Sunday, 31 July 2016

Choosing the right shoe for you

A Well Known Fact

There is no better feeling than when you are wearing a comfortable shoe. Comfortable shoes allow us to enjoy the day’s activities pain free. Wearing shoes that fit properly can also prevent potential health problems from occurring.

When To Buy

Most shoes can last an average of three to twelve months. As you begin to wear out a shoe, you begin to notice a difference in comfort. Worn out shoes can cause back pain, sore knee joints, or aching feet. The time to replace your shoes is when the cushion has broken down or the motion control has been lost.

Which Shoes To Buy?

Everyone’s foot is different. The best shoe for you is the one that gives you the proper fit, support, cushioning, and flexibility.

Choose a well-cushioned stability shoe that compensates for any irregularities in your foot or your stride.

Some Common Foot Irregularities

High Arched Feet

A high arched foot does not roll inward very much at all. There is a highly curved arch along the inside of the foot. Also, the toes appear to be in a clawed position. Highly arched feet are very rigid and are unable to absorb shock when making contact with the ground. The reason for this is that the foot is not able to roll inward when the foot makes contact with the ground. This lack of pronation can cause heel, knee, shin, and back problems. Inserting special pads in the shoes, which compensate for this condition, treats highly arched feet. The pads allow the feet to absorb shock more easily. People with high arched feet, should try to stay away from stability or motion control shoes, which reduce foot mobility.

Flat Feet

The term “Flat Feet” refers to people who have a low arch, or no arch at all. Sometimes they are said to have "fallen arches". Most people's feet have a space on the inner side when the bottom of the foot comes in contact with the ground. This is called the arch. The height of the arch varies in size from one person to another. Flat Feet are generally a hereditary condition. The best shoe for this condition would be a motion control or stability shoe with a firm midsole.

Over or Under Pronation.

Over pronation is the excessive inward rolling motion of the foot. This inward motion is considered unhealthy because it can cause a great deal of strain on the back, ankles, knees, and lower legs. Over pronation can cause shin splints, plantar fasciitis, and IT band syndrome. Under pronation occurs when the outside of the foot takes the brunt of the shock when coming in contact with the ground. This condition can cause problems with the ligaments in your feet and ankles. Stability shoes feature either a dual density midsole or a roll bar to help combat pronation problems.

Some Helpful Shoe Buying Tips

· Shop late in the day. Feet tend to swell as the day goes on. Shoes purchased in the morning will feel tight during by afternoon.

· Shop for shoes with your health and comfort in mind. Your foot size changes every year. Always measure your foot first. This should give you a general range when considering different styles of shoes. Choose shoes that are shaped like your foot.

· Check to see how the sole feels on the bottom of your foot. It should have a soft and supportive cushion. People with high arches generally need more support.

· Stand up and take a quick walk to get a feel for the shoe. Your feet shouldn't slide around inside and there should be little bit of room beyond the largest toe. But no more than 1/2 inch.

Remember: You should never have to "break in" a tight shoe.

Saturday, 30 July 2016

Learning the russian language today

The Russian language is the most commonly spoken language in Europe. It is a Slavic language whose roots can be traced to Sanskrit, Greek, and Latin. Though not as internationally prominent as its days as the official language of the former Soviet Union, it is still the official language of such countries as Russia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan. Russian is a language of dignity, but can seem intimidating to learn. If you have considered learning a second language, the Russian language will prove to be a challenging yet rewarding achievement.

As a student of the Russian language, you have several alternatives by which you can learn it. If you choose to study Russian at the college level, and receive your degree in it, you will acquire an expertise in the language that can provide you with several career opportunities. With a degree in Russian, one career option for you is as a foreign language translator. Foreign language translation firms employ people who are fluent in many different languages, including Russian. Coupled with knowledge in another field (such as law or medicine), you would have the opportunity to work to bridge the gap between English-speaking and Russian-speaking business contacts by translating websites and documents for them. Another career opportunity would be as a teacher of English as a second language in a Russian-speaking country. After receiving your teaching certification, you could work for a language school in Russia teaching students how to speak, read, and write English. With a solid knowledge of Russian, you would be able to work and live alongside native Russian speakers with ease.

If you are interested in learning the Russian language for travel purposes, you can opt to enroll in an accelerated course online. You can learn basic Russian at your own pace, and you will feel more comfortable when you travel to Russian speaking countries if you know how to communicate you basic needs (such as asking for directions) to Russian residents. If you have the time and the financial resources, another option is to learn the Russian language by enrolling in an immersion program in Russia. An immersion program lasts anywhere from two to six weeks. By doing this, you will not only learn the Russian language, but you will also experience the Russian way of life. You will become part of the life and culture, and you will learn the language quickly, despite your uncertainties. Through intensive group and individual training, you will learn the conversational and colloquial styles of Russian. You will interact on a daily basis with people who are native speakers of the Russian language, and you will have no choice but to communicate with them in their native tongue. You will be captivated by the everyday life of Moscow or St. Petersburg. You will grow to understand and appreciate the Russian culture: the history, the art, the culture (the ballet!), the architecture, the food, and the people. You will attend courses in which you will learn the Russian alphabet, and learn how to read and write in Russian as well. Learning the Russian language in an immersion program is an exciting way to broaden you horizons and vacation all at the same time.

By learning to speak, read, and write the Russian language, you have the potential to one day embark on a career as a foreign language translator, providing an invaluable service to global corporations. You can live abroad and teach English to Russian students, while experiencing a new culture. Learning Russian will make you a more sophisticated traveler as well. You will be able to show more appreciation, and enjoy the Russian culture more when you can communicate with the residents. By learning the Russian language, you have the knowledge of another language, another history, another culture, and your scope of the world will be broadened just a little bit more.

Great astronomical observatories of the world

The great observatories of the world are responsible for many of the prolific astronomical observations of the twentieth century. Telescopic photograpy, radio dish data collection, and infrared imaging are among the many different techniques observatories have been able to employ to learn about the heavens.

The Palomar Observatory may be the most famous of all. With five telescopes operated by Cal-Tech’s graduate and post-doctoral students, the 200-inch Hale telescope is the most famous of all Palomar’s telescopes. Built in 1949, it was intended to overcome the onset of the southern California smog problem. Other noteworthy telescopes operated at Cal-Tech include a telescope to search for supernovae, a comet hunter, a trio of sky cameras looking for planetary and other celestial phenomena, an interferometer capable of detecting the slightest wobble in the orbits of a planet, and a sixty inch telescope responsible for spotting the first brown dwarf circling a companion star.

Cal Tech is also directly involved in the operation of the Keck and Lick Observatories. The Keck Observatory, located on top of Hawaii’s dormant Mauna Kea volcano contains the world’s largest optical and infrared telescopes. Its twin Keck telescopes stand eight stories high and weigh 300 tons each. Lick Observatory is located on 4200 foot Mount Hamilton east of San Jose, California. It contains nine research telescopes with the largest being the Shane 3-meter Reflector. This telescope is used to observe everything from our local solar system to faraway galaxies.

The Griffith Observatory in Los Angeles is known for its12-inch Zeiss Refracting telescope. This telescope’s fame is largely due to the fact that it has been used to allow public viewing of the universe since 1935. More than five million people have looked through its lenses since under the guidance of experienced Telescope Demonstrators. The Griffith Observatory was also known for its laserium light shows in previous years although they have been discontinued at present.

The Hayden Planetarium in Boston is more than just a planetarium. It is also a museum. Along with its Gilliland Observatory, laser-light shows and a rotating star simulator are among some of the different multi-media astronomical experiences available to the public.

The Greenwich Observatory in Cambridge, England was established in 1675 by King Charles II in order partially to fix longitude readings. It currently fixes the origin of the worldwide time reference point of Greenwich Mean Time. An observatory in Portland Maine is being restored as a famous architectural monument. Another observatory of note is the University of Chicago’s Yerkes Observatory with its five telescopes.

All of these observatories have added to the vast array of knowledge now known about the universe. Their importance to the history of astronomy, as well as their continuing usefulness, can not be overemphasized.

1) Palomar observed: For more than 50 years, science above and beyond; Scott LaFee; San Diego Union Tribune; November 2, 2005

2) CalTech Astronomy Website;

3) UC Observatories Website

4) Yerkes Observatory Website;

5) Griffith Observatory Website;

6) Observatory view worth preserving; by John Alphonse.

7) Hayden Planetarium Website.

8) The Astronomical Society of Edinburgh: A Guide to Edinburgh's Popular Observatory

Friday, 29 July 2016

Strength training equipment is a fairly simple way to exercise

Compared to the many other types of exercise routines out in the world today using strength training equipment is a fairly simple way to exercise. You pick up a weight and start repetitions. Though you may wish to sit down and do some stretches first in order to warm up your muscles. This will lessen your risk of injury when you start using the strength training equipment.

Strength training is most effective when people begin the exercise with about five pounds lighter than they believe they can lift. Do about one to three sets of eight to twelve repetitions with the light weight. Then do the same with the next five or ten pounds up and if you find that this is still too light you can begin working on the next five or ten pounds up during the later half of your workout session. This way you are gradually building up the weight that you lift. This reduces your risk of spraining or damaging a muscle and still allows you to challenge yourself by increasing the weight your muscle lifts. Most trainers recommend that you use strength training equipment for twenty minutes to half an hour a day to build muscle strength and tone gradually. If you simply wish to maintain your muscle you workout two or three days a weeks for the same amount of time and with the same protocol for weights.

