Thursday, 30 June 2016

What s new in body worn cameras

When it comes to body worn cameras, there are as many different types and styles available as you can imagine. They can be as large as a shoulder bag or backpack or as small as a button worn on a shirt or jacket, so that regardless of how secret you need your body worn cameras to be, the technology is there to support it.

But not all body worn cameras are used just for secretly viewing or taping someone or something that’s currently happening. There is a type of fiber optic technology that can be used not for finding all kinds of things from bugs to clogs to broken parts. This camera is actually a flexible cable that comes complete with its own light source and it can fit into a hole as tiny as a quarter inch in diameter. Regardless if you need to see down a drain, inside an engine, behind a wall or through an old fashioned keyhole, this is the device for you.

One of the most popular versions of a body worn camera is one that is secreted within a shoulder bag. Police departments and television stations commonly use this particular type of bag across the country. Body worn cameras also come available in convenient backpacks, which are so commonly used today by both kids and adults that no one thinks twice about them.

Another commonly seen item is the traditional baseball cap. Body worn cameras are cleverly concealed inside them and come with enough cable that they easily attach to a body worn DVR.

Cpr for lackluster libidos in midlife

Some women in midlife have a kind of sexual flowering, enjoying sex more than ever before. Other women have the opposite experience: they feel like they’re shutting down sexually. These are the women who report that, though they love their partners dearly, they’re just not that interested in sex with them anymore.

“In their 40’s and 50’s, women come into their own sense of who they are as sexual beings,” says sex therapist and iVillage sex expert Dr. Patti Britton. When women this age lose interest in sex, she says, “it’s a marker of what’s below the surface.” Hormonal changes can make a woman’s libido nosedive (for more about the impact of hormones on desire, go to findingourway. com), but so can other factors.

Problems begin with a woman’s sexual self image. “I may feel profoundly disappointed that I don’t meet the idealized image of the hungry, lustful 46-year-old hot mama,” says Dr. Britton. Body image plays a role too, as women in midlife may fight what seems like an uphill battle to keep from sagging and spreading, making them embarrassed to be seen undressed.

Women may also feel disappointed in their marriage or relationship. “The hot time in a relationship is the initial period where it’s discovery time,” says New York psychologist and couple-relationship authority Dr. Joel Block. People open up and let the other person get a sense of who they are. But over the years, people make implicit assumptions about what can and cannot be shared (“the last time I told him something personal, he used it against me in an argument”). “Everything that’s juicy they’ve eliminated,” says Dr. Block. A woman may withdraw from her partner, ending up with a marriage without vitality.

“A relationship is supposed to be about two people that have the courage to be emotionally naked with each other,” says Dr. Block. “To do this, they must build an atmosphere between them that’s emotionally safe.”

Then there’s the overload factor. With work, family obligations, and active social lives, we’re tired at the end of the day. “When you’re middle aged and you have a busy life, don’t count on spontaneity,” says Dr. Block. “Instead, set up a weekly date with each other. It doesn’t have to have an agenda-- like we must have intercourse--but it should be an actual date.”

Other tips from Dr. Britton and Dr. Block on reclaiming our sexuality:

• “Get rid of negative self chatter,” urges Dr. Britton. Instead of zeroing in on what you don’t like about your body, try to eat a healthful diet and get more physical activity.

• Try to speak from your heart with your partner, encouraging him to do the same.

• Touch your partner—it doesn’t have to be sexual touch. In her book The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Sensual Massage (Alpha Books, 2003), Dr. Britton describes a “touch continuum,” with five levels from healing touch to sexual touch.

• It’s okay to be a little flirty.

• Allow yourself to have sexual thoughts, and don’t feel guilty if they aren’t about your partner. According to Dr. Block, the most common fantasy for both men and women stars someone else.

Sex is, after all, a part of who we are as human beings, and without it we may feel that something important is lost. If your relationship has cooled off, try these tips and see if you can turn the heat back on.

Determined to learn spanish

Learning a foreign language and being able to acquire it really has something to do with how serious you are in learning it. Taking a class for a Spanish language compared to learning it on your own at home may have slight differences but it all boils down to one thing – your interest in learning the language.

People think that paying for an expensive course online or offline is going to make them better in learning and eventually, speaking the Spanish language. This is a false belief since any person can acquire the Spanish language no matter how or where it has been learned. Although there is really no better match to learning a Spanish language or any other foreign language for that matter, than immersing yourself to the concerned country. And yes, this way, you will have to spend money and other necessary expenses to be able to finish a proper language immersion.

No, this isn’t an article against immersion and its costly means, this is an article for those individuals who think that learning a proper Spanish language online for free or that which requires very small money isn’t possible. If you haven’t been used to the internet and all the wonders it can do to all types of people who have different needs of their own, then better get used to being in the cyber world.

The point here is that, you can spend so much money on one language material and not be able to speak fluently or even slightly better than those who have just started using the Spanish language because of the lack of interest and will to learn.

It’s your choice, honestly. When you know you can learn and do something good, I say, you go ahead and do it. You will then realize that, no matter how old a person is, learning isn’t impossible at all. Even for someone who hasn’t had the chance to speak Spanish.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Be a juggernaut of goal achievement

Setting goals is one of the most important keys to achieving success. Did you know that less than 3% of people have written goals? Studies have shown that the most successful people are the ones who have specific, written goals.

Setting a goal is not like a New Year’s resolution. That is just a wish. Just wishing and hoping for something isn’t going to make it happen. Setting a goal is having a target to shoot for and a plan to get there.

When planning your goals, choose which categories you would like for your goals. Establish the time frame. They could be lifetime goals, 10 year, 5 year, 1 year, 6 month, 3 month, 1 month or weekly goals. Also you can have ongoing goals, such as exercising 3 – 5 times a week. Be specific when you write your goals. Don’t just write down “I want to lose weight.” Write “I will weigh 180 pounds by July 2007.

Make sure your goal statement is positive. Don’t say, “I don’t want to be fat.” Say “I will be a healthy 130 pounds by May 2007.The achievement of a worthwhile goal can seem daunting at first. The easiest way to proceed is to break your goal down into smaller steps. Start with the first step then move onto the next. When making your plans, a good way is to start is from the end part and work your way to the present.

Measure your progress. After you complete a step, check it off. Watching steady progress is a good motivator. A simple example could be if your goal was to be able to do 100 continuous pushups, you could mark off the milestones of 25, 50, 75, 80, and finally 100!

Don’t be discouraged by setbacks. All successful people experience setbacks, disappointments, and failure along the way. That’s just part of the process. That’s part of learning. Many times these act as course corrections to get you back on target.

There are several success principles used in goal achievement. One is properly programming your mind. You need to review your goal morning and at night before you go to bed. Have your goal written on a 3 x 5 card so you can review during the day. At night, ask your subconscious mind for solutions to problems, and methods or tools for helping you achieve your goal.

Another important principle is that of persistence. No one has enjoyed great achievement without persistence.

“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up”

Babe Ruth

Do something everyday towards your goal. A day’s action puts you one step closer to your objective. Doing something everyday creates a momentum that is hard to stop.

When it comes to achieving your goals, you need to think of yourself as a huge, monolithic juggernaut! Moving relentlessly toward your objective. Unstoppable!

Monday, 27 June 2016

More information on no fax payday loans

A no-fax payday loan is a quick and easy way to get a cash advance until your next paycheck, but you should still be very careful about how you choose a no-fax payday loan, and which companies you’re considering getting the loan from. Aside from the factors that you can control when it comes to selecting a no-fax payday loan (i. e. making sure that you can pay the loan back on time, selecting an interest rate you can afford) you should find out all you can about no-fax payday loans in general, as well as information on no-fax payday loan companies in order to make an informed financial decision.

Taking out a no-fax payday loan requires a lot of your personal information to be displayed on the Internet, so find out all you can about the security settings for each online no-fax payday loan company. You’ll have to let the company know whether or not you get direct deposit, who you bank with, and when your paydays are, as well as your salary in order to be approved for the loan, so be prepared to share this information, and be as accurate as possible. You’ll also have to provide the no-fax payday loan company with a number of references that the company may check to decide if you’re creditable, and can pay the loan back in time. So, be sure to provide the company with friends, colleagues, or coworkers who will be able to speak highly of you.

