consumers, beware of products marketed and advertised as organic but do not meet the USDA standards and proof of certification. It does not necessarily mean the product is defective or poor, but it may not meet the important standards of “organic and natural” that you are seeking.

Check for quality organic products and more helpful articles at greatorganicproducts. com

Friday, 20 May 2016

Without a penny this weekend get bad credit payday loans

If your lavish spending habits have acquired you a bad credit, get rid of it immediately. Opt for bad credit payday loans and get a solution to your financial crunch.

Bad credit payday loans are generally short term loans that are given to meet the urgent requirement of money. These loans are meant to fill in the time gap between two pay cheques.

Bad credit payday loans cater to the money requirements when you have an unexpected car or medical bill, electricity bill, grocery bill or bill of an item purchased from a sale or auction.

No credit check is required while applying for bad credit payday loans. Persons who have earlier filed for bankruptcy can also apply for the loan. The loan provider is not concerned with your past. What he requires is repayment within the fixed time period.

Before applying for bad credit payday loans, the borrower needs to check the eligibility criteria. The loan qualification verifies the following things-:

• The borrower must be of 18 years of age or above.

• He should have a regular job with a fixed income.

• He must have a bank account.

The credit score of the borrower is significant in getting bad credit payday loans approved. Knowing the credit score will protect you against treachery by the lender and will help you to get the loan at a favorable rate of interest.

Repaying bad credit personal loans is easy. When the borrower receives his paychecks, the loan term gets terminated automatically. The loan provider withdraws the fees from your bank account. If you want to eradicate this fee, you need to make the repayments earlier.

Applying for bad credit payday loans is very simple. The borrower can submit the loan application online. He can even fill in the online loan application form at midnight. It saves you time as you don’t need to travel here and there in search of the lender. The loan provider will require you to present certain documents like the latest electricity bill, driving license, bank statement etc. The loan request will be preceded immediately after the lender receives the necessary proofs. The loan amount gets directly deposited in your bank account in less than 24 hours.

Bad credit payday loans help you to overcome your financial disaster. But these loans are not every borrower’s cup of tea. Therefore, these loans should not be used so often. If you use bad credit payday loans twice a year, you certainly need to keep a check on your spending habits.

Memory foam mattress - sleep better - live better

A mattress is a piece of bedding used for sleeping. Memory foam mattresses are special types of mattresses that are pressure and temperature sensitive. The origin of memory foam mattresses took place in a very grand manner. In the 70’s NASA was working on manned rockets. Manned rockets exert a lot of G-force on the astronauts, which can harm the astronaut. NASA scientists were trying to develop a material that was breathable and molded itself to the astronaut’s body to reduce the G-forces on the astronaut. They developed a polyurethane foam material which had the property of visco-elasticity and which could be used for the purpose. Though polyurethane foam was never used in the space program, it got to be used in beddings and pillows later.

Matter is classified into three states solid, liquid and gases. Visco elastic materials are materials that exhibit the properties of both solids and liquids. Polyurethane foam is used in memory foam mattresses due to its property of visco-elasticity. Memory foam mattresses are able to distribute pressure evenly and are able to return to their original shape when the pressure is removed. Memory foam mattresses shape themselves according to pressure and temperature of the person’s body to provide support and softness.

Mattresses are either soft or firm. There are 3 positions in which humans sleep;- back, stomach and side. People use more than one position to sleep. Firm mattresses are recommended for people sleeping on back and stomach, as soft mattresses might harm their backs due to unnatural angles. For those sleeping on sides, softer mattresses are recommended. Memory foam mattresses are a compromise of both firm and soft mattresses. They are suitable for all people. The memory foam mattress manufacturers claim that sleeping on a memory foam mattress feels like sleeping on a cloud.

Memory foam mattresses are recommended for people having back problems, arthritis, bone and joint problems, spondylitis etc. Studies have shown that people sleep better on a memory foam mattress. They are available in lots of sizes like, single, double, queen, king, California queen, California king and super king sizes. Some double memory foam mattresses have a softer side and a firmer side to suit the needs of sleeping partners. The usual thickness of memory foam mattresses is 5 inches. Some mattresses use memory foam padding on the upper layer one to two inches thick on the regular mattresses.

Memory foam mattresses begin at around 500$ and are available up to 2000$. Before buying a mattress, it is recommended that the buyer tests by lying on the mattress for at least 10 minutes. Lie on the back. If your finger passes through the small of the back very easily, then the mattress is too firm. If there is no space then the mattress is too soft. If turning around on the mattress is difficult that means the mattress is too soft. The softness and firmness of the mattress depends upon the density of the foam used in the mattress. As the density of the mattress increases the price also increases. As almost one third of our life is spent sleeping, it is better to invest in a good memory foam mattress.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Can t find anything in your closet a closet organizer will solve your problems

Do you have a cluttered closet? Are you finding it difficult to find something that you know is in the closet? If so, you are one small step away from a solution. A simple to visit to a home improvement store, or even a click on the right website, you can buy yourself a closet organizer and put an end to cluttered closets.

A typicial problem for people to keep an organized closet is that closets always seem full to capacity. A closet organizer can obtain you more room in a cluttered closet. A few small changes to your closet can create more useful space. For example, try raising your wardrobe bar up higher, thus allowing an additional bar to be installed below it.

In most homes, everyone has a "junk" closet. Usually, most people toss stuff in there that they have no idea where to put somewhere else. A great thing to do with your "junk" closet is to add shelving where possible to create a more orderly storage process. You can find many types of shelves where you find any other closet organizer. Typically, they only take a few moments to setup and install.

Ideally, the use of a closet organizer can almost double your storage space of your closet. Anything from an entire closet system to just a simple set of hanging shelves could save space and keep you organized. Simply by adding shelf system to your "junk" closet, you can create an organized closet that is easy to find anything. Many closet organizer options are available. A simple websearch or a visit to the local home improvement store can provide you with the closet organizer you are looking for.

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Home based business and the backyard castle

If you’ve priced the value of land lately you know that for many individuals the notion of home ownership has become a very difficult prospect.

What about existing home owners that would like a home-based business, but also want that home-based business to have its own place away from the hustle and bustle of an already full house?