At the end of your workout routine you should have a cool down period. This is a time when you stretch out your muscles. They may be tight and you will need to rid them of excess lactic acid that is naturally released during a workout. Be sure to consult with a trainer in order to find the best workout routine for you and the best times to workout.

Wednesday, 27 July 2016

Is a bugatti veyron is better than a pagani zonda

Is a Bugatti Veyron better than a Pagani Zonda? It depends what you mean by better. Sure it is faster and more expensive. In theory it is more exclusive, but in practice any of these exotic cars is so exclusive it does not matter. What about the Ferrari FXX - now that is so exclusive you can't drive it on the road.

If you want to accelerate faster than anyone else you don't need a Bugatti. There are other cheaper cars that do the job. The Ultima GTR is one, and the Caparo T1 will be another. Maybe the SSC Ultimate Aero TT is another.

The Bugatti Veyron gets to 100 mph in about 5.5 seconds – the actual figure varies according to who timed it. However, the Ultima GTR can reach 10 mph in 5.3 seconds which is blisteringly quick – that was timed independently.

The Pagani Zonda is not as quick as that, taking 2 seconds more than the Veyron to get to 124 mph (200 km/h).But believe me, for practical purposes there is very little difference between the performance of these cars. In real life, the difference is smaller because neither the Zonda nor Ultima have turbochargers, so when you press the accelerator you get instant response; with the Bugatti you will wait an instant for the turbos to cut in.

Sure, the Veyron looks and sounds different from other cars, and if you like the looks. well, go for it.

On the other hand if you want a car that accelerates, handles, is very fast, beautifully finished, and causes excitement wherever it goes you might go for a Pagani Zonda or another exotic car, like the Ascari KZ1 or Saleen S7. The Ultima is the world champion for out-and-out acceleration and braking.

All depends what you want it for. Me, I fancy a Pagani, although it is not the prettiest of cars, but it sure has fantastic presence on the road.

Poker chips mal ganz anders

Die Bezeichnungen " Casino Grade Chips " und " Poker Chips " haben verschiedene Bedeutungen in der Gaming Industrie. Eigentlich gibt es zwei verschiedene Klassen von Spiel Chips. Der Premier Chip ist der wahre Casino Grade Chip, und die andere sind Alternative Chips, die dann billiger sind und fьr das Hausspiel gedacht sind.

Casino Grade Chips werden weiter in 2 Kategorien geteilt; Lehm und Lehm-Zusammensetzung. Beide wiegen im Allgemeinen zwischen 9 und 10.5 Gramme.

Der Professionellen - oder Berufsspieler empfinden Lehm-Chips als die begehrtesten Chips. Diese Chips der Kompression Modele sind der Standard fьr die Mehrheit der Kasinos weltweit. Sowohl der Aufbau von Lehm-Chips als auch ihrem Fertigungsverfahren ist ein groЯes gesichertes Geheimnis der Spiel Industrie. AuЯerdem sind sie sehr arbeitsintensive Produkte. Beide dieser Faktoren tragen zu ihren hцheren Kosten bei. Lehm-Chips werden im Allgemeinen ьber 1 $ pro Span bewertet.

Hauspoker-Chips - von Link bis Recht - voller Lehm-Poker - Chip, einen Lehm - Composite Chip, 13-Gramm--'Casino'- Chip, 11.5-Gramm--'Wьrfel'- Chip. Der zweite Casino Grade Chip ist ein Lehm - Composite Chip. Diese Chips sind Injektion Modele. Chipco und Kardwell sind die zwei primдren Fertigungen Fabriken dieses Stil Chips, und beide Unternehmen verfertigen ihre Chips in den USA.

NJ verwenden eine 'natьrliche' Gefьhlssubstanz, die ihren Chips ein Lehm-Ton und Gefьhl geben, wдhrend Chips von Chipco ein 'kдlteres' keramisches Material ist. Der Hauptvorteil, den diese Chips ьber ihr Lehm-Gegenstьck(Lehm-Gegenьber) haben, ist ihre Fдhigkeit, Graphik zu akzeptieren.

Obwohl der Lehm-Chip wдhrend Jahrzehnten der Standart der Industrie war, sind die Popularitдt der zusammengesetzten Chips und dessen Gebrauch in den letzten paar Jahren bedeutsam gestiegen. Wдhrend es keinen greifbaren Unterschied in der Eigenschaft des Lehm-Chips gegenьber einem Casino gibt, haben sich die zusammengesetzten Chips durch ihre niedrigen Kosten und graphischen Fдhigkeit durchgesetzt und werden immer beliebter in den Casinos auf der ganzen Welt. NJ bietet einen " GroЯserienfertigung "-Chip der Цffentlichkeit an. Sein Ziel ist es einen Qualitativen Chip fьr jedermann zu Hause herzustellen, der jedoch preislich fьr jedermann kaufbar ist. Eine weitere Reihe von Chips sind in Fabrikation und wird bald auf dem Markt erscheinen, eine "Casino Line" Chip,

Es gibt einen dritten Typ des Chips fьr den Hausbenutzer. Diese Chips sind viel billigere als den anderen Typen. Hier handelt es sich um einer zusammengesetzter Chips Fabrik in China. Die Mehrfarbenchips werden aus PVC eingespritzter Plastik ьber eine metallene Schnecke gemacht und werden spezifisch fьr unerfahren und den Anfдnger-Markt erzeugt. Die chinesische Version der Chips wird clever vermarktet und als "die schwerste Casino Chip (11.5 - 13 Gramme) auf dem Markt " gesponsert. Diese Chips werden jedoch in keinem Casino verwendet.

Es ist ihr metallener Kern, der den Chip schwerer macht als ein Casino Grade Produkt. Ihre Massenproduktion macht sie populдr und weltweit erhдltlich zu manchmal дuЯerst niedrigen Preisen. Das heiЯt jedoch nicht dass sie besser sind. Gerade weil sie schwerer und preiswerter sind, werden sie nicht von den Casinos benutzt. Dieser Typ der Chips ist sehr beliebt fьr den privaten Kunden und den gelegentlichen Spieler.

Ob nun teurer oder billiger, leichter oder schwerer Chip, ohne den Chip wurde das Casino Spielen nur halb so viel SpaЯ machen.

Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Burj dubai s towering march

Dubai's upcoming landmark, Burj Dubai Tower, is creating ripples around the world. The building is expected to be completed by June 2009, and it will stand to be the world's tallest at that time. Emaar, a UAE construction giant developing it, has yet not disclosed its official height, but the building is expected to measure above 800m on its completion. There will be more than 160 floors and a 200m high spire carrying various communication equipments in the entire building. Most of its first 108 floors will be lent either to house one of Dubai hotels or to accommodate private apartment owners, however, the business community will also have its own share in the form of exclusive offices.

Dubai's government has worked for over two decades now with intent to shifting away from the chiefly oil driven economy to a diversified free-trade, retail and tourism oriented one. They have succeeded as well in doing so to a very large extent, since the share of oil revenues in the GDP has fallen drastically in the last few years. However, they will require continuing on to make this transformation last permanently, and that's where the projects like Burj Dubai Tower, Dubai Marina, The World, The Palm Islands, The Dubai Mall, serviced apartments and various Dubai hotels come into this picture.

Dubai is expecting to receive 15 million visitors by the year 2010, and needs to add more supplies in the hospitality and retail sectors by that time. The Downtown Burj Dubai, which is going to host the Burj Dubai Tower, apart from many other developments, is expected to fulfill this growing need. The township will have nine Dubai hotels, over a dozen and half residential towers, one low-rise township called The Old Town, the world's largest mall, The Dubai Mall, and loads of leisure outlets such as cafes, stylish boutiques, restaurants etc to add more to its charm.

The Downtown Burj Dubai will provide roughly 30,000 serviced apartments, penthouses, villas and several Dubai hotels for staying in the city. The 63-story tall Dubai Lake Hotel & Serviced Apartments is one of these projects, which will offer exclusive apartments and studios for outright sale. The tower will also host a 210-room luxury hotel, which will be managed by a leading luxury hotel group. Another housing development is called Boulevard Crescents, which will comprise of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom luxury residential suits and penthouses. A very beautiful landscape encircling these apartments will add more value to one's stay in Dubai.

The world's largest mall, The Dubai Mall, is also located in the same area, where you can find the goods of your preference to fulfill your desires. This retail giant will house over a dozen built-in smaller malls, each catering to the needs of an individual market. The mall will be spreading over an area of 12.1 million ftІ, and will begin its operations by August 2008. These developments, along with the spirited rise of the tower Burj Dubai, are bound to add a significant amount of growth in the city's tourism and retail sectors.

Top 5 cities to see during a holiday in china

In my capacity as the UK Director of Operations for One World Tours Limited, one of my jobs is to ensure every client has the best tour possible, so here are my top 5 suggestions for cities to visit in China during your holiday.

1.Shanghai is a magnificent city whose culture changes almost before your very eyes. The City has reshaped itself since the market restrictions have been lifted and offers a new and inspirational atmosphere.

The Bund (Zhongshan Road) has remained virtually unchanged and is instantly recognised as one of the famous landmark waterfronts in Shanghai for many, many years.

There are various temples and gardens within Shanghai, some of them in the past were left unattended which enabled the forces of nature to reclaim them. These temples and gardens have since been restored and have now become tourist attractions from people all over the world.

Like Any major city, Shanghai has a very impressive sky line. One of the buildings which is a must to see is the stunning Oriental Pearl TV Tower. If you have the chance it is worth visiting one of the upper observation platforms to capture a magnificent view over the whole of the city.