Most no-fax payday loans can give you approval in seconds, so make sure that you are completely eligible before applying. You’ll also want to look over the contract stating the conditions under which you’ll be granted the no-fax payday loan, so that you can decide if taking out the loan will be worth your while. Sometimes, there are no application fees involved when you apply for the loan, but this could mean that you’ll have to pay more in interest. You can even apply for a loan if you are self-employed, even though most loan companies require that you are on a regular payroll; you’ll just have to provide the company with current information about your employment to make sure that you meet the income requirements. And, even if you have been denied in the past for bank loan, it is still easier for you to receive a no-fax payday loan, once you know how much money you want to take out, and when you can pay the money back.

What is god where is god

“I have a hard time with the concept of God. I was not brought up in a religious family. I believe there is something beyond myself, but I just don’t know how to think of it or experience it.”

“I was brought up in family where God was portrayed as judgmental and punishing. I can’t even hear the word ‘God’ without feeling anxious. How am I supposed to open to God when I believe that God is controlling?”

“How can I believe in God when there are so many bad things that happen to people? If there really is a God, then why does He let these things happen?”

“God as a man just does not work for me. The men in my life have been mostly angry and controlling. I don’t feel safe opening to a male god.”

These are a few of the many comments I hear from my clients as I work with helping them open to a personal source of spiritual guidance.

The New Testament is very clear regarding what God is:

John 4:24

“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

1 John 4:8

He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.”

1 John 4:16

“God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.

John tells us that “God is Spirit” and “God is love.” He tells us that when we are being loving, we are within God and God is within us.

My personal experience is that God is love, peace, joy, and truth, and that God is everywhere, both within us and all around us. When our hearts are open to love, compassion and kindness toward ourselves and others, we experience the fullness of God within us and the safety of being within God.

My experience is that God is always here guiding us toward our highest good. One of the ways I help my clients to access the wisdom that God has for us each and every moment is to imagine a spiritual being that is here just for you. This can be a Teacher, a mentor, a guardian angel, a beloved relative who has passed away, or the highest, wisest part of yourself – your own higher self. By opening to learning with a wise and loving being who wants nothing more than to guide you toward your joy and the full manifestation of yourself, you open to being guided by the love and wisdom of God.

This guidance is your birthright. We were not dumped alone on the planet to fend for ourselves. Yet you will not have an experience of this love and guidance until you open to learning from God. My clients who practice opening to learning with a spiritual source of love and wisdom discover for themselves the truth of God. They are no longer caught in beliefs that do not served them – that God is judgmental, controlling and punishing; that God does not exist; that God will never be there for them personally; that they have to earn God’s love; that God can stop people from harming each other.

You will know God when you open your heart to learning about loving actions toward yourself and others. When your primary intention is to learn about how to love yourself and others, rather than to keep on trying to get love or avoid pain, you will have a personal experience of God.

If the term “God” is a negative trigger for you, then change it to Spirit, or Higher Power, or whatever works for you. God is not a being who cares about a name. God is the ever-present experience of love, compassion, truth, peace and joy that is always available for you whenever you choose to open your heart.

Saturday, 25 June 2016

Fireplace kit - safety guidelines

Fireplace kits require regular maintenance to ensure high efficiency and safety. The hole at the top of the chimneys is covered by a chimney cap that prevents external matter from entering. This cap must be replaced in case it is damaged or missing.

For fireplace kits, an effective way to make sure that the outer mortar between the bricks is intact is by shining a flashlight down the chimney to look at the mortar inside. Crumbling mortar must be replaced. Metal chimneys should not consist of dented or rusted metal parts screws should not be missing.

It is a good idea to clean chimneys at frequent intervals as there may be deposits of creosote that can cause a dangerous chimney fire. Creosote is a hard and crust like produced during the incomplete combustion of wood. Soot too is a flammable deposit that needs to be removed if deposited on the chimney walls. If this deposit reaches a depth of about 1/8 inch, the chimney must be cleaned to remove these deposits.

It should always be kept in mind that fireplace kits should not be used as furnaces. Fireplaces should be used for short duration fire (approximately five hours). Fireplace coals can remain hot enough to start a fire up to three days after burning. Thus vacuum should never be used to clean up the ashes as there is a possibility that live coals may remain in those ashes. If there is smoke in the house even after eliminating the chimney debris, make sure the damper is open. If there is a large amount of smoke coming out of the chimney, it indicates that the wood is not burning completely. These are just some of the safety guidelines that a home owner should practice when it comes to fireplace kits.

Difference between decaf and espresso coffee

When a blind taste test is conducted, it suggests that mostly people cannot make a difference between a decaf and a regular cup of espresso coffee if both the varieties are well brewed and processed properly. However, what about those who can make the difference?

One of the methods of getting rid of caffeine from the coffee is to treat coffee with hot water, subsequently followed by methylene chloride rinse.

You may be totally unaware of the fact that the coffee you get has already been processed with water previously in an espresso maker, on several occasions. Coffee berries after picking are rinsed properly for removal of their outer fruit covering. This softens the outer fruit, which is constantly washed, to purge the residual pulp.

Warming of green unroasted beans in hot water or steam, which opens the pores of the beans, is the initialization of chemical removal of caffeine. Subsequently, the beans are washed with methylene chloride that binds to caffeine to flush it away.

On the other hand, beans soaked for several hours in hot water percolates caffeine into the bath. Addition of methylene chloride is followed by the removal of the beans from the hot water. It only bonds with caffeine without flushing the flavored components of the beans and then they are re-soaked, where re-absorption of the flavored components is accomplished.

There is another method known as Swiss Method, in which the beans are soaked in hot water without the use of methylene chloride. On the other hand, caffeine is removed through activated charcoal by filtering the water. Relatively pure carbon, which is the altered molecular structure of activated charcoal, provides large surface area for other molecules to stick to it.

Most manufactures prefer the first method as it is less expensive but there are constant debates on the issue that the same method degrades the taste of the coffee beans. Major difference among the beans is made by quality control, but obvious. However, even other techniques are present for caffeine reduction.

As a result of roasting process, the dark, less acidic roasts contents less caffeine. For those who must reduce blends of decaf and regular have yet other options.

For the issue concerning taste, chemical differences are by and large overwhelmed by individual preferences. Many people can detect absence or presence of caffeine owing to it intrinsically bitter taste. It a matter of taste whether caffeine makes coffee good or bad.

Friday, 24 June 2016

Red grapes are not just for jelly

As a continuation to, “White Grapes are as Different as Apples and Oranges,” red grapes are very much the same. Sometimes it is hard to believe that one small piece of fruit can vary so much. Even though there are dozens upon dozens of varieties of red grape, the following is a short list of what I feel are the major red varieties.

Pinot Noir

Pinot Noir originates in Burgundy but can also call places such as Tasmania and New Zealand home and is often considered to be the lightest of all the red grape varieties. Flavours and aromas again can vary but usually are reminiscent of raspberry and strawberry while having spicy and earthy aromas. Because of the variety of flavours and aromas that can be produced from Pinot Noir, it is important to ask a retailer when first getting involved in this variety because as easy it is to have a stunning bottle it is just as easy to have a bottle that would give you nightmares. It is also important to keep in mind that although Pinot Noir is a low yielding variety it is not always necessary to spend a lot of money to get a nice bottle of wine you just need to know what to look for (which is where asking comes into play if you are unsure of a particular region or vineyard).


Just as Pinot Grigio and Pinot Gris are essentially the same, Shiraz and Syrah are essentially the same with the differences lying only in their styles and origins. Syrah has much more spice and be a leaner and elegant Old World style grape while its brother Shiraz is a fruitier and more oaky New World star. Syrah has characteristics that range from plum to redcurrants with a lot of spice while Shiraz is a rich and intense wine that will remind you of raspberry, cedar and earth. Both are quite intense in their own right and sometimes need an acquired taste for strong, powerful fruity and spicy wines to be fully appreciated.

Cabernet Sauvignon

Cabernet Sauvignon is a native to France’s Bordeaux region and aside from being one of the best established in grape growing regions around the world, it is also considered by many (including myself) the ruler of red wines. This is also in part due to their thick skins and high acidity having created some of the best and oldest red wines around. Having an amazing universal appeal, Cabernet Sauvignon has a variety of flavours and aromas. These aromas can vary from leather and mint to fruity such as cherry and plum and contribute to the “full body” feeling that this wine is known for.


A well known wine, Merlot often runs neck in neck with that of Cabernet Sauvignon. Merlot is grown all over the world including countries such as Australia and America with it’s origins in France. With flavours that can be on the fence between lightweight and medium bodied, Merlots flavours tend to be full of plum fruit flavours with little tannin. One of the more drinkable varieties, Merlot is a quick favourite with people who are just started to acquire a taste for red wine.