If there is space on the lot you currently own you may find a new trend to be just right in developing an ‘off site’ on site location for you to stay at home and still have the quiet you need for a home office – the best of both worlds.

Many homeowners are finding mini cottages are adding value to their home and giving them a retreat for their homegrown business activities.

In some cases these mini structures can be put up in the course of a few weekends with as few as two people working on them. Some companies can deliver these structure pre-made to your specifications. Your total investment could be as little as $10,000. Many homeowners use these structures for the privacy of guests, for backyard entertainment and especially for home-based businesses and studios.

If thoughtfully designed these structures can add landscaping value to your existing home and will be a welcome retreat when you need to be home, but you also need a place to think.

The old adage is true, “The home is a business owner’s castle”. OK so maybe it wasn’t said that way exactly, but I think you see the point. Why not convert some of that home-based business capital into improvements to a cottage office. Check with your tax expert, in some cases the cost of the cottage could have some potential impact in tax deductions if the primary use of the structure is business oriented.

Imagine having an office that is just steps from your back door. When business calls come in you have a built in retreat to escape to for the privacy and concentration you need. When you need space to research a project the back yard office can be the exact place that fits your specific needs.

Because an office is an important part of any business your back yard retreat can be designed and decorated to meet your very specific needs weather that’s total quiet to full Internet connectivity. It can be casual or more formal in design. This office will be a blank sheet for you to create something uniquely you.

There are so many studies that point out the psychological benefits of a backyard retreat. By implementing a tasteful and affordable office space in your backyard landscaping you are simply adding to the notion that home is a great place to work.

Should there ever come a time you are interested in selling your property experts indicate the added personal space in the backyard has enormous potential for positive return on your investment.

I know for some home-based businesses this would not be a possibility because of space restrictions, neighborhood covenants or financial restraint. However, this idea can give you something to work toward as your home-based business grows and the need for space increases.

Portable jib cranes

Being able to lift and manipulate heavy items anywhere in the workplace or outdoors environment can make life much easier for your staff, and by investing in the widest range of time and labor saving devices possible from Easy Rack, you will be able to improve productivity by ensuring that employees are able to get the job done more efficiently, saving you money in the long run. One area where every workplace can improve is in the ability for staff to be able to move large heavy items within a small area, and then be able to move on. The best solution to this requirement is a portable jib crane, which can be moved into place using a fork lift and then left while an operator carries out the task required before it is moved onto the next location where it is needed.

Portable jib cranes mean that a single person is able to move a relatively large amount of material within a limited area quite quickly without having to tie up expensive resources such as a fork lift truck for lengthy periods of time.

The simple and elegant design of a portable jib crane is entirely functional, with great consideration given to making it completely stable in use without having to be secured into place. Easy Rack offer a variety of these jibs, but their design and function is the same. I essence, a large metal box filled with concrete is attached to a post up to 10 feet tall that has a jib and lifting equipment attached to it. The jib is able to rotate freely and lift weights of up to 1,000 pounds without tipping over thanks to the weight of the base.

The portable jib cranes are made to the highest standard possible, and feature all the latest safety thinking in their design as standard. The post and jib are made from high quality steel with cast bolts for additional strength. The whole crane is powder coated for a more hard wearing finish, and the crane can rotate a full 360 degrees with a touch, but is always under control.

The base of the portable jib crane features standard size fork lift tubes, meaning that it will slot onto a regular fork lift for transporting around the workplace to wherever it is needed next, and setting up only requires the forks to be withdrawn. The crane is practically ready as soon as it is on the ground.

Instead of having to move items around using the forklift or other device, or install a lifting system into the ceiling of your workplace at a great expense, this portable jib crane is the perfect solution to your needs, and represents an excellent investment in getting the job done more efficiently at a relatively low cost in comparison to the alternatives. Easy to operate, simple to move, and completely reliable thanks to its straightforward design, these cranes have many uses and will be in constant demand.

Regardless of the exact system that you opt to install in your workplace, you will find that the portable jib cranes are both efficient and hardwearing and will serve you well in the long term. Purchasing one of these fine lifting systems should be seen as an investment in, rather than a cost to, your business.

Accentuate the positive

How badly do you want your life to change and improve? How much have you studied up on self-help, personal development and success? How many articles and publications have you read? While research, thought and planning are important tools on your path to success, they are not the only weapons in your arsenal and in fact might even be hindering your success if you give into the easy choice of becoming a perpetual student of success. If you read every self-help book available, then you will never become a success because there won't be any time left to act upon the advice those publications offer. While it is good to listen to advice, eventually you are going to have to take action and that can't be done while reading. Our every thought either takes us toward our goals and desires or away from those goals and desires. Therefore, every thought has a positive or negative effect on the direction of our lives.

Compare your brain to a computer. If a new PC is loaded up with virus contaminated programs, would you expect it to run smoothly? Of course not, because you get out of the computer exactly what you put in, as my former computer programming teacher always said "garbage in, garbage out" and your brain is exactly the same.

Your every thought determines the direction of your life. If you are moving backward then take time to analyze your thoughts. Make a determined effort to recognize negative thoughts and treat them as your worst enemy. Try not to dwell on them. Putty can be molded into any shape or form and so, too, your life can be shaped and your destiny set by your thoughts.

If you find yourself weighed down by a lot of negative thoughts find a way to let them out. If you have a considerate, nonjudgmental friend who is willing to listen, then vent. Pets are great sympathetic listeners. You can also use a journal to vent your negative thoughts. A good friend of mine recently went through a very difficult time, professionally and personally, and while she did a fair amount of crying on the shoulders of her loved ones she found it counterproductive because they were too sympathetic and that sympathy would often only emphasize her sense that she'd been wronged. She needed to find a way to break that cycle so she could move on. She wrote out her frustration and anger and then held a symbolic burning party. I haven't tried her method myself but am holding it in reserve for future tough times.

Remember, the potential for change is the same for everyone. It only takes acceptance of the idea that change is possible coupled with the determination to follow through. It's not always easy to control our thoughts, but certainly not impossible, and the rewards can last a lifetime.

There are many books on the subject of self-help, but remember, you must take action to succeed. Your thoughts will not change simple by reading an article or book. You must apply what you learn to your everyday affairs. Allow what you read to awaken the possibility of change within you, then take action.

