Friday, 29 April 2016

How much activity is too much

Should your child go for the football practice 5 days a week? Are 3 daysenough? It is common for parents to be a little confused when it comes to deciding how much is too much with reference to after school activities. They argue that since most of the activities are fun (as different from studies), children will simply lap up these classes. But, too much of fun can also make a child sick. Here is a simple guide that will help you decide how much is too much for your child.


Your child is just beginning to learn to interact and get used to discipline. His or her after-school life should be simple and carefree. One or two classes per week are enough at the beginning. Once the child settles down, look for more challenging activities like a music program.

Grade 1:

One or two activities per week, play dates and playground visits are recommended. Avoid competitive sports activities. The child is still too young to have to worry about winning and losing. After the rigors of a full day at school, he or she needs a healthy outlet for pent up energy. Physical activities and noncompetitive sports are best for this age.

Grade 2:

Your child is old enough to voice opinions on what activities he or she wants. Sports, skating, swimming or computers - steer him towards things he likes. Many children begin lessons on a musical instrument around this

age. But, allow your child some 'alone time' during which he can unwind and just do whatever he wishes.

Grade 3:

Socialization begins to take center stage. Team sports are a good choice. Developing motor skills, painting, drawing etc are good too. Let the child explore areas of interests. But leave aside enough time for the family and for fun activities.

Grade 4:

At this age, the child will tell you what he likes. He needs to get involved in activities that will boost his confidence. This will also help him manage stress as this is the time when social pressure is beginning to build. But, beware of the homework demon. Your child needs more time with

his studies. Balancing his schoolwork with other activities is very important.

Grade 5:

The fifth grader is bubbling with energy and will want to do just about everything. But she or he may conveniently push studies to the background. So, close supervision is needed. Keep one or two days free for family time and other activities. Now is a great time to get your child

interested in community service.

Middle school:

Steer him away from TV. Get him engaged in activities that reinforce learning. Academic performance can be improved by encouraging your preteen to join clubs like the Girl/Boy Scouts program, language clubs, chess

clubs etc. As a thumb rule, 16-20 hours a week of extra activity should be more than enough. But look out for signs of burnout.

What you select for your child and how long he should work at it is basically decided by the child's temperament. As a parent, you should closely observe your child and base your decisions on feedback from the child himself.

Debt consolidation mortgage loans - using home loans to reduce debt

Excessive debts cause a lot of worry and anxiety. Many people hope to become debt free. However, earning enough money to care for daily living expenses, while paying down credit card balances is challenging. There are options available to those burdened with debt. Owning a home has certain advantages. Debt consolidation mortgage loans are easy to qualify for, and provide enough funds to payoff creditors.

Different Types of Debt Consolidation Mortgage Loans

If choosing to consolidate debts, homeowners usually obtain a lump sum of money. The funds can be used to payoff credit card balances, personal loans, auto loans, etc. Once credit account balances are zero, homeowners simply submit one monthly payment to repay the debt consolidation loan.

Because debt consolidation mortgage loans have very low interest rates, most homeowners are able to repay the loan within a few years. Typical repayment periods consist of five to fifteen years. Moreover, the monthly payments are very affordable. You can expect to save hundreds each month.

If opting to take advantage of a debt consolidation mortgage loan, you may select a mortgage refinancing or home equity loan option.

How to Consolidate Debts with a Mortgage Refinancing

Cash-out mortgage refinancing is perfect for consolidating unnecessary debts. Moreover, this method serves multiple purposes. Because of falling mortgage interest rates, many homeowners are deciding to refinance for a lower rate. In some instances, this may greatly reduce your mortgage payment.

With a cash-out refinance, homeowners borrow from their home’s equity, and use the money to consolidate debts. Refinancing creates a new home loan. Furthermore, if borrowing cash from your equity, the mortgage principle will also increase. For example, if borrowing $25,000, the mortgage amount owed will jump from $100,000 to $125,000.

Home Equity Line of Credit and Home Equity Loans

Another approach for using your home’s equity to obtain cash for a debt consolidation involves getting a home equity loan or line of credit. In this case, loans are approved up to the amount of equity you have built in the home. Because home equity loans are protected, homeowners with less than perfect credit may also get approved.

Home equity loans are dispersed as a lump sum. This is ideal for paying large credit card balances and other types of loans. With a line of credit, homeowners are approved for a revolving credit account. Lines of credit are also ideal for debt consolidation.

Thursday, 28 April 2016

Cleaning your own carpeting

Cleaning your own carpet can be a great way to save money. If not done properly however you can end up with quite a mess. This article will give you some tips on using a carpet cleaning rental on your home's carpets.

The first thing you need to do is find a good carpet cleaning machine. You can find them at most home improvement and grocery stores. Look for one in good condition that isn't too beat up or old. The older the machine, the weaker the vacuum and water pump probably is. Find a machine in good condition and also purchase the carpet cleaning shampoo that is sold with the machines. Do not even think about using dish soap or any other homemade concoction.

The first step, once you get the machine home is to thoroughly pre-vacuum your carpet. Do not overlook this step because soil is much easier to remove when it is dry. Go over the carpet in several different directions, taking your time.

The next step is where I will differ from the directions on the carpet cleaning machine. They usually want you to fill the machine with a shampoo solution. This means that you are rinsing with the solution and you will leave a lot of residue. Instead, mix the cleaning solution in a separate pump-up sprayer. You can find one gallon garden sprayers at any home improvement store. Now spray the carpet evenly with the cleaner. Do not over wet the carpet, spray the solution evenly and then let it dwell for 5 to 10 minutes. Dwell time will allow the solution to break down and absorb the soils.

Next, fill the carpet cleaning machine with plain warm water. After letting the solution dwell, you will make a pass over the carpeting to rinse the cleaning solution out. If your carpet is heavily soiled or you used a lot of cleaning solution, you may need to make two passes over the carpet. Your goal here is to remove as much of the cleaner as possible in order to leave the least amount of residue.

Finally it is time to dry your carpets. The quicker you get them dry, the less likely it is that spots will return and the less likely you are to get water marks. Turn your ceiling fans on and get out any portable fans you have and aim them at the carpet. If it is a nice dry day, open your windows or doors. The more airflow you get to your room the better.

Well, that's it. That's all there is to it. Just remember to take your time and do not take shortcuts. Follow these simple steps and you can easily clean your own carpet.

Video marketing for free traffic

Using video marketing to drive traffic to your web site is an online marketing strategy many small business owners and internet marketers are beginning to embrace, with much success. Having a traditional website only allows you to reach those people who first find your website. However, combining video, social networking and some simple video marketing techniques can drive hordes of qualified visitors to your website.

First, let’s forget the silly videos you’ll find all over YouTube of kids running into fences and demonstrating the newest dance move. While that kind of video can bring in hundreds of thousands of views, it won’t bring the targeted traffic you need.

Instead, consider making a video tightly targeted towards your niche. A real estate agent might make a video introducing herself and showcasing a few of her available homes for sale. A night club might make a video “commercial” with soundbites from partygoers. A software developer might make a video demonstrating his latest application.

Because Google and other search engines are beginning to give videos hosted on sites like YouTube preferential search engine ranking, it’s quite possible your video could end up on the first page of search results for your targeted keyphrase. This is incredibly powerful and not to be overlooked, as this is what will make your video marketing efforts well worth the time you invest in them.

Consider that YouTube itself may not have a huge market of people looking for videos on “Oakland real estate.” But if your video titled “Oakland Real Estate” made the first page of Google search results (again, due to the preferential search results video is receiving in the search engines) you’d benefit from the hundreds of people who search for that term in Google seeing your video as the #1 result and, in turn, watching your clip.

With the preferential treatment videos are receiving in search results, the question then becomes, “How do I move people from watching my video on YouTube to actually visiting my website?”

This is simple. Bribe them, at the end of your marketing video. What follows are some ideas:

* Offer them something for free at your site (a consultation, a report, free drink, demo version, MP3 download, etc.)

* Poll them or ask them a question they need visit your site to answer. People love to give their opinion. You can combine with the free offer, above, by giving them the freebie upon completion of the poll or question. This is invaluable for market research.

* Leave ‘em hanging. Don’t tell the whole story on your YouTube hosted video – instead, tell them just enough to incite curiosity. Then, instruct them to visit your site for the complete story or answer.

Each of these ideas are intentionally broad can be focused indefinitely and molded to fit your target market.

The key here is catching your audience while they’re hot; directly after having watched our video and giving them a reason to continue on to your website. The truth is that if you don’t, most will simply click through to another video or search result. Capitalize on their attention and tell them where to go and what to do next – you’ll be surprised at how many will comply!

Even if you’re no Spieldberg (I know I’m not) you can produce traffic sucking videos with these simple methods.

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Compulsive gambling behaviors observable in the workplace

Compulsive gambling has been called the "hidden disease," as there are few overt signs of it in the workplace until the problem is in its most advanced stage. Astute observers may, however, pick up clues.