Perhaps not as big in many parts of the world it can definitely be said that Zinfandel (also known as Zin) has found it’s calling in the United States where in the Napa Valley it has had huge success in creating some amazing wines. Zinfandels are known to create wines varying from light bodied to full on power houses to sweet dessert wines and ports. A fact that many people are starting to become aware of is that Zinfandel and Primitivo from Italy are not different varieties but in fact are twins.

While there are many more varieties of red grape that were not touched upon such as Tempranillo, Grenache and Pinot Meunier, the above list hopefully will shed some light on the many varieties of red grapes that are used to produce wine as even a basic knowledge of grapes will greatly enhance your ability to understand and appreciate a bottle of wine.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Dog health checkups are essential for the health of your pit bull terrier

All responsible dog owners know that when your pet shows signs of feeling ill or gets injured that it's time for a visit to the veterinarian.

Naturally, it is important to take your pet to the vet when there is a problem, but many people forget the importance of taking their pets to the doctor when they are healthy! Taking your Pit Bull to the vet for routine well check-ups and vaccinations can prevent many serious medical conditions, and treat others early on before they have a chance to progress and endanger your Pit Bull’s health.

No matter how good the care you provide for your Pit Bull is, you may miss early signs of disease that the vet would be able to spot at a routine visit. Catching many diseases early can help prevent them from becoming major health issues. Animals often try to hide any sign of illness, because it can be a sign of weakness to other animals. Your Pit Bull’s ability to hide symptoms makes them that much harder to catch early on.

Taking your Pit Bull for preventative care can often save you quite a bit of money. Diseases left untreated can be very costly to treat, amassing tremendous bills along the way. By early diagnosis and treatment, you can prevent it from ever getting to that level, therefore saving yourself a lot of money.

By having routine visits with your Pit Bull, your veterinarian will learn what is normal for your dog, as no two animals are quite the same. In learning what is considered normal for your Pit Bull, your vet will be better able to tell when something isn’t quite right, and provide prompt medical treatment. Your vet will keep records of every visit, so that he can refer back to them, which will help in treating old problems, and diagnosing new ones.

At your yearly well checkup, your vet will also check to see if your Pit Bull is getting the right diet he needs. The vet will suggest changes to help if your Pit Bill is overweight, or malnourished. This can be vital to your pet’s health. Obesity is a major problem that can cause your pet to suffer from a variety of medical problems. It is also crucial that he get proper nutrition, and your vet can prescribe supplements as needed.

Providing routine veterinary care is a vital part of taking care of your Pit Bull. You are responsible for his well-being, and your vet can help you make sure everything is as it should be. Please don’t take these yearly preventative check-ups for granted, your Pit Bull’s health depends on them.

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

4 hassle-free ways to write how-to articles

You want to get your e-mail newsletter started, but you don't want to be burdened with writing articles every time you turn around. Fact is, writing how-to articles isn't that much of a hassle once you have a system for it.

Creating short, how-to articles allows you to:

- connect with your audience

- position yourself as an expert, and

- increase sales

Bottom line: Give clients information they need and you'll be the first person they'll think of when they run into challenges.

Consider creating a template for your e-mail newsletter articles that will fit the needs of your audience. Ask yourself if they want detailed information, or if they're happy receiving broad ideas that will allow them to tailor the information to meet their specific needs.

If they want specific info, you could always include a teaser paragraph in your newsletter and then provide a link at the bottom of that paragraph. The link can lead to more detailed information about the subject your that audience is interested in.

Once you understand the needs of your audience, place your information in article format. Here's a system I've often used to produce quick, informative articles.

1. Begin with an identifier paragraph.

This is an introduction to the subject. Just let people know exactly what you're getting at.

2. Tell them why they should be interested.

This is where you just get into the reader's world. You will what you're talking about help them do their jobs better? In essence, that's all people really want to know.

3. Give short, realistic pieces of advice.

You have so much to say it's hard to fit it into short bits of info, but do it you must. Otherwise you'll lose your audience's attention. Try to stick to the points that have the most impact or the ones that are completely opposite to what people in your industry are currently doing.

4. Wrap it up.

One of my mentors used to always say to me, "Tell 'em what you're going to tell 'em. Then tell 'em. Then tell 'em what you told 'em." No, he wasn't senile. His advice actually worked. At the end of every article I just wrap up what I've said by reviewing the key points of the article. It's called a "takeaway." What's the one thing you want the audience to take away from your article and implement in their daily work lives? Once you've answered that question, you have your final paragraph.

Whatever you do, keep it short and simple. Sure we may want to use sophisticated language if your audience craves that, but you'd be surprised. When reading e-mail especially, readers won't mind short, concise words and phrases. And that's especially true if those words and phrases add more to the bottom line and/or help them become more efficient.

Monday, 20 June 2016

Seniors can get affordable supplemental health care insurance

Affordable health care supplemental insurance for seniors is designed to accompany – or supplement – the health insurance coverage seniors already have. Cheap senior health insurance is sometimes just as difficult to obtain as health insurance for every other age group. Therefore, finding an affordable senior supplemental health care – a sort of “add-on” to existing senior health insurance policies – makes it easier for seniors to get the necessary and adequate health care.

Finding affordable health care supplemental insurance for seniors requires basically the same process as finding any kind of health care coverage. Seniors can begin by shopping around. Pay attention to advertisements both on the Internet and in print form. Word-of-mouth is also an excellent way to find out about affordable health care supplemental insurance for seniors. Ask friends and family members about their own senior health care supplemental insurance.

Affordable health care supplemental insurance for seniors is only affordable if it fits your budget and provides the kind of extra coverage you need. Once you’ve decided which health insurance companies you’d like to check out, ask their insurance agents or representatives about coverage options and rates. You want the coverage you need at the price you can afford. Don’t sacrifice a particular kind of coverage you need just to save a few bucks. At the same time, don’t agree to payments you may not be able to make. Think of it as a balancing act.

Affordable health care supplemental insurance for seniors doesn’t mean a thing if the company from which you’ve purchased your policy leaves you high and dry. Make sure the insurance company is licensed to do business in your state. You can do this by contacting your state’s department of insurance. There are many fly-by-night companies out there looking to make a quick buck, traveling around selling “insurance” and quickly leaving the scene of the crime, so to speak. If you know the company is licensed in your state, you know your state can help you if problems arise.

Makeup brushes

You need tools to perform task, be it home, office or any other place. When going to places, you do some make up, but how you do that or you doing your own or going to parlor. No matter if you are going to parlor, some time you need to do it your own, even occasionally. In such situation you need certain tools to apply your makeup called Makeup Brushes. Yes, Makeup Brushes!!

You can buy your Makeup Brushes from your nearby cosmetics store. These brushes make your task easier and give you a new look. Before buying Makeup Brushes do a research on what you need and where you can get, especially the store where you will get value for money. Make brushes are available in the market in different variety, and price ranges. You can buy a bunch of these to apply Makeup in different parts of you body e. g. lips, eyebrows, nails, etc.

What are advantages of Makeup Brushes?

People think that, they don’t need Makeup Brushes until and unless fingers do not stop doing the task and that too so gently. No doubt you love your finger but use them to hold things. If you will give a little attention, then you will find that you almost use them to hold things like holding spoon or forks to eat food, holding pen to do writing, holding toothbrush to brush up teeth, etc, then why not you hold a Makeup Brush, while doing makeup. These are of great help to you.

Using Makeup Brush has several benefits:

* The brushes are simpler to control than your finger and so the result is much less messy.

* Brushes can help you applying blush on one cheek and then the other with a matching effect.

* Brushes make final effect natural and wonderful. Your face will glow more and each color should come blended into the next.

* Your fingers can contaminate your cosmetics, but your brushes do not.

Type of Brushes:

There are a number of makeup brushes available in the cosmetic shops ranging from purpose to size to cost. Choose according to your need. You can buy the following range of Makeup Brushes:

* Power Brushes - Luxuriously designed oversize brushes to dust loose or pressed powder across the face.

* Blush Brushes - These brushes gives user excellent control.

* Sponge Brushes - Sponge of this brush helps in blending of the cosmetics very well.

* Eye Brushes - your eyes are beautiful and after all important to you. You can Buy a range of eye brushes like Eye Shadow Brushes, Eye Liner Brushes, Eyebrow Brushes, etc to keep doing your eyes designing.