In my opinion Shanghai should be totally avoided in the Chinese New Year; as the city comes to a full standstill and public transport becomes a complete nightmare. During the rest of winter there are fewer tourists and better deals in the hotels.

Summer is obviously the peak season and it can become hot and humid. September to November is a good time to visit as there are many festivals and fairs of great interest to witness.

2. Beijing is the capital city of China. The city has fantastic historical places of interest which are embraced in beautiful surroundings. The Forbidden City is the largest and well looked after ancient structure.

There is also the beautiful Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace where the Emperor would escape from the rest of the world. One pleasant surprise was a beautiful boat made completely of marble on which the Emperor indulged himself in the stunning surroundings.

Another major attraction is the Ming tombs and of course the Badling Wall (Great Wall) which is worth climbing to see the beautiful views.

3. This ancient city Xian, is surrounded by the city wall in this area there are 4 main attractions. There is the Great Islamic Mosque, The Bell Tower, The Drum Tower and the Provincial Museum.

Goose Pagoda, a fantastic example of stunning architecture and a definite must see.

The temples in Xian are Buddhist and Taoism temples.

If you are more of a scenic lover then the Huashan mountain is the place for you. It is one of 4 mountains in China.

Of course you cannot go to China without visiting the Terracotta Warriors and Horses. The pure magnitude of the 3 separate viewing pits are well worth seeing.

4. Guilin was a personal favourite for me, from the moment I stepped out of the airport, it was evening and everything was gloriously lit up with colourful neon lights.

All of the traditional landscape Chinese paintings that I have seen must have been inspired by this idyllic place. My lasting memories are of the stunningly beautiful caves which all have secrets and which the guide was only too eager to share with me. The only more stunning thing than all of this was to be able to see it from above on a cable car.

5 Hong Kong. Aberdeen, is one of Hong Kong Island's main attractions. It is interesting to see the junks in which people live and fish the clear blue water.

Ocean Park is like an upgrade of many Sealife centres. There is plenty for the whole family to see and do including Atoll Reef, performing animals, a roller coaster, etc.

Stanley is more a place for the woman with it’s bustling shops and markets, a perfect place for the shopaholic.

By far the best beach in Hong Kong is at Repulse Bay but be warned it can get pretty hectic at weekends.

Google co-op topics - annotating web content

In May of 2006, among other announcements, Google announced Google Co-op. This article is a follow-on article to a previous article, "Google Co-Op Overview", which provided a high-level overview of Google Co-op. This article will go into one of the components of Google Co-Op, Topics, in more detail than was covered in the previous article.

Google Co-Op is important to users for several reasons. Google Co-Op allows users to contribute information that will help Google to improve search results for everyone. In addition, Google Co-Op allows an end-user to customize their own search experience so that information that is more relevant and trusted will appear at the top of the user's search results. Users accomplish this by subscribing to "trusted" sources of information. Information from those trusted sources will appear at the top of a user's search results for relevant searches.

Google Co-Op is a beta-test service now being offered by Google. Anyone with a Google account may participate. While still in its infancy, Google Co-Op represents Google's efforts to embrace social web and social search concepts in a major way to help improve Google search results. Google Co-op consists of two things:

1. Topics, which are simply a means of labeling web content
2. Subscribed links, which are a means for users to subscribe to a particular web site's content

Topics can further be sub-divided into two things:

1. The ability to create an entire categorization or labeling scheme
2. The ability to simply provide labels for web content, which Google calls annotations

The remainder of this article will focus on the annotations aspect of Google Topics.

Annotations to URLs

Annotating URLs is perhaps the easiest part of Google Co-Op to understand. It also requires the least amount of technical expertise to implement. A "topic" is simply Google's way of saying "area of interest". Topics are a labeling or categorization scheme. Topics allow users a way of providing labels (which may also be referred to as tags, or categories) for information on the web (represented by URLs). Labels may be provided for an entire web site, portions of a web site, or even a specific web page. These "labels" provide some indication of the topic or topics for a given web site or page. In essence, they provide additional information on what the web site is all about.

Anyone with a Google account can label web sites. Google refers to the process of providing labels for web sites as "Annotating URLs". An annotation is simply the association of a label, or multiple labels, with a URL. For example, a travel site might get the label "destination_guide".

Users may use labels for topics that Google already has under development, which include: health, destination guides, autos, computer & video games, photo & video equipment, and stereo & home theater. Users may also develop their own labels for topics. For example, if a user has an interest in "wine" they may develop labels for the topic wine, which may include "wine_regions", "wine_types", etc. They can then use these labels to annotate sites that deal with wine.

An end user may submit their annotations to Google in one of two formats: 1) in a tab-delimited format (which can be created using Microsoft Excel or any spreadsheet); or 2) in an XML file. Perhaps the easiest format for most users to deal with is simply to create a spreadsheet where the first column contains a URL or URL pattern, and the subsequent columns contain labels, one label to a column. Further information that may be associated with a URL in subsequent columns includes:

  • Score - a ranking of relevance from 0 to 1 (0 to 100%)

  • Comment

  • Attributes - user defined attributes which may only be included in the tab-delimited file format

Annotation Examples

A few examples will go a long way to illustrate annotating URLs. If I were using a tab-delimited file to annotate a travel related web site it might look something like this:

URL                                                     Label            Label         Label        Score Comment

travelsite. com/*                   sightseeing    museums    shopping   1         Detailed destination information

If I were using an XML file to annotate the same travel related web site it might look something like this:


<file>travelsite-annotations. xml</file>


<about> travelsite. com/*</about>




<Comment>Detailed destination information</Comment>





<Comment>Detailed destination information</Comment>





<Comment>Detailed destination information</Comment>




Conventions for Labels

There are some simple conventions that should be followed when labeling content. First it is important to understand that labels may be applied to URLs or wildcard URLs. Using wildcards makes it much easier to label a lot of content with a few statements. For example:

  • Labels applied to mywebsite. com/ would only apply to that specific page of the web site

  • Labels applied to mywebsite. com/* would apply to all URLs that starts with the URL " mywebsite. com"

  • Labels applied mywebsite. com/*tips would apply to all URLs that start with the URL " mywebsite. com" and contain the word "tips"

A single URL may have multiple labels. If using a tab-delimited file, each label must appear in its own column.

Labels should be all lower case with all punctuation and conjunctions (and, or) removed. For example, "hardware and software" would become "hardware_software".

Labels should be as short as possible and as unambiguous as possible. Watch out for words that can mean multiple things.

Additional Information

There are many good places to find additional information. The first is the Google Co-Op Site ( google. com/coop) where they have posted a Topics Developers Guide. The Google Co-Op FAQ is also helpful. There is also a good article entitled "How to Use Google Co-op" at Google Blogoscoped (blog. outer-court. com/archive/2006-05-11-n40.html).

Why is Labeling Content Important?

The process of labeling content will benefit everyone in several ways. Labels will provide Google with a vast amount of information about web sites, potentially down to a very granular, or individual page level. If an individual's annotations are found to improve the quality of the search results, they will be shown to everyone. In essence, over time, Google will use annotations and other aspects of Google Co-Op to improve search results.


Annotating URLs is a relatively low effort task for individuals that can reap benefits for everyone - better and more relevant search results. While still in its infancy, and going through the growing pains that are normal for services that are in beta test, Google Co-op clearly has a lot of promise to enable Google to provide much more powerful and relevant search results to users.

Monday, 25 July 2016

Facts to know before going for weight loss surgery

Have you ever wondered what exactly is up with weight loss surgery? This informative article can give you an insight into everything you've ever wanted to know about weight loss surgery.

For some people, it can be a difficult decision for choosing whether or not to undergo weight loss surgery. Weight loss surgery is life changing and requires a solid commitment from the patient to follow a diet and exercise plan. You should make sure you clearly understand the pros and cons connected with weight loss surgery procedure before making any decision.

What to Expect?

First and foremost, it is essential that you have a clear idea of what your expectations are from the weight loss surgery and whether the results of that actual surgical procedure will be able to meet those expectations.

Also, weight loss surgery patients are advised not to expect the weight loss surgery to be their answer to all their problems and that they will need to maintain their health and figures into the future by following proper healthy eating and exercise plans.

These weight loss surgery types are gaining more acceptances today as newer technology makes the weight loss surgeries more efficient and safer. There are probably many questions you have. Here are some common questions regarding weight loss surgery if you are considering weight loss surgery.

How Much Weight Can I Lose?

The amount of weight you will lose following weight loss surgery will depend on several factors. First, the weight loss surgery type you have can affect the outcome. The Lap-Band procedure, while safer, has slower weight loss than other forms.

Also, your exercise routine and the foods you eat will also affect your weight loss outcome. It is essential to follow the diet plan given to you and to exercise everyday for the maximum weight loss. Most patients can expect to lose about 36 percent of their excess body weight within the first year.

Are There any Qualifications For Having Weight Loss Surgery?

Even this depends on several factors. Usually, a candidate for weight loss surgery must weight 100 pounds or more over their ideal body weight. Another factor is the body mass index.

Women who are 80 pounds overweight or more and have a body mass index of 40+ and men who are overweight by 100 pounds or more and have a Body Mass Index of about 40+ are considered severely obese and may be candidates for weight loss surgery.

Those who have a BMI between 35 and 40 and suffer from obesity connected problems such as sleep apnea, obesity related heart disease, or diabetes may be considered for the weight loss surgery.

How Safe Is Weight Loss Surgery?

For the most part, weight loss surgery is safe. As with any surgical procedure there are risks involved and these should be carefully considered before having the procedure.