One of the most beneficial practices for positive thinking is to look for the "good" in everyone and everything. Remember to encourage others everyday by a kind word or deed and be ready to offer (or receive) compliments.

Find opportunities to put the power of your positive thinking to work. For example, you might be standing in a long line at the supermarket checkout. Rather than get upset, do your utmost to help out and encourage others with a kind word or compliment. You will be surprised at the positive reaction and at how many people will bless you with a wonderful smile in return.

Taking the time to notice others and look for the "good" in every situation will not only lift your spirits, but will brighten the day for everyone around you - it's a win-win situation to be sure. There are a 1001 ways to look for the good in others, be they family, friends or those you may only meet once. So, get the lead-out, get rid of those negative thoughts and become a winner.

Begin today to change your thought patterns one step at a time. Set yourself a goal for the week or month and devote full attention to controlling your thoughts. Start with at least one hour each day and increase the time as your confidence and thinking improve. It is a habit that needs nurturing and a habit you'll come to cherish.

If you accentuate the positives in your life and concentrate on making more positive changes, then there will be no stopping you on your road to success.

Monday, 16 May 2016

Frontier mountain west by elana andersen


P. M. Enterprises has opened a new tour operation in Lake Havasu City, Ariz. Owner Cathie (Priddy) Marshall, formerly with GlobeMasters Travel Network and All Around Branson, identified the need for group tour receptive services which specialize in sightseeing and custom packages for groups touring in the Lake Havasu region. Services being offered include meet-and-greet at both Las Vegas and Phoenix airports, transportation and step-on guides. Other options include various theme and special interest packages, which feature accommodations, theater, entertainment, recreation, gaming, sightseeing and other activities. Contact: 928-680-7949


Mystиre, the long running Cirque du Soleil production performed in Las Vegas, is at the Bellagio and has added a Sunday matinee to its schedule. Evening shows are performed Wednesday through Sunday. Contact: mgmgrand. com

The Mirage Resort in Las Vegas has introduced several new dining options for guests. Cravings, the popular buffet restaurant, has been redesigned to resemble an international bazaar market. It has 13 culinary stations, each representing a different global cuisine. Also new at this hotel is the opening of New York Citys Carnegie Deli.


The Woodburn Tulip Festival, mid-March through mid-April, is celebrated at the Wooden Shoe Bulb Company and City of Woodburn at the peak of the tulip blooming season. There are tours of the flower fields, wine tasting, craft fairs and other events. For a complete schedule of events, contact: 800-711-2006 or 503-982-8221.

After a three-year hiatus, the Columbia Queen has returned to the Columbia, Snake and Willamette rivers. Its new owner, the American Rivers Cruise Line (ARCL), is completing several enhancements to the luxurious 161-passenger riverboat in preparation for its launch in April. The 2005 season offers eight-night cruise vacations which visit scenic and historic points along these rivers which follow parts of the Oregon Trail and the route of Lewis and Clark. Guests have an opportunity to experience selection of price-included daily shore excursions which are led by historians, naturalists and cultural interpreters. There are several other included features being offered by the company. Contact: 800-901-9152 americanriverscruiseline. com


The Texas Historical Commission publishes guides to the states ten Heritage Trail Regions. Its newest guide, The Texas Brazos Trail, follows a path through central Texas and traces its early history and European heritage. It also highlights the regions many attractions, scenic waterways, small communities, commercial centers and the influence of the railroads and cotton industry on its growth and development. This region boasts having seven Texas Main Street Cities, ten notable parks and numerous historic sites. It is part of the infamous Chisholm Trail and home to the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum. It also features several colleges acclaimed for both their academic status and gridiron action. There are halls of fame celebrating Texas sports heroes and the Texas Rangers and many museums including the Dr. Pepper Museum. There are 36 historic communities in the region, each having sites of interest and most offering several celebrations and festivals at various times of the year. For a copy of Brazos Trail guide contact: 512-463-6100

Source: leisuregrouptravel. com

other links:

grouptravelblog. com
grouptraveldirectory. com

Why women should avoid being stressed during pregnancy

Stress has become an inevitable consequence of modern everyday life, and as we are subjected to increasing amounts of it, we experience more and more of the effects of the great rate of wear and tear we subject our bodies to. The term was originally coined by Hans Selye in 1936, and defined by him as "the non-specific response of the body to any demand for change." This means that we are all subjected to stress, but its effects on our bodies differ greatly from person to person, largely dependent on the gravity of and how we handle the stressful situation. It manifests itself in any number of physical or psychological symptoms that are often ignored until it seriously affects our health. In fact, stress is currently one of the leading causes of illness worldwide, such as depression, erectile dysfunction, hypertension and heart disease. This increasing number of stress-related illnesses has raised alarm bells throughout the worldwide medical community.

Stress can stem from both positive and negative experiences in our lives. Positive stressors, or eustress, are situations that are perceived to be happy or good, such as weddings, childbirth or big family holidays. Negative stressors, or distress, are situations that are traumatizing or unhappy, such as the death of a loved one or an accident.

Pregnancy can be considered both a positive and negative stressor, being a time of great joy and adjustment for the expectant mother as she and her partner welcome the new addition to their family. Apart from the actual physical stress the woman's body is subjected to during the nine months of pregnancy, the pressures of daily life are also there to put additional stress on her. Some women have to juggle the demands of their job, chores, and families along with being pregnant. In some cases, pregnant women face unhealthy situations as the break-up of their marriage, physical or emotional abuse, open infidelity or simply disinterested and uninvolved partners who prefer staying out to staying home and supporting their pregnant partners, and they experience constant stress throughout the nine month period or beyond. Extreme situations can also leave the unborn baby vulnerable to the stress the mother feels, such as malnutrition or exposure to toxins because of an unhealthy or unsanitary living conditions.

Stress can have adverse effects on the unborn child, and can sometimes be the cause of birth defects, miscarriages, pre-term delivery, or result in the death of both mother and child. Cortisol, the body's stress hormone, can be too much for the bodies of both the mother and child to handle, may possibly cause high blood pressure problems. In the mother, this may increase her risk for preeclampsia, or any number of other conditions that may complicate her pregnancy. In the unborn child, the effects can range from a lifetime of high blood pressure or other physical, mental or developmental defects.