* Lip Brushes - These brushes gives your lips the true blending of color and cosmetics.

There are many more brushes are available for doing makeup and makeup of different kind. Identify your requirement and got them. Definitely, these will make you prettier.

How to buy make up Brushes??

Once you identify your need, go to a good store and decide whether to buy in sets or as apiece. Generally, stores sell in both ways apiece as well as set. Compare the prices and it is obvious that you will prefer buying along with saving. Buy these according to your budget. Prefer the store that sells both cosmetics as well as brushes. It is important to check for good quality makeup brushes. Even though these may be a bit expensive but prefer to take value for your money. Good quality brushes will give you greater control, good result and even will last long.

Take care of your brushes

Once you got the brushes of your need and choice, you need to take care of these. How do you do that??

* Always store your brushes in mesh brush bag.

* Don’t blow on your brushes. If you need to reduce some of the powder or cosmetics while using gently shake them.

* Clean the brushes regularly.

* After cleaning, dry them naturally. Do not use hair dryer etc, otherwise bristle will melt.

How to clean makeup brushes?

To clean your makeup brushes, please follow the followings cleaning rules.

* Run warm water over the bristles of the brush. Take care that base of the brush do not get wet, especially if is made of wood.

* Do continue rinsing till it become clear and clean.

* Squeeze the extra water but very gently.

* Reshape it delicately.

* Allow it dry in air for 24 hour.

Saturday, 18 June 2016

You have a gift release it

Every person on this earth has a special gift. The gifts may not all be equal but they are all special. What is your gift?

It may be singing, acting or craftsmanship. Or you may have an eye for detail, allowing you to turn an ordinary space into a wonderful haven, where people would want to spend their time.

It's never too late to make a change and find a path that will allow you to be true to yourself. You just need to recognize your gift and take it out from where it is hidden.

The time has come for you to let your light shine and to do what you truly enjoy. Do it for yourself and for nobody else. But when you do, your light might just lighten up somebody else's way.

Before I started my business I thought I had no special talent and that I therefore had nothing worthwhile to offer. I know that many of you are at that place right now. I want to encourage and tell you that you have got something. What it is I don't know, only you do. But I know this, it is something special.

Not sharing it with the world will be doing a great disservice to yourself and to the entire world. Nothing is appreciated until it is released for all to see, hear and treasure.

Imagine a world without a Mariah Carey, Michael Jackson, Bill Gates or a Picasso. It's almost like imagining a world without music or computers as we know them. By sharing their talent with us, these individuals have certainly made our world a better place.

There are others you can think of, who have appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and have redefined our worlds. They have changed the way we eat drink and relax, even the way we do business. But before they took that step to show us what they had, nobody had even an inkling as to what was coming.

What about you. Who knows how you could change our world. You could be the next big thing, but even if you don't change the world like Bill Gates, you could still change your world, in a million ways. And ultimately that's the most important part. Changing your world.

If you don't do something about it you'll never know, what you're capable of. You'll never know how it could have been. By taking that first step you're making a declaration of your independence.

What caused me to take that first step? I was sick and tired of living for weekends. I was tired of working for a living, of always not having enough money. I got tired of getting up in the morning and going to work even if I didn't feel it. I was tired of being told what to do and how to do it. I wanted my freedom and independence.

I realized that there are so may people all over the world who need someone to tell them that they can achieve their dreams, just as I needed someone to tell me that.

I knew that when I made it I would inspire so many others who thought they couldn't make it. When you make your dreams come true it may be only for yourself, but there are hundreds and maybe thousands who'll be inspired. Especially in your own community.

They'll say if so and so could do it, I can do it too. People are not as much influenced by people from afar as they are by those close to them. Your success becomes their success.

So go out there and follow your dreams. Don't be afraid to become the first in your community. Take it little by little, day by day, step by step. As you accomplish the one step the next step will come into view, and will be that much more manageable.

Friday, 17 June 2016

Insight into trading - what percentage of your trades are winners

An Inquiry into Trading Systems, Money Management and the Human Psyche

At a recent seminar, I got involved in an interesting discussion with other attendees centered on trading success. More specifically, the percentage of successful trades and the percent of accuracy you should realistically expect from trading.

For whatever reason, our minds tend to focus on accuracy as the primary way of evaluating a speculative endeavor. True to form, accuracy - our mental magnet of making money - has very little to do with finding success.

Reality - No Great Expectations

By and large, the record of the past teaches us that on balance, the investment newsletter writers (commodity, stock or mutual funds) don't do such a hot job. As a result, taking a quick peak at the advisors' percentage of accuracy in picking winning trades should prove to be at the very least - interesting.

In looking into this I primarily focused on: Of the small percentage of winning services, what was the accuracy percentage of these most profitable advisory services?

I arbitrarily selected the March 1993, January 1996, March 1997, May 1998 and June 1999. What follows are the figures for the most profitable advisors / service for that month and their percent of accuracy of all trades for the prior 12 months.

Mar 1993 Commodity Timing . . . $60,939 . . . 51%

Jan 1996 Moore Research . . . . $84,643 . . . 52%

Mar 1997 Turtle Talk. . . . . . $79,244 . . . 42%

May 1998 Commodity Timing . . . $90,430 . . . 47%

Jun 1999 Moore Research . . . . $102,605. . . 54%

A key point to remember is that these results are the "best of the best" for the above time periods. On average these services were right 49.2% of the time - our first indication that accuracy percentage doesn't necessarily have much to do with making money.

Consistent Winners

During the selected timeframe there were four advisors / services that substantially outperformed the others. In other words - they made money. Before we look at their figures, let me point out that none of the top four performers base their approach on the "magical and mystical" stuff like Gann, Elliot, Astrology and the like. In fact, advisor letters touting those methods have the worst performance. The winning letters are, by and large, trend followers to one degree or another.

With that in mind, here are the ones that I feel had the best performance. The market letters that had the most consistent and profitable performance and their percentage of winning trades. The dollar figures represent the money they made from their recommendations for the prior 12 months from each of the reporting dates listed above.

Top 4 Newsletters . . . . . . . . 5 Year Total Profits . . . % of Winners

Commodity Research Bureau . . . . . $158,840 . . . . . . . . 48%

Commodity Timing. . . . . . . . . . $224,239 . . . . . . . . 47%

Commodity Trend Service . . . . . . $214,858 . . . . . . . . 32%

Moore Research. . . . . . . . . . . $242,253 . . . . . . . . 51%

Clearly, the winners are not particularly accurate - just very profitable!

Now the question begs - What allows them to make money with what would appear on the surface as mediocre accuracy? The answer lies in one of the oldest adages on the street… let your profits run and cut your losses short. In terms of math, this simply means that their average profit per trade is substantially greater than their average loss.

The message should be clear and is one based on how real people did in real time and in real world trading - accuracy really doesn't matter all that much. On a side note, the next time someone tells you that all newsletters are a bunch of hot air you may want to show them the figures above.

Of course, the counterpart is that you must not take quick little profits. To succeed in this business you've got to hold on for large winning trades because as you can see by these real world examples - accuracy doesn't make you money.

This article may be reproduced only in its entirety.

Internet gambling bill

In the House of Representatives, there is a bill (H. R. 4777) that was introduced by Representative Bob Goodlatte, of Virginia. The bill, entitled “Internet Gambling Prohibition Act”, was introduced to the House of Representatives on February 16, 2006 and was sent to the Committee on the Judiciary on the same day. The bill is one that, if passed, will affect all Americans who want to be able to gambling online—it will affect those promoting gambling oriented affiliate programs too.

The Path

It’s first important to point out that the path of this bill become official United States law is a long and difficult one. The bill has to go through many steps in the House first. H. R. 4777 has 129 cosponsors, which is roughly 25% of the representatives in the House. It does have a good shot at passing the House in the coming months.

If it passed in the House, it will be sent to the Senate, where it will have to undergo the same process as it did in the House. The bill will be sent to a committee, reports will be written and so forth. If not even one word is changed and no rider is attached, it will be placed up for vote. Should even one word be altered or a rider attached, it will need to repeat the cycle at the House of Representatives.

Should the bill be one of the few that survives this path, the President will have to sign it into law or veto it. If the bill does not make it all this way before the current session ends, the bill is quashed and will need to be re-introduced next session and start all over again.

The Bill

This main purpose of this bill is to make online gambling illegal and to make sure the language of the text includes the Internet and not simply “phone lines.” H. R. 4777 seeks to amend Section 1081 of Title 18 of the United States Code. Here’s a breakdown of the language updates.

