Thursday, 24 March 2016

What makes an authority site

You should know that over the last year Internet marketing has evolved and the new online business model involves Authority sites taking the place of spam sites. This is making for happy search engines as they do not like sending traffic to sites that merely scrap content and add nothing unique.

What is an Authority site? Why should it matter to you? Well Authority sites are sites that provide an abundance of high quality unique content and are linked to or referenced by other quality websites within the same niche.

When you are searching for topic specific information, where do you find it? Is it bookmarked within you favorites folder? Isn’t that where you keep Authority sites you have found in the past? If you are thinking of creating an Authority site you should be aiming to have a content rich site that will land you in the favorites folder of many visitors.

There are thousands of spam sites that have gone up with only the intent of getting you to click on one of the ad-sense ads you will find there. Sites like this do not offer anything unique and are great examples of sites with content scraped from others. You probably took one look and clicked quickly away. Who could blame you?

An Authority site on the other hand is not one that you will quickly click away from. It will suck you in with its unique content and style. Inviting you to take another look and thirsty for more.

An Authority site will have pages of unique content that is topic relevant. Authority sites will have content that is current and keeps visitors coming back to stay abreast of what is happening in the field. The visitors will spend additional time reading and learning to find answers to questions they were not even aware of.

Authority sites are a doorway to additional unique content for your field of interest. They will offer links to information on other sites that have content which is relevant to the topic. As an example an Authority website that focuses on dogs would have pages of links to relevant off site information. Perhaps that dealt with training or breeds. Providing the links to off site and relevant information is a sign of a website that is more focused on providing relevant resources to visitors than it is on keeping those visitors within its own website.

Out going links do not hurt Authority sites, they make those Authority sites a better resource for the web community.

Authority websites are interested in forming ongoing relationships with visitors more than anything. They are interested in giving quality content and a valuable resource for the web communities’ use.

To that end Authority websites generate well written content that is focused and topic relevant. They have conversations with visitors through the information they supply and let their personality show in their writings. That provides readers with in insight to their convictions. It shows the website is willing to do the research needed to provide visitors with quality content and coverage of topical trends. This is how sites become Authority destinations.

To create an Authority site you should find a niche that you know something about. Being knowledgeable on the topic will help when you are creating content for your website. You will also need to keep current on the changes going on within your niche so sign up for RSS feeds and Google alerts on the topics within your niche. These free resources will keep you up to date.

Always put visitors first and keep in mind that you are creating a site that will answer your visitors’ questions while providing valuable content. Be credible while creating a site you can be proud of.

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