Extensive gambling can be time-consuming. Doing everything required to gain the information required to gamble intelligently, to place bets, follow the action, borrow money and make payments often has an impact that can be observed in the workplace. An educational pamphlet on compulsive gambling lists these indicators that may be observed at work:

Late to work (due to late night card game, casino venture, or bad night's sleep worrying about gambling-related problems).

Long lunches (off-track betting, meeting bookmaker or loan shark or creditors).

Mysterious disappearance in the afternoon (typically at the track, off-track betting, afternoon card or dice game, or listening to sporting events).

Sick days taken right when they become available rather than allowed to accumulate (uses sick days to gamble).

Vacation used in isolated days rather than blocks.

Excessive use of rest room (reads sports pages or listens to radio in the rest room).

Excessive use of the telephone (calls to off-track betting, bookie, creditors, or to find money; calls from bookie or creditors).

Reads newspaper and sports literature at work (scratch sheet from race track, racing form, sporting news, etc.).

Operates office sports pool or paycheck pool (the person running these sometimes has a gambling problem).

Collects money from other employees for off-track betting or lottery (ostensibly does this as convenience for co-workers but actually so he or she can place bets).

Organizes trips to Atlantic City, Las Vegas, or other gambling junkets (may indicate familiarity through frequent visits).

Operates as bookmaker or runner for bookmaker (many bookmakers and runners are themselves compulsive gamblers and do this in order to gamble more).

Sunday, 24 April 2016

High risk home mortgage lenders online - how to get a loan with bad credit and no money down

Before buying a home, many individuals delay until they have achieved the ideal situation. This usually consists of perfect credit, down payment, and adequate money to pay closing fees. This approach will likely help homebuyers secure a low rate mortgage with great terms. However, postponing the home buying process may not be the best choice in certain areas.

Because of increasing home prices and unpredictable low rates, those who procrastinate may miss out. You do not need good credit or a down payment to get approved for a home loan. Here are a few tips to help you get a home loan online with less than perfect circumstances.

Using the Internet to Find a Mortgage Lender

The internet is an effective tool that makes finding a good online lender simple and effortless. If you are hoping to get a mortgage with a low credit score or no money down, take advantage of online high risk lenders. Choosing a good lender is an important decision that should not be taken lightly.

There are many lenders that offer loans to people with bad credit. Furthermore, some of these lenders even offer financial assistance. However, unless you work with a lender that specializes in high risk mortgage loans, you will pay additional fees.

Before applying with a bank or traditional mortgage lender, submit a loan application using an online mortgage broker. Mortgage brokers have connections with a choice of lenders, and are aware of various loan programs designed to help people with poor credit. Brokers thoroughly examine loan or quote requests, and match you with the appropriate mortgage lenders.

Shop Around and Compare Mortgage Offers

When using a mortgage broker to locate a good lender, you will routinely acquire quotes from at least three to four different lenders. If working without the help of a broker, it is necessary to seek multiple quotes. Unluckily, many home buyers omit loan comparisons. All lenders are not the same. Moreover, some lenders may not offer the best rate or loan package. Mortgage loan comparisons are the single way to assure and identify a good mortgage loan.

Saturday, 23 April 2016

Success lessons from cricket

The first success lesson is that you and I must not dwell on our mistakes however humiliating they are. We have to be tough minded and just focus on the next ball to be bowled or the next project in our lives.

Cricket is a team game but there are only 11 players fielding (bowling and catching the ball) and they are spread out on a large field. Any mistakes you make are seen at once by your team mates and the audience. The mistakes of the batting side are also clearly visible as only two people bat at a time.

Kevin Pietersen, the promising England batsman, dropped two catches in the first test when he was fielding but then went on to a play a good batsman's innings. A commentator remarked that he must have a strong mind to get over the disappointment of dropping the catches enough to allow him to bat well

Geraint Jones, the wicket keeper, had also dropped two catches and again a commentator remarked that you can try to put your mistakes at the back of your mind but it is not that easy. The memory keeps recurring. However, Jones batted well in spite of the memory that must have haunted him. Later in the series, he also took some magnificent catches to make up for the ones he had dropped.

Both captains, Michael Vaughan and Ricky Ponting, batted poorly in the first two tests and were heavily criticized in the papers. However, in the third test match both captains batted extraordinarily well. They both showed the fighting spirit to get over the depression they must have felt after the first and second matches and the criticism they were receiving daily.

A second key success lesson is that you must not get distracted from your goal of scoring runs or anything else by mental or physical pain. In ordinary life, many painful things can happen which can demoralise you unless you are determined enough to keep going in spite of the pain. Keep focused on your goals and dreams whatever happens.

Those who have not played cricket may not realise how hard a cricket ball is. It is especially hard and bouncy when it is new. Fast bowlers are usually given the new ball so that they can bounce it high to hit the batsmen in the head, throat, ribs or hands.

Once the batsmen get distracted by the pain in their head or hands, they will be vulnerable to the next ball and will do something silly like knocking up a catch or failing to protect their wicket (the three stumps or sticks protruding from the ground) from getting hit by the ball.

Brett Lee, the Australian fast bowler, was run out when he hesitated before running. He wanted to flap his hand to get rid of the pain. His index finger and then his thumb had been hit by fast balls. Later, however, in another match, he redeemed himself by batting well even though he had been hit hard on the head and the arm!

On the second day of the first test England were bowling at the Australians who were having their second innings (chance to bat).

However, the England bowlers were not harassing the batsmen enough. Boycott, the former great England batsman, commented that the ball should be whistling about the batsmen's ears and hitting their gloves:

"The ball is new and hard. Now is the time to hit the batsmen before the ball gets too soft. Once the batsmen get too comfortable, they will start thinking: 'I fancy scoring a hundred.'"

Even the tailenders or weaker batsmen who bat last have to suffer. The bowlers cannot allow them to stay in too long. Boycott continues:

"Bowlers should hit the tailenders in the ribs or on the hand before they get too comfortable. That's what you have to do as a fast bowler. You have to hurt the opposition tailenders. Tailenders are alright if there is not a likelihood of them getting hurt. They're not too brave."

On Saturday, the third day of the test, the Australian tail enders were batting. Gillespie, one of the tailenders, was hit in the stomach near the belly button. He grimaced in pain. A few balls later he was hit in the groin by a ball from Harmison and doubled over in agony. The ball was travelling at about 90 miles an hour. The crowd roared with laughter. Harmison had been aiming for the throat and the toes and the crown jewels

It can take a good over (6 balls from the same bowler) or two to get focused after being hurt. But Gillespie is a gutsy player and practises hard at his batting. He realizes it is important for a tailender to score runs or at least stay in. He batted on bravely.

The gutsy performance of the Australian tailenders had much to do with the Australian success in the first test match of the Ashes series. They had learned how to overcome sharp physical pain and recover their focus quickly.

We all need to learn to accept the fact that we will suffer mental and physical pain at some point in achieving our goals. The secret is to forget the pain as quickly as possible and just concentrate on doing what we have to do.

Further success lessons came from the third test match. One of them is that sometimes it is better not to listen to the critics whether they are outside or inside your own head.

Australia had won the first test match and then England won the second test on the 7th Aug 2005 a date that will go down in history as the date of one of the greatest cricket matches ever played.

England won the match by 2 runs only - an amazingly close margin. Much of the success was due to the England captain, Michael Vaughan, but Vaughan had not scored enough runs himself in this test or the first one. He could guarantee that the papers would be having a go at him in a big way. His solution was simple. He did not read the papers.

On Thursday, England went in to bat. Michael Vaughan was in third and was under great pressure to perform. This is where his policy of not reading the papers paid off. He scored his first century of the series. The audience were up and out of their seats applauding as he succeeded. He had scored 13 fours (hits to the boundary).

A captain who scores runs can lead by example. It is important that he is in form as actions speak much louder than words. In the end he made a large total of 166 runs with about 20 four's and at least one six (a hit over the boundary).

He told an interviewer that before batting he had talked to the young boy who was the England mascot for the day. The lad had already had three heart by pass operations. This made Vaughan feel less tension as he realised that, at the age of thirty, he had so much to be thankful for and that scoring or not scoring runs was not that important in the whole scheme of things.

He also decided to bat on intuition and not to think too much. He had already done his thinking and his practice. Once he was facing some of the best bowlers in the world, he would not have time to think. His plan worked and he smashed the ball all over the place.

However, in the end Australia held out for a draw. They were saved mainly by the rain which meant that England had less time to get them out than was necessary.

So then: keep going even if you make embarrassing mistakes in full public view. Regain your focus on your goals even if you have been hit by physical or mental pain. Even the great Jim Rohn lost a million dollars after he had signed a form without realising the liabilities involved. He soon regained his focus and the lost money. Refuse to fill your mind with the views of your critics and keep your life in perspective by thinking of those millions of people who are so much worse off than you. Finally, once your thinking has been done, take action wholeheartedly without worrying about the results.

A general guide to buying office furniture for the home office

In this world of baby boomers and empty nesters, many a child’s bedroom, which became a guestroom, is now being converted into a home office. With the bedroom furniture stowed away, a bare wall or an entire room awaits renovation into workspace. So where should one start to furnish the perfect office for years to come?