1.“wire communication facility” will be replaced with “communication”.

2.“aid of wire, cable,” will have satellite and microwave added to the list.

3.“other like connection between” will have “(whether fixed or mobile)” added to the description.

4.Adding definitions for: bet or wager, gambling business, money transmitting service, money transmitting business, foreign jurisdiction, and others.

The bill will amend Section 1081 to be stronger and more complete. The whole concept is to do away with limiting terms like “wires” and replace it with an all-encompassing term like “communication facility”. That way the law remains strong no matter what inventions the future holds.


The bill has a long way to go to become law, but if it does, it will strengthen Section 1081. Gambling online in the United States is already technically illegal, but it’s a law that’s not really enforced. The question remains; will this improvement matter at all if the law is not being enforced anyway? Only time will tell, but the coming months should be very interesting. The United States is also battling the WTO, because of the U. S.’s stand on online gambling—it’s can’t be fully regulated and taxed by the U. S., so they don’t like it.

About motherhood

When we think of a mother, what kind of a picture we get in our mind? A compassionate lady who will sacrifice all her comforts and will work ceaselessly in the home without expecting any monetary reward, only to take care of her children. Is this correct? Motherhood means sacrifice and pain from day one of conception. But this pain and sacrifice brings forward a beautiful feeling in a woman after she finds that her children are happy and healthy. That is the only reward she desires from her children. And that is motherhood.

This is true not only for humans but all mothers of the animal kingdom. A tigress will attack you and kill you if you dare to approach her cubs. Every animal mother teaches her young ones the art of living in their world. Every mother is ready to go to any length to save her young ones. A woman begins dreaming about her child soon after conception. Many expectant mothers talk to the yet to be born child. They feel totally comfortable doing that. They plan for the future of the kid, food, education, clothing, shelter everything. From the poorest to the richest mothers, we find that a sense of protecting her progeny is the most common trait.

For a mother, the child is her extension. This is not so for the fathers. But mothers treat the child as same as themselves. Why? Nature gives this love to a mother so that the specie continues. Mothers are special. In few studies it has been found that infants stop crying when they listen to the recorded sounds of their mothers womb. They were protected there and when they come out in the world, they are surprised with the difference. The sounds of womb tell them that things have still not changed so much and they feel comforted. That is one of the reasons why touch works wonders. The more a mother touches her children physically, the more loved they feel. They get the reassurance of the protection of the mother.

A child should always feel indebted to his/her mother because nobody else including the father sacrifices so much as the mother to bring us up. Mother is compassion and for a young kid, mother is God.

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

Tips for the right holiday travel package

Well it is not usually wise to be traveling during holidays as these are the times when almost every other person in the world is traveling. It is of course best to plan ahead or book ahead and go to your destination early to avoid all the hassle but if you’re one of those last minute people or probably one of those who can’t really avoid it, you should follow the next few tips for a fairly better journey and maybe a cheaper stay.

- Holiday travel packages were never made with only one person in mind; no two people are alike, keep this in mind because the agencies that packed them have kept these in mind, use this fact to haggle your way into cheaper or sometimes better deals. Even if there are ready made packages, you can ask for extra perks especially if you’re staying for more than a week.

- Be careful of travel agents. Travel agents may give you the best deal for your package, which normally include airfare, lodgings and transportation, but a really good agent can be really flexible. One example would be if you want a rental car for the first half of your trip but you want to get rid of it by the second half, a good agent can arrange this for you, sometimes for a cheaper price.

- Be sure that the package you want is available, you don’t want to get pulled into something that ends up being sold out, some people give out too-good-to-be-true packages which end up being “sold out” in the end, so before you make a deal or transfer a morsel of cash, make sure that it is still available.

- Be sure to know exactly what airline and route your taking, you won’t want those unpleasant layovers which can be a real pain, not to mention delay your schedule.

- A good sign of a good package is one that is very flexible, as said before, no two people are alike, and a good package should reflect that, it should allow you to choose between destinations, as well as brands and lodgings without changing the price. A choice in which rental car to take is also a sign of a good package.

- Finally, it’s good to ask for discounts that you might get if you do certain stuff, like stay in the hotel for more than a week, or sign up on the internet instead of by phone. Research first before you cough up the money for down-payment; make sure you’ve exhausted all possible discount generating ways before you decide on a package.

Doctors doing hypnotherapy

In my opinion, doctors do not necessarily make the best hypnotherapists. Their credentials or reputation as physicians have nothing to do with their rating as hypnotherapists. In my opinion, those who are successful at hypnotherapy, it really has little to do with their position as a doctor.

Like any other profession, as experts, we specialize, and we cultivate and develop our expertise in a given area. The same is true of doctors and other professionals in whatever specialty, be it psychology, family medicine, or any other practice.

There is certainly the potential for crossover, and medical practitioners have traditionally used hypnosis as part of their treatment, but only to varying degrees of success. Typically, as a professional or specialist in any given area, you will achieve more success in your area of specialty.

If I had started out as a medical physician, a PhD, I doubt that I would have the same success at hypnotherapy as I do have, and have had for so many years, as it wouldn’t be my main or primary area of practice. I’ve nurtured and cultivated my talent, and grown as a hypnotherapist, and I’ve learned from doing. I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t work. I’ve tried different approaches, I’ve witnessed different results. And I’ve devoted my entire career to it as a specialty. It’s not just something I do in my spare time. It’s part of my life.

Most medical doctors start out with an excellent knowledge of the physical human body. Of this there is no doubt. They also have unlimited knowledge and resources at their disposal. The study is limitless and ongoing. However, much of the methodology is theory based. The real difference is that hypnotherapy is about doing, not theorizing.

I have seen doctors apply hypnotherapy as part of their practice and with great success. Their excellent knowledge of people and their conditions served as an advantage in applying hypnotherapy successfully. Although for most their primary area is not hypnotherapy, even though they venture over from time to time, they won’t really cultivate that skill as a specialty.

I know of some hypnotherapists who have obtained doctorates, and without the years of study which it should take to be able to call yourself a doctor. I don’t know why they feel the need to buy this title. Perhaps it is just an ego thing. Although I’m sure it also helps them get more clients as the general public has a high level of trust for doctors.

Don’t get me wrong. We’d be in a lot of trouble without doctors. They do wonderful work. However in hypnotherapy a PhD is irrelevant. I don’t believe being a doctor would make me a better hypnotherapist. In fact I know it wouldn’t. I’m not putting down the study of modern medicine and the qualifications of medical practitioners; I’m saying that it won’t necessarily make you a successful hypnotherapist. Hypnosis is all about the doing!

Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Home equity loans online easy quick application process

Applying for a home equity loan has never been easier. Today, many mortgage lenders have online sites which allow you to complete an application and receive a response within 24 hours. Those hoping to acquire a home equity loan should consider submitting an online application. The process is convenient and simple.

Purpose of Home Equity Loans

Home equity loans are ideal for large purchases or expenses. Typically, people attempt to get approved for a personal loan when they need extra cash. However, getting a personal loan is extremely difficult. For the most part, financial institutions such as banks and credit unions prefer applicants with an exemplary credit history. If your credit score falls short of their criteria, your application may be denied.

With a home equity loan, your home’s equity acts as the collateral. Because the loan is protected or secured, mortgage lenders and financial institutions willingly approve home equity loans to both good and bad credit applicants.

How to Apply for Home Equity Loan?

Homeowners may apply for a home equity loan by contacting the lender of their first mortgage. If you have a good payment history, these lenders are eager to approve your second mortgage. The goal is to keep you as a customer. In some instances, your current lender may approve you for a good interest rate.

In addition to contacting your current lender, homeowners should also obtain quotes from other lenders. A quote contains detail information such as estimated terms and rates. Quotes are based on your credit rating, income, loan amount, etc.

You have the option of contacting each individual lender for a quote. Completing an online quote request is the easiest and fastest method. There is no fee for obtaining a quote. However, once you choose a lender, you will have to submit an official application. Application fees range from $25 to $50.

Benefits of Using Online Mortgage Brokers

Using an online mortgage broker is the best way to obtain multiple quotes from various lenders that offer home equity loans. Shopping around for the best home equity rate is wise – especially if you have bad credit. Brokers have the means to locate lenders that offer comparable rates to individuals with a low credit rating. Upon completing a quote request, brokers will email you several loan offers within minutes. This way, you find the best rate and terms.