Whatever is going on in a woman's life during her pregnancy, the most important thing she should remember is that she must take care of her body and safeguard the life of her child. Whether the situation is positive or negative, how she deals with the stress is entirely in her hands.

Saturday, 14 May 2016

How can fundraising consulting help us raise money

If you need to hold a fundraiser and don’t know where to begin there is help out there for you. It is time for you to seek fundraising consulting advice especially if your fundraising event is going to be on a larger scale. Fundraising consulting will help you organize and take you through the steps to ensure your fund raising efforts will be successful.

A fundraising consultant will advise you where to start and the process you will have to go through to get where you’re going. Usually you know what you need the funds for but don’t know where the money will come from. All fundraising events start the same way regardless of if they are already established or something new. Using fundraising consulting services will help you add a professional look to your fund raising campaign.

The first advice you will get from a fundraiser consultant is that to start asking those closest to your organization for help. Depending on the size of the fund raising and your organization you will need the following: a board of directors, staff, volunteers, vendors, community businesses and individuals and finally a foundation. The second most important bit of advice you will receive from a fundraising consultant is never lose sight of the ones that started this with you. Start with those that are the closest to you to ask for help and stay with them throughout your fundraiser, these are the people that will get you through. They are your donors and will be critical to the success of your fundraiser.

A fundraising consultant will tell you that if you approach a new person for help, the first thing they will ask is what other sources of funding do you have. They will check to make sure where your support is coming from. If you have a strong support group it can go a long way in convincing someone that the fundraising is worth it. Through fundraising consulting, you will learn whom you can do business with. You will learn what vendors give donations and which ones don’t. If they don’t care to donate to your fundraising directly, they may give you a discount on your purchases.

Fundraising consulting is the only way to go when trying to organize on a large-scale project. The advice you will get from your fundraising consultant will mean more dollars in the end for your project. Once you establish a connection with a fundraising consulting service, you can use them for all your fundraising needs in the future.

How can fundraising consulting help us?

The long and short of long island schools

Want to know more about Long Island Schools? Long Island Schools consist of 125 public school districts, 416,093 students and 29,901 teachers. About 88.4 percent of high school students on Long Island go on to enter post-secondary education.

The biggest issue as a whole for Long Island Schools is determining the budget. A recent challenge to the state school funding system, by the Campaign for Fiscal Equity, led the New York State Court of Appeals to require the state to adopt a special funding plan to make sure that all students are given access to a proper high school education within the public school system. The Court appears to be in conflict with Governor Pataki, who is trying to push through a $400 million voucher plan. Under this proposal, parents of 1.8 million school children throughout the state would be eligible for the new credit. State aid has increased 65 percent since 1995. Pataki believes that this education tax credit will give parents new resources and flexibility to meet the educational needs of their children, including the students of Long Island Schools.

Pataki has many detractors, who don’t feel that vouchers are the way to go. Danny Donohue, president of the Civil Service Employees Association says that public schools still have too many unmet needs to spend $400 million on a voucher plan. Timothy G. Kremer, executive director of the NYS School Boards Association, says that the tax break is “a $400 million gift from taxpayers to families who don’t need it.”

“The NYS PTA believes that every child deserves equal access to the same outcome, that is, an excellent education,” Donohue adds, “That means using our government’s resources to close gaps, not create them; to raise student achievement of all and not just for some; and to prepare students for a democratic society for which public schools remain the best forum.”

How does all of this impact Long Island Schools as a whole? All the Long Island Schools reap benefits from additional funding, so help from the state would not be unwelcome. However, what each of the Long Island Schools spends their money on and what they need money for varies greatly.

In the Baldwin District of Long Island Schools, taxpayers are actually getting a break, after representatives netted an additional $23.6 million in state aid. Since this district’s budget didn’t change this year, the extra state aid the district received lowers the amount that homeowners have to pay.

Not every district in Long Island Schools is mired down in a budget quagmire. Consider these Long Island Schools. East Rockaway’s High School class of 2006 had one of the highest Regents diploma rates ever (91%), and 96% of students went on to college. The dropout rate at the school is ZERO, and students excel not only academically but in drama, music, and sports as well.

Also seeing fantastic success within Long Island Schools is the Lynbrook School District. They have scored consistently high grades on the NY State Assessment tests: 100% of fifth graders passed the 2006 social studies exam. Nearly 90% of this Long Island Schools’ middle school students passed the English Language Arts test. Last year, just like the seniors at East Rockaway, 96% of Lynbrook High School seniors went to college. The district’s diverse academic programs have won many awards, and its Long Island Schools’ athletic teams continue to excel.

In short, Long Island Schools have a lot to offer students and their families. Concern and involvement from families, community and political leaders over budget spending, and an impressive roster of successful schools are the tip of the iceberg in this area of our nation.

Creating your direct marketing strategy

Are you looking for a way to promote your business that will entice people to take action and buy a product or service from you? If this is the case, you might want to work on developing a direct marketing strategy that will help you achieve the results you want. You can stop dreaming about being successful and you can make it happen if you create a plan that will work well for you and your specific business. You don’t have to continue to struggle with lackluster sales, instead you simply need to get focused and create a plan that will work for you and your business. Many have to turn to a professional or course written by a professional to develop such a method.

This sort of advertising is all about calling your web visitors to action. The way you do this is through well written content that wills people to act and buy your product or service. This is not the type of content that everyone is comfortable writing, and you will need to take some time learning how to write. Learning to write good content will have to be part of your direct marketing strategy.

If you have been trying to bring more and more traffic into your website and you have been successful in doing so, but you haven’t seen the results when it comes to sales, it is obvious that you have to work on exactly how you will be promoting your business. The problem is that you have to have content on your website that really speaks to those who are visiting your website so they will make it easy for you to close the sale. You have to make this a priority when you are determining what your direct marketing strategy will be because without the proper content you will never be a success.

This type of advertising relies on you writing well. If you haven’t learned how to write the content for this style of advertising, it will be very difficult for you to close the deal. Part of learning this type of promotion will have to be learning how to write and write well. When you have this, you will be able to pull in the sales you want because you are really communicating with your audience. Many web publishers have a difficult time learning how to write in this way, but when you learn it you will find that the content basically writes itself!