Also, there are some weight loss surgery types that are safer than others. Surgeries that are performed laparoscopically are generally safer and easier to recover from than open procedures.

Additionally, there may be some medical conditions that will prevent a good outcome for some patients. It is significant to discuss these issues with your health care provider before having surgery.

Can I Participate In Activities Following Surgery?

Yes, after you are completely healed, it generally takes four to six weeks. Healing time can depend on the type of surgery that is performed. You can resume your normal activities after that time. In reality, exercise is encouraged and will aid in more rapid weight loss.

What Can I Eat After Weight Loss Surgery?

You will be limited to liquids and pureed foods for the first five weeks after surgery. Gradually, you can begin to add in other foods such as lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables and low fat dairy products.

Most patients will only be able to eat a very small portion so it is significant to stop eating when you feel full and to eat several small meals during the day. Also, you should avoid sweet foods and foods that are fibrous, greasy, doughy or sticky. This can lead to obstacle of the stomach and intestines.

Although Weight Loss Surgery can be a life saving procedure for some people, for others it is seen primarily as a cosmetic procedure. That said, however, it does have its advantages. Primarily, the main advantage of weight loss surgery is weight reduction with many of its patients being pleased with the amount of weight they have lost.

That said, whenever anyone is considering undertaking weight loss surgery it is significant that they discuss this fully with their doctor and seek out the best medical advice to date.

Take time to consider the points about weight loss surgery presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.

Travel tour preparedness is important

Even if things seem like a fairy tale, you are going to have to use some common sense so that you can come back safely. You will find that when you are taking a vacation or honeymoon that you are going to overlook some things that will keep you and your valuables safe, but you will want to take some steps to make sure that your belongs and yourself come back safely.

Most cruise lines will ask you to sign a waiver that will say that they are not responsible for any losses that you may have on board. They take this precaution so that you can’t sue them for a theft. This is why you wouldn’t want to take any chances of getting anything stolen so that you can avoid the hassle and stress of theft. When something is stolen it is a hassle because you have a huge legal system that you will have to go through. This means that you have to go through the country laws, your country laws, and the jurisdiction of the waters that your ship is sailing. It can be a real hassle and ruin everything that you have ever planned for the trip. Most of the time nothing is ever solved and there are never any chargers written. It’s just better to always be cautious.

It can all be avoided by knowing what your carrying and where you are carrying it. You will want to write down all the credit numbers and account numbers on a piece of paper and leave it somewhere at home so that you can get the numbers easily. You will want to make sure that you have all of your phone numbers for the financial businesses with you. This way you can get the cards and the accounts closed without having to worry about anything. You will want to make sure that you regularly inventory your things (especially cards) so that you always have an idea of when and where they may have been lost.

Don’t forget that the cruise ships have a safe where you can store any of your valuables. You will be able to able to store them in your cabin safe or even the captain’s safe. This is very important because it’s not wise to allow your most valuable items to be lying around the cabin or room. With the maids and all the conspiracies, you will find that you are going to be easily targeted. The locks are not changed that often and you will find that you’ll not be safe leaving important things in your room. When it comes to the wallets, you should never leave it in your back pocket. It is so easy for others to pick pocket when the wallet is in your back pocket. You may want to wear a money belt under your clothes, but you will also want to use your front pockets, because you’ll know if someone is in your pocket. You will want to make sure that you keep your money separated. You will want to make sure that you don’t bring attention on yourself by carrying large amounts. You also don’t want to look flashy or have the bling-bling showing. When you do this, you are bringing notice to yourself by some shady characters.

These tips should not be shocking because they are common sense. You will find that there are a lot of people who don’t take these simple precautions and then they end up having their stuff taken. Rather you are staying on a ship or in a hotel it is important that you protect yourself from being a target. You will want to make sure that you have a good journey and enjoy your vacation.

Costa rica fishing fun in salt and fresh water

Tired of fishing the same old spots year after year? Want to try something a little different, a little more exciting? Then why not consider a quick trip to Costa Rica, where the fishing's fine and the weather is glorious, the seas are calm and the palms sway in the breeze... okay, but you get the picture, right?

You don't have to choose whether you fish in salt water or fresh when it comes to Costa Rica, because you can do both! Do you want to fish the Caribbean or the Pacific side of the country? Sandwiched between the base of Mexico and the tip of South America, fishers who come to this fascinating country can do both. That goes for ocean fishing on a rolling deck or fishing on the banks of a wide stream that ribbons through jungle terrain and over waterfalls and lagoons that will beckon to the novice and experienced fisher alike.

Costa Rica offers a wealth of fish for just about every fisherman, including rainbow bass, trout and mullet, as well as marlin, wahoos and tuna. It doesn't matter where you decide to fish, for you're bound to catch something. Even if you throw the fish back, visitors enjoy white, sandy beaches, warm winds and sunshine that never quits as an added bonus to their fishing adventures. From Drake Bay to the Gulf of Papagayo, Costa Rican waters delight not only local fishermen, but also anglers from around the world who venture south to test Latin waters. Coves, caves and lagoons offer a wide variety of fresh water fish as well, including snapper and roosterfish.

Fishing vacations in Costa Rica can be arranged for large groups, small groups, individuals or couples. Combining activities will give visitors to this tiny country the most bang for their buck, and can include hiking, volcano exploring, fishing, surfing, canoeing, horseback riding and even 4-wheeling. Visiting both coastlines of the country is a snap, as the country from one side to the other can be reached in about six hours driving time. Many people don't realize how beautiful or unique Costa Rica is, filled as it is with history, famous landmarks and friendly people. Fishing is not the only great thing about this Latin country, which offers something to delight every age group. Nightlife in San Josй offers dancing and other entertainments to keep the young crowd busy, while theaters, museums and other venues cater to other travelers.

Taking a fishing trip to Costa Rica is great fun in and of itself, but why not take advantage and thoroughly explore the country when you have the opportunity? Whether you want to drive yourself or take a prearranged tour, travel agents based both in Costa Rica and around the world will be able to set you up. So get those fishing poles out and get ready to have the time of your life, fishing and exploring the waters and sights of one of the most captivating countries in the world.

Sunday, 24 July 2016

Proper golf attire is good for the golf course establishment

Most golf courses have made rules and regulations about proper dress attire. If you feel comfortable playing golf in shorts and a t-shirt, make sure you call ahead and check the dress code rules. Not all golf courses have a dress code, but the majority does.

If you’re on the way to the golf course and your buddy is reading this article from your laptop, you do not have to turn around if you’re wearing your favorite tee shirt and bathing suit. The vast majority of golf courses have a pro shop to upgrade your dress attire. Now if you elected to leave your wallet at home and only bring your license, find a safe place to turn around.

Stepping up to the tee box with your best-cut offs and favorite t-shirt is pretty unusual these days. That type of golf wear only looks good on the beach according to a lot of golf courses. Years ago golf courses did not frown upon improper dress attire, because of the lack of golfers. We all know how things have changed dramatically over the years.

There is a good reason for mandatory golf wears, such as a collar shirt, shoes and socks. In order to keep other members from taking the high road and going elsewhere, golf courses have made changes over the years to keep golfers and dedicated members, and or potential new members to come back to play their golf course.

The golf course is running a business function. In order to set a good impression, both the golf course and members must look good to attract other members to their establishment. Therefore there is a dress code in place at most golf courses. The golf course establishment wants you to feel good and look like a pro. It helps keep existing cliental and attracts other golfers to come back to their golf establishment. After all, if your girlfriend’s parents invited you to one of their business functions. Would you show up wearing cut offs and a t-shirt?

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Is their a miracle cure for hairloss

There comes a time in every man’s life when he starts to lose his hair. For some, it can be as early as their twenties or even their teens, while others don’t start to lose any hair at all until their forties or fifties. As it is so widely seen as a sign of old age, however, there is a big social stigma attached to hair loss, which leads people to seek various treatments to get their hair back again.

Hair loss is not always caused by old age, however, as many diseases can also cause people to lose their hair. Although cancer is the most well-known, it is not uncommon to lose some hair after quite minor diseases, or after having surgery. Hair loss is also a side effect of some medicines, such as antidepressants.

So is there a miracle cure for hair loss? Well, not really.

The most common treatments that people try are the creams available in most pharmacies, such as Rogaine. They do cause some extra hair growth, but also tend to make your head very itchy in the process. However, as soon as you stop using it, the hair loss will resume, so keeping your hair could turn out to be very expensive for you.

A cheaper option could be pills like propecia, which has also been proven to work, although only in about half of patients. It must, however, also be taken for the rest of your life if you want to keep your hair until you die.

Hair loss can often also be stopped by simply making some changes in your lifestyle, like eating less fat and trying to avoid stressful situations. In many cases, this is the most effective treatment of all, as so much hair loss is brought on entirely by work-related stress: it’s well worth taking a week off and seeing if you still have the problem after that.

Above all, if you’re trying to treat your baldness, remember the three Ps: patience, proven treatments, and taking pictures.

Friday, 22 July 2016

Casino aquatique bienvenue dans le monde des croisieres

Retrouvez tout le prestige de votre serie favorite combinant Las Vegas a la Croisiere s'amuse, pour quelques jours ou quelques semaines, en couple ou en famille!