Monday, 13 June 2016

5 top tips to get you upgraded on flights

For many travellers, paying up to Ј5000 for a business class ticket in order to fly in greater comfort simply isn't an option. However, what very few people realise is that most airlines will upgrade passengers from economy class for free - if they meet certain guidelines. In this article, I will pass on some of the things that the check in staff look for and require so that you can take advantage of the loopholes and get your upgrade for free. These five top tips come direct from the check in staff of some of the best-known airlines, and are considered by many regular travellers to be the holy grail of getting something for nothing.

Tip Number 1:

Look the part. Make sure that you are dressed smartly when you travel. There is almost no chance of getting a free upgrade if you are wearing shorts and a scruffy t-shirt, so at the very least, check in wearing a shirt and pants. there is no need to go overboard and wear a suit - unless you really want to. The key is to look smart, but not like you're trying too hard.

Tip Number 2:

Turn up early. The check-in staff know exactly how many passengers are travelling on a particular flight well in advance, so if there are seats to spare in business class, they will know straight away.

Tip Number 3:

Be Polite. Put yourself in the place of the check in staff. Would you reward a person who gives you attitude and starts shouting the odds, or someone who is pleasant and gives them the time of day. There may be 250 people in the queue behind you, so make them remember you. Flirt, smile, use their name, be nice, and you may well get a pleasant surprise.

Tip Number 4:

Be a Frequent Flier. If you join an airline's frequent flier programme, you are far more likely to be at the front of the queue for an upgrade, as the airline will want to reward you for your loyalty. Even if you do not fly regularly, go to the airline's website and join their programme online. It will only take a minute or two, and is well worth the time.

Tip Number 5:

Ask. They say that if you don't ask for something, you won't get it, so make sure you do - but do it at the right time. If the check in staff look stressed, and no amount of charm has elicited a smile, don't bother to ask them, wait until you get to the gate. If the counter staff have responded well, when they ask you if you have any specific seat request, be cheeky and say "First Class" to them. It might just work.

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Cheap life insurance policy

A Guide To What to Expect From Your Life Insurance Policy

The average life insurance policy isn’t hard to understand – you take out this kind of policy to basically get life insurance cover to protect your family. So, if you die unexpectedly, the insurer you are signed up with will pay out on the policy to give your next of kin a lump sum or an income according to the terms of your agreement. In most cases you will pay for your life insurance policy on a monthly basis for as long as the policy is in force – the payments here are usually referred to as premiums.

All this may simply be common sense but there are other things you need to know about a life insurance policy before you take one out. For a start it is absolutely vital that you read the terms and conditions of any policy before you buy it as this is where you will find all the information that you need to know before you proceed. The terms and conditions will give you an exact idea of what your policy will cover you against and what it won’t.

The fact is that your life insurance policy may not give you fully comprehensive cover unless you ask for it and in some cases you may need a special policy. The majority of policies will generally cover you against death by accident or illness but they will also take your past medical history into consideration before you’ll get cover for everything. So, for example, if you have had an illness in the past then you may well find that your policy won’t cover you for death that relates to this illness. Don’t, however, be tempted to lie about your medical history just to get the cover you need – if you do die and your insurer discovers that you haven’t told them the truth then you’ll invalidate your policy and they won’t have to necessarily make the payment on the policy.

These particular clauses are generally known as exclusions. In most cases the majority of insurers will have the same kind of general exclusions but not all will be exactly the same. So, there are some specialist insurance companies out there, for example, that will be able to give you cover for existing medical conditions in certain circumstances if you do have problems finding a standard insurer that will help you out. These specialist insurers, as you might imagine, may charge you a little extra for being more flexible but the extra cost is usually worth the peace of mind of knowing that you have fully comprehensive cover in place. And, if you shop around for a life insurance policy on the Internet to find the cheapest deal then it’s perfectly possible to get a really good deal even if you do have an existing medical condition or problem.

Friday, 10 June 2016

The franchise industry has various types of businesses

In this franchise article I am going to analyse the many different types of business that a potential franchisee can buy into. There are franchises to suit all types of budgets and different levels of experience.

Internet Franchises - these usually involve either selling goods, services or advertising on the net. Usually the entry costs for these businesses are low but a huge amount of effort is required to generate targeted traffic to the internet site. People often make the mistake of assuming that less effort is required to grow these opportunities.

Retail Franchises - The entry costs are much higher and overheads are huge. Not only does the franchisee have to pay a high initial fee but they also have to worry about the staff costs, rent and rates. These range from fast food outlets, beauty salons, and laundrettes amongst others.

Service Franchises - These range from providing financial services, coaching and providing business advice. These types of businesses suit people who have extrovert personalities and enjoy meeting new people. The entry costs are lower as are the running costs but a lot of selling is involved.

Van Franchises - these businesses involve carrying stock and distributing to either businesses or people at home. Typically they are designed to be operated by one person but for people who are willing to work hard it is possible to grow into multiple units with employees driving and managing their own vans.

There are as many types of franchises as there are businesses. The franchise model is usually a safer way of starting a business for the first time. Many would be entrepreneurs fail at their first attempt in business when they start on their own. A franchise business can give people the knowledge that is required to run a business and this knowledge can be used successfully in any future business.

As the demographic of the population changes more people than ever are now living longer, healthier and wealthier lives and with the advent of high speed internet access many new franchises are coming on stream. Some of the new opportunities are very good indeed.

Mature franchises are generally safer than new ones but because they have been proven longer are more expensive to purchase and therefore the return on investment can in some cases be lower.

Always make sure you take legal advice before signing the franchise agreement. A good legal document will protect both parties whilst the majority are far too one sided and protect the interests of the franchisor only.

Thursday, 9 June 2016

Eating greens

Eating a lot of greens can have many health benefits to you. You may not know all the good things that greens can do for you, so read on.

A substance that is found in all plants is Chlorophyll. What it does is it acts as a blood detoxifier, which helps increase circulation to all your organs. It does this by dilating blood vessels and it is also a natural deodorant because it helps reduce offensive body orders. Wow, 2 in one can’t beat that.

Super green foods come from young cereal grasses like wheat, barley, rye, alfalfa, oats, kelp, chlorella and many others as well. These have a whole lot of nutrients in them; they even have more nutrients than spinach, eggs, broccoli, chicken in calcium, iron, protein and all of the other categories as well. So it would be better for you to opt for super greens.

Did you know that super green foods are the only vegetables that can help animals maintain their weight, strength and good health even if it is consumed alone? Super greens can help boost your immune system they are powerful antioxidants, that can help you grow and have many another health benefits as well. Bottom line is super greens are one of the greatest things you can do to your body. They do so much for our bodies, so we don’t have to worry do much about being healthy.

Also another good thing is that there is no harm in eating super green foods, they give us so many nutrients and are the most natural way of getting everything your body needs to function and be healthy. So go out there and start eating more greens, after all you want to be healthy right? Don’t forget to tell everyone you know about the benefits of greens as well so they can make that same decision as well.

Adverse credit loans - do not let your credit history run you down

For a variety of reasons, whether it is youthful foolishness, unexpected job loss, loss of employed spouse in a one-income house or severe medical problems, people get into debt and ruin their credit history.

They then find themselves in trouble with the bills they have already accrued and things just get financially worse. For those who want to get out of debt and repair their credit there is help in the form of adverse credit loans.

These loans usually cost more than those given out to borrowers with good credit. The interest rates are higher because the lender assumes more risk. With some help or a little careful searching you can find adverse credit loans whose rates are not adverse as well.

It is easier, for example, to get a better rate on an adverse credit loan, if you have paid back or settled the bills that gave you the poor credit history in the first place.

The trick that makes the financially positive difference for the borrower is that she or he take on these adverse credit loans and then pay them back on time. In other words, the consumer must not miss or be late with even one payment.

Adverse credit loans have far stricter repayment expectations than standard loans to those with good credit scores. Miss one payment on an adverse credit loan and your rate will go up, and you may even be facing a foreclosure.

No matter how low or high that interest rate on the adverse credit loans you are considering there are a few things you should be cautious of. If you can, avoid adverse credit loans that include late payment increases.

Lenders have discovered recently that they may in fact make more money just raising adverse loan rates for late or missed payments rather than hurrying to foreclose. While the ideal is to never miss a payment, you would be wise as a consumer to avoid adverse credit loans that have this stipulation.

Avoid if you possibly can adverse credit loans - or any type of mortgage or other loan, for that matter - that has a clause allowing for a prepayment penalty. If you are trying to get yourself out of debt it makes no sense to sign on the dotted line of a plan that says if you can pay your bill early it will cost you more. That is essentially what a prepayment penalty is.