A buyer could go from office store to department store, and spend days surveying the styles and types of office furniture available. But to save energy, automobile gasoline, and time, go online. A huge array of bookcases, desks, comfortable office chairs, and file cabinets (even fireproof ones) are just awaiting a cyber space purchase.

It is definitely advisable to purchase a computer desk, whether one has a desktop computer or a laptop one. There is such a large selection of computer desks available that the perfect one for each person can be found. Even a laptop computer, which can be used anywhere, will work best when at a desk. In addition, the desk drawers are ideal for storing computer paper, ink cartridges, and writing implements. It’s also very handy to have the printer placed on a slide-out shelf of the desk or on top of it.

The prices online are right, too! One company offers corner desks, ranging from about a hundred dollars to over two thousand dollars, with sixteen styles from which to choose. And that’s just for corner desks. There are literally dozens of other desks to fulfill one’s requirements.

Better yet, there are online office furniture companies that send all their products with FREE shipping! If a person picks out what is needed at a store, there is often a delivery charge to one’s home. Or if the buyer opts to take it home right from the store, will it fit into his vehicle? And who will help haul it into the house once it gets there? Free shipping is much simpler!

Office furnishings are fashioned from every known material imaginable, and they can readily fit the style of any home. From glass and steel to solid wood or veneers, an ideal desk, bookcase, or other piece of office furniture is awaiting each and every customer. If one’s home is colonial style or ultra-modern, there is the right office furniture, online, for it. Pictures and dimensions of all the furniture make it easy to select the style, color, size, and grade of furniture anyone might want.

There are actually online establishments that offer a free Lifetime Warranty for all office furniture purchases. Along with a comprehensive selection of products, and free delivery, how can these advantages be overlooked? The added plus of shopping day or night, in the comfort of one’s own home cannot be ignored. So when a person is contemplating turning that extra bedroom into a home office, the first stop should be the Internet!

The former ussr women s mentality


Many gentlemen were surprised to know that there is such a drastic difference in attitude and mentality. Although every person is unique, there are certain common tendencies and features of character that make Ukrainian and Russian girls responsive, sensitive, feminine and unique in their traits and perception of the world.

So many poems and stories were devoted to the exceptional qualities of our women. One of the most famous poems devoted to Russian women calls them queenly, containing beautiful force and remaining ever beautiful despite the difficulties of life; it glorifies the ability of these women to work hard as much as their beauty. A famous quote from this literary piece says that if need be, a Russian woman will "stop a running horse, enter a burning building." And indeed, all these stories tell true.

Historically, Russian girls have been set apart long ago. Since the ancient days they have been known for their hard work right alongside with men. During disasters women were the ones who held families and communities together. Difficulties don't scare them. Instead, challenges strengthen women's character. They have also been culturally very protective and caring for their families and become great wives and nurturing mothers. Precisely because of these qualities Russian hostesses are known to be some of the most hospitable in the world. This landlady will welcome you and feed you as if you have not had food for months, and it will all be delicious too!

Communism also left its mark on the mentality of women (especially of older generations). Ladies, who were raised under communism, were brought up with values of self-dedication, responsibility and giving away to the society, along with strong family values. And such mindset is still very strong in many of them. Not in the political sense, but in the fact of being very giving, sometimes to their own detriment. Helping someone else is much more important than their own well-being. And when they are doing something, the key is responsibility. Of course, such values are transferred to their children, and younger women also gain such warmth, sincerity and dedication from their mothers.

However, Russian men take women and their efforts for granted. They expect women to cater to all their needs. Most men here do not know how to treat women and, therefore, treat them poorly; such attitude leaves no room for romance. It is typical for most women to work from 8 to 5, come home, cook dinner, help kids with their homework, clean the house – and manage all these things on a regular basis without any hrlp from the men's side in the regular 24 hour day, 7 days a week!!!

Since Russia, Ukraine and other FSU countries have been open to foreign influences, women have a chance to know a different attitude towards them. Many stories of our women happily living abroad have been told over and over again. Most women have a friend or a friend of a friend who is living abroad and is happy with a change in attitude from men and style of life. And once the women had a chance to see something different, compare and realize that indeed they like, want and deserve such things as romance, care and love, many of them do not want to settle for anything less. The attitude from men at home gives Russian women an opportunity to really appreciate foreign men, who treat them as ladies. Attitude of men from home also makes Russian women such that they don't always trust easily. But once they do, the gratitude of Russian women to you for being a reliable partner, who treats them with love, will have no boundaries: they will appreciate you, they will pamper you and give you all their love and emotions stored inside.

So, don't think Russian girls are too good to be true! They are real, they are incredible, and they are looking for someone who will treasure and cherish them. Give them a chance and you just might find the woman you have been missing in your life.

Friday, 22 April 2016

Orange county schools orlando

There are many Orange County Public Schools systems throughout the nation. There are Orange Counties in Virginia, North Carolina, California, and Florida to name a few. Issues and challenges may vary from Orange County Schools to Orange County Schools, but the basic drive is the same – to give students the best quality education possible.

Orange County Schools in Orlando are no exception. School choice, as mandated by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, is present throughout these Orange County Schools. Improvements in reading education and reading fluency are also hot topics.

It may be hard to believe that a school district could raise the reading scores of struggling students by as much as two grade levels each year, but Orange County Schools are doing just that. The most challenging group of students to bring up to grade level are students in middle and upper grades. These Orange County Schools students are a lot less motivated, and have even lost a lot of their trust in the learning process, believing they are too dumb to learn. Many educators have come to realize that it’s going to take extreme measures to change such these students' lives. Interventions are required at all levels – from the superintendent’s office on down to the humble classroom. One Orange County Schools intervention that has been put into place – with amazing results – is the Orange County Literacy Project.

In addition, a recent report was solicited by Orange County Schools from the Phyllis C. Hunter Consulting Firm. The firm recently presented an evaluation of the Orange County Schools, and how the district can best improve its reading instruction. The report, entitled “Reading Leadership in a Standards-based Reform”, covered numerous aspects that need to be addressed. Among them:

-All students have the right to reading instruction that enables them to meet high standards

-A Comprehensive Reading Program includes these six elements:

(1) Phonemic and phonological awareness

(2) Systematic phonics

(3) Vocabulary and background knowledge

(4) Fluency

(5) Comprehension

(6) Motivation

-Necessary criteria for increasing reading achievement:

(1) Minimum of 90 minutes of protected time for reading instruction to close the gap

(2) Smaller class sizes for intervention (15 to 20 students per class) to individualize and adjust instruction for all students

(3) Technology in classrooms to create a scope and sequence of individualized instruction for all students

(4) Commitment, by administrators, to learning about reading process instruction and what it looks like in a successful classroom

(5) Continual professional development for intervention program teachers

In accordance with a 1970 court order enacted by the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, Orange County Schools offers its students and parents many avenues of school choice. They are:

Majority to Minority Transfers

No Child Left Behind

Opportunity Scholarship

Exceptional Education Program Placement

McKay Scholarship Transfer Academic Transfer

Childcare Transfer

Graduation Transfer

Magnet Transfer

Medical Transfer

Mid-Year Transfer

Psychological Transfer

School Personnel Transfer

Sibling Transfer

Work-Related Transfer

For more information on the requirements to make any of these types of transfers, visit the Orange County Schools district website.

Alternative herbal liver cancer cure

Our Liver Cancer Protocol incorporates lifestyle changes, including proper diet, and exercise along with herbal supplements. The herbal formulations used in our Liver Cancer medications have been clinically tested. Alternative liver cancer treatment this could save your life which contain herbal cures which are natural medications with no side effects.

The information contained in this article is not intended as medical advice, nor to replace the expertise and judgment of a physician or cancer care team. It is intended to help individuals and families make informed decisions, together with their doctor.

Liver cancer is the most common cancer in the world. A deadly cancer, liver cancer will kill almost all patients who have it within a year. The role of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection in causing liver cancer is well established. Several lines of evidence point to this strong association In addition, the patients with hepatitis B virus who are at greatest risk for liver cancer are men with hepatitis B virus cirrhosis.


If you're reading this, you're probably looking for answers, just like I was a while back. It was almost as if I had a sense that the answers must be out there somewhere and I was guided to find them.

I felt that if I looked hard enough, I'd find the missing links, the overlooked miracles, the plants and herbs provided by nature to help us heal. I cross checked sources of information and ploughed through everything on alternative cancer treatment that I could find. It is the most comprehensive collection you will find anywhere in the world today.

Whether you're looking to find out more about alternative cancer treatment for yourself, or on behalf of a loved one, my comprehensive guide has been designed to satisfy your quest for answers.

I know how powerless it feels, not knowing what the future holds. I had so many questions. As I searched for information on both conventional and alternative cancer treatments, I was shocked to find how so many alternative cancer treatments had been lost to public knowledge, or discredited, or forced underground.

You must make up your own mind about alternative cancer treatment but I sincerely urge you to own your own health and not hand it over to someone else to own. There is no-one on the face of the earth with more interest in your well-being than you yourself. You must take control of your own destiny and not leave it to others who have their own vested interests!