Pour les amoureux des Caraibes, montez sur l'un de ces navires:

Empress of the Sea, l'un des plus prestigieux. Vous offre pour de bons petits plats le Restaurant Carmen et Windjammer Cafй, puis digestion au sein des salons Pub Caroussel, Pool Bar, Salon High Society, Salon Viking Crown. A Bord, divertissez vous:Centre de remise en forme, Ping pong, Piste de jogging, Mur d'escalade,2 Piscines extйrieures, 4 Jacuzzis dont un intйrieur, Casino et decouvrez ses nombreux jeux tels la Roulette Americaine sans oublier sa Discothиque, Salle de spectacles, Salle de cartes, Cafй internet.
Ce navire vous propose une croisiere inegalabe depuis San Juan:Caraпbes - Antilles, pendant 11 jours. Faites une escale a San Juan, Saint Martin, Saint Johns, Basse-Terre, Castries, Bridgetown, en mer, Isla Margarita, Willemstad, Oranjestad, en mer, pour revenir a San Juan.

Explorer of the Seas: Decouvrez pendant 7 jours le Mexique, Miami en mer, Belize City, Costa Maya. Services similaires a l'Empress. Pur votre bien etre: Salon de beautй, Complexe thermal complet, Sauna, Spa, Solarium.. Alors faites vous chouchouter. Au niveau des loisirs, profitez donc de la diversite, osez melanger culture a farniente grace aux :3 Piscines, 5 Jacuzzis, Casino, Discothиque, Salle de spectacles, Salle de cartes, Cafй internet, Le thйвtre sur 3 ponts qui propose des productions dans le style de Broadway.

Majesty of the Seas: en partance de Miami, profitez d'une croisiere de 4 jours pour vous echapper aux Bahamas , Cocoay, Nassau, Key West et Miami.

Adventure of the Seas: en partance de SAn Juan, profitez d'une croisiere de 7 jours pour une escapade a Oranjestad, Oranjestad, Willemstad, en mer, Philippsburg, Charlotte Amalie, San Juan.

Sovereign of the Seas: plus riche que les precedants en matieres de loisirs pour enfants: au club Adventure Ocean, les enfants beneficieront des activitйs а la fois йducatives et rйcrйatives (de 3 а 17 ans)
Le FantaSeas Teen centre propose quant a lui une large variйtй d'activitйs pour les ados telles que les chasses aus trйsors ou repas pizzas. Au niveau de votre detente personnelle, vous retrouverez egalement le Shipshape center avec sauna, bains turcs, massages et salon de beauй
centre mйdical а bord.

Grandeur of the Sea. Presente les memes services que ses compatriotes. Laissez-vous charmer par la musique du pianiste au Schooner Bar, ou tentez votre chance au Blackjack dans leur casino. Allez voir un show faзon Broadway dans une salle impressionnante sans vous dйplacer

Enchantement of the Seas:dispose de 2 restaurants principaux qui sont le My Fair Lady Dining room et le Windjammer Cafй. Les services presentes ci-dessus se retrouve egalement sur ce navire, casino inclus.
Pour une croisiere de 4 jours, decouvrez le Mexique au travers des escales suivantes:Fort Lauderdale, Key West, Cozumel, en mer, Fort Lauderdale. A ne pas en croire ses yeux. A moins que le comfort et le charme de ce navire vous eblouisse au point de ne vouloir debarquer...

A business franchise for people who adore children

Are you looking for a franchise opportunity which revolves round children? Why not consider a tutoring franchise. Your business and work consists of educating children out with school hours in the basics of English, spelling, reading & mathematics.

You mainly help children between the ages of six and sixteen who through no fault of their own are having learning difficulties. Maybe they have just moved school, had health problems or are just emotionally upset. You can help them get back on track by providing the education that fills their gaps.

Even if you are not looking to buy a franchise but would rather start a business on your own, then this is an ideal opportunity for you if you have a good grasp of the English language.

Before your start it will help you to do a refresher course in English & Mathematics and learn all you can about teaching. There are many courses available that can get you up to speed in no time. Having a professional qualification in teaching is very useful. It means that you will be able to charge more per pupil.

Initial investment is very low as the only equipment you need are a few computers, desks and some chairs. You can now buy software that will help to make teaching fun. These are specially designed with children in mind and provide you with tools that are rarely used in the classrooms of today.

It is important that you take out the relevant insurance as accidents do happen especially when there are boisterous children around. Having a first aid certificate from a professional body is also essential. The first aid courses are fun to do and in my opinion everybody should do one.

You will have to choose premises that adhere to all legal requirements. These are not so strict when you only have a small number of pupils but demand more as the number of students increase. If you only plan to teach a few children you can even work from home. It is possible to create a secondary income for your family with just a handful of pupils.

Children can be fun but at some times can get naughty. It is essential in my opinion that you really do love children and have good skills to handle them. You will not only have to supplement their education but also provide them with the desire and motivation to succeed.

If you choose to work from home make sure that you bring your family and friends on board by speaking to them about your plans before you start. Try and fit the students' demands on your time around your family and friends.

Buying into an education franchise can be both fulfilling and rewarding. You can work this business full time or part time. The franchisor will help you to deal with all the legal requirements and provide you with specially designed materials and software. They will assist you in the choice of premises and location. You will have to pay an upfront franchise fee and ongoing royalties but in return you benefit from their branding, marketing, training and ongoing support.

As always make sure you take professional advice before embarking in a new business.

Thursday, 21 July 2016

Money from your house through home equity loan or line of credit

Do you own a house? If so, you already have realized the Greatest American Dream, which many of us continue to work hard to have. Additionally, because you already have a house, you already have easy access to money through Home Equity Loan or Home Equity Line Credit.

It is thus easier for you to acquire funds for myriad of reasons. Lenders can provide you a credit of up to 75% of your total equity.

Funding children’s college education or renovations for your house or even for purposes of paying off the entire balance of your primary mortgage may be available through home equity loan or line of credit.

You may even opt to consolidate your debt, like your credit cards and other unsecured credits with the options available in a home equity loan or line of credit.

This facility is getting to be very popular nowadays because of the convenience of owing only one institution and the added advantage of lower interest rates. In addition, interests in consumer loans like your home equity loan or line of credit is tax deductible.

The facility of acquiring loan through home equity loan or line of credit is flexible in various payments terms depending on the institution that is providing you with the loan.

All of these flexibility and advantages of acquiring a home equity loan and line of credit notwithstanding needs some intelligent decision-making. This is because even with the numerous advantages available in a home equity loan or line of credit, the only one and most important factor to consider is the fact that you put your house as collateral.

Consequently, failing to pay your debt may cause you to loose the most precious asset you have, your home.

For this reason, before you embark on the convenient way of acquiring a loan through home equity loan or line of credit, you may need to consider if you really need this facility.

There may be other loan facilities available where you can choose from, thus you may not need to put your house as collateral. However, admittedly considering taxes and interest rates may lead you back to home equity loan or line of credit. In this case, you may need to seek additional advice.

I have been mentioning home equity loan or line of credit. This is because the two differ in one most significant factor. Home equity loan is a facility where you get the proceeds of your loan lump sum. On the other hand, home equity line of credit is a facility where you have a credit line, just like in a credit card, where you may opt to get funds only when you need it.

However, in a home equity loan, you pay equal installments throughout the duration of the paying period and you pay part interest and part principal loan. In the case of home equity line of credit, the interest rates are variable and you may choose to pay interest only.

The negative side of this is that you need to pay a balloon payment at the end of the term, which may be hard for you if you are not ready to pay such a huge amount. You may end up taking another loan, which will put you at a disadvantageous position later on.

Finally, financial experts recommend that before you embark on acquiring a home equity loan or line of credit, you may need to do your homework by shopping around for the best terms, payment options, and conditions where the lender may consider you in default. Analyzing your needs may be an additional advantage for you to make the intelligent decision.

For additional information and advice, you may refer to various financial management websites before you decide if home equity loan or line of credit is good for you. You may find other loan facilities that will not be as risky, but understanding what you need and how you need it may be necessary.

Close vacation getaway from metro detroit on the shores of lake huron

Looking for a getaway close to Metro Detroit? Look no further. Lexington, Michigan is located in the beloved thumb of the Lower Peninsula. Only an hour and a half drive from Southeast Michigan it brings outdoor activities for hunters, fishermen and sunbathers alike.

Lexington is location on the shores of Lake Huron providing boaters a wonderful place to water ski, snorkel, swim and relax. Boaters are able to rent slips in the Lexington Harbor and enjoy the amenities that the downtown area has to offer. Quaint little shops ranging from fudge shops, clothing stores to the historic General Store, there’s something for everyone’s taste.

Downtown Lexington is home to great restaurants and entertainment. Looking for a gourmet sandwich or pizza? Make sure to visit Smackwater Jacks. Smackwater Jacks offers visitors, such treats as, freshly baked Focaccia bread, homemade soups, cappuccino’s and of course their famous sandwiches and pizzas. Visit the Cadillac House if you want to catch a game on their big screen or share a cocktail with many of the locals in the area. Lexington’s newest addition is their theatre, The Lexington Music and Theatre Company. Catch plays put on by local area actors. If you are looking to play some golf, visit Lakeview Hills. Lakeview Hills offers challenging courses through water, sand and trees. Golf isn’t the only game they offer. After having some dinner, challenge your partner to a game of bowling.

You don’t need a boat to enjoy any of Lexington’s amenities. Along the lakeshore you’ll find many cottages, cabins and bed and breakfasts to hang your hat. So whether you are trying to get away from the city or just want to enjoy Lake Huron, Lexington, Michigan offers plenty to do.

Advice on buying mobility scooters

A mobility scooter is a convenient and simple way to improve the independence of those who would otherwise find it difficult to keep mobile.