If you would like some help in creating the best direct marketing strategy, visit PowerYourSales. com. This is a very informative website that offers free information as well as a course that is quite affordable. This website will help you learn all that you need to know about this form of advertising and it presents all of the information you need in a very understandable way. Visit poweryoursales. com to learn more about all that this course can offer you on so many fronts!

The basics of reverse mortgages

Reverse mortgages are loans against your home that require no repayment for as long as you live there. As opposed to regular mortgage loans, reverse mortgages have no income requirements and are based solely on the equity of your home or condo. There are no monthly payments to make as the mortgage is due only when the borrower is no longer living at the residence.

Seniors over the age of 62 are eligible for reverse mortgages in the US, provided they own their own single family dwelling. No health requirements need to be met, nor is there any loss of government benefits such Social Security and Medicare as a result of obtaining a reverse mortgage. Some benefits, however, such as Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Medicaid can be reduced under specific circumstances. Tax liability for monies received through a reverse mortgage are a non-issue, as loan advancements are not taxed, although interest on the loan is consequently not tax deductible.

There are no income requirements to qualify for a reverse mortgage. You may be eligible for a reverse mortgage even if you still owe money on an existing mortgage. The reverse mortgage loan must be large enough reverse mortgage to pay off the existing loan entirely, however.

The benefits of a reverse mortgage are many, and include increased cash flow at a time when many are on a fixed income, putting the equity of your home to use and the ability to choose the method by which you are paid. Several installment options exist to help seniors structure their advances to fit their budgetary concerns and cash flow needs, affording them the ability to effectively plan for their immediate and long term financial future.

Many seniors may feel that borrowing against their home, especially later in life, is a risky endeavor. Reverse mortgages hold little if any risk for the borrower, however, as seniors are not borrowing against future income. Since keeping up with monthly payments is not an issue with a reverse mortgage, the reality is that many who choose this type of mortgage are able to enjoy what they have worked all their lives for in their post retirement years.

Friday, 13 May 2016

The uses of leather

In ancient times, survival depended on sheer agricultural and hunting skills, and the primitive man quickly discovered how to exploit nature’s offerings.

In order to survive the harsh winters, our ancestors processed the fur and skin of the animals they hunted into clothing. Realizing that their prey had much more to offer than plain meat, the primitive man began taming and growing animals around his household and specialized in manufacturing durable, reliable clothes from animal skins and furs.

Leather was lighter, stronger than fur, and it proved to be very suitable for clothing. Processing leather, however, took a lot of time and skill. First, the hide of the animal had to be properly cured, skinned, cleaned and dried. After curing, leather was treated with salts for preservation and sent to a tannery for further processing.

As leather obtained from wild animals, cattle or pigs proved to be very strong and compact, it started to be used for creating body armor, boots, saddles, hunting accessories and even weapons, such as slings or bows. Water-resistant leather was used for creating roofs, tent coverings or recipients and containers such as bottles or buckets. The mighty Vikings even covered their boats in leather.

In antiquity, leather was also a suitable replacement for papyrus or paper, as it proved to be a good writing surface.

Finer leather obtained from ostrich, lizard, alligator or shark skin was processed into more luxurious clothing and commercialized.

Nowadays, the process of tanning is completely automated and industrialized. However, despite the advanced technology available, tanneries mainly use the same techniques that were used in the past. Although considerably enhanced, the modern methods of processing leather into clothing, shoes or other accessories rely on the wisdom, knowledge and craftsmanship of the ancestors.

Depending on the type of skin, modern tanneries use three different techniques of tanning. Vegetable tanning is the oldest method and it uses some of the ancient ingredients for leather processing. This method requires a lot of time, but the leather produced is very strong and durable. Also, it is water-resistant, and suitable for fabricating shoes, boots or coats.

A more specialized tanning method consists in dipping the leather in animal fat and fish oil after it has been cured and dried. The oil is absorbed into the hide and the result is a soft, pliable material that preserves its qualities in any conditions.

The third method, and also the quickest, consists in treating the skin with mineral salts. High quality leather can be obtained through this kind of tanning in only a few hours or days.

Leather was once an important factor in the struggle for survival. In modern society, however, it has become a commodity and it not only serves for practical purposes, but also for aesthetical ones. Luxurious leather clothing or accessories such as gloves, shoes, luggage, coats, are very fashionable and highly requested.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

Born evil - book review

Author of two books and many short stories, J. P. Ransom is busily writing a series of books called Colla’d Greens and two more upcoming books including a sequel to Born Evil.

Born Evil is a compact, 150-page book that is printed on acid-free paper – which may be of interest to the environmentally conscious consumer. I would categorize this book as a chilling horror, which involves an infant that is born evil. Traumatized by early experiences, only compounds Jonathan’s natural inclination – a cruel desire to cause harm. Unprepared for a disturbed child, his adopted parents are continually wallowing in deep pits of overwhelming uncertainty. Rick suspects the truth, but Trish finds it very hard to imagine or even accept that little Jonathon is capable of such hateful acts.

I think the book makes a good point that some people are simply born with a desire to do harm, with no abusive situation to attribute these urges to. Readers are also shown how these urges can easily be encouraged through socially acceptable entertainment and through being witness to violent acts.

While reading Born Evil, I experienced a wide range of emotions from anger to sorrow and shock. The conclusion was exceptional and I look forward to J. P. Ransom’s sequel.

ISBN#: 1410788520

Author: J. P. Ransom

Publisher: Author House

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

How to install a prehung door

Hanging a door these days is easier than its ever been. In the days before prehung doors, it took more tools and knowledge to hang a door than it does now.

Imagine getting a door slab, an unassembled door jamb, hinges and door hardware and having to do all the mortising, drilling, rabbeting on site.

No longer do you need an array of tools such as a drill, a mortising jig for hinges, strikes, and bolt plate. No jig for drilling the backset for the doorknob and bolt.

Nowadays all you need is a hammer and hard trim nails or a finish nail gun and some shims.

The first thing you need to do is check the opening you'll be hanging the door in for the correct size. It should be 2" bigger than the door size. Even though it's a rough opening it should be reasonably plumb and square.

If the opening was framed by someone else, you may want to break out your level and framing square and check this also. Drywallers sometimes believe the rough opening was meant for them and will let the drywall run into the opening. If this is the case use a drywall saw or sawzall to cut it back.