This disease occurs more frequently in males than females. Liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) is a cancer arising from the liver. However, liver cells (hepatocytes) make up 80% of the liver tissue. Thus, the majority of primary liver cancers (over 90 to 95%) arises from liver cells and is called hepatocellular cancer or carcinoma. When patients or physicians speak of liver cancer, however, they are often referring to cancer that has spread to the liver, having originated in other organs (such as the colon, stomach, pancreas, breast, and lung). More specifically, this type of liver cancer is called metastatic liver disease (cancer) or secondary liver cancer. Thus, the term liver cancer actually can refer to either metastatic liver cancer or hepatocellular cancer. The subject of this article is hepatocellular carcinoma, which will be referred to as liver cancer.

After treated for liver cancer there should follow-up after treatment for liver cancer is must and should because of the high rate of recurrence in patients who have been treated and because of the high risk of developing a second liver cancer in patients with severe liver cirrhosis. Routine follow-up care should be performed every 3-6 months for several years following treatment.

Follow-up care should include treatment of underlying medical problems such as hepatitis or alcoholism, routine blood tests. Prompt evaluation and treatment of suspicious findings is critical. Ultimately, treatment of liver cancer should be a cooperative effort between a patient and their physicians. It is important that patients know about their disease so that they may make informed decisions about their treatment. This article was intended to help answer some of the common questions patients face when they have liver cancer. If you have any additional questions, please contact your doctor.

The goal of treatment will vary depending on the characteristics of each person's cancer. The treatment depends on the stage of the cancer. The lack of consensus regarding the best treatment of liver cancer has contributed to the pessimistic attitude that many have regarding its treatment. Aggressive treatment strategies like natural medications with herbal supplements can cure or significantly prolong the life of many people with liver cancer.

An integrated approach using a combination of two or more of these methods often provides optimal results. This should be a thorough evaluation with the appropriate specialist to cure the disease with person’s suitability and come out of it with having second life.

Thursday, 21 April 2016

Ebay - a good deal

Ask around and you’ll find lots of people that spend a lot of their time looking for good deals. And, face it, good deals can be found everywhere: yard sales, wholesale warehouses, flea markets,… and of course at online auctions. eBay is the biggest and most popular online auction site: as millions of auctions are constantly going on, you’ll most certainly find the stuff you want. But, question is, can you get it for a reasonable price? Certainly you do. If you’re lucky … and smart!

To make sure you’re getting a good deal on eBay, it’s important you do a little research before you start placing bids.

Step 1: Get as much information about the item as you can

Read the auction, every word of it. This way you minimize the risk on disappointment later. What is the seller telling you about authenticity, about guarantee, and of course, about the condition of the item? Remember to also read between the lines: maybe the seller left something out on purpose. It’s very important to get as much information as you can, before you place a bid. Do you want to know more about an item than what you’re told, do not hesitate to ask the seller. eBay provided an ‘ask the seller a question’-link in the right menu of every auction page.

Step 2: Pay attention to shipping details and return policy

Underneath the description of an item, sellers (usually) add shipping details. Read them carefully. Check out how long it will take for the seller to ship your item after your payment has cleared. You don’t want your present to arrive 2 weeks after your mother’s birthday! Even more important, is the information about the shipping costs. For most items, the buyer pays for them, so you need to watch out for sellers that try to charge you more than the actual shipping and handling costs are. This to avoid paying a fortune for an item that was a good deal on itself.

Step 3: payment details

Find out which payment methods the seller accepts. Does he want you to pay by bank transfer, cheque, credit card, …? Mostly, payments through PayPal are preferred. PayPal is an eBay company that enables people to send and receive online payments safely, easily and quickly.

Step 4: check prices

Before you place a bid, surf the web looking for prices available from online and offline sources. You wouldn’t be the first to find out afterwards you would have paid almost half if you had gone to the shop around the corner….

Step 5: get to know the seller

Learn more about the seller. Every eBay member has a profile in the Feedback Forum. This profile has basic information about the member and a list of feedback left by their trading partners from previous transactions. To see a member's full feedback profile, click the number in parentheses next to their User ID. Be sure to take a good look at it. Unfortunately, there are numerous of dishonest people out there! You can find out a lot about the trustworthiness of a seller by reading what their past customers or sellers have to say!

Following these guidelines, you definitely optimize your chances on finding a good deal on eBay. In fact, these same steps will also help you to protect yourself. Online auctions are a lot of fun, but you need to stay alert. To avoid becoming a victim of online fraud, you better do your bit of research before you place any bids.

Income protection insurance can work for you when bought correctly

If you should become unable to work due to accident, prolonged sickness or through unemployment such as unforeseen redundancy then you could find yourself having a real struggle to pay your essential outgoings unless you have income protection to safeguard against the loss.

If income protection insurance suits your circumstances then it would replace your lost income up to a pre-determined amount each month which would enable you to carry on paying your essential bills without having to struggle to find the money to meet essential bills if you lose your income.

Once you have been out of work usually for 30 days or more, then the policy would kick in and you would receive a tax free amount each and every month that you are out of work up for to 12 months (and with some providers, for up to 24 months). You do however have to ensure that a policy would be suitable for your needs and that if you should have to make a claim, you would be able to do so without any problem.

Checking out the small print for any exclusions as well as seeing exactly what the income protection insurance cover entails will ensure you get the right protection.

Finding income protection insurance that is affordable can be a problem and can be time unless you go with a standalone provider. They can offer inexpensive income protection insurance, especially when compared to their high street counterparts.

In an uncertain world where redundancy and accidents are on the increase it is essential that you do everything you can to protect yourself against a loss of income and providing you have read the exclusions and small print in a policy, income protection insurance can be a safety net to fall back on but you have to ensure it is the right product for you.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Travel the pearl of india discover hyderabad

Representative nicknames like the City of Pearls and Cyberabad demonstrate the truly remarkable parallel cultures that have made Hyderabad both a city of culture and a center for information technology. Hyderabad’s landscape is also graced with numerous lakes and fantastically designed industrial parks. Airfare to Hyderabad, the capital of Andhra Pradesh, is convenient, particularly for travelers wishing to explore the surrounding areas.

Hyderabad is centrally located in the southern region of the Indian subcontinent. At one time an independent entity, the city had been incorporated into greater India after a lengthy British rule. The optimal time to travel to Hyderabad is in the winter months until March, thus avoiding scorching summer temperatures and the formidable monsoon season.

History and Worship in Hyderabad

Hyderabad is a majestic city when it comes to historic sites and temples. Stately government buildings make tribute to traditional architecture, delicately accented with golden hues and marble masterpieces. The Qutubshahi Tombs triumph over the city with an imposing white dome and house the legacy of the Qutb Shahi Dynasty, Shia Muslims of Turkish origin. The most recognizable and significant monument in Hyderabad is the Charminar, built in 1591 to commemorate the eradication of plague from the city. The four soaring minarets are a prime example of Cazia architecture and can by enjoyed by climbing 149 spiraling steps inside to the rewarding panoramic view of the skyline above.

The temples and mosques of Hyderabad are some of the more spectacular sites in the city. Birla Mandir is a temple constructed entirely of marble and exudes a surreal white glow when it is illuminated at night. Mecca Masjid is an elaborately constructed 400 year old mosque that attracted throngs of worshippers and visitors alike. Non-Muslims can enjoy the building’s majesty from the outside; make sure to take note of the distinctly different architecture from the Hindu temples.

Hyderabad Here and Now

Hyderabad has attracted a tireless technology industry, supported by prestigious universities and research institutions. The aesthetic reward to the city has been the wonderland of post-modern angles and colors among the shiny new buildings and strategically manufactured corridors. Obviously-titled Hitech City and the Cyber Towers offer Disneyland-like adventure and sensory overload while Shilparamam presents a cultural exhibition amid an undeniably modern backdrop. Get your airfare to Hyderabad and also enjoy the city’s fascination with theme parks such as its own Treasure Island and even a Snow World where patrons can enjoy a real break from the tropics.

From the 1st century to the 20th, Hyderabad is truly a testament to Indian history and the struggles and rewards experienced by adapting technology and globalization. The two realities face of in a remarkable display of mutual preservation, restoration and progressive development. Book your airfare to Hyderabad with cFares and treat yourself to a cultural snapshot of the global world we live in.

New2spain - live and work in a spanish city

Thinking of living, studying or working in Spain? Here you will find everything you need to know about the joys and pitfalls of living in a Spanish city. This site is dedicated to assisting English speakers find their feet in Spain as from our own experience we know about the problems one can experience when they find themselves in a foreign land without the ability to speak the language. From looking for accommodation or work to learning Spanish, you will find everything you need on here. Advice, information, city guides, language assistance and much more..

Why This Site?

The purpose of this site is to create an information and resource centre for people like me who are thinking of either living or working in a Spanish city where free advice can be gained on many aspects and problems you might encounter based on our own experiences. On top of the free advice and info you will find on this site we also offer a range of services that will hopefully allow you to settle here as quickly as possible.

Who are we?