Mobility scooters are fast becoming an essential aid for day to day mobility for the elderly. There are in the region of 250,000 scooters on the pavements and roads at the present moment in time.

They come is various styles, sizes and budgets to suit all potential users. However, buying a mobility scooter should not be rushed into. There are several things to consider.

Below is a list of such factors:

• Three or four wheel

• 4mph or 8mph

• Transportable or not

• Maximum weight capacity

• Maximum range that can be travelled per battery charge

• Ease of operation

There are a number of benefits associated with owning a mobility scooter, two examples are:

• Greater independence and returning to normal activities such as shopping.

• Greater ability to move around the house.

Buying you first mobility scooter is a means to improving you quality of life, and can be considered to be an excellent investment.

As technology improves scooters are becoming cheaper to manufacturer and making them more affordable, enabling more people to benefit from the advantages they bring.

Before buying it is important to give careful consideration to the purpose of the scooter in term of what is it to be used for? Consider the terrain upon which it is to be used, and distance that is to be covered. Also consider your budget, and stick within price range you can comfortably afford. Do not be tempted by sales people to spend more than you want. Also consider buying second hand to reduce the amount you need to spend.

Wednesday, 20 July 2016

Holiday scams and thieves exposed

The holidays bring joy and a sense of well-being for most people. With the numerous parties, activities, family get-togethers, and holiday shopping, you may find that you are very busy and may not pay attention to potential scams and rip-offs. Here are some tips that will keep you and your money safe during the holidays:


While shopping for the many gifts you intend to give this year, pay careful attention to the presence of pickpockets. Keep you money in a front pocket rather than in your back pocket. If you carry a purse, make sure you hold it close to your body rather than holding it by the strap and letting it swing as you walk. Crafty pickpockets who often work as a team steal millions of dollars each year. One will distract the victim while the other slips in and take the victim's money. Protect yourself and your wallet at all times. Do not be fooled into thinking that since you are shopping at an upscale, safe location that you will not become the victim of a pickpocket.

Online Shopping Scams

Beware of online scams. During the holidays there are many web sites that offer incredible deals on various merchandise, travel specials, and a number of other seemingly 'perfect' opportunities. Be very careful about what you purchase online and from whom you make purchases. If you are careless in your online shopping habits, you may find that your merchandise never arrives as promised, the deal you thought you were purchasing is non-existent, or that not only does your order arrive after the holidays are over, but when it does arrive the merchandise only vaguely resembles that pictured on the web site, if there is any similarity at all.

Credit Card Companies

Beware of credit card companies that increase your spending limit immediately before the holiday shopping season begins. Each purchase you make will accrue interest, increasing the overall amounts you will spend the items you buy. Also do not make the mistake of accepting offers from your credit card company to skip your payment until after the New Year. The interest you owe will still accrue and you will end up owing more than you did initially. Also, be very cautious about making online purchases during the holiday season. While most merchants are reputable, there are some that will put up a web site with the express intent of obtaining credit card and debit card numbers for fraudulent purposes.

Telemarketing Scams

Telemarketing scams seem to increase during the holidays. Never give your personal information or credit card number to an unsolicited caller. Millions are stolen each year during the holidays due to telemarketing scams that entice consumers to make purchases immediately. If a telemarketer tells you that the incredible offer they are giving you will only be available for the next 10 minutes, hang up immediately. You should also be very careful when making purchases from door-to-door salesmen. Not only could you have your personal information used in a fraudulent manner, you could risk your safety by allowing strangers into your home.

Charity Scams

Beware of mail and calls from charities that you have never heard of. Many people have fallen victim to a charity scam that solicits money form unsuspecting consumers. The charity promises that your tax-deductible gift will go to help the underprivileged, starving children, victims of natural disasters, etc. Most charities are reputable, but stay away from any charity solicitation that is from an organization you have never seen before.

Wrapping Paper Station Scam

Also, beware of wrapping paper station scams. Wrapping paper stations can seem like a great idea, but in reality you can purchase and wrap everything you need for significantly less money. However, if you do decide to use a wrapping paper station make sure you're present at all times while your gift is being wrapped. Do not leave your gifts at the station and come back later to pick them up. The time you may save is not worth the extra expense and you may find out later that the gifts you bought were not the gifts you paid to have wrapped.

Low cost internet advertising solution versus conventional advertising

Since the early 90’s, the internet has become known as a medium for advertising. It has also been preferred by consumers and businessmen in public shopping and business dealings. Unlike any other media, like television, radio and print, internet advertising solutions with its low cost has become widely used.

Due to the considerable growth in figures of internet users and because of the inexpensive internet advertising solutions, it has more capability for multimedia subject matter. It could capture texts, images, video and audio. The advertisers could produce logos, moving banners, animated and 3d imagery. With these in hand, advertisers mix these forms to produce successful and low cost internet advertising solutions.

Not only does an affordable internet advertising solution serve as a communication station, it also assists in an effortless system for transaction and distribution. This is the only medium that could help people do business within a short period of time.

With just one click and a money-saving internet advertising solution, shoppers could get all the information they need by visiting any web site. The businessman could obtain the services he needs. The company is happy doing business with their clients. The clients are happy doing business in the comfort of their homes.

Unlike meeting in person, wherein time and money could be wasted, the low cost internet advertising solutions benefits the company in which the services and products are receiving sales. Plus, it also benefits the consumers who receive comfort and satisfaction guaranteed.

Inexpensive internet advertising solutions are able to lead other advertising medium because they were developed to be interactive. When a consumer reads and clicks on a web advertisement, it is easier and more convenient to respond or inquire with e-mail and business reply cards. Unlike other advertisings, low cost internet advertising solutions’ ability to answer feed backs in real time enables the companies to reply, resolves complaints and answer inquiries.

Internet advertising solutions provide a low cost and effective resolution for attracting targeted, high quality customers. This low cost internet advertising solution also provides web site publishers with a prospect to generate advertising revenue from their unsold marketing inventory.

Conventional advertising could never be replaced. However, because of developments in the technology, people prefer their services online. With low cost internet advertising solutions present, the consumers, companies, advertisers and even the common people’s lives have been given a deserving contentment.

Care free d╨тcor artificial plants and silk flowers

Flowers and plants are wonderful ways to add ambience throughout your home or office. Live flowers and plants can be a burden for a busy homeowner or office manager however, as they must receive the proper care in order to make the surroundings beautiful. A plant can die for any number of reasons, and a wilting plant or set of flowers will look tacky to visitors. Additionally, plants that are cared for will grow, and you will find yourself pruning and repotting your decorations a couple of times a year. Add to that the potential mess of fallen leaves and scattered dirt, and you will see why houseplants can be quite a chore even if you are gifted with a green thumb.

Fortunately, there are alternatives to real plants if you want to add that extra splash of color to your home. Artificial plants and silk flowers are a perfect low maintenance addition to the home or office in terms of decor.

Artificial plants can be purchased almost anywhere, as they do not require special care or storage from the retailer. Artificial plants can sit on shelves for long periods of time in stores, just as they can in your home. Artificial plants and artificial trees are manufactured in all the varieties found in real plants, and can be tailored to fit your space needs. You choose the artificial plant variety, the pot, and then walk your new dйcor item out the door. The only maintenance you will need to do is dusting!

Silk flowers are an even more abundant option than artificial plants. Silk flowers can be bought in arrangements or separately, in a variety of species replicas and sizes. There is no need to keep silk flowers in a vase - if you want to have tiny individual daisies along the edges of your bathroom, you can accomplish the task with silk flowers!

In addition to their low maintenance appeal, artificial plants and silk flowers do not produce any pollen or sap, so they are not a risk for any person who might be afflicted with allergies. Artificial plants and silk flowers are a perfect housewarming or office decoration.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Should you really consolidate student loans

If you're pondering whether or not to consolidate student loans, consider this; all college loans have unique attributes, and not all may be perfectly suited for student loan consolidation. Student loan consolidation is, in most cases, an outstanding option for reducing monthly payments, locking in low rates, and earning opportunities to shave money off your loan balance with lender incentives. When you consolidate student loans, you lock in the current interest rate by allowing the lender to repay the entire amount, then repaying the lender free from government interest rate fluctuations.

PLUS Loan – Good Choice for Student Loan Consolidation

Like many college loans, the PLUS loan (Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students) is a type of federal loan with a variable interest rate. This means that the monthly payment will change when the government reconfigures the interest rates annually (July 1).

The interest rates on PLUS loans are generally higher than other types of college loans so when interest rates increase, PLUS loans can be greatly affected. Since college loans are consolidated by social security number, parents should apply separately for PLUS loan consolidation.

Perkins Loan – Consider before refinancing

The Perkins loan is a fixed rate loan and has some unique benefits that can be lost with a student loan consolidation. The Perkins loan has a forgiveness program that will waive all or part of the repayment amount if the borrower works in specific occupations that provide a valuable service to the community. Some such eligible occupations are teachers in low income areas, nurses, and medical technicians.

If you're not eligible for the various loan forgiveness opportunities offered by the Perkins loan, there is still another point to consider. Because the Perkins loan is a fixed rate loan, and because the interest rate on a student loan consolidation is determined by the weighted average of the other loans, you could actually pay a small percentage more on a consolidated Perkins loan over time.

Stafford Loans – Good Choice for Student Loan Consolidation

Stafford loans are the most common loans, and also the most popular type to consolidate. Stafford loans have a variable interest rate like the PLUS loan, making refinancing a smart choice. Loan consolidation can reduce the repayment amount by up to 63% if refinanced through the right lender.