Once all the vitals have been checked your ready to hang a door. Prehung doors come assembled a couple different ways. They can be bought with trim already mitered and nailed on to one side and without trim. If there is no trim installed, I like to put it on before I put the door in the opening. The trim is installed on the hinge side.

Most doors open into a room and against a wall. When putting the door into the opening, try to put the door in the center of the opening. The door jamb should be able to move to the left and right in the opening. The gap between the door and jamb on the hinge side is usually about an 1/8" of an inch. This dictates the gap or space you should have all around the door. Move the door jamb to the left or right until you have that same space at the top. You then nail the trim on the top hinge side and the bottom hinge side. Then nail the strike side on the top making sure you still have an equal space. Nail off the rest of the hinge side with 3 or 4 more nails. The 2 nails already in the top are all I usually put in. Now nail the rest of the strike side starting at the top and working your way down, maintaining the same space as the top and hinge side.

Once the door is nailed into the opening on the inside, it's time to shim the door jamb. First, pull the door closed to make sure it hits the door stop evenly on the strike side. If it is hitting only at the top pull the hinge side toward you till it hits even. If it hits only at the bottom, push the hinge side jamb away from you till it hits evenly.

Once you get the jamb aligned put shims between the jamb and stud opening, being careful not to bow the jamb into the opening. If need be use a straight edge to keep it straight. I put shims behind every hinge and the strike and also at the top and bottom of the strike side. I nail these shims in with two nails, one on each side of the stop.

The next step is to apply the door casing to the outside of the door. Once this is done, your ready for the door hardware. If everything went right, the bolt should engage the strike plate and the door should fit snuggly against the stops.

(c) 2005 Mike Merisko sawkerfs. com

All about diabetes symptoms causes types

While talking about diabetes, you may be frightened from the idea that you may have it. Or maybe, you may have it in the future. You want to know if you are at risk to develop diabetes and anxiously you're looking to find if you have any diabetes symptom.

Diabetes affects the manner in which the body handles carbohydrates, fats and proteins. If neglected, diabetes can have serious complications. The diabetic people have high blood sugar level. The blood sugar level is regulated by insulin - a hormone produced by the pancreas, which depends on your eating habits.

Diabetes is a serious disease. But the startling truth is that diabetes is reversible. Diabetes is the number one cause of chronic kidney disease (CKD). This disease is a condition where the body is unable to automatically regulate blood glucose levels, resulting in too much glucose (a sugar) in the blood. Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects as many as 16 million Americans.

Actually, there is no clear symptom for diabetes. The most common symptoms of diabetes are as follow:

- being all the time thirsty

- frequent urination

- increased hunger

- feeling all the time tired; having an excessive fatigue,

On the other hand, there are some other symptoms of diabetes that are prescribed as diabetes complications in fact. These symptoms are:

- vision changes;

- recurrent skin infections very difficult to heal;

- tingling or numbness you may feel in your extremities;

- gums disorders;

- Hair loss and many others.

There are two different types of diabetes.

Type I Diabetes (juvenile diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes): The reason for type I diabetes is due to pancreas unability to produce insulin.

Type II Diabetes (non insulin dependent diabetes or adult onset diabetes): This diabetes is a result of body tissues becoming resistant to insulin. It is usually hereditary.

Type 2 Diabetes is more common than Type 1 Diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is a life-long disease marked by high levels of sugar in the blood. Conditions associated with type 2 diabetes include hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Type 2 diabetes may account for about 90% to 95% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes. Up to two-thirds of people with type 2 diabetes have no symptoms. Obesity is the single most important risk factor for type 2 diabetes. An estimated 20% of all cases of new onset type 2 diabetes are in individuals between the ages of 9-19. The more you know about type 2 diabetes, the more you'll be able to take the right steps to take control of your condition.

If neglected, diabetes can lead to various complications such as damage to the kidneys, heart disease, nerve damage, hypoglycemia (drastic reduction in glucose levels). Diabetes is a serious disease and there is no treatment of it. However, it can be brought under control by proper diabet diet.

How you can become a better writer

I have been writing professionally for more than two decades and teaching writing nearly that long. Every conference, every writing staff, and every class has always included some writer who asks: "How Can I Become A Better Writer?"

They don't usually like my answer. "Practice writing every day and read to study the writing of others every day."

They don't like the answer for one of two reasons usually. Some people are looking for some quick-fix, magic formula that will make them a good writer in three easy steps. Although my suggestion involves only two steps it is pretty obvious that it is a long-term project. The other group of people will sneer at the first because they consider themselves "real writers" but they don't like the answer any more than the others. They believe they have a gift that simply needs to be unlocked by the magic key that published, successful writers possess.

The simple truth is that there is no way to improve your writing other than to continually practice your craft. Write every day. Experiment, plan, revise, and revisit. Make challenges and deadlines and competitions. Push yourself and your writing will reward you. I promise. Write something inspired by a writer you admire and then write something completely your own.

However it is not enough to simply write in a vacuum -- or an ivory tower. You must also read the writing of others. Read far and wide. Read fiction, nonfiction, poetry and song lyrics. Read argument and persuasion, read informative and biographical, read science and fantasy. Read talented and skilled professionals and read those who are still finding their writing feet.

You are reading to gain inspiration and confidence. You are reading to build your vocabulary and your stockpile of writing tricks. You are reading to learn more about the rhythms and patterns of language. You are reading so that as you write you will be able to develop your own unique voice.

Learning to be a better writer is not the work of a weekend or even a semester. Learning to be a better writer is a life's work. If you really are a writer then you will never consider your work done. I don't know a professional writer who sits back and says "I'm done learning now, I'm as good as I'm going to get". Certainly it need not take a lifetime to reach professional status but you shouldn't make that your goal. Thinking in those terms can hold you back from becoming the best writer you can be.

For example, perhaps the reason your particular project was rejected had nothing at all to do with your writing but was in fact due to your topic, the particular needs of that publisher, or even the mood of the editor when your submission came across their desk. The truth is that you cannot control when you become a published, professional writer, but you can control your progress toward improving your writing. Believe me, the stronger your writing becomes then the easier it will be to achieve that other goal. When you reach the point that you regularly deliver quality writing then you will find a market. If you write it the rest will come.