We arrived in Spain with the intention of learning the language and then finding work once the language was up to scratch. Initially the plan was to stay for around 6 months and then head back home to England. As our destination I selected Valencia as I wanted to go to a big city but wanted to avoid Barcelona and Madrid as the cost of renting is quite high in comparison (although still cheaper than most places in England!!). Valencia turned out to be a great choice as it is fast becoming one of the most up and coming cities in Europe. There is so much to see and do here and for the moment prices on property remain fairly cheap (but expect to see prices rise as the city becomes more popular).

When I arrived here I spoke very little Spanish and knew nobody. I came armed with a very heavy suitcase and the intention of finding an apartment but initially I began my adventure spending a few nights in a hostel (there are many in Valencia). The hostel was great as the place was full of travellers most of whom were able to speak English so I managed to get some advice of where to begin my quest for finding an apartment. It seemed that the best way to find somewhere was to take a wander along the streets and take note of some of the adverts that people had stuck to trees and lampposts so this is what I did..

The best place to look was around the student area of the city, however usually you will only find notices advertising rooms in flats to share whereas I needed a flat to myself. The other option was to head for an estate agent but straight away you will cost yourself a months rent in estate agent fees so unless you are desperate avoid this course of action. In the end I did manage to find somewhere. Through sheer fortune I met an English student who was leaving her flat the next day but if it wasn't for her I don't know what I would have done. I expect I would have had to go bite the bullet and gone through the agents but even this would have been difficult with my very limited Spanish!

So hopefully travellers to Spain will see this as a useful resource. Check out the site here... new2spain. com

Dan Carwardine

admin@new2spain. com

22 November 2005

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

How to play omaha poker

Ohama Poker plays the second best in attracting a large amount of people in card games next to Texas Hold’em. Ohama Poker is very similar to Texas Hold’em, with the main difference being that a player can choose his or her hand out of nine cards instead of seven. This is the reason for the growing popularity of the game.

Omaha, which has the same structure as Texas Hold’em, is played very similar to Texas Hold'em; the only difference being that each player is dealt four hole cards instead of two. The players post the blinds and then receive their hole cards. After receiving the hole cards, a betting round takes place and then comes the ‘flop’, the ‘turn’ and the ‘river’ with a betting round between each of them.

The main difference between Omaha and Texas Hold'em is that each of the players has to form his hand out of precisely two hole cards and three board cards. This is different from Texas Hold'em where a player could use either one or both (or even none) of his hole cards. If a player is trying to win the low hand, he must use two unpaired hole cards that are ranked lower than eight, and three board cards, also unpaired, that are also ranked lower than eight.

In Omaha, the starting hands should be coordinated, which means that they should fit together. What you really want are cards that are more likely to form into straights, flushes or a full house. It's very rare that a pair would hold up on an Omaha table. Look for double-suited hands, giving you two chances of a flush and cards that are close together or considered in a run.

In playing the game, this is an example where many new Omaha players falter. The players, for instance, see four spades on the board, which are the community cards, and they have the Ace of Spades in their hand. They think they have the nut flush, forgetting that a player must use two hole cards, therefore needing two spades in his hand to make a flush.

Omaha is played either Pot Limit or Limit. The game is not played No Limit, as having four hole cards gives so many extra possibilities, chances, and permutations. If playing No Limit, the game would be too wild and without direction.

Thesis and anxiety surviving the last challenge before graduation

Every college student knows that at the end of their last year of college, they are bound to make an extraordinarily long and hard paper for their professor. This may be of any topic, as long it it related to their course or degree. Thesis writing is crucial in determining the academic standing of the student, an intricate project that would allow them the chance to finally graduate from college. It is the last designated work for them, and their thesis would be one of the bases for their final grade. The thesis may be submitted in the form of the written paper or dissertation, documentary films, case studies, or even actual projects or proto-type machines or designs.

A student on his last year in college truly understands the importance of thesis writing. Not only is it the final requirement for graduation, the thesis also allow the student to prove his ability to understand and apply his course to solve a given problem --- which then serves as the rationale for the study.

The thesis is supposed to show the student's critical analysis, presentation skills, writing ability, and discipline in doing all the necessary research and background. Ideally, the thesis is also supposed to demonstrate how the students will fare in the real world in terms of their ability to prepare their research materials, establish contacts, and make sense of each and every problem or issue they will encounter.

Making a thesis paper can be truly stressful experience. Most college students see thesis making as the “main event” in their college life. The excitement lies in getting together as a group, spending long days and sleepless nights doing research and re-writing drafts. What often puzzles college students is the ability of their thesis adviser to see every minute detail that needs to be corrected --- every single time. Of course, the initial excitement of doing the thesis eventually wears off. This excitement is replaced by stress, fatigue, and anxiety --- emotional and physical distresses that naturally come with such an arduous academic task.

Anxiety actually occurs even before the start of the act of thesis writing. It starts with the student's need to identify and seek approval for a proposed thesis topic. If done as a group, some members will get anxious about meeting deadlines and the need to ensure that everybody cooperate in doing the research. Feelings of worry and fear are often felt during the thesis writing process since they always have to follow strict format rules and guidelines, and they have to get the approval of their professor at every step of the writing process. Feelings of restlessness, tension, irritability, and headaches are signs of anxiety that thesis group mates are bound to experience. However, to feel anxiety is quite normal since the students will usually be doing their undergraduate thesis for the very first time --- with absolutely no benefit of previous experience.

The last part of the thesis writing process is actually causes more anxiety among the thesis writers. Facing a panel interview is not exactly something that a thesis writer or a thesis group looks forward to. Defending every word in every page to a panel of professors can actually make students experience performance anxiety. Some thesis writers try to overcome performance anxiety by practicing their defense weeks before the actual panel interview. Anxiety cannot be avoided in these situations, and the best way to deal with it is for students to be ready and confident with their thesis approach, findings and possible defense or responses to possible questions about their work. Those who overcome performance anxiety usually do well in the panel review and get good grades for their thesis,

For many college students, the words thesis and anxiety go together. But those who overcome their worries about the thesis are rewarded their much sought-after college degree, and the opportunity to try out solving real problems in the real world beyond the college campus.

Secret 7 necessities for great golf

The game of golf can be difficult when you consider all of the individual elements. Most golfers are overwhelmed with information regarding which tips will benefit their game and which ones won’t.

The most important aspects of the golf swing and the game, in general, all revolve around the building of a strong and solid foundation for the body, the mind and the basics of an athletic swing. Each of the following concepts plays a critical role in your understanding of what creates a great round of golf as well as contributes to a lifetime enjoyment of the game.


Golfers tend to ignore the cardiovascular component of golf. However, walkers cover an approximate walking distance of 4-5 miles each round. Even cart riders put in their fair share of walking depending on local cart rules, weather conditions and following errant shots. Poor cardiovascular conditioning can certainly have a negative impact on your game.


The most important rule in a golf conditioning program is to work and develop strength from the core region of the body outward. A strong trunk allows forces to be transferred effectively from the legs to the upper body. It also enables the body to withstand those forces without breakdown. Stabilization comes in many forms for the golfer including postural stabilization, trunk stabilization and joint stabilization.


Strength comes in many forms with regard to the golf swing. Strong back muscles allow the golfer to endure the explosive movements in the swing. Strength in the trunk region or “core” area of the body produces stability and helps to generate power. Combined muscle strength produces balance and coordination. Strong ligaments and tendons also prevent the joints from going beyond their range of motion.


Flexibility is the single most important physical characteristic likely to influence your golf swing. A tight body creates restricted motion in the swing and produces injuries as a form of compensation. Keep your body “supple” so it doesn’t become a limiting factor in your performance.


Attitude is everything! Many experts believe it is careful and premeditated preparation that allows a golfer to experience a mental edge in recreational or tournament play. What you say, what you think and how you act all contribute to your state of mind, and therefore contribute to the outcome of your game. Keep a positive and hopeful spirit when you play.


The golf swing can be separated into five biomechanical phases that work in sequence.

• Set-up

• Backswing

• Transition

• Downswing

• Follow-through

A true understanding of proper body motion at each sequence will ensure consistency in your swing. Consistency is created through proper sequencing and solid mechanics.


Good swing mechanics is an absolute necessity in any sport and certainly, golf. The idea behind the golf swing is to create a simple and flowing athletic swing free of wasted motion and unnecessary compensations. To accomplish this, one must have the basis of some degree of skill. Work with a golf pro or read a book on swing mechanics.

Use these “secret 7” to make your next round, your best ever. Build a strong foundation for golf and for life when you follow these simple steps to improvement.

Keep subscription with management membership software

Running a website with thousands and thousands of members subscribed require a strategy that will keep them in your organization. But running the website does not simply start with collecting online people; having them sign-up with the organization; and keeping their membership. It does not simply end there either as people have the tendency to forget about their commitments with their connection with online membership websites. If you lack the ability to keep them knowledgeable with the organization, you give them chances to lose track of their subscription with you.

That is the reason why it is essential for you to hire a program which will be able to manage the memberships you have collected to subscribe to your website. The medium you need if you want organized handling of your members is management membership software. This is a must tool that any membership site should have because it offers the ultimate solution to your needs of handling expertly the members. It will help you avoid getting out of contact with them. By running the management membership software, all members will be kept reminded of their status with the company.