Like the Perkins Loan, the Stafford Loan also offers a few forgiveness programs for those in certain teaching positions and other various public service jobs. Check to see if you’re eligible for any forgiveness programs before applying to consolidate student loans.

Health Professions Student Loan (HPSL) – Consider before refinancing

The HPSL loan for medical professionals is a fixed rate loan like the Perkins Loan. The HPSL comes with certain deferment options that may be lost after consolidation.

The HPSL offers a 3 year deferment period designed to give relief to medical professionals during residency. This deferment option may or may not be lost after consolidation. Those who have HPSL college loans should inquire with various lenders about deferment options.

Direct Loans – Good Choice for Student Loan Consolidation

Some schools offer Direct Loans, meaning that the money given to students comes directly from the federal government, not through a private lender. Borrowers who obtain these college loans must first consolidate through the Direct Loan program, but then have the opportunity to shop around for lower interest rates.
Beginning July 1st 2006, borrowers will face much stricter regulations when consolidating Direct Loans. After the 1st of July, borrowers will only be able to switch lenders if their current lender does not offer a student loan consolidation with an income sensitive repayment plan.

The two most popular types of loans are the Stafford Loan and the PLUS Loan which is the reason it’s so popular to consolidate student loans. Many students acquire a variety of college loans that may not be beneficial to consolidate. Student loans are not all created equal. It’s important to understand the unique qualities of your individual loans and work with your lender to determine the option that is right for you.

Monday, 18 July 2016

Compare and contrast for a secure future

Getting information can be a complex process. As a result, many of us simply ask our friends' opinions. If your friends tell you that they have been to a particular outlet or movie theatre, you are more likely to visit it. Similarly, while thinking about securing a loan to pay off a debt or to tide over an unexpected expense, we should do a comparative study before choosing the ideal loan option. A smart customer always looks around and shops around before choosing a particular choice. Make sure you do too.

We must always educate ourselves on the various loans that are available, the rates of interest that are applicable, the time that is available to repay these loans, and which bank offers the best deals. This will help us determine the loan that will be the most suitable for our needs. Making choices is driven by multiple factors. But one factor we cannot ignore is affordability.

Payment terms are important in the repayment of any loan. Take for instance a loan for study abroad. This loan better have a long repayment tenure. This would allow the student in question to graduate and start earning before the question of repayment arises. Getting a job should happen before one is expected to repay such a student loan.

The borrower and the lender are the two parties to any loan agreement. All loans should take the interest of both parties to heart. While entering into a loan agreement, the terms and conditions are clearly written down and agreed upon by both the parties. That means that once sealed, neither party can deviate from the agreement.

An astute buyer realizes the importance of shopping around for a loan. There are hundreds of loans that are populating the personal finance markets. Thus, it can become confusing to decide which loan to take up. Given that most of us do not have expert knowledge of personal finance issues, it is helpful to contact a financial advisor. That is not all. Here is more to mull over:

1. Is the lender fulfilling your entire loan requirement?? - Is the bank approving the entire amount or only a portion of it? What is the initial amount that you need to pay? No matter what kind of a loan you are applying for, you will be expected to pay a nominal fee as part of the initiation process.

2. How much will you have to pay and for how long - Can you afford to pay the amount or will it be difficult? If you choose the latter as your answer, then you need to speak to the bank and try and alter the EMI payment pattern

3. Fines and Penalties - If you are not able to meet the EMI dates, what penalty will be levied? Will this be calculated on that particular installment or on the overall principal amount? There is always the chance that there might come a rainy day when your check does not clear. Find out what the lender will do then?

Sunday, 17 July 2016

Why choose joint venture brokering as a business opportunity

Whether you're an experienced business person with good networking skills, or if you feel that you're better when it comes to general business skills than you are with any specific product or service, or even if you have no experience in the business world whatsoever but are looking for a straight-forward, easy to operate method of running an online business from home, then a career as a Joint Venture Broker could be for you. A Joint Venture Broker is a vital figure in the world of business, bringing other companies or individuals together in a sort of two tier affiliate system, producing results for everyone and generating potential unlimited income streams in the process.

If you've previously been a member of an affiliate program, you'll know how important networking is. Co-operation between businesses/individuals, enabling each to refer potential customers to others, can be vital to effective marketing. Yet a new business can waste a lot of time finding the right affiliate program. A Joint Venture Broker can sidestep the whole affiliate program by introducing compatible businesses directly.

The job of a Joint Venture Broker is to seek out parties with compatible interests and get them together to increase sales for both. This works like a two tier affiliate system, with the Joint Venture Broker taking a percentage of profits on all sales which occur as a result. To be successful, a Joint Venture Broker has to research the market and be good at identifying companies whose products or services complement one another but with the massive resource of the internet this has become an incredibly easy to do process that anyone can do.

As a Joint Venture Broker, you could develop unlimited income streams for yourself, setting up as many partnerships as you want. There's no website required and no product required, so your start-up overheads are low. All you need to be a successful Joint Venture Broker are good networking and communication skills and an awareness of what customers want but these can be learnt and some packages on the market even tell you exactly what to say to prospects.

With so many opportunities available for the skilled Joint Venture Broker, it's a wonder that more people don't pursue this line of work, but we shouldn't forget that, for many business owners, even joining an affiliate program seems too complicated. These are precisely the sort of people who need the help of a Joint Venture Broker if they are to make their businesses a success. Being a Joint Venture Broker is a rewarding job because not only can you generate unlimited income streams for yourself, you can also provide genuine help to other people and ensure that their businesses stay afloat. You can provide a better option that the ordinary affiliate program, one which is of particular advantage to the new home business owner with limited networking experience.

If you'd like to generate unlimited income streams in a business with no product required, a business which depends simply on your own skills and effort, working as a Joint Venture Broker may be for you. With no website required, no product of your own and without a huge marketing campaign it's easy to get started, so why not begin today?

Saturday, 16 July 2016

Do free home remedies really work

Common illnesses are usually resolved by common solutions without having to seek medical attention. These solutions may not be supported by medical studies and may not necessarily apply standard medical methodologies and practices.

Normally, these solutions to common diseases, ailments and disorders may make use of natural substances found in nature like herbs, common ingredients and the likes. Sounds primitive? No and these are actually used in many parts of the world, and even in America for immediate cure.

Home remedies were first developed and employed by old societies. Since then, the effects of the natural remedies were recorded down so as to be used by the following generations. However, with the advent of modern medicines, home remedies were taken aside and left for those who still have faith on their effects.

However, these remedies had been rising again to popularity because they prove to be less dangerous and cheaper. This is due to the fact that these mostly inhibit the use of natural ingredients, which are typically available in many kitchen cabinets and refrigerators.

You can also rely on their cleanliness as they come in nature. They are free of harmful effects that are usually obtained form their pharmaceutical counterparts as side effects.

Moreover, home remedies are free, thus the term Free Home Remedy. They are free in the sense that the ingredients are more likely to be found in nature and that free home remedy procedures and advises is now made accessible through the Internet. There are sites that are entirely designed to provide free home remedies for their visitors. Also, there are search engines that are providing sites for free home remedies.

The ingredients are not literally free of course but they can be easily bought in the market or at your local groceries. In the early years, people normally have medicinal plants planted right at their own backyards. Medicinal plants have therapeutic effects and are widely used as the basis for many modernized medicines. The growing popularity of capsuled herbs can be best attributed to the fact that herbs can create more effective results without the dangerous effects.

In addition to this, home remedies have mild but direct results. Unlike with prescription medications, these directly cure the part of the ailment or the cause of the disease. These may contain strong components but since they are natural, they have lessened bad effects to the body.

Some of the well-known and practiced home remedies are used to cure against:

· Skin problems (acne and acne scars, pimples, age spots, wrinkles, cuts, bruises, bites, stings, baldness, burns, skin allergies, stretch marks, sun burns, warts, and eczema)

· Sores (sore throat, cold sores, sore eyes or pink eyes, and canker sores)

· Aches (toothache, backache, head ache, and stomach ache)

· More severe ailments like colds, blood pressure, bronchitis, indigestion, food poisoning, high blood pressure, migraine, constipation, sinusitis, depression, flu, hemorrhoids, and rheumatism)

· General problems like acidity, bad breath, heartburn, athletes foot, head lice, dandruff, snoring, cramps, weak memory, fat hips and thighs, tired ayes, infection, ring worms, and water retention)

One fact still remains true, although free home remedies may be able to provide cure for simple diseases, disorders and ailments, modern medications and treatments are still by far the best in treating major diseases but off course with the cost of modernity.

Friday, 15 July 2016

Christian roommates - keep praying

So you've found a group of Christian roommates to move in with. You now have a potentially wonderful center of support at your home. However, it's up to you and your new roommates to take advantage of living with fellow Christians. If you don't actively pursue God together, it will make no difference that you have roommates who are believers. Let's explore a few ways to really utilize the power of a group of Christians living together.

Firstly, be aware of each other's prayer concerns. Ask your roommates what their needs are. Make an easily updated list in a common room. Try putting a whiteboard up in the kitchen so that everyone can be kept up to date. And, of course, being aware of your roommates' needs isn't enough. You've got to actually be praying for them. Spend time everyday saying a prayer for each roommate. And let them know that you're praying for them, they'll be sure to remember you as well.

If you want to go a step further, you can have a weekly or even daily group prayer time. It doesn't have to be formal or anything. Just take two minutes a day to get together and pray for each other as well as for some common concerns. This will do wonders for your relationships with each other.