This penalty means that is you pay more than you are required to do so each month or even one time only so that your balance is paid prior to the predetermined end of the loan you will incur additional fees and charges. Besides, who wants to do business with a lender who wants to get rich off of your misfortune?

Adverse credit loans can have balloon payments built in. What this means is that you make an attractively low payment for a considerable period of the loan but then you are required to make a huge payment of the balance at the end of the loan period.

This makes no sense. If you were able to make a huge payment you would not have needed to look into adverse credit loans in the first place.

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

How to be supremely smart

If you’ve just graduated college, you’ve probably begun hiding away all those books and papers. Finally: freedom!! It’s time to get really rich and make a name for yourself. Career. That’s the real world, right?


Graduation is no excuse to stop the learning process. Failure to study is folly! The new information your constantly process determines your edge in life. School learning is static and often decades out of date.

Here’s how to grow your IQ by 50%- after college.

1) Keep a book handy.

Thousands are released every year. Pick two close to your passions every month. Update yourself. Build your skillset to make yourself interesting and indispensable to to your associates.

2) Maintain a “To-Learn” List

Break out of your comfort zone! It’s fine to develop your core competencies, but too much of one thing makes you a dull boy. The most dynamic thinkers and leaders maintain a list of new challenges to tackle: like learning a new language, to scaling Mount Everest. Having new goals will revitalize you!

3) Expand Your Base of Intellectual Friends

Hanging out with dullards is contagious. Notice how being around folks who spout nonesense forces you to

lower yourself to their level? Upgrade your companions and their skills, ideas and passions trickle down to you. More than reading books, I achieved mastery of everything from dancing tango to deliverying firey speeches through my associations

4) Modeling The Greats

Got a project? There’s no point re-inventing the wheel. Learn how the masters did it and build upon their methods. You’ll quickly and readily discover how to get things done fast. Then you can move on to even bigger fish.

5) Practice practice practice

You’ll never learn how to shoot a gun by reading a book. Drop that book after you get the theory down pat. Walk to your shooting range and squeeze a few shots! That’s when textbook learning leads to magnificent mastery.

6) Mentor Your Colleagues

I’ve built my negotiation skillset by passing on tips to those who blunder like bulls at boardrooms. Know what? Each time I did so, I actually found myself weaving ever more enticing spiels that led to more satisfying win-win outcomes! Teach others and you grow. Empowerment is mutual!

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Getting contact and order information from interested web site visitors

How do I create a web page that allows visitors to my web site to submit their contact information to me?

Let's pretend that you are a very serious amateur photographer and you have a web site where you show off some of your photographs. Also suppose that you'd like to offer prints of your photographs for sale on your web site. We're not talking about drugstore prints; we're talking about framed, professional quality prints that hang in your home or office. It seems like a huge task to create an online order system as you offer various sizes of prints with various frames and different mattes. The simplest option is to create a web page with a form to collect contact and other information from a prospective customer. This information is emailed to you when they submit the form. You can then follow up with the prospective customer, finding out their needs and quoting a price.

This scenario works well in environments where order volume is low enough that an automated order processing system is not required. The example of higher-end customized photography fits this perfectly. It also has the added benefit of creating a personalized order process where your customer gets to know you. If handled correctly, this personal contact can really enhance repeat sales.

Is this hard to do? Just how do you make a web page to get contact information sent to you by email? The answer is you use a form. What's a form you ask? A form is a place on a web page containing fields where you enter text and select choices like red, blue, green, or small, medium, large. HTML Form tags are used to create a form. Inside the HTML Form tags, you use different types of HTML Form Field Tags. Like the Input Tag for getting text such as a name, email, or street address, radio button or checkbox tags for selecting among choices, the select tag for creating drop-down selectors, etc. Also, the button type for creating a button such as the submit button.

After creating the form and making your page look like you want it to, you'll need to create the scripting or code that runs on the server to receive the data from the form and email t to you. This is easy on most servers and can be part of the same page that contains the form.

This is a low maintenance and fairly easy way to accept orders or other types of requests from your web site visitors. Its advantages are that it requires little maintenance and upkeep.

Monday, 6 June 2016

Keep seniors independent and involved -practical acts of kindness


Sometimes elderly people can be fierce about maintaining their
independence - some would say downright stubborn. But it is hard
to give up taking care of oneself and give the reins over to
someone else. It can diminish their spirits to depend on others to
do tasks they used to do so easily.

How can you help without taking away their independence?

Following are five ideas from the e-book, "101
Ways to Change the World".
Use them to stir up your
own ideas. Let's keep our seniors involved in life - they are a
valuable commodity!

1. If you have an old computer that still works, take it to an
elderly person.

  • Teach how to operate it to send and receive email. Give them
    a connection to the world.

  • What a great way to keep them connected to their family and
    friends who are probably online too.

  • Their kids and grandkids will think they are so cool, and be so
    impressed that they mastered the computer!

  • Become an E-mail Pen Pal with them yourself!

  • 2. Help someone around the house who is elderly or sick. You

  • Paint

  • Garden

  • Mow the lawn

  • Shovel snow

  • Take out trash

  • Just look around. You'll be able to discover what needs to be done.
    If there is an extensive list of things to do, enlist the help of a
    couple other people - take a lunch along and make it a party! The
    senior will appreciate the help and the company.

    3. Take daily walks with an elderly neighbor who doesn't feel
    comfortable or safe going out on their own. Exercise will help keep
    them mobile and keep their spirits up, too. And you may just
    learn tidbits of history and wisdom from their perspective.

    4. Birds are always a delight to watch for those who are

  • Take over a bird feeder and keep it filled with birdseed.

  • Hummingbirds are fun to watch. Keep their feeder filled with
    fresh hummingbird nectar for hours of entertainment!

  • 5. Help the elderly or homebound decorate for the holidays.
    They often miss out on the fun of holidays because they aren't
    able to handle the traditions and decorations. Yet they usually
    have boxes of items that made their holidays special over the
    years. Make sure you return to put them all away!

    There you have it - five simple ways to make a difference in an
    elderly person's life. All you have to do is make the decision to
    help and then do it.
    It's just that simple!

    For more suggestions, visit 101WaysSeries. com and
    download the e-book, "101 Ways to Change the World".
    Use these tips to change your world, one kindness at a time.

    Miami schools expands and prepares for the 2006-2007 school year

    This school year Miami Schools is opening four new schools and several new facilities to cope with increased student enrollment for the 2006-2007 school year. The new schools will cater to elementary, middle and high school students.

    Miami Schools has added the Ronald W. Reagan High School in the northwestern part of the district. This is an area that is expanding rapidly. The new high school will cover about 20 acres and house extremely modern facilities. The Ronald W. Reagan High School will have 250,000 square feet of classrooms, computer lab, an 800 seat auditorium, a 700 seat cafeteria, a Media Center and a gymnasium. Also on campus there will be a number of outdoor areas: fields for football, soccer, softball and baseball as well as basketball, tennis and racquetball courts.

    The most innovative part of Miami Schools’ Ronald W. Reagan High School is that it is an academy based design. This means that ninth grade students will be tested and surveyed to discover their interests and areas of strengths and then be encouraged to select from three academies. The three academies on campus will be Cambridge Academy, Information and Communications Technology Academy, and the Classical Arts Academy. These academies will both have separate facilities and share common school facilities. This is part of Miami Schools continuing educational reform plan.

    In the southern part of the district, Miami Schools will open the new Norma Butler Bossard Elementary School. The campus will cover 7.5 acres. The school will be equipped with a Media Center, music and art centers, a cafeteria that will accommodate nearly all the students, a three story classroom building, bilingual rooms, a well equipped science laboratory, and a Wellness Center. The Wellness Center will be available for staff and student use. This school is named for Norma Butler Bossard, who had served as the Miami Schools language arts division head for many years.

    Another innovation for the Miami Schools is the newly constructed David Lawrence, Jr. K-8 Center. The K-8 Center will be a world class facility that is adjacent to Florida International University. Miami Schools will work in conjunction with Florida International University to provide professional development for Miami Schools’ teachers and Florida International University’s education majors. The K-8 Center will be able to house nearly 1,600 students. The state of the art facility will include a Media Center, computer labs, art labs, and music centers. The K-8 Center will be home to the Johnson and Wales University nutrition and cooking workshops. These workshops are part of “Healthy Eating/Healthy Choices,” a grant the school received from Health Foundation of South Florida. The cooking workshops will be open to staff and parents.