The software acts like club secretary which handles what a true secretary would do for his boss. It stores all pertinent data and information of each membership which allows having easy access to each member. In the same manner, it also makes it easy for you to sort or search your members by simply providing the correct data such as their surname, membership type, membership number, post code, and/or membership renewal date. Another role which the management membership software does for membership site is it keeps the members reminded of their obligations or responsibilities with the website. It also keeps them informed of their status especially their membership type.

The software offers a lot of features which will be more beneficial than being unnecessary with all membership websites. However, in order for you to be cost-effective, you have to choose the most appropriate software that will suit your needs. Although, all management membership software programs have the same goal of making membership sites organized, they are not created with the same features and costs.

They are available with different features for different membership types. There is the standard type which is best for small and starting membership sites. There is also the professional version which will fit larger membership sites. Your choice would depend primarily on your need so select wisely to avoid wasting your effort and money.

Registering to management membership software is easy. After purchasing you can either employ a non-technical staff manage the system. Even a person without proper knowledge in programming or HTML can use the software and manage it. It can be installed easily and after which your staff will be able handle multiple paid offerings for the members. You can also create subscription levels for your members, let them define their durations with the subscription, and set grace period for them.

The management membership software will also let you create default e-mail content which is typically used to send to all members in keeping them constantly in touch with their subscription. With the software, you just leave it working most of the management obligations leaving you with the whole of your time concentrating on the core of your business. And the best thing about this: you allow more traffic and revenue to keep coming your way. Now, that is what management membership software programs are designed for.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Piles a source for bleeding stools

Piles are also known as hemorrhoids. These hemorrhoids are mostly swollen blood vessels which are found in or outside your posterior. These are caused mainly due to permanently widened or twisted veins known as varicose veins. These veins can be found anywhere in the body, but it is the leg where it is mostly found.

There are two types of hemorrhoids one which is found inside the anus known as internal hemorrhoid and the other found around the anus known as external hemorrhoid. These are common with all age groups including teens. Pregnant women are the ones who get affected by this, in particular.

The size of pile can be as small as a pea or as big as a grape. It is usually pink in color and sometimes you also come across blue color. One can suffer from internal and external pile at the same time, giving you a very hard time in your life.

Some of the common and known reason for having piles is due to extending the time period to use the toilet. This puts strain on your bowels which in long run turns out to be a very sad affair for you. Being pregnant also leads to piles due to increasing pressure of the fetus in the abdomen and hormonal changes.

Constipation and chronic diarrhea are also causes of piles. Having a family history of piles can be one of the other reasons. Sitting on cold and hard surfaces for a prolonged period of time and even standing can result in piles formation. Overweight and people doing heavy lifting also can suffer from this disease.

Some of the common symptoms for piles are

-Bleeding from the anus

-A constant pain and itchiness in your posterior

-Discomfort while passing stools

-Blood in your stools

There can be severe complication if proper care is not taken once you have been detected for piles. There are chances of infection which may lead to an abscess, formed around the rectum and anus. This kind of abscess causes lot of pain and swelling.

There are some common home based remedies which can be used for treatment of piles

-Ice packs on the rear end, but do not use the ice directly on the skin

-Warm baths

-Proper diet for a smooth and easy way out for the stool

-Thoroughly wash 3 to 4 figs and soak it overnight and have it first thing in the morning empty stomach. Again soak 3 to 4 figs in the morning to have it in the evening, continue this for 1 month

-A mixture of 1 tsp fresh mint juice, 1 tsp lemon juice and 1 tbsp of honey. Drink this mixture three times a day for a painless relief.

-Mash and boil 1 ripe banana in 1 cup of milk and drink this at least 2-3 times a day

-Consumption of buttermilk after your meal is very useful

-Radish juice every morning and evening is also very good

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Casino et football fsont ils bon m╨тnage

En effet, Casino sponsorisait le FC Toulouse et PartyGaming le FNCA de Nantes! Oui mais voila, c'йtait sans compter sur la Ligue Professionnelle de Football.

Dimanche dernier, sur les maillots du FC Toulouse, on retrouvait bien les couleurs du casino mais les signes ???.com. Qu'est ce donc ???.com me direz-vous. Il s'agit tout simplement de son sponsor Casino


Alors que les joueurs ont pour obligation de porter les couleurs et le nom du casino, la Ligue professionnelle a, quant а elle, dйcidйe d'exclure les casinos de la publicitй et du sponsoring. D'oщ l'omission. Or, tout le monde l'aura compris le sigle ??? faisait bien rйfйrence au casino sponsor de l'йquipe.

La Ligue explique son refus. Du fait de l'arrestation de certains gйants de casinos en ligne depuis le mois de septembre, dont le derneir en date de Bwin arretй en France, la ligue se voit le droit d'interdire la publicitй, le sponsoring pour les paris en ligne.

Samedi, une autre йquipe, la FC Monaco a rencontrй le mкme problиme que le FC Toulouse lors de son match face au Mans. Un reprйsentant de l'йquipe explique que, sans cette alternative, le coup d'envoi du match n'aurait pu кtre donnй.

On se souvient encore des paroles de Jean-Luc Gripond, vice-prйsident du club nantais, "le FCNA a dйcidй de s'associer а un nouveau sponsor disposant: "premiиrement une dimension internationale, et notre football a besoin de partenaires de cette dimension, deuxiиmement un lien avec les nouvelles technologies, ce qui reprйsente pour nous le futur".

Qu'en est il aujourd'hui?

Un enquкte a йtй menйe ( voir notre article Bonnes Nouvelles pour les Casinos en Ligne).

Les paris sont monopole d'йtat en France et on pourrait penser que l'arrestation des cadres de BWin s'est opйrйe au bйnйfice de la Franзaise des jeux. Aussi, peu de temps aprиs, la Commission europйenne a dйcidй de s'intйresser de plus prиs а la question du monopole d'Йtat pour les paris et les jeux. La volontй de la commission est clairement affichйe, soit les Йtats membres les considиrent nйfastes pour leurs ressortissants et interdisent totalement les jeux en ligne, soit ils les autorisent et permettent aux sociйtйs comme d'offrir leurs services sur le marchй.

An overview of cancer

Cancer is a disease that affects cells of the body. Cells are extremely small units that build together and form all living things, which include human beings. In any given person’s body, you will find billions of cells.

Cancer occurs when unusual and abnormal cells grow and spread very quickly. Normal cells in the body divide, grow to a certain size and then stop. Over the course of time, cells will even die. Cancer cells do not follow this normal pattern of division and growth, however. They divide very quickly and just continue to grow. Normally, cancer cells do not die and they clump together in groups to form what are called tumors.

The cancer cells in a tumor can damage and destroy surrounding healthy body tissues. When these healthy tissues are damaged and destroyed, the person with the tumor can become very sick.

Cancer is capable to spreading to other parts of the body, as well. It is not unusual for part of a tumor to break off and travel to a distant area. Once that piece of the tumor comes to a stop in another area of the body, it will continue to grow and can create a new tumor. When cancer spreads like this, it is called metastasis.

When in the body, cancer can cause a person to feel very sick. Since early detection is a big factor in treatment, it is good to be aware of the signs of this disease. Some signs of cancer include:

· A lump in the breast or testicles

· A change in the skin, a wart or a mole

· Persistent sore throat that doesn’t heal

· A significant change in bladder and bowel movements

· Coughing blood or a persistent cough that won’t stop

· Indigestion and trouble swallowing

· Unusual bleeding or vaginal discharge

· Chronic fatigue

Many of these symptoms can be from other illnesses which are not as serious as cancer. However, if you are ever faced with any of the symptoms above, it might be a good idea to see your family physician right away. Although the exact cause of cancer is still somewhat of a mystery, it is known that cancer is not contagious. You cannot catch cancer like you can the common cold. Unhealthy habits like smoking and excess drinking can increase your chances of getting cancer, but doctors aren’t sure why some people get this serious disease and others do not.

Saturday, 16 April 2016

Energy drink market how long will it last

Energy drink market is amazingly growing and everyone knows it. With that, everyone would like to try it out for a change because they want to earn more profits in the business easily. The reason why energy drink market has increased is because people are after work for almost 24 hours in a day just to make a living.

A person cannot stand to work whole day without taking rest or sleep. Instead, they have relied upon energy drinks and made it as a part of their daily routine. People drink it almost everyday which contributed to the rise of the energy drink market.

And now, all the energy drink companies are trying real hard to come up with an energy drink that will give more energy and strength to their customers. There are even energy drinks made for women. Companies are concerned in improving their ingredients and contents to give the people the extra stamina that they want to work the day out without experiencing fatigue.

Some of the companies do not care about the ingredients that they include, not mentioning the side effects that it can bring to the human body. For them, as long as they are in the energy drink market and still competing, it’s worth the gamble. If you have tasted almost all of the energy drinks, you will notice that they all differ in flavoring and heating factor.

An energy drink company will usually claim the difference of their product but you will actually notice that the ingredients that they use are the same as the other brands. They all have the same ingredients; therefore, they all have same energy supplements to provide.