From alabama culinary arts to the food network

Do you drool over the delectable dishes made by your favorite celebrity chefs on The Food Network? Many people watch those shows and wonder how those chefs got so lucky as to find themselves in a position where they work in amazing kitchens, cook their own set of recipes and get paid to be seen doing it all on television. How exactly does one go from an Alabama culinary arts program to a Hollywood kitchen? It’s not magic. It takes hard work, dedication to developing a culinary career and a little bit of charisma. It’s something that anyone can do if they set their minds to it but only a few ever get motivated enough to make it so far.

The first place to start is getting an education in cooking. Perhaps not all of the chefs on The Food Network went to a culinary arts program but most of them did. If you looked at their resumes, you’d find that it didn’t matter whether they went to a well-known chef school in a city like New York or to an Alabama culinary arts school that few had heard of. The point is that they started the classes, finished the program and learned everything that they could along the way. Someone who is going to make it all the way to The Food Network has to be committed to taking advantage of every lesson that is offered both inside and out of the classroom.

Education alone won’t suffice, though. You also will need to get experience in the real world. Most chefs work their way up the ladder. They start out as assistants. Eventually, they become the head chef of a nice kitchen. From there, they move up to running the kitchen in a better restaurant. And these days, they may go from there to a position on a television show where they can just cook without having to serve anybody at all. They are willing to start at the bottom but they also make active efforts to move up. You have to know when it’s time to say enough is enough and take the next leap up that ladder.

As you’re out there getting this education and experience in the culinary arts world, you should be networking with as many people as possible. Leave a lasting impression on the chefs who teach the classes that lead to your degree. Remember to go the extra mile to make sure that bosses at all levels of the job remember who you are. The food that you cook is important but the connections that you make are what will often get you the jobs that you desire. You should make it a point to network at events and meet influential people in the food business. Make sure that you’re attending some events, which are related to food on television so that you can build up your connections in that specific area.

What all of these different steps have in common is that you have to have confidence in yourself to make them work. If you’re the kind of person who thinks, having an Alabama culinary arts degree is one that no one is going to care about, you’ll sabotage your chance at starring on food TV before you even get started. If you decide that you’ll make the most of each opportunity and use it to show off your unique talents, you’re already a star. The people who have celebrity personalities are the ones that will be able to combine their love for cooking with their desire for a spot in the spotlight.

Monday, 9 May 2016

Common causes of stress incontinence

Incontinence can be caused by several medical problems which includes diabetes or weak pelvic muscles. For women, drying and thinning of the skin in the vaginal area or the urethra causes incontinence especially after menopause. For men, the enlarging of the prostate gland or some prostate surgeries may be the main cause of incontinence. Although incontinence can affect both genders it mostly affects women.

If the pelvic muscles are weakened, a person will be prone to incontinence. This has been the cause of incontinence for many people. There are also some medicines that may cause or trigger incontinence. Consult with your doctor before taking any over-the-counter medicines. Certain medications and antibiotics can cause unwanted side effects such as incontinence.

The build-up of stool in the bowel may also affect a person thus causing incontinence. If a person is unable to move around freely, he may experience incontinence. A simple urinary tract infection may lead to incontinence. Also those people who have high calcium levels and problems such as diabetes are candidates for incontinence.

It is mostly adults who experience incontinence. This occurs when the bladder contractions have overcome the muscles that are forming a ring around the urethra in order to keep it closed. Defects in the nerves of the brain might lead to incontinence developing. These nerves control the bladder activity and if they are not functioning properly there is a knock on effect to other areas in the body. This situation can be caused by a stroke, Parkinson’s disease, or from other conditions that damage the brain.

If the bladder is irritated, it might cause spasms which are not normal. This happens frequently with bladder stones, bladder cancer, and tract infections. This can also be caused by the blockages and tumors found in the colon which pushes it up through the bladder.

If the normal reflexes are lost, the motion of emptying the bladder could be impaired. This can be experienced by those who are experiencing problems with the nerves that lead through the bladder. Also from the damages due to the tumors and spinal cord that presses on the nerves. The loss of the normal voiding reflex can be affected.

The most frequent situation in older adults is unrestrained contractions of the bladder that build up without other serious fundamental illness or cause.

It is important to understand the causes of incontinence so that you can identify them and try to avoid them. Incontinence may be quite difficult to cure so the proper actions should be practiced. Since women are more prone to incontinence, they should be especially watchful for the first signs of incontinence.

How to get the best rates on automobile insurance in alabama

As is true in almost every state in the Union, Alabama requires each of its drivers to purchase automobile insurance. Failure to purchase insurance - and then driving on a public roadway - can result in fines and fees and wasted time that, ultimately, is more than if you had simply found and purchased cheap automobile insurance in the first place.

So how do you get the best rates on automobile insurance in Alabama? The answer is surprisingly simple.

Start with your own driving record. If you want the best rates on automobile insurance then you are going to have to drive legally and safely - all the time. If you earn even one speeding ticket or other moving violation then you can't expect to get the best rates on automobile insurance.

If you are stupid enough and irresponsible enough to drive when drunk or when impaired and you are convicted of a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) or a DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) then it will be years - usually a minimum of 3 years - before you will be offered automobile insurance at anything approaching an affordable rate.

Getting the best rates on automobile insurance begins with your choice of car. In the eyes of your insurance company not all cars are created equal. Some cars cost a lot more to insure than others. If you're really serious about paying the least amount of money possible for your insurance then begin by asking your agent for a list of the least-expensive cars to insure.

If you can keep your car in a garage at night then you will save money on your insurance.

If you can use public transportation for as many of your "driving" needs as possible, you may be able to save quite a bit on your insurance. If you can keep your average driving down to less than 500 miles a month you could qualify for a Low Mileage Discount on your monthly premium.

If you have recently stopped working and you are no longer driving back and forth to work everyday then you will also save money on your insurance. Let your agent know about any change in your routine driving habits.

Adding simple anti-theft features to your car can save you some serious money. Ask your agent how much you could save if you simply purchase (and regularly use) a simple steering wheel locking device. There is also a relatively simple electronic device that shuts off your fuel pump unless you punch in a secret code or press a hidden button. Such devices are inexpensive and relatively easy-to-install yourself. Talk to your agent and see what your monthly savings could be.