    The last addition Miami Schools is the Young Women’s Preparatory Academy. This is the first all female school to be operated by Miami Schools. The Young Women’s Preparatory Academy will accommodate 450 girls in grades 6-12. The Young Women’s Preparatory Academy will have a thorough educational curriculum that will develop the academic, personal and social skills of the students. The school aims to prepare its students for postsecondary education and the world.

    Your brain s response to acute stress

    Stress is a feeling that's created when we react to particular events. It's the body's way of rising to a challenge and preparing to meet a tough situation with focus, strength, stamina, and heightened alertness.

    The events that provoke stress are called stressors, and they cover a whole range of situations - everything from outright physical danger to making a class presentation or taking a semester's worth of your toughest subject.

    Stress and the way we think

    Particularly in normal working life, much of our stress is subtle and occurs without obvious threat to survival. Most comes from things like work overload, conflicting priorities, inconsistent values, over-challenging deadlines, conflict with co-workers, unpleasant environments and so on. Not only do these reduce our performance as we divert mental effort into handling them, they can also cause a great deal of unhappiness.

    What is the effect of acute stress?

    The best way to envision the effect of acute stress is to imagine oneself in a primitive situation, such as being chased by a bear.

    The Brain's Response to Acute Stress

    In response to seeing the bear, a part of the brain called the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) system is activated.

    Release of Steroid Hormones. The HPA systems trigger the production and release of steroid hormones ( glucocorticoids), including the primary stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol is very important in marshaling systems throughout the body (including the heart, lungs, circulation, metabolism, immune systems, and skin) to deal quickly with the bear.

    Release of Catecholamines. The HPA system also releases certain neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) called catecholamines, particularly those known as known as dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine (also called adrenaline).

    What is a Stress Ball?

    What if we told you that it’s possible to work out and relieve stress at the same time? And that it’s easy, requires little concentration and won’t cause you to break a sweat? Or that by consistently using this hand-held object, you will notice an increase in strength?

    Well, it is a stress ball! So what are you waiting for? Get yourself a stress ball today!

    Sunday, 5 June 2016

    Amazing baby shower ideas shower planning tips and advice

    The arrival of a newborn family member is one of the most exciting times in a parents life. They would usually spend each waking hour counting the ticks of the clock, the droplets that tap on the window pane, and the days in the calendar just to confirm how many days are still left before the baby’s due arrival.

    In order to lessen the anticipation of the parents, having a baby shower is one of the most feasible ways to cut back the long-wait.

    A baby shower is actually one type of party wherein money or gifts are given to the expectant mother in lieu of the baby’s arrival. The relatives or friends of the parents are the ones who usually organize the party.

    It has not been founded in any historical events and is slowly taking recognition in the United States and in countries where the way of life in the U. S. are incorporated.

    The basic purpose of organizing baby showers is to help the parents manage and organize the items needed for the baby’s due arrival. It is also one way of celebrating the joy and excitement of having a new member in the family — the baby.

    Hence, it is important for the organizers to come up with ideas or themes that they think would best suit the mother’s personality or the tone of the occasion. And because it is one type of merrymaking, themes that will be use in the baby shower should reflect the joy and happiness being felt by everybody.

    In reality, coming up with a good theme for the baby shower can be very tedious for the organizers. There are so many considerations that you have to take into account before deciding on a specific theme. Best of all, it has to suit the gender of the baby.

    Planning for the baby shower and getting some solid information for remarkable baby shower ideas would be a lot easier if the sex of the baby is known. It really helps a lot.

    In this manner, you will be able to know which colors to use, what kind of games to play, and what theme to integrate.

    However, there are instances wherein the sex of the baby is not known. In turn, organizers will be having a difficult time organizing things and arranging the details of the baby shower.

    But this should not discourage the organizers like you in coming up with an excellent and fascinating baby shower. All you have to do is to do your homework and search for some generalized and yet amusing baby shower ideas. From games to party favors, you can make the party worth your guests’ time.

    Where to Get Baby Shower Ideas?

    For most people, coming up with great baby shower ideas is a breeze. They can easily think of something that can be really appealing.

    However, there are people who really cannot generate feasible and remarkable baby shower ideas. And so, it is best that they seek the help of some magazines, advices from relatives and friends, and the Internet.

    Indeed, with the advent of information technology, coming up with a notable baby shower idea is not difficult. With tons of web sites that cater to those who are planning to organize a baby shower, you can never run out of great baby shower ideas.

    Boiled down, people should always remember that whatever baby shower ideas they will use in the party, it is best if they will always reflect the joy and happiness of everybody for the baby’s arrival.

    Thursday, 2 June 2016

    Fear of success

    It is well documented that many people fail to achieve their goals in life due to the phenomenon known as "fear of failure" but are you aware that a major factor that is often overlooked, is a state known as "fear of success"?

    Fear of failure will lead many people into inertia - the inability to make decision or take action in case they receive rejection or negative outcomes. This mental state is fairky easy to identify and there are many tools in the personal development industry to help combat this plague and reprogram the mind for success. However, the fear of success is much more subtle, harder to spot and also harder to eradicate.

    Perhaps you have this tendency in your life. Here are some indications of a fear of success mentality.

    Studying and trying to implement self-improvement techniques and/or personal development tools but your life does not improve or may even get worse.

    You settle for less than you feel you deserve or are capable of achieving.

    You start new projects full of enthusiasm and optimism but wane in your efforts or stop short before you have completed them.

    You expect things to go wrong no matter how well the situation appears to be at the moment.

    Can you identify your own patterns in the any of the above statements?

    The fear of success can also make you behave in ways that hold you back. Look at the list below. These are ethe symptoms of the fear of success.

    Procrastination - putting off what needs to be done or not doing what you know will bring you closer to your desired result. Everyone suffers from this inner 'demon' at some point in their lives (although some of us suffer from it more than others!).

    Procrastination is a 'success killer'! How can ou expect to reach your destinationm if you do not take steps towards it? Strive to do little things each day that will bring you small steps closer to your goal. This is why having a personal development plan is an essential ingredient in the fight against procrastination. Take action! Any action! Refine your steps as you go along but do not sit and do nothing. Taking action is one of the key aspects in personal development.

    Can't see the forest for the trees! - this is almost the opposite of procrastination but has the same effect on your personal development. The aforementioned saying is well known but have you ever given it real consideration?

    Don't get caught up in your plan believing that it is more important than the materialised goal! For many years I got caught in this trap. I started to think and act as though my plan was more important than my end result and thus missed many opportunities to alter my path and reach my goals more quickly! Let go of your ego and allow the Universe to show you a quicker route to your goal. Remain flexible.

    Thinking that the time is not right - have you ever waited until the timing was perfect before starting a venture? Have you ever waited until you had more information on a better plan?

    Again ACTION is the key to the door to success. Taking small steps forward are better than taking none or waiting to see if your foot is landing on the right spot! Even if your actions take you away from your goal you have at least gained insight and knowledge about what does not work!

    Being a perfectionist - this is similar to the point above and has the same effect, namely, that you never really move forward. No matter how good a job is when its finished it can always be improved! I have heard many great musicians tell how they hate listening to their own songs because they can find a million things that need improved. Yet, we still enjoy them. I think a classic example of this is "Bridge Over Troubled Water" by Paul Simon. This song is hauntingly beautiful yet Mr. Simon does not think its good enough!

    Seeing only problems - how do you use your focus? Do you constantly see only and alll the problems involved? If you are this way inclined it is pointless trying to change overnight! However, you can use this mindset to your advantage while you strive in your personal development to acquire an opportunistic frame of mind instead.

    "How can you use seeing only problems to my advantage?" you say. "Easily", is my reply! Look at the problems and prepare a plan to deal with them. Everytime you overcome one congratulate yourself. Use them as a gauge for your achievements. If you keep seeing more problems remind yourself of how well you dealt with the others. Look at how far you have come! If you see a problem ask yourself, "how best can I overcome this challenge?" or "how quickly can I rectify this situation?". The quality of your questions are important as I have outlined in a previous article. Use the problems as fact finders. Is there a real problem now? If so then deal with it. Is it a potential problem? If so then create a contingency plan in case it does occur but don't get caught up in it just be prepared.

    Enjoy the journey, follow the above guidelines and you will achieve success. Eventually your fear of success will dissipate and you will have moved a long way forward in your personal development.