However, a lot of people ask if the energy drink market will face out because it might be proven to give hazards to the body. If doctors find out that it might cause serious diseases, it might be banned which will result to the vanishing of the energy drink market.

What if one company will stand out among the rest because it has been proven to be effective to the body? For sure, all the other energy drinks will die out and be left behind. Even the students try these energy drinks as their beverage to get their way to school and to play sports after classes.

The energy drink may not bring positive effects to people at a very young age so it is important that students must be precluded in taking them. Some of the ingredients might not be appropriate to their body structure especially caffeine. Doctors have also claimed that if young people drink too much energy drinks, they might cause their brain to get damaged at an early age.

So before you add up to the energy drink market, make sure that the product that you are patronizing is safe to the body and safe for all types of drinkers. Don’t just think of competing with the energy market, think of the welfare of the customers and think of their health. Try to come up with a solution to make energy drinks safe for the body and look for healthy ingredients. Think of everyone’s health.

Friday, 15 April 2016

What s in your toothpaste

Don’t Be Poisoned With Your Sparkling White Teeth

Of course, every one of us desires to have a charming smile with our teeth sparkling. That is why we sometimes try almost all brands and all kinds of toothpaste just to know which one will give us the best results. There is actually no harm in doing that. However, we must be aware that this product that we use everyday may cause harm to our body a well.

One of the main ingredients of toothpaste is fluoride. However, some toothpastes contain huge amounts of this chemical. Excessive fluoride inside our system can cause several problems like chronic fatigue, arthritis, rheumatism, constipation, and maybe cancer. According to the World Health Organization and the US Environmental Protection Agency, fluoride is considered to be an unclassifiable carcinogen.

There are also other chemicals found in toothpastes that are, sometimes, not even listed in the tube. Chemicals in toothpaste, when we use them, get absorbed by our teeth and gums. And since there are times that we swallow toothpaste along with our saliva, these chemicals reach some parts of our gastro intestinal tract as well. These chemicals can cause stiffness in the joints and muscles all over our body because they are being poisoned by these elements. Our nerves can also be affected which can cause spasms and pain.

Some toothpastes claim to have formula against sensitive teeth to prevent pain in the gums and teeth. The reason why these can prevent the pain is the manufacturers include pain killers in these toothpastes. As people use them everyday, the nerves in the mouth slowly dies as they get poisoned by these chemicals. Eventually, it will also spread to all the nerves in our body.

Regular ingestion of these harmful chemicals from toothpastes can also cause our breathing to be shallow. Our blood can get poisoned and makes our heart beat go wild. This poisoning with toothpaste chemicals can cause muscle cramps in different body parts. And since it affects the blood and the heart, there is a possibility of a heart malfunction in the future.

There are some toothpaste that also prevent gum bleeding. This is possible because of blood-clotting chemicals that are put into these products. However, these agents not only can stop the bleeding in gums, but can also develop blood clots which can lead to strokes and heart attacks.

Depression and restlessness can also be the side effects of these chemicals in toothpaste. Eventually, the different poisoning effects in the use of regular commercial toothpaste may lead to different kinds of AIDS depending on the toxicity produced by these chemicals.

One kind of chemical that was found in some toothpaste is the sodium laurel sulfate or the SLS. This chemical has a bad effect on our immune system. It can cause skin inflammation and separation of the layers, as stated in the Journal of the American College of Toxicology in 1983. SLS can also lead to permanent eye impairment according to Dr. Keith Green of the Medical College of Georgia.

Though these effects may not be seen right away, it is the long-term effect of these chemicals in our body that is really disturbing. And the fact that these products are part of our daily lives, we may be at a huge risk to these side effects without knowing it.


Just like other products, there are always alternatives to these things that we are already used to. We just have to learn to explore and search for much safer products in your favorite grocery store.

There are several toothpaste now available in the market that are all natural. Some of them are made up of fruit extracts and essential oils. These kinds of organic toothpaste do not contain sodium fluoride in them and other toxic chemicals found in the regular ones. Though they are made from different ingredients than the regular ones, do not discount them for their quality. These organic toothpaste also can whiten your teeth, freshen your breath, and eliminate teeth and gums sensitivity. You can also combine a little gel with a drop of miracle ii soap for a wonderful toothpaste.

Thursday, 14 April 2016

The dot com era is back

In a recent article titled "Internet use threatens to overtake TV in Canada" it discusses the threat of online marketing to traditional media sources in Canada. This isn't a a threat anymore in the US. It is a fact.

An article written by Thomas Mucha from Business 2.0 says:

People are spending more time online than watching TV, which gives marketers a better chance to reach consumers in a place where they are just one click away from making a purchase. "More than 75 percent of companies using the Internet to advertise report confidence in their return on investment," writes the study's lead author, Jupiter Research senior analyst Gary Stein. This confidence, Stein argues, will sustain spending momentum across all the key online ad areas: paid search, display ads, classified ads, and rich media.

Interesting to note that two studies are similar. Although The Ipsos Reid study of Canada claims radio is losing more interest than TV in Canada, it may soon lose to the Internet as well.

Mr. Mucha claims 40 percent of total spending by 2010 will be paid advertisements on Google, Yahoo and MSN to an estimate of $19 billion per year. Not much wonder why the search engines are trying to dominate each other and the marketplace. The one that becomes the most popular will also make the most money.

What will become of the little guy? Will it put an end to buying keywords for ad placement on search engines? Will the small business owner get shoved out of the picture? Maybe not altogether... but let's face it. If GM decides they want to use the keywords you are using, can you afford to compete? The search engines will be laughing "all the way to the bank" and the cost per clicks will just keeping going up... (he-he) similar to the price of gasoline at the pumps these days.

Even though the cost of clicks may get pricey, the major search engines will always have to index relevant websites and include these results and return them on any keyword search. Professional sites (versus linkfarm, affiliate, spam sites) will always be in favour, and the sooner business can get their company sites built, if they haven't already; the better. Google seems to be the top search engine right now, and new sites often get sandboxed. If they hold on to their dominant position, new websites want to make sure this doesn't happen to them.

I've always felt that there was something Google was doing that gave some sites more relevance than others in its index, but wasn't sure how it was applied. At the Search Engine Strategies conference last week in San Jose, California, Rand Fishkin learned that Google places some new Web sites, "regardless of their merit, or lack thereof, in a sort of probationary category" for six months to a year to "allow time to determine how users react to a new site, who links to it, etc."

On a final piece of advice he suggests:

"Several people have also predicted that Yahoo! or MSN may take up similar techniques to help stop spam. This phenomenon could seriously undermine new SEO/Ms and new campaigns, but it is a possibility. My recommendation is not to discount this possibility and launch projects or at least holding sites and their promotional efforts ASAP. The web environment right now is still relatively friendly to new sites, but will certainly become more competitive and unforgiving with time, no matter what search engine filters exist."

Although it is starting to sound a little like the "Dot Com era is back" it will be a little different this time around. In 2000 when it went bust, it is partly because the percentage of consumers purchasing online didn't justify the amount of spending. There was a lack of confidence. It is different now. Jupiter's study shows that "73 percent of Americans who use the Internet have made a purchase online and four out of five of these potential shoppers have responded to an online ad."

Wednesday, 13 April 2016

Breaking better in pool

When a break is executed well on the pool table, it gives the player a better advantage over the other player. Also, when one is consistent in breaking well on the pool table, it results with the cue ball having a better striking position with the other balls. With this, the player gets a better choice of sending the other balls in the pockets with the next shot that he executes.

There are various ways which one can break in a billiard game. One needs to have good physics when striking the ball. Its believed that different pool tables might determine which break will turn out to be the best. Power and Speed are considered to be essential but don't forget that control is needed to handle the power that you put behind that shot.

With much practice, a player will be able to determine how to best make the shots. There are other tricks that one can use to improve their break on the billiard table and ultimately improve their overall game.

Power Break

Power is considered to be crucial and important just as having full contact with the first ball. Most pros in the billiard profession agree that a good break moves at about twenty miles per hour. If you can break faster than 20 mph then the better. In the billiard game the fastest break is considered to be at thirty miles per hour. Your break should be powerful enough but without losing control.

Tips on Achieving a Power Break

Their are various methods you can use to execute a power break. The important thing to note here is that you want a proper transfer of your body weight to help your shoulders and arm strength in wielding the break.

One good technique you can apply is by rocking your body back and forth which assists in transferring the weight from your front leg to the back leg. You might notice players lifting their front legs before they strike. This helps them to transfer their weight to their back leg and then stomp that front leg down on contact to do the reverse.

Breaking better on the 8/9 ball game

One technique you can use on the 8 ball game is to shoot the cue ball between the first ball and the thrid ball at a slight angle almost parallel to the triangle’s adjacent side. This is executed from a distance far enough to give the pool player enough space to transfer most power.

On the diamond 9 ball rack, its common to hit the head 1 ball parallel to one of its adjacent side. As you practice more and more on your break, you will discover which stance and power suits you best in as yo play to drop in the wing ball.