Finally, if your roommates are really fired up, you can host a monthly prayer event at your home. Invite other Christian friends and people from your churches. Cook a meal, have some fun, spend some time in worship, and pray together. You'll be doing a wonderful community service and opening up many avenues for Christians in the area. Don't put too much pressure on yourself to make it an elaborate event. Just keep it simple. The important part is the fellowship and prayer time, not your decorations or fancy dishes.

Making prayer the center of your relationship with your roommates will make a huge difference. Having a Christian support group at home is incredible and will change your life. Spend time praying for and with your roommates and you will see the change.

Thursday, 14 July 2016

Is your hobby helping or hindering your family life

Ask a room full of people what hobby they have and you will get as many answers as there are people. Others will confess that they don’t have a hobby. They probably do; but just don’t label it as such. By definition, a hobby is an activity or interest pursued outside one's regular occupation and engaged in primarily for pleasure.

Whether stamp collecting, chat rooms, trains, soft ball, scrapbooking, golf, reading, painting, tap dancing, yard work, crafts, auto mechanics, music, hunting down garage sales, sewing, fishing, cooking, boating, furniture refinishing, javelin tossing or a plethora of other activities or interests the key element is balance. You must find balance between your family life and your extracurricular activities.

Too much of a good thing turns bad. Everyone should have an outlet and a special interest that they enjoy doing for themselves. Self indulgence, to a point, is quite healthy. Escaping from day to day grinds to take some time to devote to your special hobby or concentration is therapeutic. You’ve all heard, “if Mamma ain’t happy, no one’s happy.” It doesn’t matter if your role is father, mother, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, son, daughter, brother or sister, if you’re just going to work or school and have no real outside activities, you’re probably not always the most friendly person to be around.

Conversely, if you bury yourself and it seems to others that all you care about or all you ever want to do is bang on the drums all day, you’re setting yourself up or prolonging discontent. People deal with depression in many ways. Some sleep all the time. Others want to do nothing but read, read, read. Still others will spend hours upon hours downstairs building a bigger, faster widget, just to avoid the real cause of their frustrations. Hobbies are supposed to be a healthy outlet, not a catalyst to ignore issues that need addressing.

Likewise, hobbies can get very expensive. Sure snow mobiles, motorcycles and ski equipment are obviously expensive. But sometimes those seemingly low cost activities can add up. You start out with trying to budget for the monthly karate lessons. Then you need (or want) the gi, the uniform. Don’t forget about the protective sparring equipment. Perhaps you think you need to have a heavy bag or some shields to help you practice. Figure on $30-$50 per tournament that you enter. Of course there’s the uninsured medical and orthodontia costs to be calculated in as well. “Let’s see, do we pay the mortgage this month, so get that new helmet that you just have to have?”

If your hobby is doing more harm than good, if it’s dipping into the family budget and time allocation, more than you can or should be spending, it’s time to reevaluate. If you’re not doing something outside your standard occupation that you enjoy, it’s time to find something, for your and your family’s sake!

Baseball anyone

How it all began

What comes into your mind when you hear the word baseball? For those of you who have been in a real baseball event would it lead you to think of a huge stadium, an open field, the heat of the sun, the cheer of crowds, the cracking of the bat as it hits the ball, or the shout of the umpire of what decision he has for the teams? For those of you who in anyway have not experienced being in a baseball game but have seen it through sports channels or heard it on the radio or viewed it online, you might also have the same perception of the game. For those who are not into baseball but may have had the chance to observe a game or two, it might be obvious that the spectator watches two teams playing against each other, there is a presence of a pitcher, a batter, an umpire or referee and the people guarding the bases. If that spectator figures out the way of scoring then he might have probably learned the basics of the sport.

In the context of an in depth look at the sport itself, only a few people, minus the avid baseball fans and players would even care to understand who thought about it, where it came from and where it is most popular at as a sport…

Baseball, which can be classified as a game of bat and ball and which is also sometimes identified as hard ball to differentiate it from a similar game known as softball (a more compact version of the game) can be traced back to accounts of being an evolved version of the game called rounders, which was said to have originated in Great Britain and Ireland dating back to as early as the 17th century. There are similar accounts about the existence of the game but the pioneering full documentation of baseball in North America was by Dr. Adam Ford in his modern description of the game that took place on June 4, 1838 in Beachville, Ontario. It was on June 19, 1846 in Hoboken, New Jersey that the first game of baseball in U. S. history was officially recorded with the New York Nine defeating the Knickerbockers in a 23-1 four innings game.

Today, Baseball is recognized as the national sport of the United States. The sport also has spread its popularity, is being patronized and played in most of the American regions, the Caribbean and East Asia.

Advertising possibilities are endless for small business

Often, the biggest obstacle that most, if not all, small businesses have is a limited budget. Let’s face it. Having a small business makes it difficult for you to have the most glamorous marketing campaign such as that of the big firms and Fortune 500 companies.

And you know for a fact that advertising is truly expensive. If you don’t look out, you might just wake up one day with your funds depleted, and strapped with a marketing campaign that provides lackluster performance.

Knowing you have other things to allocate your funds for, you know that you have to consider all things first before you can shell out your hard earned dollars for your coveted marketing tool. Be it full color flyers, or even a large format poster, you can’t afford to be picky when you’re looking at a very small fund to stretch.

With the funds you’re operating on is just enough to get you a decent marketing campaign for your business, it’s no wonder that many business owners and marketers are turning to other alternative promotional vehicles to introduce their brands. In fact, most marketers and advertisers are looking at ways to get attractive and compelling marketing campaigns for the price they can afford of course.

But this is a common misconception of most business owners and advertisers about advertising that should be changed right away. Although a limited budget may mean limited access to the most expensive ads such as your full color flyer printing campaign or your large format poster printing project, it doesn’t mean that you should settle for a mediocre piece.

On the contrary, having a limited budget means you will be able to come up with a more creative ad campaign that will help you effectively introduce your business to your target market.

And it’s not all print ads actually. Marketing your business can be advantageous in a way because you’re able to hand out to your target clients your message in a nice piece of paper. But as always, you can also try some alternatives that can help you promote your business better.

You might want to try co-sponsoring a worthwhile activity, for example. It may be in promotions, events, trade shows, and exhibits located locally. This way, as a small business, you’ll be recognized as a supporter of your community endeavors. This is actually what most big companies do to market their name and brand. As a potential client looks at the new ads, they will be eager to see that you are a staunch supporter of the local community, and hence, a better choice between you and your competitors.

The key is not therefore be frustrated just because you happen to work on a very limited amount. Small businesses are often very imaginative, especially when it comes to stretching their money and making sure that every penny is put to good use. They may not have the money, but they do have excellent marketing tools that show professionalism and credibility.

Search engine optimisation how accurate are keyword tools

In search engine optimisation, it is a crucial element to select the right keywords when optimising a website. The obvious reason being, if you have keywords with no search volume, you will not receive any traffic. Secondly, if you have keywords that are too competitive, you will find it very difficult (almost impossible) to win high ranks. So how do we find the in between balance for both obstacles? This is where keyword tools would come into place, but how accurate are they?

To start, the main keyword research tools that are found on the market today are Wordtracker, Overture Keyword Tool and Trellian Keyword Discovery. Now I bet many of you are pulling your hair out over which keywords are going to be suitable for optimisation. What makes it probably even more stressful is the varying results between the three different keyword tools i. e. one keyword tool may show a particular keyword to be very good, while another tool may suggest a whole different result for the same keyword. Well stop stressing right now! The truth is that we don’t really know how accurate these keyword tools are and we should only use their search volume figures as an indication as to whether a keyword is popular amongst search engine users.

Let’s say a keyword phrase, “dog products”, has a search volume of 5,000 searches per month on the Overture Keyword Tool. To make an assumption that “dog products” is a good keyword for optimisation, based ONLY on the Overture figure, would be a very bad assumption. However, it gives us a rough idea of the search volume for that particular keyword. The next step would be to use Wordtracker or Keyword Discovery to see if a similar amount of search volume is present for “dog products” (remember to convert searches for each tool to a common time frame i. e. monthly or daily). If we have a very low search volume in BOTH Wordtracker and Keyword Discovery, then I would be very skeptical about using “dog products” for optimisation. The whole idea is to get at least two of the three keyword tools to reflect reasonable / high search volumes before considering that keyword to be suitable for optimisation. If you have all three keyword tools returning reasonable / high search volumes for “dog products”, then the chances are that this keyword is reasonable / high in search volume and definitely worth considering for optimisation.

Once a good set of keywords have been agreed upon through the use of the keyword tools, you should then focus on the keywords that have a low / reasonable amount of competing web pages. There is no point trying to compete for a keyword that has 1,000,000 web pages in competition for it. If you are good at SEO then you could achieve high ranks for that keyword, but it would require a lot of time and investment which could be spent on better things. The lower the competition is, then the more chance of achieving higher ranks.

To recap, there is no indication to say that keyword tools are 100% accurate. Whilst the reseller of the tool may suggest otherwise, I highly doubt it. The results should be taken like a “grain of salt” as they are only useful to give you an idea as to what the search volume might be like for a particular keyword (high, moderate or low). With each tool obtaining its results using different algorithms, in some cases their results will not support each other. Provided you use two of the keyword tools to investigate the search volume for keywords, you should be able to make a good decision as to whether a keyword might be worth optimising for. With that in mind, it would also be wise to use your common sense to determine if a keyword is one that YOU would actually use in a search. Otherwise, what would be the point of optimisation in the first place?