Check around at work as well as with any clubs, groups or associations you might belong to and see if any of them offer a group discount rate on automobile insurance. You'd be surprised at how common this is becoming.

If you are 25 years old or younger stay in school and get good grades. If you can manage to maintain at least a "B" average then you could save 5% each month with your Good Student Discount.

If you are 55 or older ask if you qualify to take a special driver's refresher course. Not every company offers this discount, but if you qualify and you pass the course it can save you a cool 10% per month on your insurance premiums.

And then there's your deductible. The bigger your deductible the smaller your monthly automobile insurance premium will be. Of course, you need to exercise caution when increasing your deductible because if you ever have a claim you will have to come up with your deductible in cash. Don't promise to pay more than you can actually afford.

Now it's time for you to go online and find 3 different websites that permit you to make quick and easy comparisons of auto insurance prices among different insurance companies. Using everything you have learned from this article carefully enter the exact same information onto the form on at least 3 different comparison websites.

Now simply pick the company that offers the best price for the insurance you want. That's it. You're done. You've done your homework and you've compared prices and now you've got the best rates on automobile insurance in Alabama and you'll be saving money every single month for a long time to come. Congratulations!

Sunday, 8 May 2016

The new myrtle beach hard rock theme park

For years, the sand and sun has been a major draw for tourists in South Carolina, but the new Hard Rock Park at Myrtle Beach promises to make the beach even more exciting. The 140-acre international attraction has been billed as a revolution in the evolution of theme parks. Hard Rock Park features a variety of attractions that are sure to please anyone who is a fan of rock n’ roll.

Hard Rock Park is divided into six unique themes, or rock environs, including Rock N’ Roll Heaven, Cool Country and British Invasion. Each environ celebrates the culture, legends, and lifestyle of rock n’ roll that fall under that theme. Theme celebrations include rides, shows and displays of memorabilia that fully capture the essence of each area of rock n’ roll culture. There are also restaurants, cafйs, retail stores, and children’s play areas. Of course, it is Hard Rock Park, so there will be live music in an outdoor amphitheater that is fully equipped with a sound system designed especially for the amphitheater.

One of the rides that will be featured in Hard Rock Park is Led Zeppelin – The Ride, which is fittingly located in Rock N’ Roll Heaven. A looping steel roller coaster built partially over water, The Ride is taller than the Statue of Liberty, from base to torch, and is made of enough steel to wrap Wembley Stadium. Riders will climb 150 feet into the sky before plunging into a course that includes six full inversions, the largest of which is a 120-foot loop. The entire ride will be choreographed to Led Zeppelin’s “Whole Lotta Love,” which is pumped into speakers in each individual car.

Memorabilia displays will help bring the history of rock n’ roll to life. Madonna’s jacket from the cover of “Music” is but one of the many items included in the park. The first item received by Hard Rock Park was the authentic Magical Mystery bus from the Beatles’ movie. Riders of Led Zeppelin – The Ride enter a silver airship and walking past murals, props and music videos to reach the roller coaster. Each area of the park has its own specific memorabilia to help bring the theme to life.

For those who would like to bask in the glorious evolution of rock n’ roll, but have no idea where to stay, the Oceania family of resorts may be an ideal choice. The Oceania family consists of five resort properties scattered along Myrtle Beach, including the wildly popular Sandcastle Resort. Not only will you find an incredible place to stay, with convenient access to all of the local attractions, but the resorts are currently considering offering Hard Rock Park tickets as part of their vacation packages.

For anyone considering a vacation that includes a theme park, Hard Rock Park is the perfect opportunity to break away from the usual and experience something totally different. In fact, the park is a perfect vacation spot for families, fans of rock n’ roll, and the Myrtle Beach regulars who are looking for something new.

Saturday, 7 May 2016

Treats for your halloween tricksters

If you are planning a Halloween party of any type, there is a good chance that food will be involved. However, with Halloween being a night of creeps and spooks, you might want to get a little more creative than the typical chips and dip. Here are some ideas for how to incorporate the themes of the season and the holiday into your kitchen.

Seasonal foods

Halloween comes at the end of fall, a time when there are plenty of fresh harvest items to enjoy. You can incorporate these into your Halloween dining for fresh, (and often inexpensive) delights.

One of the favorite Halloween traditions is the carving of the Jack-o-lantern. And as anyone who has ever carved a pumpkin knows, the glowing creation on your front steps on Halloween night leaves behind a pile of slimy pumpkin guts. However, you can use this pumpkin flesh to create delicious treats. Pumpkin cooks up well into pies, cookies, muffins, and soups that you can serve for your Halloween meal. And seasoned and roasted pumpkin seeds are a popular snack. You can always experiment with flavors to create your own delicious versions.

Another bountiful harvest item around Halloween is the apple. Apples work great fresh, candied, and baked into cakes, muffins, and pies. And of course there is always applesauce! If you are in need of some game ideas for your Halloween party, bobbing for apples has always been a long time favorite.

Other Treats

Of course, your ghouls and goblins are probably not thinking about healthy fruit when they are donning Halloween costumes. For many, Halloween is as much about the candy as it is about getting to dress up. So you will want to have plenty of sweet treats on hand as well.

Cookies are always a favorite with kids of all ages. You can use your favorite cookie dough flavor, and then shape it into fun Halloween shapes using cookie cutters. Bats, ghosts, and jack-o-lanterns/pumpkins all work well for shaped cookies. Or, you can choose to decorate your favorite cookies using orange, black, and white frosting and/or sprinkles. If you are pressed for time, pre-shaped holiday cookies are often available at your local grocer.

If you are looking for another treat idea, popcorn is always fun. You can take your favorite popcorn ball recipe and fashion ghosts instead of balls. Add a few pieces of candy for eyes and a mouth, and you have a fun treat. Or, put fresh-popped popcorn into disposable plastic gloves, with a piece of candy at the finger tip, to create monster hands.

Getting creative

You can always turn your kid's favorite foods into Halloween dishes with a little creativity. Food coloring can turn ordinary foods into creepy monster dishes. Decorate cupcakes with licorice legs and candy eyes to create spiders. Or simply get a little creative with how you serve everyday items to design your own spooky feast.

With a little work and a little creativity, you can come up with your own Halloween treats for your little tricksters.