The Break Cue

Some billiard players cannot play without the break cue. As you use the break cue, the tip of the cue will get altered and deformed and with time you will need to to replace the tip because it will affect your game. The weight of the cue also matters a lot.

Most professional players usually go for lighter break cues. This is because when the cue is lighter, its much easier for the billiard player to wield it with more power and speed.

Training why it has to be at the top of your people agenda

If you ever wonder why your organization should invest time and money in training, then these 7 reasons should convince you.

1. Integration. Integrating people into the organization was the original purpose of training. You trained employees so that they could continue the systems, purpose, and procedures of the organization. Take the Roman Empire, for instance. “The Roman Empire grew so large and survived so long because there was no car, no radio, no papers, and no phone. You appointed your governor to run a province, fully trained him at headquarters before he went, and then sent him off to run it.” (Antony Jay). In many big organizations, integration is still the number one reason for training people.

2. Beating the Competition. Today, just knowing how the organization functions isn’t enough to ensure its survival and that of the people in it. When faced by intense competition, employees who are well-informed, well-skilled, and highly committed become the chief reason for an organization’s success. As former head of General Motors, Jack Welch, said, “An organisation’s ability to learn, and to translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage.”

3. Developing Assets. It is only in the last few decades that people have woken up to the fact that their employees are their most valuable asset. When that asset is developed, it becomes more valuable to the organization as well as the employees. A study by Robert Zemsky and Susan Sharman of the University of Pennsylvania found that a 10% increase in training spend resulted in an 8.5% increase in productivity. A similar increase in capital expenditure resulted in only a 3.8% increase in productivity. In other words, training pays.

4. Performance. It is strange that, while we would never accept that a top-class athlete, doctor or circus performer could ever achieve high standards without training, we so often ignore training in the workplace. We argue that we don’t have time to train, or the means to do it, or that nothing changes afterwards. But, if it can work in every other profession, why not in the workplace? After all, would you want to be operated on by an untrained surgeon?

5. Change. The rapid changes of recent years have transformed the way we view training at work. Where once it was something given to the unskilled and under-performing by specialist departments, now it is an essential for everyone.

"Whereas in former years an organisation could expect reasonable periods of technological stability between waves of change, today in more and more industries, one change rapidly follows another. The purpose of training is to help people develop skills not only for today's technology but for tomorrow's and the day after's. Learning has to be continuous for everyone because organisations face continual change in products, services, processes, markets, competition and technology." ("Training for new technology")

6. Practice. One of the most important aspects of training is that it allows people to get things right for when it really matters. In his book “Global Challenge”, Humphrey Walters describes how his yacht crew prepared for the BT round-the-world race with an intensive period of training. When their yacht hit the Southern Indian Ocean, disaster struck: one of the crew went overboard. The rest of the crew had just 4 minutes to save him. Their pre-race training meant they knew exactly what to do. Without the training, he would have certainly drowned.

7. Developing Excellence. We are all born with talents and gifts which nobody else quite possesses as we do. Unfortunately, the vast majority of people either live in total ignorance of their potential or fail to develop it. When professional developers discover people’s unique potential, nurture it, build on it, develop it, and release it, they do far more than help those people perform. They create excellence.

“Luciano Pavarotti, arguably the greatest tenor in the world, was an average singer in the boys’ choir at school. But, by studying, practicing, and rigorous training, he became a peak performance of excellence.” (Charles Garfield)

Without training and development, an organization today is likely to struggle to beat the competition, achieve high levels of productivity, or keep its best workers. Put training at the top of your people agenda, and your success is almost guaranteed.

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Family safari vacation to the home of the gods

Families traveling with kids will find Amboseli national park a safari destination matched to no other, with less tourist traffic, breathtaking open spaces, easy access from Nairobi, the list is endless.

The park described by writers as ' a home for the Gods' covers 150sq mile south of Nairobi and lies just at the foot of Mt Kilimanjaro, Africa's highest mountain at 5,895m. The park is currently on the cross roads with the government and the local communities both claiming ownership, with Kilimanjaro's snow capped peaks dominating every aspect of this Park and form a stunning backdrop to the wildlife found here - elephant, lion, leopard, rhino, buffalo, cheetah and a host of plains game and its breathtaking beauty, the tag is well worth the effort!

The area is home to the Masai people, tall, colorful, proud, nomadic warriors famous for their legendary prowess in battle and single handed acts of bravery in fights with wild animals. Perhaps, more than any other people they have learned to live in complete harmony with the wildlife which surrounds them, this knowledge they proudly shared to visitors and well worth the time. Kids will be allowed to get really close and explore the simple but fascinating homesteads, adults will also enjoy the cultural aspect of the lifestyle.

Amboseli's Oltukai lodge is one of the best spots in the world where children can watch elephants and study their fascinating wilderness behavior, This is where you will find the highest concentration of elephants than anywhere else in Africa, they can be seen spread well over the savannah woodland, just remember to ask your driver guide on how this clever mammals mourn and pay last respect to a dead member or how they cross their tiny young on a fast flowing river. .

Quietly tucked away from view, The Kibo family Villa crouches undisturbed, an elegant three-bedroom log cabin built in stone and gum tree, in complete harmony with its surroundings. Own entrance, a lounge, a fully fitted kitchen and a barbecue area. Secluded by a copse of indigenous Acacia Tortilis trees and five acres of garden, Kibo Villa is peace and privacy made perfection. Two or threes small families traveling together love the self-catering option, use the lodges facility is welcome. Detailed attention is taken on security issues and a resident nurse is available on call.

Kids will love the lavish private family buffet breakfast or dinner set out specially as a family package in wonderful secluded detting amongst the tortillas trees only a tone away from the family of the resident elephants also having a feast of their own, breakfast works out best.

Selenkay conservation area lies east of Amboseli is well off the beaten track, never visited by tourist till now, birdlife is prolific especially bird of prey. The 6 tents Porini luxury camp caters for 12 guest at a time, the camp is in the lines of a traditional luxury family camp, comfortable family tent rooms, ensuite bathrooms, flush toilets, solar powered electric lighting and an amazing chef completes a safari family haven!

At Amboseli locally trained masai naturalist or walking guides will get Kids out in the mornings in a small group of say 8 kids for an adventurous nature exploration. This walking trips to the nearby sites in most cases will include lessons on the masai hunting techniques, catching and naming butterflies, treasure hunts, tree planting, hide and seek in animal camouflaged clothing and an interesting Q and A session answering every question they have ever had on wildlife and tribesmen.

The young rangers club is available to 10 - 15 year olds, could be a temporally or annual membership with letters, post cards and birthday cards sent to members all over the world from deep down wild and magical Africa!

Monday, 11 April 2016

Yeren the wild man of china

The debate on the link between humans and apes has not yet been completely resolved, according to many experts. Neanderthals who were evidenced to have existed in Central and Northern Asia 350,000 years ago, provided the scientific community with information on human evolution.

Compared to the famous Bigfoot and sasquatch of North America, China has its own version of the creature, called yeren in the native tongue, which translates as wild man. Paleontologists claim that possibly 1,000 to 2,000 of the yeren live in Central China, particularly in Shennongjia Nature Reserve, in Hubei province. Variants of the name are xueren, yiren and yeh ren, which more accurately means wild man of Shennongjia.

The yeren is described as a large animal, appearing much like the orangutans of Southeast Asia, but are bipedal and can walk upright. The height of the creature is estimated between five to seven feet, with the entire body covered with red to dark brown fur. The yeren has a large belly, but is reported to be able to move quickly and run fast. The facial region resembles a cross between an ape's and a human's. The yeren can leave a large footprint, about 16 inches long, displaying five toes like humans, but with a structure closer to that of apes.

Scientists from the Chinese Academy of Sciences have gathered evidences for the existence of the yeren, which is claimed to have been seen by many tourists in the Shennongjia Nature Reserve. These experts have been able to uncover footprints, and have even made plaster moldings for further examination. Most scientists theorize that the yeren may have been a species of giant ape, called Gigantopithecus blacki, which lived in Asia but was declared to have been extinct for over 500,000 years.

Many of the locals believe that the yeren is a carnivore and preys on humans. Their tales narrate stories of giant beasts that grab captive humans by the arms and eat their flesh after. Though the Chinese scientific community continues to send expeditions to the nature reserve in search of the yeren, many of their assumptions remain as theories. However, the stories of the yeren continue to be part of Chinese folklore and myths.

According to the journal of Cryptozoology, some more detailed descriptions of the Chinese wild man are: the hairs covering its body are about three to four centimeters long, the male genitalia resembles that of humans, the female yeren has prominent breasts, and the creature gives a distinctive yell as part of its language.

Combined theories from accounts and observations of yeren stories claim that these creatures don’t live in communities, but males and females move about in pairs. Though they walk on two hind legs, the yeren can use all four limbs when running fast or when climbing. As old tales regard the yeren as man-eaters, most accounts claim that they eat fruits such as berries and nuts, sometimes insects, and empty corn cobs have been located in areas where the footprints were sighted.

There is a website that describes the Yeren and numerous other creatures of Cryptozoology in detail, this website is called: Unknown Creatures and it may be found at this url: unknown-creatures. com

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